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1、ChinaDaily早报531ChinaDaily早报5.31 【Markets】Dow Jones12,441.58 +38.82 +0.31% Nasdaq2,796.86 +13.94 +0.50% 【Bonus Oriens】The lunatic is the man who lives in a small world but thinks it is a large one; he is the man who lives in a tenth of the truth, and thinks it is the whole. The madman cannot conceive

2、 any cosmos outside a certain tale or conspiracy or vision. (G.K. Chesterton, English novelist and poet, 1874-1936)疯子,是蜗居于狭小的世界里,却以为它很大的人;他活在一成的真实里,却以为这就是全部。疯人无法想象在特定的故事、阴谋或假象背后,还有另外的世界。(G·K·切斯特顿,英国小说家、诗人,1874-1936)【Highlights】>BPA bottles banned in China6月起禁生产双酚A奶瓶>Scalpers see prof

3、its in news黄牛借爆炸新闻炒iPad>Li Na makes history法网李娜创历史首入8强>DPRK wont deal with ROK朝宣布不再接触韩政府>Philips slitty-eyed gaffe英女王老公辩对华毒舌>Obama is set to have a scandal?奥氏不久将陷重大丑闻?>Art in a blink of eyes眼皮绘梦幻迪士尼(图) 【Cover Story】>Red scarf on hot sale迎六一红领巾网上热卖With the upcoming International Chi

4、ldrens Day on June 1, red scarf, a uniform item for Young Pioneers and a symbol bearing most peoples childhood memory, has become a hot sale online, Beijing Morning Post reported. One online store reported the sale of more than 500 red scarves within 30 days. And T-shirts printed with red scarf desi

5、gns are also popular among netizens. Most buyers turned out to be adults, who are commemorating their childhood days, an online seller said.据北京晨报报道,随着六一国际儿童节的临近,红领巾这个代表多数人少年时代印记的产品开始在网上热卖,其中一家店铺仅在最近30天内就销售出去500余条。此外,印有红领巾样子的T恤也被广大网友认可。据一家店铺的老板介绍,这些产品的购买者都是成年人,大家无非是重寻一下童年的记忆。【Top News】>BPA bottles

6、 banned in China6部门禁止双酚A奶瓶Chinas Ministry of Health and other 5 ministries announced plans to ban baby bottles containing bisphenol A (BPA), reported. According to the announcement, starting June 1 any polycarbonate baby bottle or other baby bottles containing BPA will be banned from production. And

7、 starting September 1, import and sale of these childrens products will be prohibited. Manufacturers and importers are responsible to call back the products.据中新网报道,卫生部等6部门近日发布公告称,禁止双酚A用于婴幼儿奶瓶。公告要求,自6月1日起,禁止生产聚碳酸酯婴幼儿奶瓶和其它含双酚A的婴幼儿奶瓶。自9月1日起,禁止进口和销售聚碳酸酯婴幼儿奶瓶和其它含双酚A的婴幼儿奶瓶,产品由生产企业或进口商负责召回。 >Scalpers se

8、e profits in news黄牛借爆炸新闻炒iPadScalpers in China have learned how to market themselves using the butterfly effect. According to the Beijing Morning Post, iPad 2 scalpers raised prices not long after the explosion at the iPad factory in Chengdu 1 week ago. In their sales pitch, the scalpers emphasized

9、the iPad 2 is bound to be marked up or even out of stock since the Chengdu factory is one of the only 2 mainland-located workshops of Taiwan-based Foxconn. And there are always gullible customers, the report said.经济学上的蝴蝶效应已经被中国的黄牛们精准掌握。据北京晨报报道,一周前的成都富士康爆炸事件让黄牛等来了新一轮加价的借口。由于该工厂是国内两个主要代工生产iPad2的基地之一,于

10、是,在黄牛的描述中,这款机器很快就会缺货,价格肯定还会涨。一些偏信小道消息的消费者难免会被忽悠。>DPRK wont deal with ROK朝宣布不再接触韩政府The DPRK(朝鲜) said Monday in a statement that it would never deal with ROK (韩国) President Lee Myung-bak, accusing ROK of piling up false accusations against the DPRK. According the statement, the DPRK Army would cut

11、off the north-south military communications in the area along the east coast and close the communication liaison office in Mt Kumgang area. The DPRK will launch a nationwide offensive to put an end to the moves of the Lee group to escalate the confrontation with the DPRK, it added.朝鲜30日发表声明称,鉴于韩国政府反

12、朝活动日益加剧,朝鲜同李明博政府将不再接触,并将切断朝韩东部地区的军事通信线路,关闭金刚山地区的通信联络所。此外,朝鲜还将发动全民族的攻势,给李明博政府的反朝活动画上句号。 >Irans national Internet伊国内局域网抵美文化Iran is planning to launch a national Internet to replace the global Internet, US media reported. Irans national Internet will be a genuinely halal network, aimed at Muslims on

13、 an ethical and moral level, Ali Aghamohammadi, Irans head of economic affairs, said. The Iran government believes that an online invasion of Western ideas, culture and influence, primarily originating from the US, is a major threat to its Islamic moral codes.据美媒报道,伊朗拟推出全国互联网以取代全球互联网。主管伊朗经济事务的官员阿加莫罕

14、马迪称,全国互联网将是一个名副其实的清真网络,针对穆斯林开发,有自己的伦理和道德标准。伊政府认为,互联网上主要来自美国的西方思想、文化和影响力的入侵是对该国伊斯兰道德准则一个重大威胁。 【In Brief】>China will raise prices for electricity used for industrial, commercial and agricultural purposes across the countrys 15 provinces and municipalities by RMB16.7 per 1,000 kwh, the countrys top

15、economic planner said Monday. The regulation takes effect on June 1. Electricity prices for residential use remained unchanged. 国家发改委30日通知,6月1日起,15个省市工商业、农业用电价格平均每千瓦时上调1.67分钱,但居民用电价不变。>World No 7 Li Na fought back from one set down Monday to defeat 9th-seeded Petra Kvitova from the Czech Republic

16、 2-6, 6-1, 6-3, becoming the first Chinese player to reach the quarterfinals at the French Open. Li was the first Chinese player to reach a Grand Slam final at the 2011 Australian Open.在30日举行的法网女单1/8决赛中,李娜以2-6/6-1/6-3逆转赛会9号种子、捷克选手科维托娃,成为首位闯进法网8强的中国网球选手。李娜目前排名世界第7,她2011年杀入澳网公开赛决赛,改写了中国网坛历史。>41% mo

17、bile phone users in China are using 2 or more cellphones simultaneously, according to a report by Analysys International, the Beijing Times reported.据京华时报报道,易观国际发布的报告显示,我国有41%的手机用户同时使用两部或更多的手机。>About 80% of Chinas primary and middle school students arent getting enough sleep, according to a repor

18、t released by the China Youth and Children Research Center.根据中国青少年研究中心发布的一项报告显示,我国约8成中小学生存在睡眠不足问题。>The Hangover Part II bested the animated Kung Fu Panda 2 at the US weekend box office, while Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides fell to 3rd, US media reported.据美国媒体报道,宿醉2击败动画大片功夫熊猫2,荣获北美周末票

19、房冠军,加勒比海盗4位列第3。 【Celebrity】>Philips slitty-eyed gaffe英女王老公辩对华毒舌Philip (see photo), the husband of British Queen Elizabeth, has defended the infamous slitty-eyed gaffe he made during a trip to China 25 years ago, the Daily Telegraph of London reported. While on a visit to China in 1986, he told a

20、group of British exchange students: If you stay here much longer, youll all be slitty-eyed. During a documentary to mark his 90th birthday, when asked about the incident, he said: The Chinese werent worried about it, so why should anyone else? The Duke has become renowned over the years for his risq

21、ue comments. He once said: If it has got 4 legs and it is not a chair, if it has got 2 wings and it flies but is not an aeroplane, and if it swims and it is not a submarine, the Cantonese will eat it.据英国每日电讯报报道,英伊丽莎白女王的丈夫菲利普亲王(见图),近日对他25年前访华时臭名昭著的细缝眼言论进行了辩护。菲利普1986年访华时曾对一群来自英国的交换生说:如果你们在中国呆太久,也会变成细缝

22、眼的。近日,在一部为庆祝他90岁生日所拍的纪录片中,菲利普又被问及此事,他反驳道:中国人都不介意,其他人着什么急。报道称,这不是菲利普第一次发表争议言论了。他此前还说过:如果一个东西有4条腿却不是椅子,有2个会飞的翅膀而不是飞机,可以游泳而不是潜艇,广东人就会吃掉它。 【Kaleidoscope】>Obama is set to have a scandal?奥氏不久将陷重大丑闻?US President Obamas administration is set to be rocked by scandal, according to one political scientists

23、mathematical formula, the Daily Mail of London reported. Brendan Nyhan, a scholar at the University of Michigan, presented detailed graphs illustrating the likelihood of a scandal to unfold before the 2012 presidential election with the probability rising between 95-100% by June of next year. He tes

24、ted his hypotheses on scandal coverage data from the Washington Post and chronologies of presidential events covered by the New York Times.据英国每日邮报报道,一名政治科学家日前大胆预测,根据他的公式推算,奥巴马政权不久将身陷重大丑闻。美国密歇根大学的学者布伦丹·尼汉通过图表等数据论证,从现在起至2012年美国大选前的6月,奥巴马身陷丑闻的几率将增加95%-100%。他对华盛顿邮报对多位美国总统任期内发生丑闻的报道以及纽约时报的总统大事年表进行假设

25、检验,最终得出这一结论。>Art in a blink of eyes眼皮绘梦幻迪士尼(图)Using everyday cosmetics, Katie Alves, a Canadian make-up artist, is drawing stunning detailed scenes on eyelids, the Daily Mail of London reported. Among her favorite are scenes from Disney animated movies like Little Mermaid, Entangled and Lion King

26、 (see photo). Each eye can take between 1 to 2 hours to complete. Alves only started working as a make-up artist last October. One day I got the idea to do a little Halloween design on my lips, just to see if I could do it. It turned out I could and it evolved into what I do now, she said.据英国每日邮报报道,

27、仅用普通化妆品,加拿大化妆师凯蒂·阿尔维斯在眼皮上创造出了精美绝伦的绘画艺术。她最拿手的作品来自迪士尼电影的场景,包括小美人鱼、长发公主以及狮子王(见图)。完成单只眼皮的创作需要1到2个小时的时间。据悉,阿尔维斯去年10月才成为化妆师。她说:一天,我突发奇想,想在嘴唇上设计点万圣节情调的东西,效果还不错。后来,它就演变成了现在的眼皮绘画。 【Talk Show】本期我们继续学习关于急救的口语。>Have you treated any real emergencies?你处理过实际发生的紧急事故吗?>Well, they took us along with some p

28、aramedics. There was this guy who fell off his motorcycle and suffered a concussion as well as a couple of compound fractures. His wounds were pretty serious so they had to rush him to the hospital. It was intense!他们让一些护理人员带我们去处理。有一个人从摩托上摔下来,他有点脑震荡,还有几处复合骨折。他伤得很严重,所以他们必须飞速将他送往医院,真是很紧急。>I can imag

29、ine! I tend to faint when I see blood, so I think I wont be taking up a course like that anytime soon!我能想象得到,但是我一看到血就晕,所以我想我近期应该不会去参加那样的课的。(本期英文内容由美籍编辑Clark Cahill润色。) 【TOEIC Test Daily】If you are making travel _ with Lee Travel Ltd., please have the relevant details for all members of your party available when you call. 答案:(C)arrangements

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