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1、吸血鬼日记第3季第4集中英文台词剧本吸血鬼日记前情提要Previously on The Vampire Diaries.你们俩如此钦慕埃琳娜 她一定乐在其中吧Does Elena enjoy having both of you worship at her altar?我听说过你的事情Ive heard about you.疯狂而又冲动的吸血鬼The crazy, impulsive vampire.爱上了他弟弟的女人In love with his brothers girl.我想送你这个I wanted you to have this.天哪 太漂亮了Oh, my god, its b

2、eautiful.我不能放弃你 斯特凡I cant give up on you, Stefan.到此为止 我不想再见到你Its done. I dont want to see you.也不想和你在一起I dont want to be with you.爸爸Daddy?我要让你能够把吸血鬼本质与痛苦相连Im conditioning you to associate vampirism with pain.你好 比尔Hello, Bill.一个混血儿想制造更多的混血儿A hybrid out to make more hybrids?我哪里做错了So what am I doing wro

3、ng?我们得跟下咒的那个女巫连通Wed have to contact the witch who created it.那就是女巫祖先了Well, that would be the original witch.把丽贝卡带来 她有我需要的东西Bring me Rebekah. She has what I need.该醒来了 妹妹Time to wake up, little sister.-真漂亮 -一位女巫给我的- Its beautiful. - A witch gave it to me.你有什么格洛莉娅需要的东西What do you have that Gloria needs

4、?我的项链呢Wheres my necklace?告诉我 格洛莉娅要的不是那条项链Tell me thats not what she needs!吸血鬼日记第三季 第四集芝加哥这裙子不会就这么点布料吧There has to be more to this dress.就这么点Theres not.那21世纪的女人都穿得像妓女了So women in the 21st century dress like prostitutes, then.我从前穿裤子都有人冲我翻白眼You know, I got dirty looks for wearing trousers.你从前穿裤子所以现在的女人

5、就一丝不挂了You wore trousers so women today could wear nothing.这叫什么音乐啊 听着像缆车事故And what is this music? It sounds like a cable car accident.这叫舞曲Its dance music.能跟着这个跳舞吗You would dance to this?闹够了没Are we done?你生个什么气And why are you so grumpy?我就要你拿一件东西给我的女巫I needed one thing from you for my witch以查明为什么我的混血儿都死

6、了 一件而已to find out why my hybrids are dying, one thing.你的项链 你却给丢了Your necklace. And you lost it.我没弄丢 只是有九十年没见着了I didnt lose it. Its just been missing for 90 years.你觉得怎么样So what do you think?我喜欢I like it.怎么了 我说我喜欢了What? I said I like it.我总能看穿你的谎言 斯特凡I can always tell when youre lying, Stefan.不错 干得好Nic

7、e one, good work.是你把匕首拔出了她的身体Youre the one that pulled the dagger out of her.我听到了I heard that.好了 我去透口气All right. Im going to get some fresh air.本字幕由YYeTs人人影视翻译制作更多字幕下载 请登陆 www.YYeT翻译:草草,句号,KIMI,思朵,豚豚,Albot,Elsye,Queen-N时间轴:小猫,子衿,菜六水 校对:草草,小喜,米苏总监:米苏 后期:Ghost百乐餐 每人自带一个菜的聚会真不理解你干嘛带辣椒去百乐餐I just dont kn

8、ow why you want to bring chili to a potluck.大家都会带辣椒的Everybody brings chili.里克 早啊Hey, Ric. Whats up?你想几点去参加洛克伍德家的宴会What time do you want to go to the Lockwood party?我不太想去创始人宴会Ah. Those founders parties arent really my thing.去吧 还会有另外九个人带辣椒去的Show up, theres going to be nine other people that brought ch

9、ili.这是我家的祖传秘方 行了吧Its an old family recipe, ok?对 我知道 我认识你的祖先Yeah! I know. I knew your old family.他们做的辣椒很烂They made sucky chili.-你到底来这儿干嘛的 -她清楚- Why are you here, exactly? - She knows.他认为我会崩溃He thinks Im going to break.我不会崩溃的 我打算继续做辣椒Im not going to break. I am just going to keep making chili,装作我没有花了一

10、整个夏天的时间pretend like I didnt just spend the entire summer寻找一个不想被找到的人looking for someone who didnt want to be found.-她还处在抵赖阶段 -我不是抵赖- Shes in denial. - Im not in denial.不是吗No?你还戴着这个项链Youre still wearing this necklace.这不是你与斯特凡情比金坚的信物吗Isnt this the reminder of your unbreakable bond with Stefan?你来这儿干什么Wh

11、at the hell are you doing here?你们俩挺亲的啊You two look chummy.克劳斯成了你的新闺蜜了吗Klaus your new bestie?他要是知道你在芝加哥 你就死翘翘了You know, if he finds out youre in Chicago, youre dead.你依然对我如此挂记 小女不胜欢喜Happy to know that you still care.现在是这么个情况吧So tell me if Im wrong-克劳斯要找的丽贝卡的那条项链Rebekahs necklace that Klaus is looking

12、for.就是你送给埃琳娜的那条吧thats the necklace that you gave to Elena.再见 凯瑟琳Bye, Katherine.等等Hey, hey. Wait.告诉我你在谋划什么Youre up to something, tell me.他们不知道项链的下落They dont know where the necklace is.我只需让他们一直找不到I just have to keep them from figuring it out.一切尽在我的掌握之中I have it all under control.拜托告诉我你有比这更好的计划Please t

13、ell me you have a better plan than that.你有吧You do.别傻了 斯特凡Come on, Stefan.你不是坏坏的那种Youre not the diabolical type.不管你的计划是什么 都不会成功的Whatever youre planning, its not going to work.如果我认识的Well, if the most diabolical最坏的女人都猜不透我的计划woman I know cant seem to figure it out,那我一定挺上道的then I must be doing something

14、right.我都忘了 你现在邪恶了I forgot. Youre bad now.别太自信了Dont get too cocky.克劳斯比你聪明 他比所有人都聪明Klaus is smarter than you. Hes smarter than everyone.我听说他妹妹的事了And Ive heard about that sister.当心Be careful.她会毁了你Shell ruin you.你依然对我如此挂记 小生不胜欢喜Happy to know you still care.杰里米Jeremy.安娜Anna!-你能听得到吗 -你在这做什么- You heard me?

15、 - What are you doing here?等等 你真能听得到吗 还是听着像.Wait, like heard me, heard me, or did it sound more like a- -你去哪了 -我得确认你能听见我- Where have you been? - I need to know you can hear me.你突然出现 告诉我不要相信薇姬You drop in, you tell me not to trust Vicki,之后你就消失了and then you disappear?杰里米 告诉我你能听见我Jeremy! Tell me you can

16、 hear me.是的 我能听见你 行了吧Yeah, yeah, I can hear you, all right?到底是搞什么鬼What the hell!怎么回事What is it?这些天 我一直试图让你听见我Ive been trying to get you to hear me for days.-喊着你的名字 甚至是尖叫 -你喊过我- Yelling your name and screaming. - You have?发生了什么事What changed?我一直试着和你取得联系都失败了 Ive been trying to get through to you,现在怎么可以

17、了why now?我刚刚梦见你了I was dreaming about you.我I.你梦见我了You were dreaming about me?真不敢相信这是真的I cant believe this is actually happening.你真的在这儿That youre actually here.我在这儿Im here.我带礼物来了I come bearing gifts.别告诉我你带了辣椒Please say thats not chili.邦妮Bonnie!-我回来了 -嗨- Im back! - Hi!整个夏天 我都不在镇上I leave town for the su

18、mmer结果你们俩过得都不怎么好and everything goes to hell for the both of you.邦妮Bonnie!杰里米Jeremy!也就是说洛克伍德镇长So mayor Lockwood打电话找你同性恋的前夫来called your gay ex-husband拷问你的吸血鬼女儿to torture your vampire daughter.是的 我一直关押着他Yes. Ive been keeping him detained以确保他身体里的马鞭草都排净了to make sure the vervains out of his system.这样你就可以.

19、So you could, you know.我们就不能干掉他吗Cant we just kill him?不行 达蒙 他是卡罗琳的父亲No, Damon! Hes Carolines father.依我看他就是个混蛋He sounds like a douchebag to me.好吧 虽然我们算是相安无事Yeah, well, just cause you and I are on ok terms但不代表我赞同你的doesnt mean that Im a suddenly a big生活方式advocate for your lifestyle.你离婚的时候 Is that what

20、you told him也是这么和他说的吧when you two got divorced?市监狱建于1860年神秘瀑布镇在你强迫他之前 Double check him for vervain要仔细检查他体内有没有马鞭草before you compel him.你又带了个吸血鬼来You brought another vampire into this?这对我们都好 比尔Its the best thing for all of us, Bill.比尔 我听过你拷问So, Bill, I hear youre into the whole你那吸血鬼女儿的来龙去脉daddy-daughte

21、r vampire torture thing.我是在帮她I was trying to help her.要是说谁最不需要帮助Well, if theres anyone who doesnt need help,就是你那个讨厌的控制狂女儿了its your annoying control freak of a daughter.是的Yep.他体内没有马鞭草Hes vervain-free.你就快抹去他的记忆吧 达蒙Just erase his memory, Damon.比尔 我有个问题So, Bill, I have a question.你凭什么觉得你可以What makes you

22、 think that you can change改变吸血鬼的本质the basic nature of a vampire?思想是股很强大的力量The minds a powerful tool.是可以反复训练的It can be trained and retrained.只要你够强大You just have to be strong enough.是吗 我完全同意Oh, yeah? I completely agree.实际上 我恰巧喜欢控制人的思想I actually happen to love mind control, myself.你马上离开镇上You will leave

23、 town immediately.你只会记得你来只是为了带你女儿All you remember is you came to bring your daughter去买开学的东西back to school shopping.你把我们撇下了You left us.不好意思 Yeah, sorry.购物疗法 指靠购物解除焦虑购物疗法让我的头都要炸了Retail therapy was making my head explode.可不是嘛Tell me about it.-她在干嘛 -让我失望- Whats she doing? - Shes failing.当你毫无头绪的时候Its har

24、d to find something找东西是很困难的when you dont have anything to go on.那么我来帮你So use me.怎么说那项链我也带了一千年I only wore it for a thousand years.看到了没 现在有人愿意帮忙了See? Now this one offers a solution.好的 把手给我 宝贝All right, give me your hand, sweetheart.她.她在找项链 对吗Shes, uh, shes looking for the necklace, huh?问题是 我爸的家人太过正常了T

25、he problem with my dads normal side of the family正常得让我一夏天都很无聊is normal made for a really boring summer.经历了过去几天的事After the last few days,我宁愿有个正常的家庭I would kill for a normal family.你什么时候学会做饭了Since when did you learn how to cook?达蒙帮了点忙Damon helped a little.达蒙现在会帮你做饭了Damons helping you cook now?你们俩别瞎想 B

26、oth of you stop judging.他只是想做个好.Hes just trying to be a good- - ow!我溅到你了吗Ahh! Did I splash you?不是 是我的项链No, no, my necklace.我感觉到了I can sense something.它烫到我了It burned me.或许这意味着你不该再戴了Maybe its a sign you shouldnt be wearing it.-卡罗琳 -怎么了 我说说而已嘛- Caroline. - What, Im just saying.反正你现在也不跟斯特凡一起做饭了If youre

27、going to be cooking without Stefan.我看看Let me see it.我找到了I found it.-它在哪 -没办法直接告诉你的 姑娘- So where is it? - It doesnt work like that, doll.我能看到画面I get images.有个女孩和她的朋友在一起Theres a girl with her friends-是嘛 我要是拿不回我的项链Yes, a dead girl with dead friends,她和她的朋友就都得死if I dont get my necklace back.我得重新潜回去看详细点We

28、ll, Ill have to dive back in to get the details.-那你潜 -我需要点时间- So dive. - I need more time.还有空间And space.你们在干扰我的咒符Youre harshing my ju-ju.我们不急We can wait.那是当然Im sure you can.但我要的不是耐心But thats not what I asked.不如我们一会儿再回来Hey, you know, why dont we just come back later.我饿了Im hungry anyway.我让你选我们的盘中餐Ill

29、let you pick who we eat.我拿来了Hey. Ok, I got it.我有一个识别咒语可能让我知道I have an identification spell that might be able to tell me这条项链被什么魔法控制了what magic affected the necklace.得花点时间 如果有人来了就告诉我Its going to take a while, so tell me if anyones coming, ok?你是不是打算换个兄弟了So youre not, like, switching Salvatores, are you?什么What?-卡罗琳 -集中精力- Caroline. - Stay focused.作为日夜为你担心的朋友As your friend who worries for you daily,说说你跟达蒙到底怎么回事what is the deal with you and Damon?没怎么回事There is no deal.他一直都像我那样全心全意找斯特凡Hes been just as focused on finding Stefan as I have.没错 不过这不会让他改变什么Yeah, but th

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