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1、美国演讲稿3篇美国演讲稿3篇 secretary kerry: well, thank youvery much, secretary ryan. i am really excited to behere. this is a big dealfor what did you say, i was a kid when i played? (laughter.) i actually iplayed in university. i didnt think of myself as a kid, but ill take it.(laughter.) its a real pleasure

2、to be m honored to be here with members of the americannational team, veterans ofour american team. cobi jones is sitting here in front of me and ithought tonysanneh was here somewhere. am i wrong? is he back over here? participant: yes. secretary kerry: hes overof course, julie foudy, who only has

3、two goldmedals from the olympics, oneas she calls it white gold, and two world cupwere honored to have you here. thank you all for being here with us.(applause.) i should say that ambassadorthorne, who works here in the state department with us, wewere teammates backin those crazy days, and hes stil

4、l at it. hes still playing, actually. soitsgood to have him here. and heather higginbottom also played. shes deputy i only hiresoccer players, folks. its part of the deal. (laughter.) i want thank our friends frombrazil for being here with us: minister aldo rebelo1,ambassador viera, thankyou very mu

5、ch, sir. thank you for remind us of the dominance ofbrazil a fewminutes ago (laughter) as if we needed to be reminded. we grew upwithnothing but a healthy respect for the magic of the way you guys play. clydetuggle fromcoca-cola, thanks so much for being a part of this. delia fisher,thank you also,

6、and thank youfor your contributions to sports andgreatly appreciate it. the department of state has along history of working with athletes, and athletes, frankly,can be some ofour finest ambassadors. historically, theyve actually been part ofdiplomaticbreakthroughs. the boston celtics were famous fo

7、r their journeys during thecold warwhen they went behind the iron curtain in the 1960s to help break theice. and the ping pongdiplomacy helped to open up china in the 1970s. sotheres been a history of sports, obviously. i have absolute certainty thatthose of us who have been privileged to travel the

8、 vicepresident and myself we see it all the time. i was recently in colombia and i had a chance toplayseated volleyball with physically challenged veterans, and it was as animated agame as anygame ive ever been part of and a lot of fun. i had the privilegerecently of talking hockey in thelocker room

9、 with nicklas backstrom and alexovechkin before they went off to the olympics, andgot a sense of their evenas professional players, their excitement about this kind ofinternationalxxpetition. ive had the privilege of kicking around a soccer ball withwomenplayers in afghanistan of all places and one

10、woman who had started a businessmakingsoccer balls and selling them. and i can remember anywhere i go,whether its been in sudan, south sudan, or indonesiaor afghanistan, kids,just all you need is a ball and you go out and you play. and itsremarkablehow it captures the imaginations of young people ev

11、erywhere. i saw some of that power lastweek when i was in algeria, and nike had assembled a groupof young kids at aclinic outside their store. and thankfully, almost all of them were muchtooyoung to remember landon donovans overtime extra-time goal that beat algeriaback in iftheyd remembered that, i

12、t might not have been such a friendlygathering. but it was exciting,and what leapt through to me was really justthe incredible sense of excitement and optimismthat soccer football as theycall it brought to them. thats whats going to leap out at theworld frombrazil this summer. this trophy, which the

13、 vicepresident and i will have the privilege of uncovering shortly,represents theshared hopes and dreams of billions of people around the world. and i cantthinkof anything that unifies people as much, brings out the best, and showsour xxmonality, thexxmon spirit of sportsmanship, the xxmon spirit of

14、xxpetition, the xxmon spirit of greatathleticism. and i think that juliewill tell you the extraordinary feeling you have as an athletewhen you win aworld contest and raise that trophy over your head in victory. weve seen the power of sports tobring people together. and how fitting it is, , that the

15、worldcup will be held in brazil a country that has hosted such anextraordinarilyrich conversation between continents and cultures for a long time. astheambassador reminded us, it is also a country steeped in the rich tradition ofshowing how thejoga bonito is played, “the beautiful game.” it celebrat

16、esdiversity and it celebrates excellence. so the united states and brazilare natural partners in so many ways. despite occasionaldifferences that riseto the surface, we have a huge shared xxmitment to democracy, todiversity,and a determination to increase the opportunities for our people. i am very,

17、verypleased the world is going to have an opportunity to feel the dynamism ofbrazil firsthand thecourse of this summer, and i agree with brazilian tourismminister vinicius lages that therecould be nothing better than to watch amatch between the united states and brazil. now,having said that, i have

18、to,in the spirit of candor, tell you that to do that the united states hasto getthrough germany, portugal, ghana, but we have a strong squad and strong spirit.(laughter and applause.) the one thing i can promise you is this: we will bothbe rooting tobring the cup back to our hemisphere. (laughter.)

19、thats forsure. so ill tell you, theres nogreater fan. hes been our head of delegation to the world cup. hewill watchthe world cup. theres one leader i know whos going to be sharing this withhisgranddaughters, and thats our vice president. so hes been to his share ofworld cup matches,folks, and he wa

20、s the leader of our last delegation to theworld cup in south africa. the vice president of the unitedstates, joe biden. (applause.)美国第一夫人的英语演讲稿:为自己的理想奋斗美国演讲稿(2) 美国第一夫人米歇尔奥巴马5月18日参加了高中毕业生的毕业典礼,告诫他们要走自己的路,为自己的梦想奋斗,战胜逆境。下面是xx为大家整理的美国第一夫人致毕业生的演讲精选,希望能帮助大家学习英语。 first lady michelle obama has some advice f

21、or some tennessee high school graduates: strike your own path in college and life and work to overxxe inevitable failures with determination and grit. 美国第一夫人米歇尔奥巴马5月18日向高中毕业生给出宝贵建议,告诫他们在大学、生活和工作中要走自己的路,依靠决心和勇气战胜不可避免的失败。 mrs. obama spoke for 22 minutes to the graduates of martin luther king jr. acade

22、mic magnet high school on saturday in her only high school xxmencement address this year. the ceremony took place in the gymnasium of nearby tennessee state university. 当天在田纳西州马丁路德金高中毕业典礼上,米歇尔奥巴马致辞22分钟,这是她今年唯一一场高中演讲。演讲在附近田纳西州立大学的体育馆举行。 the first lady told the 170 graduates that she spent too much of

23、 her own time in college focusing on academic achievements. while her success in college and law school led to a high-profile job, she said, she ended up leaving to focus on public service. 在演讲中,她告诉170名毕业生,当年她在大学致力于学业,之后凭借在学校的成功如愿以偿地摘取高职,不过最终还是投身公共服务。 my message to all of you today is this: do not w

24、aste a minute living someone elses dream, she said. it takes a lot of real work to discover what brings you joy . and you wont find what you love simply by checking boxes or padding your gpa. “今天我要告诉大家的是:不要为别人的梦想浪费一分钟。要想知道带给你快乐的是什么,必须付出真正的努力。仅仅依靠查看邮箱或夸大成绩,你不会找到钟爱的工作。” she said mlk reminded her of he

25、r own high school experience in chicago. 她说马丁路德金高中让她联想到自己在芝加哥的高中经历。 my no. 1 goal was to go to a high school that would push me and challenge me, she said. i wanted to go somewhere that would celebrate achievement. a place where academic success wouldnt make me a target of teasing or bullying, but i

26、nstead would be a badge of honor. “我的第一目标是进入能提高和考验我的高中。” 她说,“我想去一个歌颂成就的地方。在那里,学术成功不会使我成为戏弄或欺负的对象,而是荣誉的象征。” but mrs. obama lamented that not all students have the same opportunities. unfortunately, schools like this dont exist for every kid, she said. you are blessed. 但奥巴马夫人感慨万千:并非所有学生都有同样的机遇。她说,“可惜,

27、这样的学校并非为每个孩子而存在,你们很幸运。” the first lady told graduates that failure may be a part of their college lives and careers, and that how they respond to any pitfalls will define them. 她告诉毕业生们,失败也许是他们大学生活和职业生涯的一部分,未来取决于他们如何面对困难和错误。 overxxing adversity has been the hallmark of many great people, she said. 她说

28、战胜逆境一直是许多伟大人物的标志。 oprah was demoted from her first job as a news anchor, and now she doesnt even need a last name, she said of media giant oprah winfrey. and then theres this guy barack obama . he lost his first race for congress, and now he gets to call himself my husband. “奥普拉从事第一份新闻主播工作时曾被降职,而今,提

29、到她甚至不需要提她的姓。” 她提到传媒巨人奥普拉温弗里,“还有巴拉克奥巴马这个家伙。第一次国会竞选他大败而归,而现在,他开始自称是我的丈夫。” the first lady joked: “i could take up a whole afternoon talking about his failures.” 第一夫人还开玩笑说,“我可以用整个下午讲他的失败。” mrs. obama later presented graduate diplomas on stage and posed for photos with graduates. 随后,奥巴马夫人在台上为毕业生颁发了毕业证书,并

30、与他们合影留念。 we didnt know we would get to hug her, said graduate natey kinzounza, 18. shes got a great sense of humor. shes like my mom, shes just a very real person. “我们不知道我们可以拥抱她。”18岁的毕业生纳蒂金宗齐说,“她幽默诙谐,她就好像我妈妈,是非常真实的人。”美国总统奥巴马第二任就职演讲稿美国演讲稿(3) 以下是由xx演讲稿网站为大家整理提供的美国总统奥巴马在国会山发表的第二任期就职演讲原文,希望大家能够喜欢。 谢谢,非常

31、感谢大家。拜登副总统、首席大法官先生、国会议员们、尊敬的各位嘉宾、亲爱的公民们。 每一次我们集会庆祝总统就职都是在见证美国宪法的持久力量。我们都是在肯定美国民主的承诺。我们重申,将这个国家紧密联系在一起的不是我们的肤色,也不是我们信仰的教条,更不是我们名的。让我们与众不同,让我们成为美国人的是我们对于一种理念的恪守。200多年前,这一理念在一篇宣言中被清晰阐述: “我们认为下述真理是不言而喻的,人人生而平等。造物主赋予他们若干不可剥夺的权利,包括生存、自由和追求幸福的权利。” 今天,我们继续着这一未竟的征程,架起这些理念与我们时代现实之间的桥梁。因为历史告诉我们,即便这些真理是不言而喻的,它们

32、也从来不会自动生效。因为虽然自由是上帝赋予的礼物,但仍需要世间的子民去捍卫。1776年,美国的爱国先驱们不是只为了推翻国王的暴政而战,也不是为赢得少数人的特权,建立暴民的统治。先驱们留给我们一个共和国,一个民有、民治、民享的政府。他们委托每一代美国人捍卫我们的建国信条。 在过去的200多年里,我们做到了。 从奴役的血腥枷锁和刀剑的血光厮杀中我们懂得了,建立在自由与平等原则之上的联邦不能永远维持半奴隶和半自由的状态。我们赢得了新生,誓言共同前进。 我们共同努力,建立起现代的经济体系。架设铁路与高速公路,加速了旅行和商业交流。建立学校与大学,培训我们的工人。 我们一起发现,自由市场的繁荣只能建立在保障竞争与公平竞争的原则之上。 我们共同决定让这个伟大的国家远离危险,保护她的人民不受生命威胁和不幸的侵扰。一路走来,我们从未放弃对集权的质疑。我们同样不屈服于这一谎言:一切

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