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本文(新疆阿克苏市阿瓦提县第四中学届高三英语上学期第二次月考试题汉语班无答案.docx)为本站会员(b****8)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、新疆阿克苏市阿瓦提县第四中学届高三英语上学期第二次月考试题汉语班无答案新疆阿克苏市阿瓦提县第四中学2020届高三英语上学期第二次月考试题(汉语班,无答案)考生须知:1.本试卷考试时间120分钟,满分120分。2.本试卷由试卷和和答题卷两部分组成,共5页,其中试卷共4页,答题卡共1页。 3.答题前,请先在答题卡上认真填写考场、考号、姓名、年级、班级等信息。4.选择题填写选项。非选择题必须使用0.5毫米黑色签字笔在各题目的答题区域内作答,超出答题区域书写答案无效,在草稿纸、试卷上答题无效。5. 考试结束后,将答题卡交回。第一部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15题;每小题 2 分,满分

2、30 分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 ALibraries are doing well in the digital times.Here are some of the most awesome examples.1University Library Freiburg, GermanyThe original library of the University of Freiburg was rebuilt in 2015 following the project of Degelo Architekten.The new building ha

3、s 41,000 square meters and looks like a cut diamond.The library offers in the basement a system of automated checkout machines and 700,000 volumes that can be borrowed.2Microlibrary at Taman Bima, IndonesiaThis wonderful little public library is located in a Kampung neighborhood near the Bandung air

4、port, Indonesia.The building was designed by the Bandung office of SHAU architect studio.It has 160 square meters and is built upon a preexisting stage that was already used by the local community for events and gatherings.The Bima public library is the first of a series of similar microlibraries th

5、at are planned to be built across Indonesia.3Public Library of Constitucin, ChileThe city Constitucin, Chile, was devastated by 8.8 degrees earthquake in 2010.The new public library, designed by Sebastian Irarrzaval, is a part of the initiative to rebuild the city.Constitucin is one of the biggest c

6、lusters of wood production in Chile.This heritage is reflected in the construction of this postdisaster library.Its made almost entirely of wood, and only the firewalls are done with exposed poured concrete.The internal area of the library exceeds 350 square meters.The library was opened in 2015, fi

7、ve years after the earthquake.4Liyuan Library, ChinaBuilt in 2011 in a small village of Huairou on the outskirts(郊区) of Beijing, this beautiful natureinspired library was designed by Li Xiaodong.The 170squaremeter buildings interior is spatially diverse by using steps and small level changes to crea

8、te distinct places.The wooden sticks temper the bright light and spread it evenly throughout the space to give a perfect reading environment.The library closes at dusk because there is no electricity in it.1Which of the following libraries is the biggest one?ALiyuan Library.BMicrolibrary at Taman Bi

9、ma.CUniversity Library Freiburg.DPublic Library of Constitucin.2If you want to see a library made entirely of wood, you can go to_AChile BChinaCIndonesia DGermany3What is special about Liyuan Library?AIt opens 24 hours a day.BIt has no electricity supply.CIt is the biggest library in China.DIt is di

10、rectly exposed to the sunlight.BI attended a writers group to get feedback(反馈) on my book. But there were so many people there that the discussion was limited. After getting home, my 13yearold son asked me to read one chapter to him. So I read the chapter about spending my pocket money as a nineyear

11、old child.The story took place at a lunch counter(柜台), where I dreamed of ordering a banana split(香蕉甜点). Colorful balloons were hung above the counter and a sign said, “Pop(使爆裂) a balloon and pay 1 cent to 63 cents for a banana split!” As I was given only 50 cents for cleaning the doghouse, I didnt

12、dare to ask my parents for any more pocket money without doing more work. So I kept my wish to myself.Frankie listened carefully, as I read the final sentences of the chapter, “I watched as others selected a balloon to pop and dreamed about the opportunity to take my chance. But it never happened.”T

13、he next morning, Frankie led me to the kitchen. I couldnt believe my eyes. The table was covered in a pile of balloons. Frankie handed me 50 cents and a fork(叉). “Pop one!” he urged. With tears in my eyes, I broke one. A piece of paper fell out of the balloon.“What does it say, Mom?” Frankie asked.

14、“Fifty cents,” I whispered, too choked to speak loudly. Frankie asked, “Well, do you have 50 cents?” I handed him the money. “OK!” Then Frankie pulled out a banana split from the refrigerator.I hugged Frankie hard. We took turns popping the other balloons until I finally got the 1cent balloon. It wa

15、s a longtime coming, but worth the wait.It hit me that the first step in making any wish come true is to give it a voice.4The author read the chapter to Frankie because _Ashe wanted to get feedback from FrankieBFrankie asked the author to read it to himCshe was used to telling a bedtime story to him

16、DFrankie had a strong desire for knowledge5What can we infer about the author from the second paragraph?AShe spent money wisely when she was a kid.BShe had enough money to do whatever she liked.CShe earned her pocket money by doing housework.DShe had no close friends to share her secret wish.6Seeing

17、 what Frankie did for her, the author felt _Acomfortable and happyBpuzzled and excitedCawkward and satisfiedDsurprised and moved7The author learned that _Ait is important to express ones wishesBit is comforting to have a kid aroundCexperiences in childhood affect us later in lifeDwishes can come tru

18、e by just voicing(表达,说出) themCNext time you go shopping, keep in mind that there may be hidden cameras(摄像头) analyzing your habits. According to a 2015 survey of 150 managers from Computer Services Corporation, a quarter of British shops use facial recognition software to collect data on shopper beha

19、vior.With concerns that facerecognition cameras “are kind of invasive(侵犯的)”, British analysis firm(分析公司) Hoxton Analytics has come up with a new way of measuring footfall(客流量)by filming peoples shoes. The technology can collect a large amount of personal information. “We have cameras at 50 cm off th

20、e ground and they point down so they are less invasive than facial recognition,” Duncan Mann, Hoxtons officer said.As modern cities get fuller70 percent of the population will live in urban areas by 2050cameras and other technologies are taking over public spaces and collecting our data. Their purpo

21、se is to keep people safe, provide efficient services and prevent disasters and crimes.But some are not happy with the cameras as far as their privacy(隐私) is concerned. “Very few of us have any real concept of what data smart cities are gathering,” said Renate Samson.We begin giving away data as soo

22、n as we wake up. When we enter the transport system, we are giving away even more details about ourselves through smart cards, mobile phones or credit cards.Nick Millman, director at a consulting firm thinks statistics are the key to the privacy concern. He used the example of Google Maps, which is

23、to monitor the flow of traffic in Stockholm. He explained, “It is basically adding privacy controls to statistics so that you only see the data you need to know about.” In this case, Google gets enough data to improve traffic but not so much that it shows individual journey patterns.8What is the art

24、icle mainly about?AAn introduction to collecting shoppers data.BThe concerns about giving away personal data.CThe problems caused by imbalanced distribution of population.DAn invention recording and collecting customers information.9The new technology invented by Hoxton Analytics _Acan gather a lot

25、of peoples personal data from their shoesBuses cameras fitted on the ground to collect customers dataChas improved the accuracy of facial recognition softwareDoffers a perfect solution to customers privacy concerns10According to the author, cameras in modern cities _Acause a huge waste of public spa

26、cesBhelp reduce the size of population in urban areasCare likely to help improve traffic conditionsDare to avoid crimes and disasters and provide efficient services11What is Renate Samsons attitude toward the rise of smart cities?AWorried. BOptimistic.CConfused. DUninterested.DWhen I was five or six

27、 years old, I remember watching TV and seeing other children suffer in other parts of the world. I would say to myself, “When I grow up, when I can get rich, I will save kids all over the world.”At 17, I started my career here in America, and by the age of 18, I started my first charity organization

28、. I went on to team up with other organizations in the following years, and met, helped, and even lost some of the most beautiful souls, from sixyearold Jasmina Anema who passed away in 2010 from leukemia(白血病), and whose story inspired thousands to volunteer as donors, to my grandmother, who lost he

29、r battle with cancer in 2012, and her death is the very reason and the driving force behind the Clara Lionel Foundation(CLF). Were all human. And we all just want a chance: a chance at life, a chance in education, a chance at a future, really. And at CLF, our mission(使命) is to impact(影响) as many liv

30、es as possible, but it starts with just onePeople make it seem too hard to do charity work. The truth is, you dont have to be rich to help others. You dont need to be famous. You dont even have to be collegeeducated. But it starts with your neighbor, the person right next to you, the person sitting

31、next to you in class, the kid down the block in your neighborhood. You just do whatever you can to help in any way that you can. And today, I want to challenge each of you to make a commitment(承诺) to help one person, one organization, one situation that touches(触动) your heart. My grandmother always

32、used to say. “If youve got a dollar, theres plenty to share.”12What did the author want to do at a young age?AWatch TV. BGrow up quickly.CBecome wealthy. DHelp other children.13What directly caused the author to create and develop the CLF?AA sixyearold kids request.B. Her grandmothers death of cancer.CMany voluntee

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