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教案第三册 旧.docx

1、教案第三册 旧丽 水 学 院 教 案课 程 名 称 : 泛读教程3 课 程 代 码 : 107012091 授课专业班级 : 英语本科074 授 课 教 师 : 郑晓霞 院 别 : 外国语学院 2008年 8 月 30 日Unit One: Why Read FasterI. Time Allotment: all together 3 periodsII. Teaching Objectives and Requirements1. The students will be asked to use the skimming as a reading strategy before teac

2、her explanation and clarification2. The students will grasp the important words, structures, and other difficult points in the text3. Students will read Text Two autonomously and answer the comprehension questions III. Key Points and Difficult Points in Teaching1. efficient/ effective: to be effecti

3、ve means to be able to do things while to be efficient means to be able to do things with the least possible effort2. cling to: stick to an idea, a habit, or a doctrine. This is a phrase which is always used derogatively 3. alert: attentive4. potential: the ability that somebody possesses but yet to

4、 be realized5. their minds wander: they can not concentrate their minds or attention on the particular problem or issue6. vary: change 7. doze off: fall into a light sleep8. lose sight of: fail to noticeIV. Teaching Methods and Means1. teacher explanation and clarification2. questions and answers3.

5、students reflection and discussionV. Teaching Process1. Students will be given two minutes to solve the vocabulary problems listed in Word Pretest and then check the answers with the teacher2. Students will be given another 3 minutes to skim the text and answer the questions listed in Reading Skills

6、: Skimming, so that the teacher can know the points where their comprehension breaks down.3. The teacher further checks students comprehension by further questions and clarifies the points where their comprehension breaks down 4. The teacher will check the answers with the students concerning exerci

7、ses as after-class assignments, giving further explanation in class for the points that students fail to get right VI. Reflection Questions and Assignment Following questions are for students to reflect and discuss in class:1. How fast can you read? Do you think reading speed is in conflict with rea

8、ding comprehension?2. What will you do to improve your reading speed?For assignments, students will do the exercises to the text and read text two autonomously after class. VII. Major ReferenceKeys To Reading Courses 1-4 王守仁 赵文书等编 上海外语教育出版社 2005年12月第1版VIII. Teaching Journal Students were quite inter

9、ested in their own reading speed and the key points about improving their reading speed. Unit Two: Its Never Too Late for SuccessI. Time Allotment: all together 3 periodsII. Teaching Objectives and Requirements1. The students will be asked to use the skimming as a reading strategy before teacher exp

10、lanation and clarification2. The students will grasp the important words, structures, and other difficult points in the text3. Students will read Text two autonomously and answer the comprehension questionsIII. Key Points and Difficult Points in Teaching1. beatnik: unconventional people2. be given t

11、o daydreaming: have the habit of daydreaming3. never amount to a hill of beans: never achieve anything in their lifetime4. inspiring: encouraging 5. flaunt: show something considered valuable in order to gain admiration6. formative: having an important and lasting influence on the development of a p

12、ersons character7. Herbert Hoover must have learned admiration in the cradle: with this sentence the author means that Herbert Hoover was born with a silver spoon in his mouth. With his influential father he received admiration from other even when he was a baby in the cradle. In other words, for pe

13、rsonal success, ones family background counts.8. Whatever he touched went smoothly, glee club or food for a starving Europe: With this sentence, the author means that whatever he does, he can achieve a great success, whether serving as the manager for the glee club in the school or raise money for c

14、harity so as to buy food for European people who are starving at that moment.9. infuriate the populace: enrage the local people10. aforementioned: mentioned in the previous paragraphs11. prodigy: person with unusual or remarkable qualities or abilitiesIV. Teaching Methods and Means1. teacher explana

15、tion and clarification2. questions and answers3. students reflection and discussionV. Teaching Process1. Students will be given two minutes to solve the vocabulary problems listed in Word Pretest and then check the answers with the teacher2. Students will be given another 3 minutes to skim the text

16、and answer the questions listed in Reading Skills: Skimming, so that the teacher can know the points where their comprehension breaks down.3. The teacher further checks students comprehension by further questions and clarifies the points where their comprehension breaks down 4. The teacher will chec

17、k the answers with the students concerning exercises as after-class assignments, giving further explanation in class for the points that students fail to get right VI. Reflection Questions and Assignment Following questions are for students to reflect and discuss in class:1. Is there a correlation a

18、t all between success as a young person and success as an adult?2. Do you think those who “fail” or are judged “no good” as young people have a better chance or a worse chance of becoming successful adults than those who do well as young people?3. Since a “young failure” can become an “adult success

19、,” are parents wrong to push their children to do better?For assignments, students will do the exercises to the text and read text two autonomously after class; students will have to write a short argumentative passage with the title “ The Correlation between Success As A Child And Success As An Adu

20、lt” as a post-reading activity. VII. Major ReferenceKeys To Reading Courses 1-4 王守仁 赵文书等编 上海外语教育出版社 2005年12月第1版VIII. Teaching Journal Some examples in the text are quite difficult. The backgrounds about the famous people need extra explanation. Unit Three: Signals Without WordsI. Time Allotment: all

21、 together 3 periodsII. Teaching Objectives and Requirements1. The students will be asked to use the skimming as a reading strategy before teacher explanation and clarification2. The students will grasp the important words, structures, and other difficult points in the text3. Students will read Text

22、two autonomously and answer the comprehension questionsIII. Key Points and Difficult Points in Teaching1. snap judgments: judgments or opinions formed suddenly2. sound basis: very reasonable/ dependable/ firmly established basis3. instant antipathy: feeling of dislike aroused suddenly4. , but this i

23、s usually a reference to such things as keeping promises or paying bills or sending money home to Mother: with this sentence, the author means that the proverb “actions speak louder than words” is usually used when people talk about things like keeping promises or paying bills or sending money home

24、to Mother, and it is usually not used to refer to the fact that you can get to know a person better by observing his behavior5. become acquainted with: get familiar with6. touch upon: mention or deal with a topic briefly7. overestimate vs underestimate8. account for: explain9. in part: partially10.

25、drumming his fingers: making a drum-like sound with fingers11. aspiration: ambition12. be more at home: feel more at ease13. traits: features of a persons personality or character as in personality trait/ psychological trait, and so on.14. rigid social norms: very strict social conventions that ever

26、y member of a community is supposed to follow or observe15. be well-adapted to modern life-style: be able to adapt to modern life-style well16. sound/ unsound judgment: a judgment that is reasonable/ unreasonableIV. Teaching Methods and Means1. teacher explanation and clarification2. questions and a

27、nswers3. students reflection and discussionV. Teaching Process1. Students will be given two minutes to solve the vocabulary problems listed in Word Pretest and then check the answers with the teacher2. Students will be given another 3 minutes to skim the text and answer the questions listed in Readi

28、ng Skills: Skimming, so that the teacher can know the points where their comprehension breaks down.3. The teacher further checks students comprehension by further questions and clarifies the points where their comprehension breaks down4. The teacher will check the answers with the students concernin

29、g exercises as after-class assignments, giving further explanation in class for the points that students fail to get right VI. Reflection Questions and Assignment Following questions are for students to reflect and discuss in class:1. Have you ever watched people making gestures? Do you know the mea

30、nings of these gestures?2. Have you ever noticed the colors, furniture, clothes, ornaments you like? What do you know about yourself from your likes and dislikes? For assignments, students will do the exercises to the text and read text two autonomously after class.VII. Major ReferenceKeys To Readin

31、g Courses 1-4 王守仁 赵文书等编 上海外语教育出版社 2005年12月第1版VIII. Teaching Journal The part of key points and difficult points in teaching need much time because there are some phrases and expressions are quite difficult for students. Unit Four: Little Brother of WolfI. Time Allotment: all together 3 periodsII. Te

32、aching Objectives and Requirements1. The students will be asked to use the skimming as a reading strategy before teacher explanation and clarification2. The students will grasp the important words, structures, and other difficult points in the text3. Students will read Text two autonomously and answer the comprehension questionsIII. Key Points and Difficult Points in Teaching1. if not : this is a structure

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