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1、新目标英语九年级导学案Unit5江永二中 九年级 英语 导学案执笔: 审核: 审批: 学案编号: 授课人: 授课时间: 姓名: 班级: 小组: 课题: 课型: 课时:Unit 5 It must belong to Carla. Section A 1a1c (第1课时 总 第 课时)【学习目标】1. 掌握本节课的单词:belong belong to author picnic 2 .完成1a1c。 3. 掌握情态动词表must 推测时的用法【学习重点】掌握情态动词表推测句型 must belong to, must be 【学习难点】It must be Carlas . She love

2、s volleyball. That toy must belong to Janes little brother. He was the only little kid at the picnic.【学习链接】must 的用法地址:htt/ 【学法指导】本节课单词较少,先把单词默写下来,然后读1a的对话。复习名词:volleyball toy car magazine book CD【学习过程】一. 自主学习,学习任务一:熟练掌握本节课的词汇。1.个人试读,组内相互纠正发音。 2.自己读并记住汉语意思,组内检查。 3.小组竞赛,看谁记的多而快。属于_ 作家_ 野餐_ 4.认真读1a, 完成

3、表格.学习任务二: 听录音,完成1b,小组核对答案.学习任务三: 1.两人一组,模仿1C 练习和表演不同的对话;可以用不同的东西。2.小组竞赛看谁表演得出色.3.记住本节重点句型二.合作探究。小组讨论: author与writer 的区别。must 的用法复习表示推测:必定,一定The light is still on, so he must be at home. 灯还是亮的,他一定在家。The light was out. They must have gone to bed. 灯都熄了,他们必定睡了。注意:1. must表示推测时的否定式是cant或couldnt(不可能) ,因为mu

4、st只用于肯定句,语气很强。2. 若对过去情况的推测用must have加过去分词。must与have to的比较must与have to都可以表示“必须”,其区别如下:(1) must 强调主观上认为“必须”做某事,而have to 强调客观上要求“不得不”做某事。如:You have to wear uniform on duty, dont you?你在值班时必须穿制服,是吗?(2) have to较must有更多的时态,如过去式和将来时就要用had to与will have to。(3) 在回答must引起的问句时,如果是否定的答复,可用dont have to或neednt(不必)

5、,但不能用mustnt(一定不,必须不,不允许,不得) 。如:Must I clean the dining room at once? 我必须马上打扫餐厅吗?Yes, you must. 是的,你必须马上打扫。No, you dont have to (=neednt) . 不必啦。You mustntsmoke in the office. 你不得在办公室抽烟。三.系统总结。总结,情态动词must 表推测时的用法四.达标测评一汉译英。1.属于 2.组成,形成 3.用完,用光 4.在野餐中 5.她最喜欢的作家 6.这是谁的笔记本? 它可能是Carol的 二选择( )1. The magazi

6、ne must to marys A belong to B. belong ( )2. “Frank cant find_dictionary. Can you lend_to_?” “Certainly.”A.her; mine; her B. his; yours; him; yours; he ( )3.That toy must Janes little brother A belong to B. belong ( )4. Lets go to the supermarket by taxi. We_ take a taxi. It is not to

7、o far. From here. A.cant B.neednt C.mustnt( )5. When traffic lights are red, we_stop and wait. A. may B. can C.must 【课后反思】通过本节课的学习,我最大的收获是_.感到自己有待加强的_.江永二中 九年级 英语 导学案执笔: 审核: 审批: 学案编号: 授课人: 授课时间: 姓名: 班级: 小组: 课题: 课型: 课时:Unit 5 It must belong to Carla. Section A 2a2c (第2课时,总第 课时)【学习目标】 1.熟悉掌握本节课的单词。 2.

8、学会运用could/should句型给朋友提建议, 完成2a2c 3.掌握重点短语和句子:whose note book is this? It must be Mings . it has her name on it .Whose T-shirt is this ? It cant be Johns. Its much too small for him.【学习重点】 能运用本课所学句型进行自由交际.【学习难点】 情态动must ,might,could,can 的用法比较【学习链接】 情态动 的用法比较地址【学法指导】 情态动用法先记意思,再作区别;本课重点读2a.2b对话内容(page

9、 130)。【学习过程】 一.自主学习学习任务一: 熟练掌握本课单词。hair band possible 复习老师常说的一句话:Anything is possible.学习任务二: 学会运用句型问答, 完成2a2c 1.听录音,完成2a,2b。. 2.小组检查,并核对答案。 3.用情态动词must, might , could, cant填空,完成2c,小组核对答案,看谁最棒。 4. 记住Grammar focus中的重点句子二.合作共建(教师寄语:Many hands make light work. )小组讨论,probably, possibly, perhaps, maybe有何区

10、别?Must , might could cant 用法比较。can 和 could用法1. 对现在或将来的推测,两者均可用,但can 通常只用于否定句或疑问句中,一般不用于肯定句,而could则可用于肯定句、否定句和疑问句;Can Could this be true? 这能是真的吗? This cant be true. 这不可能是真的。This could be ture 这可能是真的。Where can could he have gone? 他能到哪里去了呢?2.can 表示现在的能力,could 表示过去的能力,要表示将来具备的能力通常用will be able to 的将来时态。

11、I think I can do it 我认为我能做。He thought I could do it 她认为我能做。I will be able to finish the work in two days.3.表示现在的允许时,若是请求别人允许自己做某事,两者均可用,但用could 语气更委婉;若是自己允许别人做某事,一般只用 can,而不用 could。如:Can Could I come in? 我可以进来吗?“Could Can I use your pen? ” “Yes, of course you can.” “我可以借用你的钢笔吗?”“当然可以。”(不能说Yes, you c

12、ould.)三.系统总结(教师寄语:No man can do two things at once.)总结本课的重点短语和句子并记住四.达标测评 一、选择1.The notebook be Mings . it was on her desk.A. must B. might C.could 2.the red bicycle be hus . She has a blue bicycle.A. mustnt B.might not C. cant 3. Whose French book is ?A. this B. those C. these4. It be Johns. Its mu

13、ch too small for him.A. must B. belong to C.cant 5. The backpack belong to Rita. Shes always forgetting things.A. cant B. must C. could 【课后反思】(教师寄语:Never do things by halves)通过本节课的学习,我最大的收获是 感到自己有待加强的是 江永二中 九年级 英语 导学案执笔: 审核: 审批: 学案编号: 授课人: 授课时间: 姓名: 班级: 小组: 课题: 课型: 课时:Unit 5 It must belong to Carla.

14、 Section A 3a4 (第3课时,总第 课时)【学习目标】:1.掌握本课词汇 drop appointment crucial make up final anxious worried owner Oxford university 2.完成3a 3.训练3b内容【学习重点】:掌握3a,并记住重点短语。单词:symphony optonetrist appointment final anxious worried owner make up 【学习链接】 情态动 的用法比较地址【学法指导】长的单词记忆要按音节来记忆如:symphony symphony optonetrist ap

15、pointment【学习过程】一.自主学习(教师寄语:Many hands make light work. )学习任务一: 熟练掌握本课的单词1.个人自读,记忆本课单词2.小组互相检查单词读写情况落下,掉下_ 交响乐_ 配镜师_ 约会,约定_关键的_形成,组成_最后的_ 忧虑的,不安的_ 烦恼的_所有者,物主_牛津大学_ 学习任务二: 1读3a并排序,使内容完整。2再读,找出重点句和短语并记住。(1) make up_ (2) final exam. _ (3)have a math test. _ (4)thirty percent_.(5)have any idea_ (6)drop d

16、own, drop sth., drop-dropped-dropping. _ 3完成3b4三.系统总结(教师寄语:No man can do two things at once.) 一)1. 能用来表示推测的情态动词must, may, might, can, could, cant2. 确信程度 must may mightcan could must (100%),may, might, can, could (20%-80%)3. can 表示“可能”常用于疑问句和否定句。could 则不受影响。在疑问句中表示 “可能”用can, 而不用may.4. 表示“不可能”常用can no

17、tcould not, may not, might not二)小组讨论总结:本课的重点词组和短语。烦恼的,忧虑的_ anxious_ worried_ annoyed_ trouble_四.【诊断评价】(教师寄语:Never do things by halves) .用所给动词的适当形式填空10分1. Please (打电话)me if you know the news2. Dont (担心)about your test.3. H e always help others who are in (麻烦)4. Tom (掉)his mobile phone yesterday.5.配镜师

18、 6交响乐 7.约会 通过本节课的学习,我最大的收获是 感到自己有待加强的是 江永二中 九年级 英语 导学案执笔: 审核: 审批: 学案编号: 授课人: 授课时间: 姓名: 班级: 小组: 课题: 课型: 课时:Unit 5 It must belong to Carla. Section B 1a2c (第4课时,总第 课时)【学习目标】:1.掌握本节课单词 chase sky helicoper creature 。2.完成Section B 2a-2b。【学习重点】:it must be , it could be he might be catch 的用法【学习难点】听力内容的理解.

19、catch chase【学习链接】:情态动的用法 网址【学法指导】:page 37 activity 2c role play conversation.【学习过程】:一.自主学习(教师寄语:Knowledge is power.)学习任务一: 熟悉掌握本课单词:1. 自读并记忆及回忆单词。 写出下列单词的翻译并读出来 creature helicopter camera chase UFO alien dreaming police camera actor make a movie scared 2i小组进行对话训练,每一组扮演一个角色。对话内容Page130 Unit 5 It must

20、 belong to Carla. Section B 2a 2b学习任务二: 完成Section B 2a 2c。二.合作共建(教师寄语:Many hands make light work. ) 1) must be , it could be he might be catch 的用法讨论Must could might 用法比较2)含有情态动词的进行时态用法归纳。构成:S+ 情态动词+be + V-ing 陈述:S+ 情态动词+be + V-ing He can be running to catch the bus.疑问:情态动词+S+be + V-ing Could he be r

21、unning to catch the bus?否定:S+ 情态动词+not +be + V-ing An Example to end the story:2aThe man was running as fast as he could. He thought thatthe alien must be chasing to catch him,and he might lose hislife if he were caught!“Hello!” Suddenly a voice came from behind.The man knew it must be the alien tha

22、t spoke! “But how could it speak our language?” He wondered.“Might I make friends with you?” The alien stopped just in front of the man with a big smile and both its arms opened to him.“I must be dreaming!” the man said to himselfmay与might的用法比较与说明一、表示允许其意为“可以”。表示请求允许(即请求别人允许自己做某事),两者都可用,只是 might 表示的

23、语气较委婉(但并不表示过去);表示给予允许(即自己允许别人做某事),通常要用 may而不用might。如:May (Might) I come round in the morning? 我早上来可以吗?“May I take this book out?” “Yes, you may.” “我可以把这书带走吗?”“唔,可以。”(由于答语是表示给予允许,可用 may,但不能用 might)You may take my dictionary as long as you dont keep it too long. 只要使用时间不太长,你可以把我的词典拿去。(不用might)二、表示推测may

24、 和 might 均可表示推测,意为“可能”。此时 might 并非表示过去,只是比 may 语气更不确定,表示的可能性更小。如:He may (might) be in his office now. 他现在说不定在办公室里。You may (might) be able to persuade him. 你也许能说服他。三、may 和 can 表推测时的区别can 和may均可表示推测,can用于否定句和疑问句,may用于肯定句和否定式。两者均可用于否定句,但是含义不同:cannot=不可能,may not=可能不。比较:The water may not be warm enough t

25、oswim. 要游泳,这水可能不够暖和。Shes very young. She cant be over twenty. 她非常年轻,绝对不超过20岁。三.系统总结(教师寄语:No man can do two things at once.) 情态动词的用法总结:写出学过的情态用法,每个类型举一个例子四.【诊断评价】(教师寄语:Never do things by halves) 江永二中 九年级 英语 导学案执笔: 审核: 审批: 学案编号: 授课人: 授课时间: 姓名: 班级: 小组: 课题: 课型: 课时:Unit 5 It must belong to Carla. Section

26、 B 3a-4 (第5课时,总第 课时)【学习目标】:掌握本课的单词 unhappy extremely interview noise wind neighbor footstep garbage mystery director monkey escape 【学习重点】:interview noise neighbor wind monkey escape【学习难点】: 一)strange noises outside their windowcould be an animalstrange noises outside their windowmust be teenagers hav

27、ing fun nothing strange二)并能用话题语言进行写作(3b)【学习链接】 情态动的用法 网址【学法指导】【学习过程】:一. 自主学习(教师寄语:Knowledge is power.)1)Read the passage quickly and answer the question: Why is everyone in Bell Tower neighborhood unhappy? 2)描述一次自己遇到的奇怪的事,或做过的梦。二.合作共建(教师寄语:Many hands make light work. ) Finish the chart Who?What did

28、find/hear? What did.think was?Zhou Gus wifeZhou Gu and his friendsThe police Qi Hui三.系统总结(教师寄语:No man can do two things at once.)本课的重点短语: in my dream_ in an ocean of paper_too much homework_ escape from_in the hallway_hear the strange noises_ in our neighborhood_ There must be something visiting the homes. _Next door neighbor. _They cant find anything strange. _ Extremely worried_四.诊断评价一、 单词拼写。 1. They will go on a _ (野餐) this Saturday.2. There are four _(海洋) in the wo

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