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book 1 unit4 教案.docx

1、book 1 unit4 教案Book1Unit FourText AI New Words1 wrinkledhaving or showing small folds or lines in the skin有皱纹的Wrinkled is chiefly used of a person or a persons skin, but it may also apply to certain objects that have raised folds or lines on them.Examples:a very old woman with a wrinkled facewrinkle

2、d socksShe looked over her shoulders to make sure her dress wasnt wrinkled at the back.2sicklyoften ill 常病的A sickly person is weak, unhealthy, and often ill over a long period of time, while a sick person is one who has become ill for the moment.3possessown, have 拥有,具有Possess means own or have, but

3、possess is preferred to own or have in law as implying ones having full right to something; thus, a husband and wife might say that they own a house when legally only the husband possesses it. Besides, a person possesses, not owns, a characteristic, a quality, a power, etc. Examples:He never possess

4、ed much money, but he always possessed good health.She possesses the qualities of a wise leader.4generationa single stage or step in family descent代,一代 Apart from being used of people, generation applies also to a stage of development in the design and manufacture of machines or equipment.Examples:T

5、his photo shows three generations: my parents, my grandparents and myself.When a new generation of computers comes out, the price of older ones drops dramatically.5forbear(usu. pl.)祖先6bundle(of) a number of articles tied, fastened or held together, usu. across the middle捆,束,包Examples:a bundle of sti

6、cks (that are tied together)a bundle of clothes (that are wrapped up in a cloth or sheet)He had a bundle of newspapers under his arm. The books were tied in bundles of twenty.7laundry1. clothes, sheets, etc., that need to be washed or have just been washed付洗衣物;已洗好的衣物 Examples:Theres not much laundry

7、 this week.Do you do laundry today?2. a place or business where clothes, etc., are washed and ironed洗衣房,洗衣店Examples:Theres a self-service laundry on the street corner.He works at the hospital laundry.8accumulategradually increase in numbers or amount until there is a large quantity in one place 积累,积

8、聚When you accumulate things or when they accumulate, you collect or gather them, or they increase in number or amount, over a period of time. Examples:He has accumulated a large collection of books over the last thirty years.Snow soon accumulated on the road, and the traffic was slowing down.9launde

9、rwash and iron clothes, sheets, etc.洗烫衣物Examples:Send these shirts to be laundered.Washing machines have made laundering much easier.10enduresuffer, undergo(pain, hardship, etc.)忍受(痛苦、困难等),耐住Endure usually refers to long-continued sufferings and suggests strength and firmness of mind.Examples:Its ha

10、rd to endure a toothache.I cannot endure to see children suffer. 11bless(with) 使具有,使有权得到 If someone is blessed with a particular quality or skill, they have this quality or skill which is admired or which is an advantage to them. Examples:I have always been blessed with a good appetite.He is blessed

11、 with a good ear for languages; he speaks three fluently.12beartake (responsibility, etc.) on oneself承担(责任等) Examples:The President has to bear the blame.Do the brides parents have to bear the cost of the wedding?13weddinga marriage ceremony, esp. with a party or meal after a church service婚礼14bride

12、新娘Other related words:bridegroom 新郎/bridesmaid 女傧相/best man 男傧相15stubbornness stubborn(the noun form of stubborn) 倔强;顽强 1. 顽固的,倔强的2. 顽强的,坚持的When used of people and their actions or behavior, stubborn often shows disapproval. Someone who is stubborn is determined to do what they want and very unwilli

13、ng to change their mind. Examples:Hes too stubborn to apologize.Shes as stubborn as a mule - never will she compromise. The reform policy met some stubborn resistance.Stubborn stains (污迹) can be removed using a small amount of this soap powder.16staggerhave trouble standing or walking; move unsteadi

14、ly on ones feet, esp. because one is injured, tired or drunk摇晃;蹒跚an unsteady movement of a person having trouble walking or standing摇晃;蹒跚Examples:He staggered to the door, bleeding from his wounds.He picked up the heavy suitcase and started off with a stagger.17catastrophea sudden, unexpected, and t

15、errible event that causes great suffering, misfortune, or ruin 灾难,灾祸,大祸Catastrophe is often used of an event or a situation that brings with it a violent social or political upheaval (动荡); it emphasizes the idea of an end.Examples:The flood last summer was a catastrophe.In the Greek mythology, Cassa

16、ndra was a princess of Troy who could predict catastrophes.The captains folly hastened the catastrophe.18collapse (健康等)垮掉;倒坍Collapse literally means suddenly fall down or fall inwards. When a person collapses, he suddenly falls down because he feels tired, weak or ill, or because he becomes unconsci

17、ous.Examples:The roof collapsed under the weight of snow.He collapsed in the street and died on the way to hospital.19premonition预感A premonition is a feeling that something is about to happen, often something unpleasant, even though one does not have a rational reason for believing it. Examples:My p

18、remonition was right.As we approached the house, I had a premonition that something terrible had happened.20mourn(for, over) feel and/or show grief, esp. for the death of someone; be sorrowful(对某人的亡故) 感到悲痛;表示哀悼If you mourn someone, mourn for (or over) someone, or mourn someones death, you are very s

19、ad because they have died and you show how sad you are in the way that you behave. Examples:She mourned (for or over) her child for many years.The time to mourn my fathers death is near.Mourn is also used of something that you like but you no longer have or you can no longer hope to have.Examples:I

20、mourned for the loss of my precious youth. We all mourned the destruction of the well-loved building.21faithfully(the adverb form of faithful)1. with faith忠实地 2. exactly如实地;确切地 22faithful1. loyal and true (to someone, to a cause, etc.) 忠实的,忠诚的 2. true to the facts or to an original如实的Examples:He is

21、faithful in word and deed.I am a faithful listener to your program.a faithful reporta faithful translation23puffa sudden short rush of air, smoke, etc.一阵,一股(空气、烟雾等)Examples:a puff of breezea puff of smoke24totterwalk with weak unsteady steps蹒跚,踉跄Totter usually suggests great physical weakness as tha

22、t associates with infancy, extremely old age, or disease. Examples:The child tottered across the room. The old lady tottered down the stairs.25linen亚麻(布)的亚麻布(或线);亚麻织品(床单、被单、桌布等)Linen is often used to refer to tablecloths, napkins, sheets, pillowcases and similar things made of cloth that are used in

23、 the house. Examples:a white linen towel/bed linen/table linenDont wash your dirty linen in public. (Proverb, meaning Dont discuss or argue about unpleasant personal or private things in front of other people.) 26uttermake a (sound); say发出(声音);说,讲Utter stresses the use of the voice and the act of pu

24、tting into spoken words with no emphasis on why something is said or what is said. Examples:The first sound a child utters is usually “ ma” .He uttered her name in his dream.27unload1. have (a load) removed卸(货) 2. remove a load from (something)从 . 卸下货物,卸货Examples:Have you unloaded the parcel from th

25、e car?The plane unloaded the passengers at the terminal.Their business is to load and unload aircraft.Lets unload the mule.The ship will unload tomorrow.28mumblespeak (words) unclearly in a quiet voice, without opening the mouth wide enough含糊地说,咕哝Examples:He mumbled a few words and went off.Dont mum

26、ble; I cant understand what youre saying.29sunkensunk 下陷的;凹陷的A persons face or body that is sunken seems to curve inwards, especially because of illness or old age. Examples:His cheeks are sunken.sunken eyes30recover(from) return to the usual state of health, strength, ability, etc. 痊愈,复原; 恢复Example

27、s:Shes gradually recovering from her illness.He had not yet recovered from the shock.31somewhatby some degree or amount; a little稍微,有点Examples:I was somewhat annoyed by his words.My feelings towards my hometown have changed somewhat.32inform(of, about) tell, give information to告诉,通知Examples:If you s

28、aw the accident please inform the police.I was informed about this meeting only an hour ago.I informed her that I was unwell and could not come to her party.33contributejoin with others in giving (money, help, etc.) 捐(款),贡献, 提供(帮助)Examples:We contributed clothing for the flood victims.Everyone is ca

29、lled on to contribute ideas.The new policy greatly contributed to the economic development in this region.34resumebegin (something, or doing something) again after a pause(中断后)重新开始,继续 Examples:We resumed our discussions after a short rest.Please dont resume reading the text until I tell you to.35mut

30、ter轻声含糊地说Compare mutter and murmur:To mutter means you say something quietly especailly when you are annoyed about something.When you murmur something you say it very quietly, so that not many people can hear what you are saying. Examples:The customer muttered his dissatisfaction.She muttered a few

31、words to me.I love you, he murmured as their lips met.36load一包(洗的衣服);负荷,负载装(货或人);把货物(或人)装上(车、船、飞机等)Load is used either as a noun or a verb.Examples:Your words took a load off my mind.As the eldest son of the family, he is ready to bear a heavy load of responsibility.These trucks are loaded with coal.Have you loaded the camera (with film)?If you refer to a load of something, you are referring to a large amount of it and emphasizing that it is large. Examples:Weve talked about a

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