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公开课设计四年级下英语 Unit 7 Whats the matterStory time教案.docx

1、公开课设计四年级下英语 Unit 7 Whats the matterStory time教案四下Unit 7 Whats the matter?Story time教案第一课时:一、教学内容:Unit7 Story time二、教学目标:1、在情境中学习词汇和动词短语come and have a pie, have some water, tired, ill, thirsty.2、通过动画放映,能在情境中整体感知故事内容3、通过讲解操练,能够较准确的朗读课文并在教师的指导下尝试表演。4、通过合作对话和操练,能初步运用本课所学的词汇和句型Whats the matter? Im .Can

2、I have some water? Are you ill?.三、教学重难点:1、读准单词ill。2、能够较准确的朗读课文并在教师的指导下表演。四、教学准备:课件五、教学过程Step 1:warm up1GreetingsT: Good morning, class.Ss: Good morning. T: How are you?S: Im fine2.Game time T: Do you like games? Lets play a game: Brain storm.Step 2: Lead in1.Enjoy the song 2.T: Boys and girls, are y

3、ou happy today? I think you are. (出示单词happy并且板书)T: Lets look what we are going to learn in this class. (教学目标出示,并且引导孩子们得笑脸。)3.Play a game: Quickly respond.在游戏中教学单词water。(出示单词并且板书) The First Period4.(出示人物Liu Tao)T:Were happy today. But my friend Liu Tao isnt happy. Hes sad.(出示单词sad,并且教学)Liu Tao is goo

4、d at running.But he failed in the 400 meters race in the sports meeting. So hes sad now.(故事的引子)Step 3.Presentation and Practice1.T:Lets ask Liu Tao:“ Whats the matter?”(播放录音,并且板书教读句子。)Im thirsty.(出示单词thirsty,教读。)T: Lets help him , please say: Have some water.(出示句子,并且板书。)Ss: Thanks./Thank you.2.T: Lo

5、ok at Liu Tao, ask him please.Ss: Whats the matter, Liu Tao?T: Are you thirsty?(教师引导学生问,并且板书句子)T:Oh, Liu Tao says: Im not thirsty. Im hungry. (单词hungry出示并板书)Can you help Liu Tao? Please use “Have”(a hamburger / a hot dog学生发挥)3.Chant: Are you thirsty?Are you thirsty?No, Im not. No, Im not.Whats the m

6、atter, Taotao? Whats the matter, Taotao?I am hungry. I am hungry.同上教学单词ill , tired.4.(Liu Tao 回家后)T: His parents are concerd with Liu Tao, they encourage him. Watch and choose看动画选择Whats the matter with Liu Tao? Hes A. happy B. hungry C. thirsty D. ill E. tired5. Read and answer.(自读课文找出答案)How does Li

7、u Tao ask his mother? (刘涛口渴了,他是如何向妈妈要求的?)S:Can I have some water?6. Read after the tape.(跟录音读,老师师范朗读,学生模仿语音语调,升降调的朗读。)在朗读过程中随文教学I want to Good night, dear.(T: Liu Tao wasnt happy at first, but now hes not sad.)7.Reading Time : Read the whole story together.Act the story(三人一小组)Step 3.ProductionSummar

8、y:1、邀请对方过来吃东西,可以说:2、询问对方怎么了,可以问:/回答饿了。3、询问对方是否口渴,可以问:4、向对方要求拿点水喝,可以说:5、表示自己想要做某事,可以说:6、跟家人道晚安,可以说:Step4 Homework1. Recite Story time2. Copy the new words four timesUnit 7Whats the matter? The Second Period Whats the matter?Are you happy/hungry /ill/sad/thirsty /tired?Im happy/hungry /ill/sad/thirsty

9、 /tired .Can I have?Here you are.I want to .Good night.第二课时:一、教学内容:Unit7 Fun time & Cartoon time二、教学目标:1.通过情境表演巩固所学感觉类单词,能听懂、会说、会读thirsty, ill,tired,happy;2.在表演游戏中,能够听懂、会说、会读句型Whats the matter?以及应答句Im;3.通过小组合作及表演游戏,学生能够熟练运用句型Whats the matter?以及应答句Im;并能熟练运用单词表示感觉,同时给予同伴正确具体的帮助;4.能够理解Cartoon time故事内容并

10、能生动表演三、教学重难点1.通过小组合作及表演游戏,学生能够熟练运用句型Whats the matter?以及应答句Im;并能熟练运用单词表示感觉,同时给予同伴正确具体的帮助;2.能够理解Cartoon time故事内容并能生动表演。四、教学准备:课件五、教学过程:Step 1 warm up1.GreetingT:Hello,boys and girls. Im very happy to have an English lesson with you here.2.Free talkT: I like English very much. How about you? What subje

11、cts do you like?(问23人)T: Im very happy to know all of you like English. In this lesson , lets talk about feelings、use “Whats the matter?” well and act out the cartoon time.(教学目标) Ok?Step2. Lead-in1. Review the time:T: What time is it now?(师拨时钟,学生迅速说出时间,最后拨时间8:00)2.T: I watch TV at eight evening.(做看电

12、视的动作) Now lets play a game: Guess and say!(师做动作,学生快速说出表示的单词或短语)Step 3.Presentation and Practice 1.RevisionT:Good. Lets play a game first,OK?(课件出示看单词、图片、句型,大声朗读,完成后进行Ticking)T:You did very good job.Are you happy now? What about Liu Tao ? Whats the matter with him? Do you remember? Lets have a look.(课

13、件出示看图和句子进行判断) 小组讨论后回答2. Fun timeT: Liu Tao is tired. And Im a little tired too.I want to play a game.Do you want to play with me? Lets look at the rules.Who wants to come here and play with me?师生、生生示范一组。通过纸牌配对游戏进行练习。两人一组轮流抽牌,根据牌面上的feelings做表情或者肢体动作,另一人进行猜测并给予具体的帮助,最先全部完成的小组获胜。请几组进行表演,完成后进行Ticking3.C

14、artoon timeT: You are great and you can guess well. Whats the matter with Bobby? Can you guess? Lets have a look.(出示第一幅图)T: Lets watch and try to find the answer.(观看动画,找出答案)T:一幅一幅跟读,重点模仿语音语调。T: Read in 4.(根据角色全班朗读,读到自己角色起立大声读)T:Act in 4.(反馈3组,教师帮助学生站位及道具使用)TickingStep 4. ConsolidationSummaryT: We kn

15、ow Bobby is happy now. And I think that helping others can make you happy. But how?引导学生思考不同的情况如何进行帮助Say this in a different way。2. Show timeWe know how to help others now . Try to make a dialogue in 4.(课件出示相应情境的图片) 示范一组。Step 4. Homework1. Read Cartoon time three times.2. Preview Sound time、Rhyme tim

16、e、Checkout time and Ticking time after class.板书设计: Unit 7 Whats the matter?Whats the matter?Im Heres /Have /第三课时一、教学内容: Unit 7Sound time and Checkout time二、教学目标:1、通过复习让学生能听懂,会读,会说,会写单词:happy , hungry, ill, sad, thirsty, tired.2、通过配音和表演使学生能熟练应用:Whats the matter ? Are you happy/hungry /ill/sad/thirsty

17、 /tired? Im happy/hungry /ill/sad/thirsty /tired . Heres for you .3、通过动画演示让学生了解字母o在单词中的读音,即/ u /三、教学重难点:1、能听懂,会读,会说:Whats the matter ? Are you happy/hungry /ill/sad/thirsty /tired? Im happy/hungry /ill/sad/thirsty /tired . Heres for you .2、能了解字母o在单词中的读音,即/ u /四、教学准备:课件五、教学过程:Step1 Warming up1.T: Goo

18、d morning, boys and girlsT: Nice to see youT: How are you?2.Review(1)Game:“感觉”类词hungry, ill, sad, thirsty, tired, happy(2)复习story time 对话。然后请2小组表演,并进行评价.Ticking time 1Step 2.Presentation and PracticeLook and say(1)T: Look at our friend, Mike. Whats the matter? He is(留白给学生)出示第一幅图片,T-S师范对话(2)出示第二幅图片,根

19、据书上的提示语,同桌练习说一说。(3)请几组说。2. Game: Act and guess演一演,猜一猜(1)说明规则师生示范Fun time 的对话。 T: Look at me!(做出饥饿的动作,You can ask)S1: Whets the matter?T: Guess!S1: Are you hungry?T: Yes, Im hungry.S: Heres for you .T: Thank you .(2)学生练习。(3)请几组学生表演。Ticking time 21. Show the words: go, home, no, nose,open让学生听录音,自己体会并总

20、结说出字母o在这些单词中的发音/ u /Step 3. ProductionGood! Well, boys and girls, lets learn the story together.注意语音语调(1) Read after the tape(2) Read after the teacher(3) Read together(4)角色扮演Step 4. Homework1、两人一组,模仿P46,演一演,猜一猜。2、预习Cartoon time。五、板书设计: Unit 7 Whats the matter ?Whats the matter ?Are you happy/hungry

21、 /ill/sad/thirsty /tired?Im happy/hungry /ill/sad/thirsty /tired .Heres for you第四课时:一、教学内容:(Letter time & Ticking time)二、教学目标: 1.通过讲解、对话操练,复习巩固本单元的知识点,在日常交际中熟练运用所学句型2.通过讲解操练领悟掌握字母o在单词中的读音3.通过教师的引导,能客观地对自己的学习情况做出评价。三、教学重难点:1.在日常交际中熟练运用所学句型2.掌握字母o在单词中的读音四、教学准备:课件五、教学过程:Step1. Warm up1. T: Good morning

22、, boys and girlsS: Good morning, Miss.T: Nice to see youS: Nice to see you, too.T: How are you? S: Im2. Revision(1)Game:“感觉”类词hungry, ill, sad, thirsty, tired, happy(2)复习story time对话。然后请2小组表演,并进行评价。Ticking timeStep2. Lead-in1. Look and say(1)T: Look at our friend, Mike. Whats the matter? He is(留白给学生

23、)Ss: 出示第一幅图片,T-S师范对话(2)出示第二幅图片,根据书上的提示语,同桌练习说一说。(3)请几组说。Ticking time 22.Rhyme timeT: Bill is a lovely baby.Now he is sitting on the chair.Whats the matter,Bill?Are you ill?(1) The Third PeriodListen to the rhyme.(2) 找韵脚ill.(3) 有节奏的朗读。Step 3.Presentation and PracticeShow the words: go, home, no, nose

24、, open让学生听录音,自己体会并总结说出字母o在这些单词中的发音/ u /T: Here we have two new friends. Can you read their name?2. Read after the music.3. T: Can you give me more words with letter “o” pronounced / u /? Discuss in groups of four. Ill give you one minute.引导学生试着找出含有相同音素的单词,让学生进一步体会读音。(T板书的时候注意分类)4.读一读这出含有字母o的单词,根据o的不

25、同发音将单词进行分类。5.牛刀小试:读一读,想一想,判断划线部分读音是否相同。(1)( )close homework (2)( ) socoffee (3)( )open nose注意:o还有其他发音,在今后的学习中逐步积累,培养学生积累知识的好习惯。1.Ticking time 3Step 4. ProductionHappy reading.Step 5. HomeworkFinish the exercises (听读) in Unit1六、板书设计:Unit 7 Whats the matter ?Whats the matter ?Are you happy/hungry /ill

26、/sad/thirsty /tired?Im happy/hungry /ill/sad/thirsty /tired .Heres for you .第五课时:一、教学内容:(Revision & workbook)二、教学目标:通过练习和讲解,进一步复习巩固本单元知识点,通过练习查漏补缺三、教学重难点:对知识点的拓展与运用四、教学准备:课件Step1 Preparation1.Greetings2.Free talk与老师的进行简单交流。A: Whose . is this/that? Whose .are these/those?B: Its/Theyre .s.Are you hung

27、ry/thirsty/ill/tired?Yes,I am./No,Im not.Step 2 Presentationand practice【学生十分钟】Lets act.1)有感情地模仿Story time中的对话表演,可以邀请自己的好朋友。2)有感情地模仿Cartoon time中的对话表演,可以邀请自己的好朋友。1. Lets ask and answer.1)当你想知道朋友是不是病了,你可以问:2)你想告诉别人你累了,可以说:3)说出六个有字母o的单词,并且要求的发音是/ u /4)你想告诉别人你想去踢足球,你可以说:5)你想要喝些水,你可以说:Step3Production an

28、d progress一、词汇渴的;口渴的 累地;疲惫的生病的 高兴的;快乐的水二、词组1.吃一块馅饼 2.喝一些水 3.想要 4.上床睡觉5.晚安 6.吃一块蛋糕 7.好的 8.把你的鼻子给罗斯看三、句子1.过来吃一块馅饼。2.我不饿。我渴。3.你怎么了?4.我可以喝一些水吗? 5.你病了吗? 6.我想睡觉。7.我是狐狸老师。8.你好吗?9.这儿是一些水。(给你一些水。)10.这儿是一把扇子。(给你一把扇子。)Homework:复习unit7【板书设计】 Unit 7 Whats the matter?Whats the matter ? Are you happy/hungry /ill/sad/thirsty /tired?Im happy/hungry /ill/sad/thirsty /tired .Heres for you .修改补充

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