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2A Module 3 Unit 1 In the childrens garden2AM3U1教案.docx

1、2A Module 3 Unit 1 In the childrens garden2AM3U1教案Teaching planSchool: Expermental School Attached to Fengxian Teachers College of Education.(奉教院附小)Teacher: Pan Qing(潘青)Subject:2A Module 3 Unit 1 In the childrens garden.教材单元分析1 学生情况分析三个班都是我从一年级就接任的班级,学生上课表现欲强,积极举手,整个班级学习气氛都较活跃。对于字母的学习,一年级就教了,所以掌握情况良

2、好,现已开始拼背单词。存在主要问题为:1.因为字母教的早,所以写的不耐心,出现潦草现象。2.后进生学的比较吃力,因为内容设计的较难,好学生学到的很多,差生学的吃力。2 教材分析本单元主要教学单词slide,swing,seesaw句型What can you see I can see What colour is it?-Its. 通过词与句的整合,让学生运用所学词汇来描述在儿童游乐园看到的东西以及颜色。学生之前已学句型:What do you see?/What colour is it?本单元在对这些内容稍作复习的基础上,引出单词、句型的教学,并通过新旧句型的整和,编成简短的对话作为语言

3、训练的重点。为了培养学生连续说话的能力,可整合旧句型I can see Its 进行语言训练.3单元教学目标分析知识与能力:(1) 四会单词:slide,swing,seesaw(2) 能正确听读并表达句型:What can you see I can see What colour is it?-Its.(3) 能表演对话, 并掌握句型: What can you see I can see What colour is it?-Its.(4) 能听说读写26个字母过程与方法(1) 通过教师的引导,能自编简单的儿歌来学习运用新单词。(2) 通过同桌对话、小组表演等形式培养学生英语表达交流能力

4、。(3) 通过让学生做小调查,培养学生用英语交际的能力。情感态度与价值观 (1)关注学生情感,努力营造宽松和谐的教学氛围,激发学生学习英语的兴趣,在合作活动中互助共进。 (2)培养学生在大众面前大胆描述自己或对方的能力。4 教学策略分析(1)循序渐进,由易到难,逐步推进,增加所学知识的再现率。(2) 面向全体学生,切合学生的现状,力求满足不同类型和不同层次学生的需求,使每个学生获得不同程度的发展。(3)加强对学生学习方法的指导, 体现学生发展为本的教学理念,关注学生语言学习的整个过程,将新旧知识整合,单词教学和句型教学整合,鼓励学生说多句,培养学生连续说话的能力。(4)采用TPR全身反应法,调

5、动学生多种感官,唱一唱,听一听,说一说,画一画,小组之间做做小调查,激发学生的参与性与主动性。.教学实录(3课时)Period 1TitleLook and learn Look and say review the lettersAimsBasic aims 1.Knowledge objectives: a. Learn to read and use the words:slide,swing,seesaw b. Learn to say: What can you see? c. Review the letters: 2. Ability objectives: a. Using k

6、ey patterns and adjectives to desribe what have you see e.g. I can see. b. Pronuncing and writing of the letters Aa-Zz3. Emotional objectives: Help the students build their self-confidence in English learningMain points1. Listening and Pronouncing the key words correctly : slide,swing,seesaw2. Using

7、 key patterns and adjectives to desribe peoplee.g. Im 3. Pronuncing and writing of the letters Aa-Zz.Difficult points1. Using the correct adjectives to describe peoplee.g.What can you see? I can see_.Teaching aidsMulti-mediaProceduresStepContentsMethodsPurposePre-task preparation1.GreetingHi/Hello/

8、GoodHow are you?T-S S-SGood morning,*.Good afternoon,*.Hi,*. How are you today? How old are you? How do you do?Are you.?通过师生,生生问候及问答,复习旧知并进入学习状态。2.Revison 1. read the letters2. Play the flash快速反应,认读字母。While-task procedurePost-task activities1.Guess2. Weather3.Activies 4.What can you see?5:slide6 swi

9、ng7.seesaw1.T:Hi, boys and girls.Im short and fat.I can fly. I can run.My head is big.My mouth is big,too.But my nose is small.Who am I?S: Are you? Elicit : Dolamon2.T:How is the weather?Sunny, sunny, its a sunny day.The sun is big.The sun is hot.Elicit :Let go to the childrens garden. 2. T: What ca

10、n you do? S: I can_. T: What can you see?S: I can see_. S-Sa. Look there,What can you see? Elicit:slidePlay on the slideRhyme:Slide, slide,I can see a slide.Slide, slide.I can play on the slide.B-R, G-R T-RLook there,What can you see? Elicit:swingTake on the swingRhyme:What can you see?I can see a s

11、wing.Swing,swing.Take on the swing.Look there,What can you see? Elicit:seesawRhyme:Seesaw, seesaw,I can draw a seesaw.Seesaw, seesaw,I can sit on the seesaw.Slide, slide, play on the slide.I can play on the slide. Seesaw, seesaw, sit on the seesaw.I can sit on the seesaw.Swing, swing, take on the sw

12、ing.I can take on the swing. Slide, slide, play on the slide.I can play on the slide. So happy!Seesaw, seesaw, sit on the seesaw.I can sit on the seesaw.So great!Swing, swing, take on the swing.I can take on the swing.So fun!用猜谜的形式,吸引学生认真读儿歌,用已学的句型提问,复习前几个单元的知识。一年级的内容,也是旧知识的融入。情景引入。情景提问,为信内容铺设基础。先操练

13、句型。由句型引出新授单词,三个单词操练方法较详尽,融入字母,单词拼写,组成词组,汇成儿歌。新课 标第 一网整合成一个大的儿歌,加入一些情感词语,培养学生情感价值观。Assignment1. Listen and Read P262. Copy the new words要求学生模仿磁带中的语音语调朗读。板书设计M3U1 In the childrens gardenSlide swing seesawWhat can you see? I can see_.教学反思(建议从目标反思、过程反思、效果反思、改进意见等方面反思)Period 2TitleLook and say Ask and an

14、swer Review the lettersAimsBasic aims 1.Knowledge objectives: a. Learn to read and use the words:slide,swing,seesaw b. Learn to say: What can you see? c. Review the letters: d. Ask and answer:What can you see? I can see_. What colour is it ? Its _.2. Ability objectives: a. Using key patterns and adj

15、ectives to desribe what have you see e.g. I can see.Its. b. Pronuncing and writing of the letters Aa-Zz3. Emotional objectives: Help the students build their self-confidence in English learningDeveloping aims Learn to say: I can see Its .Main points1. Using the key patterns to respond appropriately

16、e.g. What can you see? I can see.2. Using wh-questions to communicate with other people e.g. What colour is it? Its .3. Pronuncing and writing of the letters Difficult points1. Using key patterns and adjectives to desribe people What can you see? I can see.2. Using the key patterns to respond approp

17、riately e.g. What colour is it? Its .Teaching aidsMulti-mediaProceduresStepContentsMethodsPurposePre-task preparationWarming up:Big lettersSmall letters字母的趣味性练习Review 通过卡通人物自我介绍,复习旧知识,使旧知识的复习有趣味性。While-task procedurePost-task activityLook and sayRead and actReview:What can you do?I can_.You can_.Wah

18、t can you see?.What colour is it?.S:1. Look at the picture and say the words. 2.Read the words 3.Read the phraseThrought what does Dolaemon say to review the new words. Hello, Im Dolaemon. I like the childrens garden. I can see a slide. I can see a swing. I can see a seesaw. How happy!Slide, slide,

19、play on the slide.I can play on the slide. So happy!Seesaw, seesaw, sit on the seesaw.I can sit on the seesaw.So great!Swing, swing, take on the swing.I can take on the swing.So fun!Invite someone to readBoys , girlsGroupT: What can yo do ?S1:I can _.S2:You can _.What can you see?I can see a slide.W

20、hat colour is it?Its blue.(deskmate) one ask and on answerA:What can you see?B:I can see a _.A:What colour is it?B:Its_.用油趣味性的人物介绍来复习上节课新学的知识。带上动作,逐级操练这个对话。复习旧知,为滚雪球式的学习做铺垫。挖空操练,锻炼开放性思维。1 Match exercise2 Play a game3.dialogueA: Good afternoon.B: Good afternoon.A: How are you today?B: Im fine. Thank

21、you.A: What can you see?B: I can see a slide.A: What can you do ?B: I can play on the slide.A: What colour is it?B: Its blue.A: Good afternoon.B: Good afternoon.A: How are you today?B: Im_.Thank you.A: What can you see?B: I can see _.(slide,seesaw,swing)A: What colour is it?B: Its _.(blue,yellow,red

22、,green,white.A: What can you do ?B: I can _. 知识螺旋上升,将所有内容汇总成一个对话。Assignment1.Listen and follow the cassette2.Copy the words模仿磁带中的语音语调。抄写单词。板书设计教学反思(建议从目标反思、过程反思、效果反思、改进意见等方面反思)Period 3TitleReview Listen and enjoyAims1.Knowledge objectives: a. Learn to read and use the words: slide,swing,seesaw b. Le

23、arn to say: What can you see? What colour is it? 2. Ability objectives: a. Using key patterns and adjectives to discribe e.g. I can see Its 3. Emotional objectives: Help the students build their self-confidence in English learning Encourage the students to speak loudly in English classMain points1.

24、Using key patterns and adjectives to desribe : e.g. I can see_.Its_2. Using several sentences to descirbe sth that you can see.Difficult pointsmake a distinction between1:What do you see? What can you see?Teaching aidsProceduresStepContentsMethodsPurposePre-task preparation1.Warming up:Quick recpenc

25、e 1 big letters 2 Small letters字母的反应训练Revision1. Read the words2. Spell the words.新单词的认读训练和拼写训练。While-task procedurePlay a game1.T: What can you see? S: I can see_.2.T: What colour is it? S: Its_.What colour is theWhat colour is the chick?What colour is the duck?What colour is the cow?What colour is

26、 the sheep?What colour is the pig?What colour is the cat?What colour is the dog?Its_.用颜色直接感官加深印象。句型的递进式学习。What can you do?Say and actLiten and enjoy1.T:What can you do ? S1:I can _. S2:You can_.take on the swingsit on the seesawplay on the slidehit the ballplay basketballride a bicycleread a book.No

27、w we are in the childrens garden.Slide, slide, play on the slide.I can play on the slide. So happy!Seesaw, seesaw, sit on the seesaw.I can sit on the seesaw.So great!Swing, swing, take on the swing.I can take on the swing.So fun!T:Which one do you like best?S: I like_best.T: I like seesaw best.Look!

28、There are two boys.They are playing on the seesaw.Rhyme:Thin boy, fat boy,One and twoThin boy, fat boy,I see you.Thin boy up,Fat boy down.You like to play, Up and down.T:Is this a boy?S:NoRhyme:Big dog, small dogs,One, two, three.Big dog, small dogs,I can see.Big dog up, Small dogs down.They like to play,Up and down. 复习新授单词的同时,将单词扩充成词组,并带入旧词组,句型的学习。培养连续说话能力。多种方式操练儿歌Post-task activityLiten and enjoy1:Read the rhyme2. Play the flash 3._ , _ .One and two ._ , _ ,I see you ._ up ,_ down .You like to play ,Up and down ._ , _ .One , two , three _ ,_._ , _ ,I see you ._ up , _ down .They like t

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