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跨文化交际材料Teaching Materials revised.docx

1、跨文化交际材料Teaching Materials revisedTeaching Materials for ICCChapter 1 I. Intercultural Communication is communication between people whose cultural perception and symbol systems are distinct enough to alter the communication event. Perception is the means by which we make sense of our physical and so

2、cial world. Perception is the process of selecting, organizing, and interpreting sensory data in a way that enable us to make sense of our world. by GambleII. The reasons of study intercultural communication (1). Technological development The development of new transportation and information technol

3、ogies has connected all nations in ways that were possible before this century only in the imagination. (2). Widespread population Migrations (3). The changes in the international business community have compelled China to reexamine her business. (4). Development of Multiculturalism. Cultural divers

4、ity or multiculturalism will become the norm; not the exception. The public must acknowledge and adjust to difference but build on commonality.III. Intercultural communication can include international,interethnic, interracial,and interregional communication (1) International communication Internati

5、onal communication takes place between nations and governments rather than individuals;it is quite formal and ritualizedThe dialogue at the United Nations,for example,would be termed international communicationIf Chinese Chairman communicates with USPresident,we have international communication,beca

6、use this is communication between two nations of countries (2) Interethnic communication Ethnic groups usually form their own communities in a country or cultureInterethnic communication refers to communication between people of the same race but different ethnic backgroundsFor example in China,if a

7、 Tibetan communicates with a Hanwe have interethnic communication,because they are from different ethnic groups. (3) Interracial communication Interracial communication occurs when the sender and the receiver exchanging messages are from different races which pertain to different physical characteri

8、stics.For instance,if an Afro-American interacts with a white American,its interracial communication,which may or may not be intercultural (4) Interregional communication This term refers to the exchange of messages between members of the dominant culture within a country. If a northerner interacts

9、with a southerner,we have what is called interregional communicationThese are members of a culture who share common messages and experiences over a long period of time, but who live in different regions of the same country.Chapter2 CultureI. The Concept of Culture (resource from the internet)E.B.Tyl

10、or (1871) in Primitive Culture: “that complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, morals, law, custom and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of a society.”Lustig & Koester: “Culture is a learned set of shared perceptions about beliefs, values, and norms, which aff

11、ect the behaviors of a relatively large group of people”Gudykunst: Culture is our theory of the game being played inour society. We use our theory of the game being played in interacting with theother people we encounter. It tells us how to communicate with others and howto interpret their behavior.

12、 We generally are not highly aware of the rules of thegame being played, but we behave as though there is general agreement on therules.Anthropologists: the total way of livingThe word “culture” is one of the most favored vocabulary of man and has been labeled to almost every aspect of human society

13、. There is Chinese culture and American culture, Asian culture and European culture, ancient and modern culture, tea culture and clothing culture, material culture and nonmaterial culture, everyday culture and sophisticated culture, etc. Cultures could be classified into different types if viewed fr

14、om different perspectives. Since our goal is to understand the interaction between people from different cultural backgrounds, we will adopt the anthropological view of culture in our study of intercultural communication. A simple definition offered by Ferraro (1995) well serves our purpose. He defi

15、nes culture as “everything that people have think and do as members of a society.” We take this as a working definition because it is both instructive and inclusive; it covers all of the three components of culture: material objects, belief systems and behavior patterns. According to Ferraro everyth

16、ing that people think refers to what people have in their mind, such as ideas, values and attitudes; what people have refers to their material possessions; and what people do refers to their behavior patterns. “As members of a society” suggests that the sharing of the three components is the passpor

17、t of ones admittance into a society. Figure 3.1 is a map of the three components of culture (adapted after Ferraros model).From the map we can see that culture permeates every aspect of our life. The study of culture, therefore, covers all of the items that come under each category. However, what we

18、 are concerned with in this book are only those things that are closely related to interpersonal communication, especially things that tend to be different across cultures.Culture is learned behavior Patterns of culture are not inherent with any individual. They are not genetically passed down from

19、previous generations; rather, they are acquired through the process of learning or interacting with the individuals environment. The process of cultural acquisition is called enculturation. The learning environment includes the family, neighborhood, schools, social groups, physical surroundings etc.

20、 If the environment is different, the culture that each individual learns or acquires will be different too.Culture is usually acquired unconsciously It should be noted that the learning of culture is usually done unconsciously. Our relationship with culture is like that between birds and the sky, f

21、ish and water or people and air. Only when we are deprived of our own culture or put into a completely new culture can we realize the importance of culture to us. Without culture we cannot survive. Since culture is often learned unconsciously, we often fail to account for our behavior. In intercultu

22、ral studies, we should make deliberate effort to understand how culture influences our own behavior as well as that of other people.Culture is shared among its members The learned cultural patterns are not the property of any individuals but shared by the members of the same group or society. When w

23、e say A and B come from the same culture, we assume A and B share the same patterns of living: the same set of symbols used for communication, the same rules of speaking, the same idea about what we can be eaten as food and what can not, the same belief about nature and man, and so on. Though indivi

24、duals may have different preferences over one way of conduct or another, they must share one and the same system out of which their personal choice is made. Within the same system, individuals can easily understand one other and adjust themselves to their surroundings. If we intend to understand peo

25、ple from other cultures, and communicate effectively with them, we must try to understand their ways of living.Culture is persistent and enduringCulture is not created and developed overnight. It is the deposit of human knowledge and collection of both material and non-material wealth created by man

26、 over the long process of human civilization. This nature of culture gives continuity to the development of a culture and provides reinforcement to its members in their lifetime learning of the culture.Culture manifests itself both implicitly and explicitlySome aspects of culture are easily observab

27、le and some are not. The ways of dressing, talking, and working are readily noticeable, but the ideas and motivations underlying these superficial behaviors are generally unrecognized. The study of culture and its people should involve not only the learning of the explicit rules but also those impli

28、cit beliefs, values attitudes that relate to them.Culture is adaptive and changeableThough culture is persistent and enduring, it is not static. Any great inventions and process of mankind will bring about changes in peoples ideas, way of life, mode of behavior etc. and these changes often take plac

29、e on the superficial levels of a culture, while the deep structures, i.e. ideological perceptions, values and value orientations, world views and beliefs, are likely to stay or change slowly. Therefore, the study of culture should take a dynamic perspective. We must not assume that any trait of cult

30、ure is forever fixed. The belief that culture is adaptive and changeable also makes it possible for us to learn about new cultures and adapt ourselves to them.Culture is relationalAny culture is an integrated entity. All the components of culture are interrelated. The change of one aspect of culture

31、 will certainly bring about changes in other aspects as well. The study of culture and people should also take a relational approach. In other words, we should study one aspect of culture in relation to other aspects. Only in this way can we gain a true understanding of a culture and its people.Worl

32、d culture is the idea that as traditional barriers among people of differing cultures break down, emphasizing the commonality of human needs, one culture will emerge, a new culture to which all people will adhere. II. Metaphors of cultureCulture is like the water a fish swims in, the sky a bird flies in, and the air people live in. Culture is the software of our mind.Culture is the grammar of our behavior.Culture is like an iceberg.III. Classification of culturehigh culturepopular culturedeep cultureChapter 3 CommunicationI. Definitio

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