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1、维也纳条约法公约中英文版可编辑范本Vien onventioonh Lao Treies199维也纳条约法公约TheStates Prtes to the present Cnveni,本公约各当事国,Considng thefundamental role of reati inth hisory ofternationlelations,鉴于条约在国际关系历史上之基本地位,Recogin the evrceasiimpoanceof treatie as ourc fnterntoal law n a means ofdeveloinpaceful oerton amogntions, a

2、tr thircosittonl an scasytes,承认条约为国际法渊源之一,且为各国间不分宪法及社会制度发展和平合作之工具,其重要性日益增加,Noing hat te principles of fe cnsent andof ood faithnd e pca sunt seradrul arenversalyrconized,鉴悉自由同意与善意之原则以及条约必须遵守规则及举世所承认,Affirmin tat disputencernng tratie,ikeher ntenational dsputs, sold be sttled by pacefu ean annconform

3、ity i e riiples of justi and ntenatnal aw,确认凡关于条约之争端与其他国际争端同,皆应以和平方法且依正义及国际法之原则解决之,Ralng he dterinaio fthe peoles ofth ited ations t estalish conditonsuer wichjustice nd respct fortoblitins arisingfr treaes ca be maintine,念及联合国人民同兹决心创造适当环境俾克维持正义及尊重由条约而起之义务,Higin mindth principes f nternatnal law ebo

4、ied in the Cater o the Unt Ntios, suc as e riniplesohequl ris ad elfdetermintion o peples, o te overn equality and indepnece of all Sats,fnitrferecei h dosic affaiso ttes, o theprohiton f the that o usof force and of niersl esp or,anbervance of, han rigts an dament freeoms fo all,鉴及联合国宪章所载之国际法原则,诸如人

5、民平等权利及自决,所有国家主权平等及独立,不干涉各国内政,禁止使用威胁或武力以及普遍尊重与遵守全体人类之人权及基本自由等原则elievng hat tecoiiation n prorssivevelopment o thela oftreaies aieve in e present Convenon ill omoteh pposs of the Ui Nation stforh i the Charte, amely, temaiteae of intrntionalpeae and ecrty, tedevelopmto friendly elatinandteacieent of o

6、operatin amog ations,深信本公约所达成之条约法之编纂及逐渐发展可促进宪章所揭示之联合国宗旨,即维持国际和平与安全,发展国际间之友好关系并达成其彼此合作,Afirmingthat te ruesofcustomary iteatonal law wl continueto govern qesto not lted by he provions fthepesent nvetin,确认凡未经本公约各条规定之问题,将仍以国际习惯法规则为准,Have agred asfolls:爰议定条款如下:PART I。 RODUCTIN第一编 导言Articl Scop ofthepres

7、nt Cnvention第一条 本公约之范围Te preent Cnveton aplies tteats betweentate。本公约适用于国家间之条约。Artcle sf ems第二条 用语。 r te puosesof h pesent Covntio:一、就适用本公约而言:(i) “reaty”mn an inenationalagement concuded etween State in writen fom an govered byintrnatin law, whthr emodied nangle instment o intwoor ore rlated nstrume

8、nts a whaeerit particulr designaion;(甲)称条约者,谓国家间所缔结而以国际法为准之国际书面协定,不论其载于一项单独文书或两项以上相互有关之文书内,亦不论其特定名称如何;(ii) “ratifiatin”, “ceptac”, “approval and “ceso eanneah cs the inerntionl act soname hb a tae estabishe on t enatn plae is cnsent to bond by a teaty;(乙)称批准,接受,赞同及加入者,各依本义指一国据以在国际上确定其同意受条约拘束之国际行为;(i

9、ii) “full powersns a docment mantn rm the compee uthoito aState desinati a pson r prons to reprnt theStae fngtitn,aopting r htican the ex o a tety, fr expressing thecosnt ofthSatet be un by a tety,or r accomlishig an othera wh respec t a treay;(丙)称全权证书者,谓一国主管当局所颁发,指派一人或数人代表该国谈判,议定或认证条约约文,表示该国同意受条约拘束

10、,或完成有关条约之任何其他行为之文件;(iv) “reseration”es unilaeral stamet,hver hased or named, ade by aate,hen sigin, aiyig, acepin, apovng or accding to rey, weeb it prpotsto excue o tomdify h eal effct f certain provsins f th treatyitheiraplcaton tat tte;(丁)称保留者,谓一国于签署,批准、接受、赞同或加入条约时所做之片面声明,不论措辞或名称如何,其目的在摒除或更改条约中若干

11、规定对该国适用时之法律效果;() “ngotiatingtate means a Statehic took pt in tedang u ndption of th txtof thetraty;(戊)称谈判国者,谓参与草拟及议定条约约文之国家;(v) “cnactnStte” man a Sttewhihas coened to be ound by thetrety, whether or not the tretyhared inoore;(己)称缔约国者,谓不问条约已未生效,同意受条约拘束之国家;(vii) “ay”eans a Stat wih has cnented o b bo

12、und b h taty ad fo whih traty i ifore;(庚)称当事国者,谓同意承受条约拘束及条约对其有效之国家;(ii) “thirdStt” eas a Stae no party o the treat;(辛)称第三国者,谓非条约当事国之国家;(ix) “ntenoal orgaizaton” mean an intergvernmetal ogatin。(壬)称国际组织者,谓政府间之组织。2。 Thervisios of prraph 1rgdit use oterms in th prsent Conntionare without prejdce to thse

13、 f tose tm or t he manig hich mabe gv t themin thnernal law f ny Stat。二、第一项关于本公约内各项用语之规定不妨碍此等用语,在任何国家国内法上之使用或所具有之意义。Article nterntoal agrentsno within the cope of the resentConvention第三条 不属本公约范围之国际协定The factha he rsn Conventon e ot pply t nentona grements cncuebeteenSte nd othr sujectsof intrnatonal

14、 w r ewen such other sucts of iterntioa a,or to internaion gementnt in wten orm, shalnot ffc:本公约不适用于国家与其他国际法主体间所缔结之国际协定或此种其他国际法主体间之国际协定或非书面国际协定,此一事实并不影响:() the legl forc fuh agrement;(甲)此类协定之法律效力;() thpication tthe of ny ofhe rus et forh in the presentonvntin towhchthywld b suject underintenationlaw

15、 indepenentl of teConvein;(乙)本公约所载任何规则之依照国际法而毋须基于本公约原应适用于此类协定者,对于此类协定之适用;() th applcatio f the Cenionto he relaons f tates a eween thmelves uer irnation ageementsto which othr subectsof trntinallaw re lso rtie。(丙)本公约之适用于国家间以亦有其他国际法主体为其当事者之国际协定为根据之彼此关系.Arti4 Nnretroctvty of te resentovenon第四条 本公约不溯既往

16、Wihot prejudice othe aplcat f ay uls set forh int esent Cvention twich reatis would b subecnder nernana la indendn of te Cnvntn,te onveion ppies oy to reties wc ae ncluby Saes after the er in forc o theprnt Convionwithgar to suhtats以不妨碍本公约所载任何规则之依国际法而毋须基于本公约原应适用于条约者之适用为限,本公约仅对各国于本公约对各该国生效后所缔结之条约适用之.

17、Arcle reaties contituting intnational ganiztions n treaiedopted ihn n internaonargnizaton第五条 组成国际组织之条约及在一国际组织内议定之条约Thprsent Convention applis tony treaty whi the costituet itunt of an intrnatinal oranizaion nd tany ratyaopted withi an trnatnal ogniaion wtu peji to an elvnt ule of the gaizaon.本公约适用于为

18、一国际组织组织约章之任何条约及在一国际组织内议定之任何条约,但对该组织任何有关规则并无妨碍.PT I。 CONCUSO AD EN IN FOREO TRATIS第二编 条约之缔结及生效SECTION 1. CNCLUIO OF RAIES第一节 条约之缔结Aricle 6 acity Sttesto cncud eates第六条国家缔结条约之能力Eer Stat posses cpcity t nclude treti。每一国家皆有缔结条约之能力。rticle Fullpowers第七条 全权证书1。 peronis considere as reesentng a Stae forthe

19、purose f adoptg thntcting the ext o traty forthe prose of xpressinth cnent ofe Ste o bebou by treatyif:一、任一人员如有下列情况之一,视为代表一国议定或认证条约约文或表示该国承受条约拘束之同意:(a) h oduce pprprate full powers; or(甲)出具适当之全权证书;或(b)it aeas from te raticefhe Stts cncernd r fromother circustanc th er intentiowa tocnsder t eonrerese

20、ithe tatfor sch uoend tispswih full pows。(乙)由于有关国家之惯例或由于其他情况可见其此等国家之意思系认为该人员为此事代表该国而可免除全权证书.2。 In virtef therfnctions andwihouthavigto ode f powr, h following recsidee a epresenting teirSae:二、下列人员由于所任职务毋须出具全权证书,视为代表其国家:() Heads o Sate,Hed o Governt n Minsteror Foreign Affairs, forthe purpose offormn

21、g al cts elatig t heconclusino atreat;(甲)国家元首,政府首长及外交部长,为实施关于缔结条约之一切行为;(b) headsof diplmaticmissio, for thpurpse of adopting thte ofa trybetwen te accritingState andh Stat towch ty ar acreditd;(乙)使馆馆长、为议定派遣国与驻在国间条约约文;(c) represativs acredited b States t a inernaonanfeenceor t an intenaia organatioor

22、 on f ts organs,forthpurpos of doptg the ext of a reaty in that oneence,orgnztono gn。(丙)国家派往国际会议或派驻国际组织或该国际组织一机关之代表,为议定在该会议,组织或机关内议定之条约约文。rticl 8 Subsuent firaion ofana pere iho athoriztin第八条 XX所实施行为之事后确认Aactratingto t conlusionf teat efrmed b arson who cannot be cnsidered under arte 7 as athorized

23、toresent a State for ht upos i wout lga effec lesafterwardsonfmd y hatStat关于缔结条约之行为系依第七条不能视为经授权为此事代表一国之人员所实施者,非经该国事后确认,不发生法律效果。rcle 9 dotion o the txt第九条 约文之议定 The adoption f e tet f a treat akes plae bthe osenoathetas paticiptng in ts drawing uxcept as povdedin argrp.一、除依第二项之规定外,议定条约约文应以所有参加草拟约文国家之

24、同意为之。2.The aoptnof the et o a treaty t a inenaial onfernce taes pace by t ve of tw thrdsof the tate eetad vti, unlessby hesm majrtyhey shll dcdet apl difern rue二、国际会议议定条约之约文应以出席及参加表决国家三分之二多数之表决为之,但此等国家以同样多数决定适用另一规则者不在此限。Aicle10 uhetcation of the tex第十条 约文之认证Te ttof a eys estlhe a uthenti and entive:

25、条约约文依下列方法确定为作准定本:(a) bysc prceue as may be provdedfo n the tex r age pon ythettes rtciatni its dig u;or(甲)依约文所载或经参加草拟约文国家协议之程序;或(b) failinsch cede,bthe signatue, sgnte adeferenumor iiialling by therpesenavs of hose Saes o the x of theeaty r of t FialAct a nference inorporting the xt。(乙)倘无此项程序,由此等国家代表在条约约文上,或在载有约文之会议最后文件上签署,作待核准之签署或草签。Aricl 11 ea f expreing csen tobe bound by a raty第十一条 表示同意承受条约拘束之方式Thecnsent of a State o be boby tratay e exprsed y signature,exage of instrumen cotituinga tay, atifcat

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