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1、广东省高考英语写作技巧与范文高三英语写作辅导材料“读写任务”专题指导一、 常用文章开头、展开及结尾的句式: 1. Summary: 1).In this passage, the writer (author) explains/writes about. 2).The passage/article points out/presents/states/compares/introduces/mainly tells us. 3).We can learn from the passage that. 4).The passage tells us a story of., who. . T

2、hrough the story, the author presents an idea that. (记叙寓意) 5).As can be learned from the passage,6).The passage compares the benefits of A with B. Some argue in support of A, believing that., while others prefer B, stating that.(议论文) 7).The writer sets some examples to tell us2. 过渡句: 1).I cant agree

3、 more with the author. 2).I agree with what is presented above. 3).The view sounds right /reasonable but it is hardly practical.(议论文) 4).Personally, I prefer . 5).Different people have different opinions on this point. Some.,. Others. (两种观点) 6). In my opinion, it is right for sb. to do. 7). This sto

4、ry reminds me of an accident that I witnessed. 8). Another example that jumps into my mind is. 9).I have a similar (the same) experience. 10).What Peter did reminds me of a story that happened two years ago.(记叙文)3. 结束段(句): 1).In conclusion/short/brief,. 2).As is stated above, sth.has both advantages

5、 and disadvantages. My opinion is that.(呼应文章主题或标题) 3).In a word, we have to strike/achieve a balance between A and B. Only if/when/after/by/in., can we do.(谈论两种事物时常用) 4).From what has been discussed above, we may safely draw the conclusion that. 5).Taking all the above-mentioned factors into conside

6、ration,.4. 解题技巧:A. 标题:一般要有,07高考写信没法再拟标题。要求要写标题的而没写会扣分。(1)标题是整篇文章的标题,不可写在summary之后;(2)实词首字母大写,如How to Educate Children, My View on Happiness; (3)标题要准确简练,能体现文章内容有一定的文学性,尽量避免使用罗嗦的长句。能用格言谚语作标题尤佳;(4)两个“万能”标题: An Unforgettable Experience; My View on;(5)注意文章的要求,如果是以“Is Failure a Bad Thing”为标题,就只能用这个;如果以它为主

7、题,可自拟标题。B. 概要:信息获取与加工的过程,读和写的过程。(1)定文体:指阅读材料的文体(下同);(2)定时态:原文过去时,转述也用过去时;现在时则仍然用现在时;(3)定人称:一般用第三人称,特殊情况(如:书信)可能用第二或第一人称;(4)找主题:读短文,划关键词和关键句,即文中反复出现的一些词和段首(尾)主题句;(5)定意图:根据关键词句弄清作者的写作思路和观点态度;(6)写概要:开门见山,高度概括句,使用概括性语言,省略细节、重复内容和事例;注意衔接;千万不要把考生自己的观点写在概要里。C.主体写作:提出自己观点-论证-总结。重心在论证,记叙文描述个人经历,稍加个人思想。重点该放在记

8、叙部分;夹叙夹议要求事例作为论据,非全文重心,是用来支持论点的。(1)自然过渡:应使用过渡句,以使概要部分和主体部分衔接自然;(2)展开观点:围绕写作要求里的要点,防止跑题,注意句与句、段与段之间的衔接,最好使用演绎法,即每段开头使用总起句,以使阅卷老师知道你想表达的内容,注意选用自己熟悉的词汇和句型,时态意识,主谓一致,慢写防拼写错误;(3)简单总结:画龙点睛,完整性加强,名言尤佳。D.检查:(1)词-名词单复数,主谓一致,时态语态,非谓语动词,单词拼写等;(2)句-句型结构,短语搭配等;(3)篇-句子之间的连接词,段落之间过渡;(4)标点符号。二、关于概括:1、概括的要求: 简洁明了,主题

9、突出。概括可采用总分的形式,即第一句话是主题句,清楚明白地告诉了读者文章的写作目的(这句话举足轻重),后面的句子对主题句进行解释和支撑,主题之外的内容要毫不吝啬地予以删除。2、概括的方法:1)、使用意义相同或相近的单词、短语或句式,或使用不同的句子结构表达同一意思,如改变语态、肯定变否定等,避免抄袭原文句子。2)、议论性或论说文,概括时则要尽可能客观简要地转述阅读材料的观点。 概括对方观点首先是要转换视角,即以“第三人称”或“无人称”来概括。3)、如果给的阅读材料是一则故事,应该用最简练的语言来说明故事讲述了什么,不能拖泥带水讲细节。原文含寓意时,最好讲出故事给你的启示或其中的一个道理。4)、

10、如果是说明性或描述性短文,就必须用概括性的文字说明一现象。3、概括的写作步骤:1)、寻找关键词。文章的关键词可结合“写”的任务中的“就”主题发表自己的看法的要求来确定。如,要求你“以约120词谈谈你理想的大学生活”,那么所阅读的文章的主题词就应是“college/university life”。2)、确定主题句。文章的主题句首先可通过所给阅读材料的标题来确定,阅读材料的标题即是文章的论点或主题句。没有标题的文章,我们就尤应注意议论文、夹叙夹议文和说明文的第一段(总起段)和最后一段(总结段),或每一段的第一句或第二句(总起句)和最后一句(总结句)。没有主题句的需要自己组合。3)、重构主题句。概

11、括的主题句要归纳总结性强,能涵盖后面所有的支撑句的内容。4)、重组支撑句。支撑句的意义在逻辑上受制于主题句,可以是补充过程或者提供证据。4、概括的形式:“主题句+支撑句” 即“主题+主题的什么”。文体主题句支撑句议论文文章论点(一句)文章论据(两三句)记叙文故事的写作目的/ 主题(一句)故事大意(两三句)说明文说明的对象/ 观点/ 现象解释/ 分述5、概括的常用句式:记叙文: “主题+故事简述”,其主要句型为:The story tells /emphasizes /focuses on the importance/ necessicities / advantages, disadvant

12、ages, reasons, ways, ideas, 议论文: “主题/论点+论据”,其主要句型为:论点/主题:The article mainly conveys the idea /discusses the problem/ reasons/ways/ideas, importance/effect/focuses on the idea/ tells us the fact that 论据:For example, /such as说明文: “主题+解释/分述”,其主要句型为:主题:This article points out/ talks about/tells about th

13、e common phenomenon that 解释/分述:for example,三、在“读写任务”中如何概括大意读写任务属于具有一定开放性的写作命题,它要求学生先通读一篇短文,然后用30字左右概述短文的大意,再按要求进行作文。不少学生在概括短文大意这一环节就觉得难以下笔,据了解,困难之处包括: (1)缩不短;(2)抓不住重点;(3)不知道哪些内容该删减;(4)概括不全面。针对以上问题,第一步,先向学生介绍概括大意常用到的几种方法:1. 综合归纳法 如写事的文章。记叙文一般包含有时间、地点、人物和事件(主要经过)四要素。找出文中的四要素,并合理组织它们,这就是主要内容。 (如果有故事的启示

14、,要再加这一要素。)2. 段意归并法把每段的段意分主次连起来,就是文章的主要内容。 3. 抓重点词句(中心句、中心段或过渡段)有些文章结构上的总起句、过渡句、总结句或内容上的中心句结合起来就是文章的主要内容。 4. 取主舍次法即重点归纳法有时一篇文章,其重点部分十分突出,而全文的主要内容就在其中。因此,只要抓住这个重点部分的段落大意,再加上一些必要的补充交代,全文的主要内容就归纳出来了。 第二步,在以上四种方法中确定一种方法,通过不同难度和不同体裁的文章,让学生熟练掌握方法的技巧,做到归纳准确全面。我选定了“段意归并法”,因为高中学生接触的英语文章多数层次较分明,各段意思较独立。 文章(一)如

15、下,这篇文章在语言理解方面难度较低,可以使学生集中注意力于大意的揣摸上。Learning to study is not difficult. The first thing to remember is that you must be willing to learn. It doesnt mean that you must always like the subject. It does mean, however, that you must be willing to learn whatever is necessary. Try to understand why it is

16、important and how it will help you now and later. Knowing mathematical facts will be useful in your whole life. Knowing how to spell words makes any kind of writing easier. Sometimes the subject that you think is going to be uninteresting will be attractive when you begin to work on it. Learning thi

17、ngs can be fun if you can try your best.Heres some advice for you. Have a certain time each day and a quiet place with good lighting for study, so that you can concentrate on your study without interruptions. Have everything ready before you sit down to study, a dictionary, paper, a pen and books. B

18、e sure you understand what you should learn before you start. Read carefully and pay special attention to the most important things. When memorizing, find out the main parts and then recite the whole thing. Check your homework after you finish it. Never forget the importance of review and preview.该短

19、文分为两个自然段,第一段的第一个句子提出观点:Learning to study is not difficult. 第一段的其余部分都是在阐述分析该观点的前提条件。于是,在这一部分提炼主要意思并用if连接起来就是第一自然段的段落大意:The writer tells us that learning to study is not difficult if we are willing to learn and enjoy it. 第二段非常明显,第一个句子即是本段的主题句。其余部分是具体内容,应删减。但应提醒学生不可照搬,应该用自己的语言换一种说法,如:He also gives us a

20、dvice on how to learn well.然后把两个自然段的大意归并一起,得出短文的大意:The writer tells us that learning to study is not difficult if we are willing to learn and enjoy it. He also gives us advice on how to learn well.最后,在概括准确、全面的标准上,学生可以互相交流,感受多种表达,比如:In the authors opinion, if you are willing to learn and try your bes

21、t, youll find learning not difficult but fun. And some suggestions are put forward to help us to learn well. (33 words) 接下来,以相同的阅读、分析、思考、概括(分段概括后合并)的过程让学生学习如何概括语言理解程度深一点的文章,如以下选择的文章(二): Many people go to school for an education. They learn languages, history, geography, physics, chemistry and maths.

22、 Others go to school to learn a skill so that they can make a living. School education is very important and useful. Yet no one can learn everything from school. A teacher, no matter how much he knows, cannot teach his students everything they want to know. The teachers job is to show his students h

23、ow to learn. He teaches them how to read and how to think. Much more is to be learned outside school by the students themselves. It is always more important to learn to study by oneself than to learn every word from the book. Great scientists, such as Einstein, Newton and Galileo, didnt get everythi

24、ng from school. But they were all so successful. The reason for their success is that they knew how to study. They worked hard all their lives, wasting not a single moment. They would ask many questions as they read and they did thousands of experiments. (概括范例: People can get knowledge and skills at

25、 schools. However, teachers job is not to teach students everything but to teach them self-study. Many great scientists succeeded because they knew how to self-study and use knowledge in practice. ) (36W) 让学生接触学习概括语言理解程度更深的文章,如以下选择的文章(三): The UK is currently in the early stages of introducing a Nati

26、onal Identity Card scheme(制度). A debate concerning the issue is going on across the country. Those in favor think that it benefits the society. Identity cards will help to fight crime, terrorism, and fraud. If the police are able to check rapidly the identities of the people near a crime scene, thei

27、r investigation will be both quicker and effective. It benefits the user as well. We need to establish that people are who they claim to be. Identity cards provide additional security in a modern society.Those who are against hold the view that introducing identity cards would threaten one of the mo

28、st important rights of any man and woman-the right of privacy. A widely used identity card allows the state to watch closely the movements of its citizens. Identity cards for specific purpose (e.g., driving licenses) are permissible because these are limited and essentially voluntary. A compulsory u

29、niversal card is not. It is inconvenient as well. It is unreasonable to expect people to carry a specific card at all times-sunbathing at the beach, dancing at a club etc. Perhaps worse, failure to present your card when asked could bring you in unnecessary trouble. (概括范例:The UKs National Identity C

30、ard scheme has caused a debate. Supporters believe it will make the country safer and users easier to trust each other, while opponents worry it will threaten peoples privacy and bring people inconvenience and trouble.) (39 words) 经过方法指导和循序渐进的训练,学生对“无从下手”的“30词概括大意”逐渐感到可以操作,并喜欢上这种文段文字处理,且从中获得写作的动力和满足

31、感。四、概括短文的方法 “任务型写作”的第一个要求就是对短文进行概括,它是一个获取信息、加工信息的过程,需要严谨的思维和准确的表达能力,而且要使用自己的语言来表达。因此,“概括短文的内容”,实际上就是客观简要地转述作者的论点、论据和结论。根据不同文体,我们把它归纳为“主题句+支撑句”的概括模式。不同文体,它的概括模式略有区别:文体主题句支撑句议论文论点(概括性的)补充论证的论据。(对立观点式论据的补充是并列关系,句子间多用whilehowever等:批驳观点式论据的补充是递进关系,句子间多用whats morein additionbesideswhats worsemoreover等;现象评

32、论式论据的补充需要现象重点方面的多面性。记叙文叙述要素(时间、地点、人物、事情的过程和结果)记叙的中心(升华故事内涵的句子)。短文里没出现揭示规律或主观感受的内容不得发表自己的观点。说明文说明的对象对象的原因或对象的说明(尽量把不同的信息点合并起来)例题1(对立观点式的议论文):We all love new inventions. They are exciting amazing and can change our lives. But have all these developments really improved the quality of our lives? Picture

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