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1、经济学人六月21Scotch whisky苏格兰威士忌Doubles allround全面翻番Production ofScotch whisky is starting to boom苏格兰威士忌产量正在激增 Jun 17th 2010from the Economist printed editionFOR a longtime it seemed as if Scotlands whisky makers were stuck at the back of thebar. While whisky volumes were almost flat, vodka production ro

2、se by 3.5% a year for 20 years. The explanation is not difficult to find: Scotch whisky,even basic blends, has to mature in a cask for at least three years, while vodka can be distilled on Monday and bottled, shipped and drunk by the end of the week. As demand flagged, many smaller distilleries clos

3、ed or were bought byinternational drinks groups. That led to a change of strategy: a move upmarket which is now paying off handsomely.长期以来,苏格兰的威士忌酒商就处于弱势。威士忌销量亘古不变,而伏特加的产量却连续二十年保持3.5%的年增长。其原因显而易见:即使是最普通的混合性苏格兰威士忌都要经过3年以上的酿造,而伏特加从酿造到装瓶、运输,最后被享用所经历的时间不过一周。需求萎缩导致许多小型的酿造厂倒闭或是被大型国际化酒厂收购,这也使得该行业逐渐向高端市场转型。

4、如今看来此番转型收效显著。With the“premiumisation” of both blended and malt whiskies (some of which are aged for12 years or more), Scotch exports have risen by over 40% in value since 2000.Despite a global slump, records were set last year: the volume of exports roseby 4% to 1.1 billion bottles worth 3.1 billion

5、 ($4.9 billion).凭借在制造混合型以及麦芽型威士忌(一些是12年以上的陈酿)方面的优势,苏格兰的出口额自2000年以来增长了40%。就去年而言,尽管国际市场不景气,威士忌的出口量仍刷新了记录:增加了4个百分点,达11亿瓶,价值总计31亿英镑(合49亿美金)。Investment ispouring into Scotch productionabout 600m over the past three years. Newdistilleries are springing up and old ones are expanding. Last year Diageo, thew

6、orlds biggest drinks group, which dominates whisky sales with blended brandssuch as Johnnie Walker and J&B and Lagavulin, a malt, opened a 40mdistillery near Elgin, the first new one in Scotland for 30 years. Its whiskywill come to market in two years. Frances Pernod Ricard, the worlds numbertwo in

7、drink with brands such as Chivas Regal, Ballantines and Glenlivet,recently unveiled a 10m modernisation plan to boost production of Glenlivet by75%. It hopes to rival the worlds bestselling malt, Glenfiddich, made byWilliam Grant, still an independent firm.在过去的三年中,大量的投资者着眼于苏格兰的商品,为其带来了约6亿英镑的投资额。新兴酿酒

8、厂如雨后春笋般涌现,而老牌的酿酒厂也在大幅扩张。去年,全球最大的饮品集团,通过诸如Johnnie Walker; J&B等混合型酒类品牌以及麦芽型威士忌品牌Lagavulin主导威士忌市场的Diageo公司耗资四千万英镑在Elgin附近建造了一座酿酒厂。这座工厂也是苏格兰近30年来第一座新建的酿酒厂。其制造的威士忌将在2年内问世。而法国的Pernod Ricard也于近期披露了其一项价值一千万英镑的现代化升级计划。该计划的目的在于将旗下Glanlivet的产量提高75%。Pernod Ricard是全球第二大饮品公司,拥有包括Chivas Pegal; Ballantines和Glenlive

9、t等品牌。Pernod Ricard企图通过这次升级赶超全球销量第一的麦芽型威士忌品牌,William Grant公司的Glenfiddich。 William Grant至今仍是一家独立的公司。AlthoughFrance, America and Spain are the largest Scotch whisky markets the biggestgrowth is coming from South American countries, such as Brazil and Venezuela, where premium blends are appealing to inc

10、reasingly affluent consumers. Much of the investment in boosting volume is to build up reserves in the expectation that something similar will happen in India and China. 然而,引领此番威士忌风潮的却非那些威士忌进口大国如法国、美国和西班牙而是巴西和委内瑞拉等南美国家:其日益阔绰的消费者对于高级的混成酒青眼有加。这种青睐也激起了不少投资商扩大威士忌产量以囤积威士忌。他们预计类似的情况会在中国和印度发生。At presentint

11、ernational spirits such as whisky and brandy account for less than 1% of theChinese market. The Chinese are getting a taste for whisky, although the challenge for Scotlands producers will be to ensure that they choose Scotch.Just as Frances champagne-makers found when expanding abroad, local imitato

12、rs will emerge even though they cannot use a regional name. That is alreadystarting with whisky. Kavalan is being made by a new Taiwanese whisky distillerywith its sights set on the mainland Chinese market. Kavalan may be fruitier than a smoky single-malt Scotch, in order to appeal to Chinese palate

13、s, but thelocal tipple is eliciting praise from some connoisseurs.眼下,威士忌和白兰地之类的洋酒(烈酒)在中国酒类市场所占的份额还不到1%。虽然中国消费者正渐渐接受威士忌,但苏格兰的酒商还很难保证中国的消费者会选择苏格兰产的威士忌。这种担忧是有原因的:当年法国酒商向国外推广其香槟酒时就发现,当地出现了许多山寨产品,尽管他们使用的仍是法国品名。对威士忌而言,这种危机已初现端倪。一家新兴的台湾的威士忌酿酒厂已经开始酿造一种名为Kavalan的威士忌,其针对的目标正是中国大陆的市场。为迎合中国消费者的口味,Kavalan较烟熏口味的纯

14、麦苏格兰威士忌多了一些果味。这种仿制品已逐渐得到了一些鉴赏家的好评。另外,有些问题一起探讨一下。1 Investment ispouring into Scotch productionabout 600m over the past three years.原译:大量的投资者涌入苏格兰试译:苏格兰产品吸引了大量投资者 我觉得涌入苏格兰和投资苏格兰产品还是有区别的投资额是大约为6亿英镑,而不是超过6亿英镑,此处笔误而已啦2Last year Diageo, theworlds biggest drinks group, which dominates whisky sales with ble

15、nded brands such as Johnnie Walker and J&B and Lagavulin, a malt, opened a 40mdistillery near Elgin原译:世界上最大的饮品公司,拥有诸如Johnnie Walker; J&B等混合型酒类品牌以及麦芽性威士忌品牌Lagavulin的Diageo公司在Elgin附近Dominate 应该翻译出来“主导威士忌的销售”a malt 说成“麦芽威士忌”就可以了3 although thechallenge for Scotlands producers will be to ensure that they

16、 choose Scotch.原译:但苏格兰的酒类制造商们还必须确保中国的消费者会选择苏格兰的威士忌试译:但是确保中国消费者会青睐苏格兰威士忌将是制造商们的挑战4even though they cannot use a regional name原译: 尽管他们使用的仍是法国品名试译: 尽管他们不能使用区域的名称我这里采取了直译5Much of the investment in boosting volume is to build up reserves原译:他们疯狂的提高威士忌的产量来增加其储量对于这句话我的理解是:很多人把增加威士忌储备量当作投资的方式,而激增的销售额当中很大一部分投

17、资额都源与此。不知道是否正确。6 smoky single-malt Scotch这里的smoky还是翻译出来比较好,因为是对味道进行对比试译:带有烟熏味的纯麦芽威士忌以上只是我的个人观点,说的不对的地方请见谅!British people are the worst-dressed holidaymakers in Europe followed by Germans, while the Italians and French are the smartest, according to a survey released on Friday.上周五公布的一项调查显示,在欧洲各国的游客中,

18、英国游客穿着最差,其次是德国游客,意大利和法国游客穿着最得体。The findings came despite 36 percent of Britons - who are famed for fashion blunders like wearing socks with sandals - admitting that they dress more adventurously than usual while on a break.36%的英国人坦称他们在休假期间一般穿得比较随意。英国人喜欢穿着袜子穿凉拖的习惯是出了名的。The survey also looked at how g

19、ood people from different countries are at switching off from the pressures of work while taking a break.此外,调查还探究了不同国家的人在休假时摆脱工作压力的能力。A massive 87 percent of travellers from France said they checked their work emails while on holiday compared to over a quarter of Britons. That figure is despite Fran

20、ces reputation as a less workaholic country than Britain.尽管相比于热爱工作的英国人而言,法国人貌似更懒散。但调查显示,多达87%的法国游客称他们在度假时会查看工作邮件,而这一比例在英国游客中刚刚超过四分之一。And while 93 percent of Britons try to speak the local language when abroad, some 20 percent of French travellers say they do not make any effort at all.另外,93%的英国游客在外国

21、旅游时会尽量使用当地语言,而约20%的法国游客则根本不会做这样的尝试。The survey by travel website TripAdvisor quizzed 2,717 European travellers last month.这项由TripAdvisor旅游网站于上月开展的调查共对2717名欧洲游客进行了访问。In honour of the World Cup, Britains most luxurious bus stop has been given a football-themed makeover.英国一个超级豪华的公交车站近日以世界杯为主题,进行了新装修。Kit

22、ted out with a sofa, cushions, a TV, a phone and flowers, the shelter attracts thousands of tourists every year - and even boasts a hot snacks stand.这个小公交车站里有沙发、靠垫、电视、电话和花,连小吃摊都有,每年都有上千游客慕名而来。The makeovers began after a local resident put a sofa and table inside the bus stop, but over the years extr

23、a facilities have been added - including an Amstrad computer and a microwave.一开始是因为一个当地居民在里面放了张沙发和桌子,然后这个小公交车站就逐渐被武装起来,后来连电脑与微波炉都有了。Themes have ranged from outer space to colours yellow, pink, turquoise, and this year, it pays homage to the World Cup.装饰主题一直在变化,从外太空到鲜黄粉红色系、蓝绿色系不等,而今年,世界杯当仁不让成为最新一期主题。

24、Charlemagne查理曼If only it were that easy不当家不知柴米贵,不生孩子不知肚子痛American comments about Turkey betray a lack of understanding of the European Union 美国对欧盟拒绝接纳土耳其的指责纷纷扬扬,反而暴露出其对欧盟缺乏理解Jun 17th 2010 SHUT up, please, you are not helping. That, with respect, would be Charlemagnes advice to Americas foreign-polic

25、y establishment, as its big guns nag the European Union into admitting Turkey swiftly, so as to anchor Turks to “the West”.闭嘴吧,你们是在帮倒忙。这就是查理曼对美国外交当局的建议,但绝无不敬之意。美国外交界的大人物们喋喋不休,催促欧盟出于将土耳其拴在西方阵营的目的迅速接纳土耳其入盟。It is no pleasure to offer such advice. Successive American governments have been right to say t

26、hat EU membership for Turkeya dynamic, officially secular, youthful Muslim nation, sitting astride vital trade and energy routesis in the strategic interests of Europe. The very process of negotiating membership has promoted reform inside Turkey. Americans are right that such advances are imperilled

27、 when leaders like Nicolas Sarkozy of France say Turks have no place in the EU. Americans are also right to point out that EU leaders have already pledged to admit Turkey if it meets a long list of legal requirements. 查理曼提出如此建议实为不得已之策。土耳其横跨欧亚大陆,是重要的贸易和能源通道,宪法规定政教分离。这样一个年轻而充满活力的穆斯林国家加入欧盟,完全符合欧洲的战略利益,

28、历届美国政府的这一观点无疑完全正确。正是入盟资格的谈判进程促进了土耳其的内部改革。一些领导人,如法国的萨科齐等说出土耳其在欧盟没有位置这样的话,这种进步就面临危险,美国人对此的判断同样完全正确。美国还指出,欧盟领导人已经承诺,如果土耳其达到长长一系列法律要件的要求,将接纳其为欧盟成员国。美国人的这一做法无可指责。For all that, American voices accusing Europe of losing Turkey are guilty of oversimplification, and of ignoring what a big deal Turkish member

29、ship of the EU would be. The chorus comes from all sides. Visiting London last week, Robert Gates, the American defence secretary, was asked if recent Turkish actions over Gaza and Irans nuclear programme signalled a country “moving eastward”. If Turkey is heading east, Mr Gates mused, perhaps it is

30、 being pushed by some in Europe “refusing to give Turkey the kind of organic link to the West that Turkey sought.”尽管如此,美国指责欧洲正在失去土耳其的批评还是犯了把问题过于简单化的错误,忽视了对欧洲人而言土耳其加入欧盟是多么重大的一件事情这个事实。压力来自四面八方。上周在伦敦的访问过程中,美国国防部长罗伯特盖茨被问及土耳其最近对加沙和伊朗核计划的举动是否是该国“向东转”的信号。盖茨先生若有所思地回答说,如果土耳其向东靠拢,那也很可能是由于欧洲“拒绝了土耳其寻求与西方建立紧密联系”

31、的做法所导致的结果。In a new paper for the Turkish arm of the Open Society Foundation, a liberal pressure group, the Democratic politician Howard Dean is blunter. If some EU leaders are proposing a mere “privileged partnership” for Turkey rather than full EU membership, says Mr Dean, it is because they are tr

32、ying to assuage “increasing xenophobia” at home, or even making “a bald and shameful political attempt” to recruit far-right voters. Comparing European integration to the birth of America, Mr Dean generously offers some advice: if EU citizens are in a funk, the emergence of pan-European political parties and direct elections for an EU president would be “very helpful”.开放社会基金会(Open Society Foundatio

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