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1、冀教版英语七年级上教案Unit 1 School and Numbers本单元围绕认识Li Ming和Jenny,学习一些有关打招呼(Greeting)和作介绍(Introduction)的日常交际用语;通过李明和Jenny的交往,感知what,where和how many等等引导的特殊问句及名词单复数的概念;初步了解动词be的基本用法,掌握A-N14个字母的正确读音和书写。 一. 学习目标:1.学习并掌握A-N等字母的正确读音及书写。2.掌握表示“学习用具”的名词,如:book, chair, desk, pen, pencil及school,name, boy, girl,teacher等

2、,通过表达这些名词的数量,学习one, two, three, four, five等数词。3.通过对话,学会使用招呼语,学会自我介绍和介绍他人,掌握以下日常交际用语:Hello. / Hi. How are you? Im fine, thanks.Nice to meet you.This is Wang Hong, she is a girl.4.对动词be的初步认识与了解是本单元的重点语法内容。不同的人称作主语,be用不同的形式。5. 感知英语中描述物体数量时,有单、复数之分,学会本单元的几首英语歌。 二. 教学重点:1. 习惯用语及句式:Hello. / Hi.How are you

3、? Im fine.Nice to meet you.This is . Whats this? Its a / an 2. 名词复数3. 系动词be的人称变化及使用。 三. 教学难点:1. 名词复数的构成及使用。2. be的人称变化 四. 重点问题解析:Lesson 1 Hello!能用英语介绍自己的名字和询问他人的名字,理解运用my, your, his, her1. Hello. My name is Li Ming. 你好,我叫李明(1)hello一般可以作为熟人、朋友之间的打招呼用语,语气较随便,意为“你好”;也可用以引起注意,打电话或路上碰见时,都可说,用Hi来代替Hello,更显

4、得随便。Hello, Jim. 吉姆,你好。Hello, Li Lei. 李蕾,你好。(2)中国人的名字译成英语时,与汉语拼音形式相同,但只分姓和名两个部分,两部分的首字母均大写,如:Li Lei(李蕾) Han Meimei(韩梅梅)(3)My name is . 我叫用来介绍自己,如:My name is Han Mei. 我叫韩梅。可以说:Im Han Mei.2. I live in China. 我住在中国。live in +地点 住在哪里。如:I live in Tangshan. 我住在唐山。They live in Shanghai. 他们住在上海。3. Whats your

5、name? 你叫什么名字?这是特殊疑问句,用来寻问对方的名字,WhatsWhat is.即Whats 是What is 的缩写式,其答语常有三种形式。(1)My name is (2)I am (3)直接回答姓名 例如:Whats your name? 你叫什么名字?My name is Jenny. 我叫詹妮。I am Jenny.Jenny.询问第三人称姓名可以用his或her. 如:Whats her name? 她叫什么名字?Her name is Mary. 她叫玛丽。Whats his name? 他叫什么名字?His name is Danny. 他叫丹妮。Lesson 2 Ho

6、w are you?能用How are you? 和Nice to meet you. 向他人问好。学会唱“How are you? ”1. How are you? 你好吗?这是问候语,多数情况下只是问候,可以用来寻问对方身体情况。常用于熟人之间,答语为:Fine. / Im fine. / Im OK Im all right. / Im very well, and you? 如:A: How are you, Jenny!B: Fine, thanks. / Thank you. And you?A: Im fine, too. Thanks.And you 可以用How are yo

7、u? (And you 是And how are you? 的简略形式。)2. Nice to meet you! 见到你很高兴!双方经介绍后常说Nice to meet you. 这是陌生人初次见面的客套语,也可以用于双方好久未见,偶然相逢时的场合,表示一种高兴的心情,回答时一样,末尾加too, 例如:A: Hello! My name is Li Ming. Whats your name?B: Hello! Im Jim. Nice to meet you.A: Nice to meet you, too.注:too,意为“也”,副词,放于句末,前面加逗号,nice意为“高兴的”,也可以

8、用glad代替,即:Glad to meet you.3. Have a lovely day!度过愉快的一天!玩得愉快!这是一句表示祝福的话,答语为“Thank you.”或The same to you.lovely意为“愉快的”,相当于nice / good. 所以也可以说Have a nice / good day.lovely还可以作“可爱的”之意。如:a lovely boy. 一个可爱的男孩。a lovely dog. 一只可爱的狗。 Lesson 2一、 知识目标1 掌握词汇及短语:you, I,am.2 认知词汇及短语:thank, too3 表达法:How are you?

9、 Im fine. Nice to meet you.二 重点知识详解:Have a lovely day.(愿你,祝你)玩的愉快!(度过快乐的一天!)此句是表示祝福的用语,相当于 “May you have a lovely day!” (may用于祈使句的句首,表示“祝愿”。)Lovely是形容词,意思是“愉快的”。 例如: Have a lovely afternoon.原你度过一个愉快的下午。Lesson 3 Boy, Girl and Teacher掌握chair, book, desk等名词及数词15能运用What is this? 及答语Its a / an 1. This is

10、 a teacher.这是一位老师。This is 句式常有两种用法(1)在介绍给对方第三者时,即介绍别人时常用。This is +姓名或身份,在这种情况下,通常不说She is . 她是或He is . 他是,例如:This is a girl. 这是个女孩。This is my father. 这是我父亲。This is my teacher, Miss Gao.这是我的老师,高小姐。(2)This is a/ an +名词,表述这是某物品,如:This is a book. 这是一本书。This is my pen. 这是我的钢笔。注:This is 不可以缩写,“a”是不定冠词,意为“

11、一个”,用于单数名词前。2. Whats this? Its a chair.这是什么?它是一把椅子。这是一个特殊疑问句,this指代所问近处的东西,远处的则用that(那,那个),回答用it代替this或that. 例如:Whats this? 这是什么?Its a pen. 它是一只钢笔。Whats that? 那是什么?Its a chair. 它是一把椅子。3. one book, two books, three books(1)one, two, three, four, five等表达数目多少的数词,叫做基数词。(2)表示两个或两个以上时名词必须用复数形式,即一般情况下在名词后加

12、“s”,例如:one chair 一把椅子 two chairs 两把椅子one desk 一张书桌 two desks 两张书桌one book 一本书 five books 五本书chairs, desks, books就是名词的复数形式。 Lesson 4 Where?掌握名词school, classroom,并能运用Where is ? 及答语There it is.理解library 的含义 会唱“stand up, sit down”并理解歌词大意。1. Where is the school? 学校在哪儿?这是一个特殊疑问句,用来寻问某人某物在哪里,答语常用一些表示方位的词或短

13、语来回答,例如:Where is the book? 书在哪儿?Its on the chair. 在椅子上。Where is Danny? 丹妮在哪?He is at school. 他在学校。2. There it is. 它在那边。本句的正常语序本为It is there. 副词there 提前,以示强调,这样的句子在英语称为倒装句。再如:There they are. 他们在那边。另外here也常用于此句式中,如:Here it is. 它在这儿。Here you are. 给你。 【模拟试题】 一. 根据上下文或汉语提示,完成下列句子。1.Whats this?Its _ _ (书桌

14、)2.This is _ _. (男孩)3.Hello, my _ is Dany. _ your name, please?4.I have _ _(三个老师)5.Where _ the _?There she is. 二. 单项选择:( )1. Hello, Jim. How are you? _.A. Good morning, Miss Gao. B. Thank you.C. Hello, Miss Gao. D. Fine, thank you.( )2. Hi. My name is Mary. Whats your name? My name is _.A. Zhao Jian

15、guo B. Zhaojianguo C. Zhao Jian Guo D. Teacher Zhao( )3. Whats this? _.A. This is a chair. B. Im Jenny C. Its book D. Its a pencil( )4. Nice to meet you. _A. Thank you. B. Fine, how are you?C. Nice to meet you, too. D. Hello( )5. _? Its here.A. Whats this B. Wheres the teacher?C. Wheres the library

16、D. Is it here三. 从B栏中找出A栏的正确答语。A B( )1. Hello! A. Fine, thank you .( )2. Whats your name? B. Good morning.( )3. Good morning! C. Hello!( )4. How are you? D. Nice to meet you, too!( )5. Nice to meet you! E. Susan King.四. 将下列句子按正确顺序排列,使其成为一段完整的对话。A. Im fine, too. B. Good morning, Jim.C. How are you, Ji

17、m? D. Good morning, Li Lei.E. Fine, thanks. And you?正确顺序_ 五. 英汉互译:1. his name _ 2. How are you? _3. Sit down_ 4. Lets sing a song. _5. stand up_ 6. 两支铅笔_7. 我的书_ 8. 三个男孩_9. 很高兴认识你。Nice _ _ _.10. 他叫什么名字?_ his name? 他叫李磊。His name _ Li Lei.【试题答案】 一. 1. a desk 2. a boy 3. name, Whats4. three teachers 5.

18、is, girl二. 1. D 2. A 3. D 4. C 5. C三. 15 CEBAD四. BDCEA五. 1. 他的名字 2. 你好吗? 3. 坐下 4. 让我们唱支歌5. 起立 6. two pencils 7. my book 8. three boys9. to meet you 10. Whats, is Lesson 5 Whats this?Teaching contents:1. New words: pen, pencil, pencil case, marker, blackboard.2. Whats this? Its a3. How manydo you hav

19、e? Teaching aims:1. Understand the text.2. Remember the new words.3. Ask and answer about“How many?”.Key points:1. Whats this?2. How many?Difficult points: The question“How many?”and the answers.Preparation:1. Prepare some pictures of school, classroom and library.2. Bring some real things, such as

20、pen, pencil, pencil case and marker.Teaching aids: audiotape, some pictures, books, pens, pencils and markers.Type of the lesson: listen and speak.Teaching procedures:Step 1. Warming upGreet the students and review the last lesson. Ask some pairs to act out the dialogue like this: A: Whats this?B: I

21、ts a Step 2. Leading inUse real things or pictures to teach the new words. Write them on the blackboard. Play the tape for the students to follow.Step 3. PracticeEncourage the students to practice “Whats this? Its a”, using new words. Then ask some pairs to act it out, using real things or pictures.

22、Step 4. PresentationHold up three pens and say“How many?”a few times. Make sure the students understand it. Introduce in this way: How many? How many pencils?How many pencils do you have?Step 5. PracticeLet the students work in pairs. Lead them to practise like this:A: Do you have any?B: Yes, I do.

23、/No, I dont.A: How manydo you have?B: Play the tape for the students to follow. Ask some pairs to act it out. Step 7. Homework 1. Read the text and practise the dialogue.2. Finish the activity book.Step 6. SummaryReview the new words and the drill. Sum up them briefly.Lesson 6 My friendTeaching cont

24、ent:1. Letters AG.2. The ABC song.3. Introduce others: This is He /she isTeaching aims:1. Understand the text.2. Master the letters: A B C D E F G3. Sing the song.4. Master the drills.Key points: 1. The letters AG.2. This is She is Difficult points: words of the songPreparation:1. Make 26 English le

25、tter cards.2. Bring some real things, such as a book, an eraser, a pen, a pencil, a pencil case, a marker etc.3. Some pictures of fish, door, girl, boy, teacher.Teaching aids: audiotape, letter cards, picturesType of the lesson: listening, speaking and singingTeaching procedures: Step 1. Warming upG

26、reet the students by saying“Good morning! /afternoon! How are you today?”. Encourage the students to reply. Step 2. Review the drill“Whats this? Its a”and“How many?” Step 3. PresentationTell the students that English words are made up of letters and that English alphabet has 26 letters. Each letter

27、has two sizes. Generally speaking, every letter makes a sound. e.g. the letter B makes a b sound in the word book. Demonstrate Aapple, using pictures of an apple. Then present the rest letters in the same way. Play the tape for the students to follow.1. Use the cards to practise the letters and word

28、s in this lesson. Write the letters on the blackboard. The letters have arrows that show how and what sequences to make the strokes. On the blackboard, show the students how to follow he arrows to write each letter. Then let the students practise writing them.2. Work in pairs like this: A: Whats thi

29、s?B: Its A /B /an apple. Ask some pairs to act it out.Step 5. The“ABC song”1. Go over the words of the song.2. Play the tape for the students to follow.Step 6. Presentation1. Teach the meaning of the word friend and he /she.2. Point to a boy /girl and say,“This is (name). He /she is my friend. Repea

30、t it a few times. Explain the meaning if necessary.Step 7. Practice1. Play the tape for the students to follow.2. Work in pairs or groups. Practise the dialogue. Then ask some pairs or groups to act it out.Step 8. Summary1. Sum up the letters and words by showing cards and pictures.2. Sum up the way of introducing someone.Step 9. Homework1. Read the text.2. Practise writing the letters.3. Sing the song.4. Act out the dia

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