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七年级英语下册unit1 教学案 五课时.docx

1、七年级英语下册unit1 教学案 五课时 “教”“学”案年级科目 七年级下 英语主备 初审章 节 Unit 1课题Can you play the guitar?教学日期 第 2 周, 星期 _一_至 星期 _五_ 审核 姓名班级七年级单元教学目标1、Teaching Aims(教学目标) 课标呈现:学生能够听 说 读 写本课教学内容 1.Knowledge Object and Ability (知识与技能)(1) Learning to talk about abilities(学会谈论能力) (2)Target language(重点句型):2.Process and teaching

2、methods(过程与方法): Practicing, Listening and Role playing methods. Pairwork. Writing. 3.Moral Objects(情感态度与价值观):Knowledgeispower二、Teaching Key points(教学重点):(1)-Can you dance?-Yes, I can.(2)-What club do you want to join? -I want to join the music club.三、Teaching Difficult points(教学难点):要求掌握以下词汇:(1) 情态动词

3、can, cant(2) 动词dance, swim, sing, paint, join 名词art, music, guitar(3) 动词词组play chess, speak English, play the piano四、 Teaching methods(教学方法):Practicing, Listening and Role playing methods.五、学情分析: 本单元主要是学习情态动词can的肯定句、否定句、一般疑问句,肯定与否定回答,以及特殊疑问句的构成和用法;复习what的用法!导的特殊疑问句。本单元主要围绕“加人俱乐部,谈论自己的能力”这一话题,设计了三个任务

4、型活动:任务一是:自己的才艺表演,学习情态动词can的用法;任务二是:自己建立俱乐部,运用情态动词can谈论自己在某一方面的能力、喜好和意愿;任务三是:我能成功,主要是复习巩固谈论各自的爱好和特长的方法。六、课时安排: The first period (第一课时): Section A (1a2d) The second period (第二课时): Section A (Grammar focus3c) The third period (第三课时): Section B (1a1d)The fourth period (第四课时): Section B (2a2c)The fifth p

5、eriod (第五课时): Section B (3aSelf Check)Period one一、Teaching Aims(教学目标) 1.Knowledge Object and Ability (知识与技能)Target language(重点句型):(1)-Can you dance?-Yes, I can.(2)-What club do you want to join? -I want to join the music club.2.Process and teaching methods(过程与方法):Practicing, Listening for specific i

6、nformation and Role playing.利用教学实物展开课堂Pair work, Group work的口语交际活动,找主人,确认物主关系.3.Moral Objects(情感态度与价值观):说明自己或他人会与不会的情况2、Teaching Key points(教学重点)(1)-Can you dance?-Yes, I can.(2)-What club do you want to join? -I want to join the music club.三、Teaching Difficult points(教学难点):Learn to use freely .四、 T

7、eaching methods(教学方法): Listening for specific information and Role playing. Pairwork. 五、Teaching Aids(教学用具):some school things; a tape recorder六、教学用时:40分钟七、教学流程:【搭桥引线】-“新旧知识、生活体验、学科渗透”“明确目标”(搭桥)1.Greet the whole class.2、自主学习(教师寄语:Knowledge is power.)(引课)学习任务一:What do you like?(播放音乐)Do you like music

8、? Do you want to listen to a song?What musical instrument do you know in the song?(明标)学生朗读,教学目标中的“知识与技能”,明确本节课的学习目标。【前置作业】“自主学习、合作学习、探究学习”“展示交流”1.“自主学习”通过ppt 让学生练习情态动词CAN 的用法。I can play basketball.Can you play basketball?Yes, I can. I can play basketball.No, I cant (cant=can not) .I cant play basket

9、ball.(拓展延伸)I want to join the basketball club.2、“合作学习”通过图片让学生合作学习。(1)Look and say: I can play I want to join the (2)Ask and answen:What can they do?What can she do?(3)Make sentences with the sentences according to the pictures.3、“探究学习”通过图片学习英标、新单词以及词组。() play the guitarplay the piano play the drums

10、speak English music club play chess(2)(利用图片学生学习)(3)(4)完成课本页 “展示交流”学生自主学习,分组合作学习讨论,探究出结果后,教师对以上问题给小组分配任务,进行展示交流,阐述观点。教师及时给予学生指导、鼓励。【答疑解惑】“纠偏纠正、互答互补、答疑释难”“授人以渔”I want to join the art club. join:1. join in 参加(某些活动) May I join in the football game? = May I join you in playing football?2. Come and join u

11、s. 过来加入到我们之中。3. Can 是情态动词,意思是“能够、可以”等。情态动词虽有一定的意义,但不能独立作谓语,必须在后面加动词原形,一起构成谓语。不论主语为第几人称,是单数还是复数,都是用于下面句型结构:肯定式:主语+can+动词原形+其他。 疑问式:Can+主语+动词原形+其他?答语:Yes, 主语+can. No, 主语+cant. 否定式:主语+cant +动词原形+其他。例如 :I can find my pen.我能找到我的钢笔。I can t find my pen.我找不到我的钢笔。-Can you find your pen? 你能找到你的钢笔吗?-Yes, I can

12、./ No, I cant.是的,我能。/ 不,我不能。 Can I come in? 我能进来吗?【梳理评价】“收获体会、梳理板书、小组评价”“达标检测”学生说出体会收获 教师或学生根据学生的叙述进行知识梳理、板书,并对各小组的学习表现进行评价总结。【板书梳理】Unit 1 Can you play the guitar?Can you play the guitar?Yes, I can. I can play basketball.No, I cant (cant=can not) .【达标测评,反思提高】【达标测评】(一)根据图片提示完成句子A: What can he/she do

13、?B: He/She can.I want to join the 【“教”“学反思】Period Two一、Teaching Aims(教学目标) 1.Knowledge Object and Ability (知识与技能)(1).Learning to talk about abilities(学会谈论能力)(2).Learning to talk about likes and dislikes(谈论喜好和意愿)2.Process and teaching methods(过程与方法):Review the conversation.Practicing,saying, writing.

14、3.Moral Objects(情感态度)积极参加学校各种课外活动 。二、Teaching Key points(教学重点):、要求掌握以下句式 (1)-Can he /she paint /speak English? -Yes, he/she can. /No, he/she cant. (2) -What can you do?-I can play the guitar. (3) -Can you play it well? -No, I cant.三、Teaching Difficult points(教学难点):Learn to use freely .四、 Teaching me

15、thods(教学方法): speaking,writing, groupwork.五、Teaching Aids(教学用具):1A tape record 2Some school things六、教学用时:40分钟七、教学过程【搭桥引线】-“新旧知识、生活体验、学科渗透”“明确目标”(搭桥)1.Greet the whole class.2、自主学习利用图片复习单词及词组。I want to join the guitar club.Can you play the guitar?Yes, I can.(引课):利用图片练习对话。A: Can he/she ?B: Yes, he/she c

16、an. No, he/she cant.(明标)学生朗读,教学目标中的“知识与技能”,明确本节课的学习目标。【前置作业】“自主学习、合作学习、探究学习”“展示交流”1.“自主学习”通过ppt 让学生独立完成(拓展延伸)2.“合作学习”通过图片让学生合作学习。2d Role-play the conversation3.“探究学习”Grammer FocusCan you swim? Yes, I can. / No, I cant.Can he play chess? Yes, he can. / No, he cant.Can you and Tom play chess? Yes, we

17、can./ No, we cant.Can Jane and Jill swim? Yes, they can. / No, they cant.What can you do? I can dance. / I cant sing.What club do you want to join? We want to join the chess club.1. 情态动词can后跟动词原形 Mary draws every day. Mary can draw.2. 有can 之句变否定,can变cant Mary can draw. (变否定句) Mary can not / cant dra

18、w.3. 有can 之句变一般,can 提前,can问can 答 Mary can draw. (变一般疑问句) Can Mary draw? Yes, she can.语法 3 club名词修饰名词music clubEnglish club 名词 名词名词 名词动词修饰名词时,动词变成动名词 swimming club dancing club“展示交流”学生自主学习,分组合作学习讨论,探究出结果后,教师对以上问题给小组分配任务,进行展示交流,阐述观点。教师及时给予学生指导、鼓励。【答疑解惑】“纠偏纠正、互答互补、答疑释难”“授人以渔”1. what about sth / doing s

19、th (做)某事怎么样 What about _(have) a rest?2. be good at sth /doing sth = do well in 擅长(做)某事 I am good at _(write) stories.3. Sounds good.=That sounds good.那听起来不错4. Lets do sth 让我们去做某事吧Lets _(go) 用法:1). play +球/棋/游戏 2). play + the + 乐器 3). play with sb / sth 和某人玩,玩某物 6.四个“说” speak / say / t

20、ell / talk 1. speak 演讲;说(某种语言) 2. say 说(具体内容) 3. tell 告诉;讲述(故事/笑话) 4. talk 交谈,谈论 【梳理评价】“收获体会、梳理板书、小组评价”“达标检测”学生说出体会收获 教师或学生根据学生的叙述进行知识梳理、板书,并对各小组的学习表现进行评价总结。【板书梳理】Unit 1 Can you play the guitar?Can you play the guitar?club名词修饰名词music clubEnglish club 名词 名词名词 名词动词修饰名词时,动词变成动名词 swimming club dancing c

21、lub【达标测评,反思提高】一.Write questions and answers with the words and phrases.1.Wu Jun/speak English/speak Chinese2.Mike/play basketball/play tennis3.Jane and Jill/dance/sing4.Grace /play soccer /play volleyball5.Bill/Write stories/tell stories二.Complete the poster with the words in the boxplay sing tell d

22、anceStudents Wanted for School ShowWe want students for the school show .Can you _or _?Can you _the guitar? Can you _stories? Please talk to Mr. Zhang after school.【“教”“学反思】Period three一、Teaching Aims(教学目标) 1.Knowledge Object and Ability (知识与技能) 谈论某人在音乐方面所具备和不具备的才能2.Process and teaching methods(过程与方

23、法): Listening, talking and Role playing.3.Moral Objects(情感态度与价值观): 学会欣赏他人,取长补短。二、Teaching Key points(教学重点): 1.Key sentence. 2.listening practice.三、Teaching Difficult points(教学难点): 重点难点1. 情态动词can的用法:情态动词是辅助动词帮助说明能力、意愿等的词,并且它不随主语人称的变化而变化。 四、 Teaching methods(教学方法):Reading and listening.五、Teaching Aids

24、(教学用具):A tape record 六、教学用时:40分钟七、教学过程【搭桥引线】-“新旧知识、生活体验、学科渗透”“明确目标”(搭桥)1.Greet the whole class.2、自主学习:Can you/he/she/they?Yes, I/he/she/they can.No, I/he/she/they cant.(引课):利用图片学习单词He can play the guitar.(明标)学生朗读,教学目标中的“知识与技能”,明确本节课的学习目标。【前置作业】“自主学习、合作学习、探究学习”“展示交流”1、“自主学习”通过ppt 让学生练习学习单词。a guitara

25、pianoa trumpeta violina drum(拓展延伸)a harpa flutea xylophone2.“合作学习”通过图片让学生合作学习。(1)Look and say: Can you play the? Yes, I can. / No, I cant.Can you play it well?Yes, I can. / No, I cant.2.1a-Draw lines to match the words with the pictures(3)1b-Listen and number the words 1-4 in the order of the sounds

26、 you hear in 1a.4.Pair workA: Can you play the ?B: Yes, I can. / No, I cant.A: Can you play it well?B: Yes, I can play it well./ No, I cant play it well.5.Look and say1.A: Can she play_?B: Yes, she can. 2.A: _she _?B: Yes, _. 3.A: _he play_?B: No, _, _he can play the guitar.4.A: _she play _?B:_, but

27、 she _.5.A: _?B: _ _.3.“探究学习”通过图片学习英标、新单词以及词组。 1) Listen and circle the words and phrases you hear2)Listen again. Fill in the chart with the words and phrases in 1d3)Talk about what Bill, Cindy and Frank can and cant do.A: Can Bill play the guitar? A: Can Cindy play the drums? A: Can Frank play the piano? “展示交流”学生自主学习,分组合作学习讨论,探究出结果后,教师对以上问题给小组分配任务,进行展示交流,阐述观点。教师及时给予学生指导、鼓励。【答疑解惑】“纠偏纠正、互答互补、答疑释难”“授人以渔”I want to join the art club. join:1. join in 参加(某些活动) May I join in the football game? =

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