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1、Unit8Howdoyoumakeabananamilkshake学案人教版八年级上7课题:Unit 8 How do you make a banana milk shake? (Section A 1a 2c) Teaching Aims:New words:shake,blender,cut,peel, pour,yogurt,ingredient,watermelon,teaspoon,amount,instructionKey phrases:turn on,cut up,pour intoKey sentences: How do you make a banana milk sh

2、ake? How many bananas do we need?How much yogurt do we need?Teachers activitiesStudents activitiesThe second preparationStep 1 Warming up / RevisionTask 1 . Play a piece of music Food and drinkfor students to listen and relax.(This activity make students be interested in this English lesson) Task 2.

3、 Revise the names of some vegetables, meat , fruits and drinks.Teacher: Do you like bananas? What kind of fruit do you like? Whats your favorite food/ vegetable/ meat/ fruit? Step 2. The key vocabulary Task 1. Discuss where people usually have meals and where the foods are from .Teacher: 1) What do

4、you have for your three meals?2) Where are the foods you have from? (Lead to the key words and learn: home-cooking , take-away food )Task 2. Discuss what food people make. ( T: Some people like to cool body by making food at home, especially in summer. The weather is too hot. So people make some foo

5、d to cool body.) Teacher: What do people like cooking in hot summer?Students: banana milk shake, fruit salad, popcorn, sandwiches , pancake.Task 3: Learn how to make a banana milk shake.Look at 1 a ,teach the names of all items. Point to the pictures of the items and ask students to repeat. Focus on

6、 the pictures. Ask the students to tell what they see in each picture. Describe each action and ask students to repeat the process of making. Task 4. Ask students to write the names of the actions on the black lines. Then check the answers. 1. Peel the bananas. 2. Cut up the bananas, 3. Put the bana

7、nas and ice-cream into the blender. 4. Pour the milk into the blender. 5. Turn on the blender. 6. Drink the shake. Step 3. Listening Task 1. Point to the actions in the picture according to what the teacher read about the list of actions in 1b. Ask different students to look at the picture and tell

8、what is happening.Task 2. Play the recorder for the first time. The students only listen. Then listen again, number the instructions in the right order. (These activities let students know how to make a banana milk shake.)Step 4. Practice using the target language Task 1. Teamwork. Ask six students

9、to start their conversations like the sample conversation in 1b. Each student try to describe a processTask 2. Try to talk about how to make an apple milk shake in group. Task 3. Each student try to tell how to make an apple milk shake in a group. (Let the students have spoken English and listening

10、practice) Step 5 Related exercises in class I. Read and circle the corret words or phrases1. First (peel/ pour) three bananas.2. Then (turn on / cup up) the apples.3. (Drink/ Put) the bananas in the blender.4. (Put/ Turn on ) the blender.5. (Pour / Peel/ drink) the milk shake. Step 6.Summary: What h

11、ave we learned today? (These activities teach to grasp the key vocabulary and learn the target language)Step 7. HomeworkTask 1. Review the words.Task 2. Try to make a banana mile shake or an apple milk shake for parents at home. Greetings.Students try to answer. .Students fill the chart.Students are

12、 required to finish 1a.Students work in pairs.Make the summaryWrite down the homework.教学反思: 课题:Unit 8 How do you make a banana milk shake? (Section A 3a 4) Teaching Aims:New words:finally,mix,popcorn,popper,boil,salt,add Key phrases:mix up,addto,put in Key sentences: First, cut up three bananas, thr

13、ee apples and a watermelon. Next, put the fruit in a bowl.Then, put in two teaspoon of honey and a cup of yogurt. Finally, mix it all up.学习重难点:会运用first,next,then,finally描述制作食物的过程。Teaching proceduresTeachers activitiesStudents activitiesThe second preparation课前预习.介绍一下你给家人做的沙拉吧。2. 将两茶匙蜜,一杯酸奶,一些苹果,一些香蕉

14、放入碗内,进行搅拌。_two teaspoons of,a cup of _, some apples,some bananas_ _a bowl,and_ it all2)切好西红柿和牛肉,煮好面条,在面条里加入材料,再加上一些盐,就可以吃面条了。First,the tomatoes and beef. Next,_the noodles. Then_ the ingredients and some salt_ the noodles. Finally,eat the noodles.搜集中外食谱,小组共享。课堂学习Before reading1.小组内互相展示课前准备的总结情况,并交流补

15、充。2.观察3b中的图片,你能猜出图中的人物在做什么吗?_While reading1. Read the conversation quickly and answer a question .What is the conversation talking about?1. Read again and find out the correct order of the sentences.How to make Russian soup ?_ Cook the soup for 30 minutes. Then add the cabbage, tomatoes and onion an

16、d cook for another 10 minutes. _ Put the beef, carrots and potatoes into a pot add some water._ Then cut up the vegetables._ buy some beef, one cabbage, four carrots, three potatoes, five tomatoes and one onion.3. Read it aloud for 5 minutes to role- play4.Read carefully and circle the correct word

17、in each question,完成3a.5. 3b 1) Look at the pictures 2) Ask Ss to write one sentence about each picture 3) Ask Ss to add “first,next,then,finally” before each sentence 4) Form a passage and read it to their partners,完成3b。观察与思考:1. 在制作某一事物、食品或做某一件事情时,一般都分为几个步骤。英文中常用来表示步骤的词语有:first, next, then, finally,

18、 中文意思依次为:_、_、_、_。熟练掌握这几个词能帮助你有秩序地记叙事情发展的过程。2. 练习:_cut up three bananas,three apples _and a watermelon. Put the fruit in a bowl._put in two teaspoons of honey and a cup of yogurt mix it all。3. How many how much 的区别用法。How many 对 (可数、不可数)提问;How much 对 (可数、不可数)提问。结合课本59页中3b的图片,小组讨论怎样制作爆米花,由一人负责记录制作步骤。A:

19、First, put the corn into the popcorn popper. Next,.1. 游戏时刻:菜谱还原大赛。依据课前预习II中学生准备的食谱,把它们分别剪成三到四部分。小组之间交换剪好的碎片,看哪个组能够最快还原,进一步感知描述顺序的语言。2. 3c writing and speaking:知识巩固根据汉语意思及英语提示翻译下列句子。1.你怎样做咖啡奶昔?_ do you make _ _ _ _?2.你可以在果汁里加一些冰激凌。You can _ some ice cream _ the juice.3.请打开电视机。我想看新闻联播。Please _ _ the T

20、V.I want to watch CCTV News.4.我们需要放两茶匙蜂蜜。We need to put _ _ _ _.5.请不要把你的书和我的书混在一起。Please dont _ _ you books with mine.Free talk .Ss practice the sentence pattern “Does he/she like”Work in pairs and make dialogues.Finish 3a and 3b.Do the task.Make a survey of their families.Students work in groups an

21、d do the survey.Do the exercises. 教学反思: 组长签字: 主任签字: 课题:Unit 8 How do you make a banana milk shake? (Section B 1a 1e) Teaching Aims:1熟练掌握词汇:sandwich,butter,piece,turkey,slices,lettuce,put.on,a slice of,a piece of2. 熟练掌握以下句型:Do you like? Yes,I do/No,I dont3.熟练掌握本课出现的可数名词及不可数名词。 可数名词:sandwich, turkey,

22、slice.不可数名词:bread, butter, relish, lettuce.4.了解以下词汇的语音语义:relish , lettuce , turkey , slice.技能目标:能够听懂有关三明治制作过程的会话并能用所听内容描述食物的制作过程。注意材料及用量的短语及表达,并能用量词表示可数名词和不可数名词的量。情感态度:通过向别人介绍自己做过的事情,达到互相学习和扩展知识的目的。 Teaching proceduresTeachers activitiesStudents activitiesThe second preparation课前预习:1.观察课本60页1a中的图片,你

23、能猜出这是制作哪种食物的原料吗?2.你喜欢吃三明治吗?你喜欢在三明治里放些什么材料呢?想一想,列举在下面。In my sandwich, I like _.课堂学习:Before listening 1.交流,检测课前预习1,熟记单词。2.运用课前预习2的内容,汇报你喜欢的三明治。In my sandwich, I like., I don t like.3.和同伴仿照1b的对话,互相谈论各自喜欢的三明治。While listening 1.听一遍录音,完成1c。对话中有_种原料,分_步完成。2.听第二遍录音,写出1d表格中制作火鸡三明治所需的材料。在填表之前,一定要浏览1a中的短语及单词哦!

24、它们会帮助你顺利完成任务的。Ingredients AmountFirst Next . .Then Finally . 3.再听一遍录音,完成制作火鸡三明治的过程。First, put a teaspoon of butter on_ _ _bread. Next, put tomato, an onion and the turkey slices on the sandwich. Then , put_ _ _relish and the lettuce on the turkey. Finally, put another slice of bread on top.5.模仿秀:听录音

25、,模仿对话中的精彩片段。然后大声朗读。观察与思考:sandwich ,turkey, slice, lettuce属于_名词。它们的数量可以用其容器的数量或体积;重量等表示。如:一杯牛奶_, 两片面包_, 三片火鸡_。After listening1e speaking:两人一组,告诉你的同伴你是怎样制作你最喜欢吃的三明治的。A: First, put some relish on a slice of bread. B: How much relish?C: About a teaspoon.知识巩固 I.根据句意, 用括号内单词的适当形式填空:1. How many _(slice) of

26、 bread do weekend?2. I eat two_(sandwich)for breakfast.3. Here are some bananas. Please cut_(they)up.4. I need _(buy) some flowers.5._(final),mix it all up.6. We need some _(tomato).7. Here_(be) some milk. Drink it ple ase.8._(not turn)on the blender.9. You can make fruit salad following these_(inst

27、ruction).10.If you put some _(butter)on the bread, it will taste more delicious.II.句型转换:1.I like lettuce in sandwiches (变一般疑问句)_ _ _lettuce in sandwiches?2.We need a teaspoon of relish.(对划线部分提问)?_ _relish _we need?3.There are fifty students in our class.(对划线部分提问)_ _students_ _in your class?4.a, of,r

28、elish,first,on,bread,put,some,slice(连词成句)_5.Add some salt to the soup.(改为否定句)_书面表达。 上周六你和你妹妹去看望姨妈,你姨妈教你做牛肉三明治。请你根据下面的配料表来描述一下姨妈做的三明治的方法。 Ingredients2 slices of bread Some lettuce 1 teaspoon of butter 4 slices of beef 1 onion and 1tomato 2teaspoons of relish要求:1. 语句通顺,内容完整.2.词数:不少于50词。How to make a b

29、eef sandwichStudents present their homework.Students try to answer the question. Students work in pairs according to the pictures.Some students show their conversations.Students work in groups.Students listen and circle the questions they hear.Write down the homework.教学反思:组长签字: 主任签字:课题:Unit 8 How do you make a banana milk shake? (Section B 2a 2e) 1.熟记掌握以下词汇:traditional,traveler,celebrate,mix,fill,cover,remember2.掌握并能正确使用本课时重点短语; have a big meal,fillwith,coverwith

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