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1、一些英国国家卫生部的怀孕知识1、The first three months of pregnancy2、The middle months of pregnancy3、The final months of pregnancy4、Eating well for pregnancy5、Common health problems during pregnancy6、Fatherhood: the birth and beyond7、Post-pregnancy exercise8、Exercise in pregnancy9、Giving birth in hospital: what to

2、packThe first three months of pregnancyThese 12 weeks are full of changes to your body and lifestyle. Heres whats happening.Pregnancy lasts around 40 weeks and is sometimes divided into three stages called trimesters, each lasting around 13 weeks.Weeks 1 to 4YouYour pregnancy is dated from the first

3、 day of your last period, although conception usually takes place about two weeks after that, around the time that you ovulate (release an egg). In the first four weeks of pregnancy, you probably wont notice any symptoms. The first thing most women notice is that their period doesnt arrive.To work o

4、ut when your baby is due, see the due date calculator in Useful links.Your babyThe cells of your fertilised egg are multiplying quickly, and the bundle of cells implants in your womb lining around five to seven days after the egg is fertilised by a sperm.Tip: routine dental work is free during your

5、pregnancy and for the first year of your babys life. Your gums may become more sensitive when youre pregnant, so its especially important to visit at this time. Weeks 5 to 8YouBy week eight youll probably have missed your second period, although a little bleeding occasionally occurs around weeks six

6、 to eight. Always mention any bleeding to your midwife or GP, particularly if it continues and you get stomach pain.Your womb has grown to the size of an apple, and pregnancy hormones are filling your body. Youre probably feeling exhausted. Your breasts might feel sore and enlarged, and youre peeing

7、 more often.You might have morning sickness (which can happen at any time of the day). Most women feel better by week 14, but here are a few tips to help you until then. Have a drink and a plain biscuit before you get up. Ginger often helps, so try ginger biscuits or tea. Take sips of cold, fizzy wa

8、ter. Some women find it helpful to wear acupressure travel bands on their wrists. You can get these from a pharmacy. They dont contain any medication. They work by putting pressure on a certain point on your wist. If the sickness is really bad and you cant keep any food down, talk to your midwife or

9、 doctor.Your babys organs are forming now, so if your work involves contact with chemicals, such as in a dry cleaning shop, tell your employer that youre pregnant so that they can give you alternative jobs to do.Your babyThe baby grows to the size of a grape during weeks five to eight, and the spine

10、 begins to form. Small buds appear, which will develop into limbs, and the tiny heart is beating. From week eight, your baby is no longer called an embryo but a foetus, which means little one.Tip:chronic tiredness is common in the early months, but it will go. Dont fight it. Take a rest for 15 minut

11、es whenever you get the chance. Weeks 9 to 12YouDuring this time, your breasts will have grown, and youll need a bigger bra. You may also find that your emotions vary greatly: you feel happy one moment, then sad. Dont worry, these emotions will calm down when your hormones settle.If you havent seen

12、your midwife yet, contact her for your booking-in appointment. This should take place at around eight to 12 weeks, but it varies depending on where you live. Again, the timing will depend on the area in which you live, but you might be offered your first ultrasound scan between week 10 and week 14.Y

13、our babyEven if you cant see a bump yet, your baby is fully formed. He or she is about 7cm (two-and-three-quarter inches) long. Fingernails and toenails are starting to appear and, if the baby is a boy, hes already producing the male hormone, testosterone.Tip: eat and drink little and often. Small a

14、mounts will probably be easier to keep down.Tip: if youre feeling dizzy and shaky, it could be because your pregnancy hormones are interfering with the insulin that controls blood-sugar levels, and being sick makes it worse. Keep up your blood sugar by eating small, healthy snacks, such as a piece o

15、f wholemeal toast or a banana, every few hours.If miscarriage happensMost miscarriages happen in the early days and weeks, and one in six pregnancies miscarry before 12 weeks. Its devastating to lose a baby, and youll need time to grieve, just as you would after the loss of anyone close to you.Remem

16、ber that most people who have a miscarriage go on to have a normal, healthy pregnancy. Try to talk about your feelings with your partner and your family and friends.The Miscarriage Association(in Useful links) can give you information, and can put you in touch with other women whove had miscarriages

17、. Call the helpline on 01924 200799 (Mon-Fri 9am-4pm).The middle months of pregnancyThese middle months of pregnancy, after around week 12, are the most enjoyable for many women. The sickness stops and your energy returns.Pregnancy lasts around 40 weeks, and is sometimes divided into three stages ca

18、lled trimesters, each lasting around 13 weeksWeek 13 to 16YouSome women start to feel sexy around this time, probably due to the extra hormones and increased blood and fluid in the pelvic area. Dont worry if you dont, as some pregnant women go off sex completely.Youll notice a small bump developing

19、as your womb grows and moves upwards. If youve felt a desperate urge to urinate over the last few months, its because your womb was pressing on your bladder. This should now ease off.If you notice any pain when you urinate, see your doctor. Urinary infections can happen in pregnancy, and its importa

20、nt to treat them quickly because they can cause low birth weight or premature birth.Your babyYour baby may only be tiny, about 16cm to 18cm (6in to 7in) long, but theyre already twisting, turning and kicking.Tip: if you dye your hair, the results may be unpredictable. This is because your hair may b

21、e more porous than normal, which can affect the way it reacts to hair products. Weeks 17 to 21YouYoure halfway there. During this time, youll probably feel the baby move. Most first-time mums notice the first movements at between 18 and 20 weeks.You may notice your skin becoming drier or smoother, a

22、nd your nipples get darker. You may develop a dark line down the middle of your chest and stomach. Normal hair loss slows down, so your hair may look thicker and shinier.Depending on where you live, you may be offered a second scan at around week 20. If you want to know the sex of your baby, and the

23、 hospital is prepared to tell you (some dont), this scan can identify the sex.Your babyYour baby is growing faster that at any other time in its life. The body gets bigger, making the head and body more in proportion, and the face begins to look more human. Hair, eyelashes and eyebrows are beginning

24、 to grow, but the eyes stay closed. Your baby has its own individual fingerprints now that the lines on the skin of the fingers have formed. Tip: to avoid puffy feet and ankles, rotate your feet on your ankles when sitting down, and avoid crossing your legs. Put your feet up whenever you can. Weeks

25、22 to 26YouYour bump is growing, youre gaining about 450g (1lb) a week, and your heart has enlarged to cope with the extra blood circulating around your body.If you get stretch marks on your stomach, breasts and thighs, youll probably notice them now. At first, they look red and then fade to silver-

26、grey, although they never disappear completely. Dont be alarmed if your breasts start to leak a little pre-milk. This is normal.Your babyThe baby weighs about 450g (1lb), has very fragile, wrinkled skin, and not much body fat. Although the organs are quite mature by 24 weeks, and the brain is growin

27、g rapidly, the lungs are still developing to prepare for breathing. At around 22 weeks, your baby becomes covered in a fine, soft hair called lanugo. This is thought to keep the baby at the right temperature.Tip:exercise your pelvic floor muscles to prevent stress incontinence (which means you cant

28、control your wee stream) after the birth. Squeeze the muscles you would use to stop yourself peeing, hold for 10 seconds then relax. Do this in sets of 10 at a time, regularly throughout the day.Tip:piles (haemorrhoids) are a common problem during pregnancy. Avoid constipation by drinking plenty of

29、water and eating lots of fruit and vegetables. Dont take laxatives without consulting your midwife or GP.Did you know?Tell your doctor or midwife if, at any stage of pregnancy, you get: flashes before your eyes, itchy or very swollen hands or feet, pain in your pelvis, abdomen or legs, nausea and vo

30、miting that doesnt stop, or bleeding. Some women start snoring for the first time when theyre pregnant because the extra oestrogen makes the mucous membranes in their nose swell, causing congestion. This should stop after the birth. Skin may be extra sensitive to the sun during pregnancy, so use a s

31、un protection factor (SPF) cream of at least 15, and stay out of the sun during the hottest part of the day.The last months of pregnancyYoure around 27 weeks pregnant and in the final stages. Heres whats happening.Watch a video of a caesarean birth, and hear an obstetrician and new mum talk about th

32、e surgeryWeeks 27 to 29YouYou may get heartburn, and its probably becoming hard to eat large meals as your baby grows and takes up some of the space where your stomach normally is.You may have swollen face, hands or feet. It might be caused by water retention, which is normal (try resting, and lifting up swollen feet to ease it). But mention any swelling to your midwife or GP so that they can take your blood pressure and rule out a condition called p

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