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Unit 4 How old are you.docx

1、Unit 4 How old are youUnit 4 How old are you?Lets listen and say对话。妈妈带陈东看医生。目标语:How old are you ? Im B. Lets learn单词。Numbers 1-10C. Lets act活动。练习句型How old are you? Im .D. Lets read连环画。Dino, Tim谈论年龄,出现了Doggie, Hes two. E. Lets read and draw.字母Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp的读音和书写,单词lemon milk nose orange pen的了解。F. Le

2、ts chant.Chant.与字母有关。G. Lets have fun.儿歌,与数字有关。 学生在之前学习了简单的问候,介绍自己的姓名和询问别人的姓名。学习了字母Aa-Kk的书写和读音。 二、单元整体目标1、能听懂会说、会读数词1-10,了解它们的基本意义与表量的功能。2、能理解并初步运用句型How old are you? Im 。以及了解西方国家关于年龄的文化意识。3、能学会Part A课文内容及理解拓展阅读材料Part D。4、掌握字母Ll-Pp的读音和书写,了解含有该字母的单词lemon milk nose orange pen。5、认识本单元中出现的新朋友:Chen Dong ,

3、Dick, Ken, Kate, Doggie。6、学习关于字母的Chant和关于询问别人年龄的chant,获得学习乐趣。7、能在创设的情境中综合运用数词110。 三、课时、教学内容、课型第一课时:B C 词句教学第二课时:A D G 对话教学第三课时:E F 字母教学和综合拓展课 四、各课时的教学设计 课时 The First Period教学内容Parts B and C课型 Word-sentence Teaching 教学目标 1. Revise the knowledge theyve learnt.2. Be able to use the sentence patterns an

4、d the culture about the age :-How old are you?-Im .3. Be able to say the words: 1-10重点难点1. The new words and sentence structures.2. Be able to use the knowledge about the numbers learned and sentences correctly.教具学具Ts: one-to ten-word cards ,a shuttlecock and DVDSs: several shuttlecocks, dogs masks

5、with age, a table with “Name Age”教学过程步骤、内容、时间教师活动学生活动设计意图I. Warming up(3 mins) 1.Song“HELLO 2. Assessment way IIPresentation and drill(20 mins)1. the numbers 1102. Sentence pattern: How old are you?Im V. Practice(9 mins) Parts B and CLearning a song: How old are you?V. Consolidation (7 mins) Know ab

6、out magical dogs.V .Homework ( 1min) 1.T: Morning, boys and girls. Can you sing the song “hello” ? 2.Introduce the assessment way: See which group can get the most letters(Ll, Mm Nn Oo Pp) in 5 groups.1.Teaches them to learn the numbers with fingers in Chinese Sign Language: one two three four five

7、when T devidesAt the same time T writes down the number words on the BB.2.T(shows them a shuttlecock ):Lets kick the shuttlecock, OK?(do the action) T kicks it and leads them count, teaches “six”3. T: Can you kick?Counts the shuttlecocks with them and teaches the other numbers.(They must stop when t

8、hey kick ten shuttlecocks, the players come from each group).4.Check their pronunciations of the numbers “seven eight nine ten” by asking several Ss to read them.5. T: Please kick your shuttlecocks in your groups, Ill watch which group is best. 6.T tells them theres a kicking shuttlecock race next w

9、eek, we should know your age.PPT shows them a table with names and age(年龄) and T says: Look, Im 40. is 9 is 10. How old are you,? T helps him/her answer it and write down the numbers in the blanks.7.T: Who can help me to finish this table? 8.Tell them some age culture in some western countries. 1. P

10、lay the DVD, let them listen and repeat.2. PPT shows them the song and let them sing after the PPT.How old are you? How old are you?I am nine. I am ten3. Let them sing the song by themselves. 1.T shows them many kinds of dogs and say: boys and girls, look, they are many kinds of dogs, do you know ho

11、w old they are? Please greet and ask them: how old are you? Please put up your dogs masks and make a dialogue.2.Act out. 1. Read Parts B and C after the DVD.2. Find out the numbers in life.3.Sum up.1. Sing the song with the actions together. 2. Listen and get ready for the new learning tasks.1. lear

12、ning the new words by listening, saying and drilling with fingers. They should drill “four” and “five” more than others.2. C looks and counts the shuttlecocks and drill “ six” with Chinese Sign Language. 3. Ss kick the shuttlecocks and others count together, they learn the numbers “seven eight nine

13、ten” with Chinese Sign Language in the game. 4. Ss read the numbers “seven eight nine ten” loudly. 5. Ss kick the shuttlecock in the group, the others count the numbers in English. 6.C look, listen and answer: How old are you? 7.Ss ask some of them: How old are you, ? And write down the numbers in t

14、he blanks in the computer.8.listen and remember. 1. Watch and repeat after the DVD.2.Learn to sing the song after the PPT. 3.Sing the song by themselves. They can use their own age. 1.Put up their masks and make a dialogue:e.g. Good morning! How old are you?2. Act out. 1.2.Copy their homework. 3.Cou

15、nt their letters.1.营造快乐的气氛,既活动了身体,又为接下来学习How old are you?做铺垫。2.设计的评价手段采用与数字联系分五组,采用奖励字母Ll-Pp,再奖励的过程中,渗透字母的读音,为本单元的字母教学奠基。1.因为在前面的单元学习中学习了数字1-3,在评价中学习数字four 和five就很自然,而且渗透中国式数字手势表达法能增加乐趣,将单元后的Lets know more轻松穿插在课文教学中。 2.在真实的环境中学习数字。而且有利于在真实的环境中复习前面的数字。 3.从真实情景出发,在玩中学习和运用知识,防止枯燥的操练。而且培养竞争意识。 4.纠正个别同学的

16、读音。 5.让更多的同学在游戏中运用知识达到巩固的作用。 6.7.带领学生完成表格,在真实的任务中学习新句型并运用句型。8.了解西方文化,得体运用语言的保障。1.模仿是学习英语必要的也是很重要的手段和方法。2.3.打破教材的设计,加入学生易学的英语歌曲,让学生趣味灵活地学习英语。 1.2. 不仅人类有年龄,动物也有年龄,让他们运用所学知识了解动物的年龄,同时给课堂带来神秘和乐趣。1.2.温故而知新并将学习延伸到课外,进行必要的学习策略指导。3.复习并运用已学数字。板书设计 Unit 4 ( Four)How old are you? Im one/two/three/four/five/six

17、/seven/eight/nine/ten. (pic.) (pic.) (pic.) (pic.) (pic.) (pic.) (pic.) (pic.) (pic.) (pic.) 评价设计 把全班分成5个组,进行组与组之间的竞赛。采用的手段是奖励字母卡片,看哪组得到的最多,为第三课时学习字母降低难度,节约时间,总结字母数量达到运用英语的目的,使得评价的过程变成了真实运用所学知识。 教学反思(亮点与不足) 1、亮点:在真实的环境中学习英语新知识,踢毽子,了解同学的年龄都是学生很喜欢的活动,化枯燥的操练数字和句型学习于游戏和任务当中,在不知不觉当中让学生学会了英语新知识。同时,拓展练习扩充了学生的知识面。2、不足:给教学组织带来困难。

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