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1、四六级作文 四六级作文万用结构: 起:起动观点,开篇点题: 应用文:firstly,first,lastly 议论文:用有文采的,比如: First of all, in the first place, first and foremost, for one thing, on the other hand It goes without saying that 承:正面论证,解析观点:Besides, moreover, furthermore, in addition, whats more Last but not least, even worse, more important 转

2、:反面论证,与众不同: It is admittedly that, Admittedly, Nevertheless, yet, whereas=while 比较圆润 but 生硬 Instead, by comparison, by contrast, on the contrary, conversely, in comparison 合:总结归纳,画龙点睛 一篇文章至少3个表示合的词,第2,3段最后,第3段开头 Thus, hence, in brief, in short, in conclusion, in summary, to summarize, as a result, t

3、o sum up, as a consequence, in general, generally speaking. 原则:1 写的每个词必须是背过或者看过,自己编造容易错 2 想到的第一个词永远不要使用 口头作文范文04年六月范文: I am your guide from China Travel Agency. Today I am glad to be your guide. It is a great honor to stay here with all of you for a whole day. Just as the old saying goes, “it is alw

4、ays a pleasure to greet a friend from afar.” I wish all of you enjoy yourself during the trip. 第二段 The following is the time schedule. First, the Great Wall is the major attraction in this morning. Second, having lunch nearby, we will go to visit the Summer Palace in the afternoon. Last, after dinin

5、g at Night in Beijing, it is time to watch traditional Chinese performances. At 10.p.m, we will go back to Beijing Hotel. 第三段 Next, I would like to introduce the Great wall to you. It is called the Eighth wonder in the world. Built in 2000 years ago, the present relics are constructed in the Ming Dy

6、nasty. Hope you enjoy yourselves. 一共177个字,满分。第一段可以删些句子。 结构清晰,不要犯语言错误。 05年1月范文:竞选词 Chairman, chairperson, spokesman, spokesperson Today I am very glad to run for the president of the students union. My name is Li Ming and a junior student in the Department of Chemistry./Chinese language and Literatur

7、e/ 第二段 I am sure that I am qualified for this position. First, I am good at communicating and organizing. By the way, with my outstanding leadership, I have been elected president of our department several times. Second, I am warm-hearted and easygoing. Not only do my qualifications and work experie

8、nce make me a perfect candidate, my cheerful personality is well suited for the position. Last, my hobbies include sports and music. 第三段 If I am elected, I will exert all my efforts. Firstly, I will organize suitable activities. Secondly, I will try to reach your demands as well. Therefore, I do not

9、 hesitate to recommend myself as an ideal candidate. I am sure you will make a wise decision in voting for me. I hope the above information will help you to know about myself. If any of you have any questions/advice/for me/need any further information, please feel free/do not hesitate to ask at any

10、time. Thanks for your listening/attention. 写作两大原则:选词,选句,组句 一 句子原则: 1长短结合,以断句为主 长句:1520词 短句:10词 2 基本句型: A主谓I succeed,B主谓宾I love sb,C主系表is smart. D主谓双宾 I gave an English dictionary. E主谓宾补 Tulongdao makes many people selfish. 3长句写法: 张道真,薄冰语法 实用英语语法 A 并列句 and, but, while, whereas B 从句: a定语从句who, that, w

11、hich, when, where b状语从句 =副词性从句,放在句首或句尾when, where, if, because, though c 名词性从句 主语从句what, how, 宾语从句I think , 同位语从句reason, idea, conclusion, 表语从句 C非谓语动词a 动名词b分词(过去,现在分词) c不定式 D独立主格结构 Time permitting, Ill 介绍几种开头方式: 1讲述背景知识 例 人为什么越活越长? 背景知识:自1990以来,中国人的平均寿命增加了4年多 这种写法要求你们由非常丰富的课外知识: 搜集背景信息:Google 2引用法开头

12、(名人名言) 例 学校有一笔钱;买书?计算机? Sir Francis Bacon said that knowledge is the power. 知识就是力量。 要求比较高:积累了许多名人名言 注意:一定要引用贴切;要符合西方人的习惯:不要翻译中国的名人名言; 例:住校 & 住外面? 中国学生:There is famous saying: you can every kind of bird in the large forest. A proverb says, “you are only young once.” /It goes without saying that we ca

13、nnot be young forever. 3定义法开头 对你所要描述的主题作一个客观的、符合事实的定义 A is B太一般:A is defined as/understood as/referred to as B; 注意:有些抽象概念不要下定义:例如progress无法定义; 4问句法开头注意:问句分高质量和低质量 低质量: 一篇6级作文:练习英语阅读的最好办法是精读还是泛读? In order to improve our English reading capability, should we read intensively or extensively? 低质量:通过问题无法

14、看出作者的立场! 高质量:Do you know how many people die from traffic accidents every 23 minutes? 你去黄山看过日出吗?你去大海里游过泳吗?如果没有的话,你的人生是多么的不完整啊! 高质量:通过问题作者的立场非常清楚! 论证方法:如何展开论证:6种方法 1分类法 面对一个非常抽象的idea,一筹莫展时,分类法可帮你一下撒开思路; 例1:TV programs are for entertainment or education? 2举例说明法 举例原则:convincing(不一定noble):自己身上的例子最convin

15、cing; 关键是举例时的关键词:for example, for instance太普通; 推荐:take as an example, to illustrate/as an illustration, a good case /another case in point is 万能:Numerous examples can be given, but this/these will suffice. I can think of no better illustration than the following one(s). 3对比/比较法compare and contrast 例

16、:Confidence is important. 你可以用举例法:Mrs. Curie/Edison (万能论据) 总结:有了自信,你就能所有事情都成功; 1With confidence, you are to succeed in almost everything. Without(with找不到更好的反义词)confidence, you are doomed(命中注定)to(这个to是prep,+ O) failure in almost every field. 替换:without in the absence of confidence(自信缺席); “反之”:convers

17、ely, otherwise, on the contrary 5数字论证法 数据的好处:convincing; 数字可以编,不要太离谱; 编数字有技巧:95% or 94.85%?94.85%好; 本题:编数字:1500、2000都可以,但不要太离谱;编数字不难,关键是模版: 经典句型: According to the recent survey/data/figure/statistics/study by the Chinese Academy of social science On the basis of a recent survey conducted by a group

18、of outstanding scientists, statistics show that 6名家名言来论证 名人名言可以编,但要编的像样: 反例:I think where there is hope there is a way. I think错误; 技巧: An ancient Chinese sage(智者)once said 美国人不认识Chinese; 万能论据:Chinese sage换为Confucius; 替换:said remarked, claimed(子曰) A famous British/Greek sage once said ; 7经典废话模式 ANume

19、rous evidences suggest that 替换:suggest demonstrate, illustrate, indicate, show, reveal BNumerous psychological/sociological/economic studies show that CCommon sense informs us that & It accords with common sense that DBoth common sense and our experience inform us that E. It is a question both basic

20、 and profound. Conclusion结尾段写作 明确一点:无论时间多么不够,结尾一定要写完;哪怕理由少写一个 理由少一个只有你自己知道,如果你结尾没有那天下人就都知道了; 先讲一个错误的结尾: 反问式:Shouldnt we spend the money on computers? 难道我们不应该买计算机吗? 结尾要有结尾的标志: 简而言之:In a word, in short, in summary, in conclusion;to sum up, to conclude 有总结 错误:Finally:前面3个理由firstly, secondly, thirdly这里f

21、inally容易让人以为是第4个理由;in shorts穿着短裤; 结尾段的5种模式:例:买书 & 买计算机? 1最简单的conclusion:时间不够用 综上所述,我们可以得出结论。 From what has been discussed above, we can safely draw/come to the conclusion that 2缩写前面的理由 + 结尾: 如果时间还有剩余 可以总结一下前面你列举的几个理由 In summary, 投资计算机的好处有A、B、C(3个理由缩写成3个单词). 所以我认为投资于计算机好。 3让步结尾:如果时间有比较多的剩余 用让步从句把对立面说

22、一下 + 突出强调一下自己的优点 + 结尾; 当然,我们承认投资于书还是有其优点的,便宜、没电也能看。但是还是投资计算机更好:A、B、C。所以我认为投资于计算机好。 4后果性结尾 你所讨论的问题如果得不到解决将会有非常严重的后果 例:作为一个坏习惯,吸烟肯定是弊大于利的;为了你的健康,请远离吸烟。 As a bad habit, smoking will do you far more bad than good. 5展望未来 + 号召:呼吁读者采取行动 到了的时候:It is the time that we did sth. 虚拟语气 推荐:It is high time that we

23、did sth. 正是到了的时候 01年6月范文: Dear Xiao Wang, Words fail to express my excitement when I learned that you would like to spend your holiday together with me. I miss you so much that I even cannot wait to see you. I am sure that your journey will be exciting, rewarding and full of fun. 第二段 I have made a r

24、ough plan for this holiday as follows. On the first day you arrive here, I will show you around our new campus. During the second five days, we can visit some scenic spots and historical sites such as Summer Palace, the Forbidden City, the Great Wall, the Beijing Zoo. On the last day, we can do some

25、 shopping. 第三段 By the way, please take care of your luggage on the train. And do not forget to tell me when you will arrive. Best wishes, Yours sincerely, Zhang Ying 口头作文可以有35处非正式表达,比如缩写,省略句,口语表达方法 02年一月范文 Dear Mr. President, I am sophomore form the Department of law. I am writing the letter in purp

26、ose of complaining about the food and service in the canteen. To be frank, I am rather disappointed at the food quality, price and service in the canteen. First, the dishes are scarcely well cooked and most of them taste the same. Secondly, most of the dishes there are priced so high that some stude

27、nts cannot even afford them. 第三段 Thirdly, the service in the canteen is far from satisfying and the inside of the canteen always seem untidy. To solve the problem, I suggest that another canteen can be built and a mechanism of competition be introduced between the old and the new. Besides, both the

28、canteens should be subject to the students supervision. Dining is an everyday issue for students. continue It may affect their academic performance. Therefore, I sincerely hope this letter can draw your attention to the matter and I hope the problems mentioned above be solved as soon as possible. Yo

29、urs sincerely, Li Ming 05年6月范文: Sep.10th is the day that every student should bear in mind. It is the time to express our congratulations to our teachers, who have devoted most of their time and energy to us. I am writing to express my heartfelt gratitude. I am referring to that unfortunate accident

30、 the other day, when I was knocked off my bike by a taxi. 最后一段 If it had not been for my teachers timely assistance in giving me first aid, I fear that the consequence might have been much serious. Everyone agrees that it was his quick-witted response in that emergence that has led to this satisfact

31、ory outcome. continue I will repay my teachers kindness with my unselfish help to others. Although nowadays people in mounting numbers talk about the need to be unselfish, we see very few people practice what they preach. If there were more people like my teacher, this world would be a much nicer place. 双满分作文 不同类型书信常用句型总结 : 1 申请信: I am writing to /I would like to apply for. Acco

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