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1、全中考英语高频考点+句型详细解析人教版中考英语高频考点+句型详细解析-人教版主题句:We should spend more time on our study.我们应该花更多的时间在学习上。 (2019湖南常德毕业)考点一、should 的用法(1)should 情态动词 应该、应当,可能, 多用于向对方提出、征询建议或表达一种预期,should = be supposed to do。should 没有人称、数和时态的变化。You should get up early and do sports in the morning. 你应当早上早点起床做运动。Children should h

2、elp their parents with the housework. 孩子们应该帮助父母做家务。(2) 疑问句和否定句Should we shake hands or bowl when we meet for the first time?我们首次见面时握手还是鞠躬?What should I do for his birthday? 我应该为他的生日做什么?You shouldnt be angry with him. 你不应该生他的气。考点二、spend 的用法(1) spend 动词 花费(时间或金钱),spend的主语必须是人。过去式和过去分词 spent / spent sp

3、endon 在上花费(时间或金钱)My father spends much time on volunteer work.我父亲花费很多时间从事志愿者工作。How much did you spend on this book? 这本书你花了多少钱? spend (in) doing 花费做某事Dont spend too much time (in) playing computer games.不要花费太多时间玩电脑游戏。He spends lots of money (in) collecting stamps.他在集邮方面花费了很多钱。(2) spend 和 cost、pay、tak

4、e 的辨析主要从三个方面区别这四个动词:动词的主语;动词的宾语;具体结构。 spend 过去式和过去分词 spent / spent, 主语是人,宾语是时间、金钱, 结构 spendon和 spend(in) doing sth. cost 过去式和过去分词 cost / cost,主语是物,宾语是钱 、人,结构:sth. + cost + (人) +钱。 某物花费某人多少钱This book cost me 50 yuan. 这本书花了我50 元钱。How much did the car cost him? 这辆车花了他多少钱? pay 过去式和过去分词 paid / paid, 主语是人

5、, 宾语是钱,结构:人 + pay + 钱 + for + 物。某人花钱买某物Tom paid 100 dollars for this pair of shoes.汤姆花100美元买了这双鞋子。How much did he pay for the digital camera?他花多少钱买了这部数码相机? take 过去式和过去分词 took / taken,主语通常为形式主语it或物 / 事,宾语是时间结构:it + take (有时态变化)+ 人 + 时间 + to do或 某物 / 事 + take(有时态变化) + 人 +时间。某人花费多长时间做某事It takes me 2 ho

6、urs to finish my homework every day. 我每天花两个小时完成作业。How long did it take you to ride to that village yesterday?昨天你花了多长时间骑车去那个村子?Driving to that village took me two hours.驾车去那个村子花了我两个小时。 take 过去式和过去分词 took / taken,主语通常为形式主语it或物 / 事,宾语是时间结构:it + take (有时态变化)+ 人 + 时间 + to do或 某物 / 事 + take(有时态变化) + 人 +时间

7、。It takes me 2 hours to finish my homework every day. 我每天花两个小时完成作业。How long did it take you to ride to that village yesterday?昨天你花了多长时间骑车去那个村子?Driving to that village took me two hours.驾车去那个村子花了我两个小时。小试牛刀小试牛刀1. Roy works in London. Ithim about half and hour to get to work by bus every day. (2019年山东临

8、沂毕业)A. costs B. spends C. takes2. You should(花费) some time practicing your pronunciation.3. The bike cost me one thousand dollars. (对划线部分提问)did the bikeyou?4. My brother spent 120 dollars on this radio. (同义句转换)My brother120 dollarsthis radio.5. Youkeep quiet when someone is reading in the library.A.

9、 mustnt B. should C. neednt D. may主题句: I think there will be less fresh water in 100 years.我想100年后将会有更少新鲜的水了。考点一、there be 结构(1) there be 在某地/ 某时存在某人 / 某物具体结构为There be + 名词+ 地点/ 时间。there be 结构是倒装结构,主语是be后的名词。There are lots of people in the park today. 今天在公园里有很多人。There wasnt any important news in yest

10、erdays newspaper. 昨天的报纸上没有重要的消息。变一般疑问句把 be 提到there 前,如果含有情态动词、助动词,则把情态动词助动词提前。Is there any water in the bottle? 在瓶子里有水吗?Will there be more pollution in the future? 在将来会有更多的污染吗?(2) there be 结构中 be 的使用。be有单复数和时态的变化。Thereislittle water in the bottle. 在瓶子里几乎没水。Therewill bemore cars in the cities in the

11、future.将来城市里会有更多的汽车。Thereweremany old buildings here 10 years ago.10年前这里有很多旧楼房。 就近原则即There be 句型中的be 和它后面挨着最近的主语在数上一致。Thereare two pensand a ruler in my pencil box.Thereis a rulerand two pens in my pencil box.(3) there be 和 havethere be 结构表示某个时间或某个地方存在某人或某物;have 表示某人或某物拥有什么东西,强调所属关系,主语一般是人或某物。一般现在时单

12、数第三人称形式 has 。He has a new bike. 他有一辆新自行车。Do you have a daughter? 你有一个女儿吗?易错点:there be 和 have 混用Therea talk in my school tomorrow.A. will have B. will be C. will has D. is going to have答案 B ()考点二、 little 比较等级的变化little (原级) less (比较级) least (最高级)考点三 、 in + 时间段 表示过多久之后,通常和将来时态连用,可用来回答 how soon 的提问。The

13、dinner will be readyinten minutes. 晚饭十分钟后做好。How soon will he come back? 他过多久回来?Inabout half an hour. 大约半小时之后吧。after + 时间段 表示过多久之后, 通常用于过去时态。Hecamebackafterten minutes. 他十分钟后回来了。小试牛刀1. 1.Therea large bowl ofJiaozion the table. (2019年福建)A. Is B. are C. be2. Im going out. Ill be backan hour.A. at B. on

14、 C. in D. from3. Look! There aresome on the floor.A. paper B. books C. ruler D. orange juice4. There_afootball matchtomorrowevening.A. willhaveB. haveC. isgoingtobe D. has5. Were glad to see there is(little) pollution than before in our town.6. 十年后抚顺将有巨大的变化。 (2019年辽宁抚顺中考)great changes in Fushun in 1

15、0 years主题句:I will call you as soon as I arrive in China.我一到达中国就给你打电话。考点一、 as soon as 的用法(1)as soon as 一就,引导时间状语从句。强调主句的动作是在从句的动作之后顺接几乎同时发生的。从句的位置可前可后。I told him the news as soon as he came back. 他一回来我就告诉他了这个消息。As soon as I get there I will e-mail you. 我一到达那里就给你发电子邮件。(2) as soon as 引导的从句的时态当主句用一般过去时,

16、as soon as 引导的从句中用一般过去时或过去完成时。当主句用一般将来时,as soon as 引导的从句用一般现在时。(主将从现)I will tell her as soon as I see her. 我一见到她就会告诉她。He called me as soon as he got to Beijing. 他一到北京就给我打电话了。考点二、arrive 用法(1)arrive不及物动词 到达,当表示到达某地 ,arrive + 地点(副词)或 arrive + in /at +地点(名词 )到达较大地点,如:国家、省、市、镇等用 in。到达较小的地方,如:村庄、机场、商店、学校等

17、用 at。Mr. Brown arrived in China yesterday. 布朗先生昨天到达中国。When did you arrive at that village? 你们什么时候到达的那个村庄?(2) arrive / get / reach 的辨析arrive不及物动词,一般用in+ 较大地点,at+较小地点,若是接地点副词,则不需用介词。get不及物动词,它多用于口语,常用 get + to +地点名词;后面如接地点副词,不用介词to。例如: He usually gets to school at 7:30 and gets home at 5:00 in the aft

18、ernoon.他通常7:30到学校,在下午5:00到家。Can you tell me how to get to the post office? 你能告诉我怎么到达邮局吗?reach及物动词,reach + 地点名词或副词,不接介词,属正式用语。When did you reach Beijing? 你什么时候到达的北京?I reached there last week. 我上周到达的那里。如果没有指明到达的地点,通常用arrive, 不用get和reach。They have arrived. 他们已经到了。小试牛刀1. I will hand it to him as soon as

19、 he(come) back.2. Ill send you the messageI get to school. (2019四川德阳)A. since B. so that C. as soon as D. though3. Have theythe zoo yet?A. arrived B. got to C. reached to D. arrived in4. Will you _ the station at ten?A. get to B. reach to C. arrive D. get5. 迈克一放学回家就开始做饭。 (2019广州中考)Mike started cooki

20、nghe got home from school.主题句:Parents should tell children the importance of doing the housework. 父母应该告诉孩子们做家务活的重要性考点一、动词tell 的用法(1) tell 及物动词 tell + sb. / sth. 告诉某事或某人Please donttell herabout it. 请不要告诉她这件事。tell a story 讲故事 tell a lie 说谎(2) tell sb. sth. 告诉某人某事 (接双宾语结构)My grandma often tells us stor

21、ies after dinner.(3) tell sb. (not) to do sth. 告诉某人 (不要) 做某事Please tell themto finishthe work on time. 请告诉他们按时完成工作。Mr. Zhang told himnot to copyothers. 张老师告诉他不要抄袭别人 。考点二、the importance of 的用法the importance of 的重要性 接名词、代词或动名词I dont know the importance of the meeting. 我不知道这个会议的重要性。You should know the

22、importance of reciting new words.你应该知道背新单词的重要性。importance 名词 重要性 important 形容词 重要的小试牛刀1. My mother told me _(not stay) up late.2. Can you tell me how(study) English well?3. The meeting is so(importance) that you cant miss it.4. The teacher told me(更加努力学习).5. Would you please tell themin the museum?

23、Look at the sign.A. to smoke B. not to smoke C. smoke D. not smoke6. be, tell, again, to, him, late, not (.) 连词成句主题句:Youd better go to school a bit earlier. 你最好早一点去学校考点一、had better 的用法Youd better=You had better(1)had better 最好 had better + 动词原形 最好做某事,表示对别人的劝告、建议, 没有人称、时态和数的变化。Youd better sit down an

24、d have a rest. 你最好坐下来休息一会儿。Wed better buy him something special for his birthday.我们最好为他的生日给他买些特殊的东西。(2)had better +not +动词原形 最好不要做某事Shed better not play with the dog. 她最好不要和狗玩耍。It is raining hard. Youd better not leave right now.正下大雨,你最好不要马上离开。(3)在祈使句中had可省略, Better (not) + 动词原形。Better not play foot

25、ball on the road. Its too dangerous.考点二、a bit 的用法(1) a bit 可作程度副词,表示稍微、一点儿的意思,修饰动词、形容词、副词和比较级。此时 a bit = a littleI wasa bit / a littletired after long-time working.长时间工作后我有点累了。He is feelinga bit / a littlebetter. 他感觉好一点了。Mr. Brown is so old that he is walkinga bit / a littleslowly.布朗现在年龄大了,走路慢了一些。(2

26、)a bit of + (不可数) 名词a bit 不能接修饰名词,但 a bit of 可以修饰不可数名词。此时 a bit of = a littleHe knows a bit of / a little Japanese. 他懂一点日语。I need a bit of / a little time to finish the work. 我需要一点时间完成这项工作。(3)not a bit 一点也不,根本不; not a little 非常Im not a bit angry with her. 我一点也不生她的气。Im not a little angry with her. 我非

27、常生她的气。小试牛刀1. You _ talk aloud in the library.A. had better not to B. had not better toC. had better not . D. had not better2. Youd better go to bedearlier before big exams.A a few B. a little of C. a bit D. a bit of3. Sorry, Im new here. I knowabout it.A. a bit B. a bit of C. little D. a little4. 我们最好做什么? Whatwedo ?5. 你最好不要告诉他这件事。 Youtell him about it.

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