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1、外轮理货工作英语分解船员职务及相关业务人员1.甲板部 (Deck department ) 船长 Captain / Master 大副 Chief officer / first mate 二副 Second officer / second mate 三副 Third officer / third mate 值班副 duty officer 驾助 Assistant officer 见习驾驶员 Cadet / apprentice 木匠 Carpenter 事务/管事 Purser 事务长Chief officer 报务员 Radio office 水手长Bosun 一水、舵工able

2、body seaman / AB 二水ordinary seaman / OS 海员seaman 水手sailor2.机舱部 (Engine room department ) 轮机长 Chief engineer 大管轮 Second engineer 二管轮Third engineer 三管轮 Fourth engineer 轮机助理 Assistant engineer 电机员 Electrical engineer 电工electrician 机匠长 No.1 motorman 机匠、加油Motorman/oiler 机工motor man 冷藏员 Refrigerating engi

3、neer 冷藏机工refrigerating man 见习轮机员 Assistant engineer 机舱实习生(学徒)Engine cadet 钳工 Fitter 3.业务部 (Steward department ) 大厨 Chief cook 二厨 Second cook 餐厅服务员 Mess boy 清洁工 Wiper 大台服务员 Cheef steward 小台服务员 Steward 医生Doctor 4.其它 (Others) 引航员 Pilot 代理 Agent 外代 penavico / ocean shipping agency 外供ocean shipping suppl

4、y corp 海关官员 Customs officer 水上警察 Water police 监督员 Superintendent 验船师、检验员 Surveyor 检疫官员 Quarantine officer 海岸警卫队官员 Coast guard officer 边防人员 frontier officer 商检人员 cargo surveyor 值守人员 Watch man5.理货相关人员 (Tally) 理货班长 the Chief Tally 理货员 tallyman 装卸队长foreman 装卸工人stevedore 甲板工人Deck worker 指挥手signalman / co

5、nductor /deckman6码头相关人员 (train) 装卸作业区主任 wharf manager 值班经理 duty manager 配载 planner 司机driver 调度室 dispatchers office / despatchers office 调度dispatcher / despatcher船舶结构用语洗手间toilet /lavatory / rest room 大副间shipping office cargo office/chief room理货间tally room / tally office舱盖板hatch cover 左舷port side 右舷st

6、arboard side通风口ventilator梯口 ladder hole 楼道staircase舷梯gangway舱内货灯cargo light雷达radar高频high frequency / radio甲板排水口scupper吊杆derrick甲板deck箱位slot排(贝) bay列row层tier舱内hold插座socket插头plug游艇yacht舱位 shipping space船舶操作用语长绑扎杆long lashing bar短绑扎杆short lashing bar十字形单长杆绑扎lashed with long bars single crossed 十字形双短杆绑扎

7、lashed with short bars double crossed捆绑件turnbuckle销子cone自动锁auto-twistlock半自动锁semi-auto-twistlock工具箱gear box/tool box桥锁bridge fitting榔头hammer扳手spanner/monkey wrench缆绳cable)/(mooring rope头缆forward line缆桩bitt跳板board/combination/gangplank压舱水ballast water水尺ships draft倾斜的船sloping ship打压舱水调平make upright码头操

8、作用语:联检joint inspection加载additional load退关short load/ cancel load/ shut-outs调箱shift container/change container捣箱restow container错卸misdischarge错装misload混装mixed-up stow溢卸overlanded短卸shortlanded溢over短short过境箱through container中转箱transship container预配图bay plan/ pre-stow plan积载图stowage plan/ final plan捆扎图l

9、ashing plan作业表schedule提前in advance推迟put off / delay海事报告sea protest至多at most至少at leaset换班时间shift time换班组长shifting chief tallyman上一港last port下一港next port目的港destination port目的地destination预定到港时间estimated time of arrival / eta预定离港时间estimated time of departure / etd开航时间pilot time码头设施用语:桥吊portainer 龙门吊gant

10、ry集卡truck叉车forklift拖船tug/tug boat泊位berth堆场container yard安全工作负荷 safe working load其他用语保险公司insurance company航海日志navigation log/ships log船员名单muster roll船员crew/sailor/seaman船东ship-owner废物收集garbage collection作业安全用语:警告caution注意attention小心be careful危险dangerous急救first-aid易碎品 fragile腐蚀品 corrosive易燃品 flammable

11、爆炸品 explosive海洋环境污染marine pollution放射性 radioactive救生圈life buoy救生衣life jacket救生艇life boat /crash boat安全帽safety helmet反光背心safety jacket安全网safety net系船桩bollard 灭火器extinguisher灭火水龙带fire hose消防栓fire hydrant警报alarm人行道sidewalk/pavement车行道roadway/carriageway最高潮high tide最低潮dead tide涨潮flowing tide/flood tide落

12、潮ebb tide/falling tide大潮spring tide小潮neap tide台风typhoon暴雨rainstorm雾fog打雷thunder闪电lightning呼救信号sos/save our ship晕船seasick上班on duty下班off duty上船 go on board下船get off the ship艏倾down by head艉倾down by stern前后摇摆 pitching左右摇摆 rolling跳板board/combination/gangplank理货单证用语:进口 inward 出口 outward 开始(正式) commence结束(

13、正式) complete国籍nationality残损情况 condition of damage签名signature装箱stuffing 拆箱stripping提单b/l bill of lading装箱单s/o shipping order理货员tally clerk委托方 entrusting party相对应方 counterpart件杂货break-bulk cargo分票marks assorting唛头shipping mark/mark非货舱non-cargo hold 待时stand-by time数量quantity自然箱unit/ van标箱teu单位箱unit整箱货f

14、cl full container load拼箱货lcl less than container load集装箱理箱单 tally sheet for containers日报表daily report业务凭证 tally certificate理货工作征求意见书 questionnaire on tally work集装箱残损记录 container damage record溢短残损单 outturn list for containers现场记录 on-the-spot-record场站收据 dock receipt捣载(空箱) Shifting outside The hold (Fu

15、ll)捣载(重箱) Shifting outside The hold (Empty)理货残损用语:残损列表破损broken铅封损坏Seal broken撞伤bruised铅封失落Seal missing凸出bulged out铅封脱落Seal off内容外露Content exposed粘住seized腐蚀corrosion裂开split割伤Cut 扭曲twisted损坏damage有铅封With seal变形deformed锈蚀rusty凹损dented向外膨胀Pushed out变形扭曲distorted向外压陷Pushed in破洞holed曾修补patched漏水leaking电机故

16、障Motor failure失落missing箱体部位上端梁Top member门楣Door header下端梁Bottom member门铰链Door hinge上侧梁Top side rail 箱门搭扣件Door holder下侧梁Bottom side rail箱门密封垫Door seal gasket顶部top门槛Door sill底部bottom底板floor前部front底梁Floor bearer后部rear叉槽Forklift pocket左侧版Left side 把手锁件Handle lock右侧版Right side角件Corner fitting箱门door角住Corne

17、r post理货其他用语:工残stevedores damage原残original damage对残损不负责任 no responsible for the damage由装港造成 damage caused by the previous port根据装船港数字 subject to the loading port figure根据进口舱单数字 subject to the manifest figure根据提单数字 subject to the bill of lading根据理货提供的数字 subject to the figure provided by tallymen业务准备常

18、用英语登轮阶段部分1.对不起 ,你能告诉我联检是否结束了?Excuse me, could you tell me whether the joint inspection is finished.2.请把舷梯放低点,我们好踏上舷梯。Please put it down a little bit, so that we can step on the gangway.3.舷梯太高了,请放底些。 The gangway is too high.Will you please lower it a little bit?4.把舷梯再往下放一点。 Lower the gangway a little

19、 more.5. 请把舷梯放下来一点好吗?Would you lower the gangway a little bit please?6.放下右/左舷硬梯,固定好扶手栏杆和舷梯下的安全网。 Lower the starboard / port gangway, secure guardrail and fix the safety net under the gangway7.舷梯约在水面上两米。The pilot ladder is about two meters above the water. 8.放下/收上右/左舷的舷梯。Lower/pick up the gangway on

20、starboard /port side.9.根据码头规定,你们必须在卸船前首先装好舷梯安全网。 According to the dock regulations, you must fix up a safety net around gangway first before discharging.10.请在那里放一块跳板,并装好安全网,舷梯与码头间的空隙太大, 如果不这样的话,上船太危险了。Please put down a board here, and fix up a safety net around it. For the space between gangway and

21、the dock is so wide; If not to do so, it will be dangerous to go on board.11.理货组长,还有理货员在船上吗?先生,没有人在船上了;还有,请把舷梯放低点好下去,谢谢。Chief tallyman, is there any tallyman on board?Sir, no body is on board.furthermore,please lower the gangway a little bit so that I can get off the ship, thank you.登轮询问部分1.你是代理/理货吗

22、?请登记你的证件。我是外理,这是我的证件,好的。Are you agent / tallyman? Please write down yourpermit cardnumber in the logbook.I am a tallyman, its my permit card, with pleasure.2. 我是外理,理货间在哪里啊? 请带我过去。/ 你能带我去吗?I am a tallyman, where is the tallyroom? Please take me there./ Can you show me?3. 大副间在什么地方?你能带我去吗?沿着走廊,你可以找到楼梯间

23、傍边的电梯,到2楼后左拐,大副间就在尽头Where is the ship office / Wheres the chief officers cabin ? Can you take me there?Go along the corridor, you will find an elevator near the stair case, after getting to the 2nd floor, turn left ,you will find the ship office at the end.沿着走廊走,在你右手边。Go along the corridor and its o

24、n your right side.4.现在开始集装箱装船/作业,能否提供一间办公室让我们使用? Now the loading vans are beginning. Could you please offer one office for us.5.请这边走 Please go this way6.感谢你为我指路。Thank you for directions业务询问部分1.你好,大副。我是理货组长,我想与你谈谈关于卸货的情况,你有空吗How do you do? Chief officer. Im chief tally. Id like to talk with you about

25、 unloading the containers. Are you free now?你能把船上积载的情况向我介绍下吗?Would you please introduce me something about stowage on board?2.贵船装有多少整箱和拼箱?在装货港或航行中有集装箱残损?How many FCLs and LCLs are there on board? And was any of the containers damaged at the loading port during the voyage?3.贵船有多少箱位?这次在厦门卸多少箱?计划装多少箱?H

26、ow many TEUs are there in your ship?How many containers will be discharged in Xiamen and how many do your plan to load?4.我想和你谈谈装船的事 Id like to talk with you about loading.5.这航次我们要装多少空箱/重箱How many empty / full vans shall we carry this time6.我发现船上有不少过境货,不知抵港前是否有移动过?I found there were a lot of through

27、containers on the ship. I dont know whether they had been shifted before the vessel reached Xiamen port7.船上有230个集装箱是过境货。 There are 230 containers for through cargo8.在*装船时,有部分箱子的位置发生了变动,所以原来船图上用颜色区分的箱位已经不准确,只能做参考The locations of part of containers had been at *.Therefore ,the locations of the plan differentiated by colours are not correct.Just for your reference卸船时请注意Please pay more attention to it.9.如果发现有残损箱,铅封脱落的集装箱,务必通知值班副验看,否则我将不予签证If any damaged containers and containers seal off, you must inform the duty officer to inspect it

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