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1、模块8unit3Theworldofcolourandlight全单元教学案Unit 3 The World of Colours and LightWelcome to the unit一、 话题背景导读Light is everywhere in our world. We need it to see: it carries information from the world to our eyes and brains. To see colours, there must be at least a little bit of light. While light is in fa

2、ct made of all colours, but the colours we see depend on the quantity and colour of light being thrown back (reflected) or taken in (absorbed) by an object. In order for humans to see colour, the reflected light goes to sensitive area in the back of our eyes called the retina (视网膜) which sends impul

3、ses to the brain which then interprets the combination of impulses to be the colour humans see.All of the colour on a printed page can be produced with the three pigment (色素) primaries, red, blue, and yellow. There are also called the subtractive primaries because together they make black.Combinated

4、 in pairs, they yield another set of primaries, the additive, or light ,primaries. These are the wavelengths of orange-red, blue-violet, and green that combine to make white light. This is how the colour non your computer monitor behaves. When these colours are all combined in pairs they form, red,

5、blue, and yellow. That light is made up of colour-that , in away, colour is light, and energy.Human beings feel a universal attraction to light. It is the source of life-giving energy. And where there is light there is colour.Answer the following questions:1. What can we learn from the above passage

6、?_2. What colours are in the “white light”?_二、单项填空1. His theory was so _ that no one at that time could understand. A. complete B. abstract C. high D. content2. He has _ the habit of smoking while reading books. A. made B. built C. finished D. developed3. It was in the house _ Picasso was born _ his

7、 works were exhibited. A. that; that B. where; where C. that; where D. where; that4. He proved himself a true gentleman and the beauty of his _ was seen at its best when he worked with others.A. temper B. appearance C. talent D. character5. One of the advantages of living on the top floor of a highr

8、ise is that you can get a good _. A. sight B. sense C. view D. look三完成下列句子(每空一词)1. 我最迟九点会来。I _ _ _ _ 9 oclock at the latest.2. 写生画在中国和西方一直都很盛行。Paintings of nature _ _ _ _, _ in China _ in West.3. 生活常常捉弄涉世不深的人Life often _ _ _ those who _ _ _.4. 抽象派艺术着重形状,颜色和结构,而不是实物。_ _ is about shapes, colours and t

9、extures _ _ objects.5. 教授在一所语言学校教书谋生。The professor _ _ _ _ _ at a language school.Reading一、 英汉短语互译1.有才华的艺术家_ 2.创作不同风格的绘画 _3. 乘飞机去_ 4.在.的帮助下_5.料到某人会做某事_ _ 6.与世界共享_7.在天文学领域 _ 8.飞越了雷雨区 _9.range from _ 10. see a beautiful rainbow in the clouds _11.have an appetie for _ 12.devote ones whole self to doing

10、 _13.distribute to_ _ 14.negotiate a successful sale _15. be off to _二、根据首字母、语境或中文提示填空 1. With the e_ of outer space, we know much about the moon. 2. They decided to take apart the machine and started again from s_. 3. From the building, you can get a full v_. 4. I like the p_ of your skirt, but not

11、 the colour. 5. She w_ bitter tears (流出了辛酸的泪水)of disappointment. 6. This advertisement is c_ to attract the attention of housewives. 7.The assessment of a students work is often _ (主观的).8. The workers have decided to n_ with the employers about their wage claim. 9. Many young students adore Jay Chou

12、 because he is such a t_ musician.10. In the market dealers were b_ with growers over the price of coffee. 三、单项填空1. While we _ playing games in the Internet, we _ to it. A. would like; are not addicted B. adore; are not addicted C. would like; dont addict D. adore; dont addict2. The principle was _

13、at all the students brilliant ideas of raising funds for the flood victims in India. A. amazed B. admired C. amusing D. frightened3. In Hangzhou, the tourist industry has _ a lot of employment opportunities for the local workers. A. found B. discovered C. created D. invented4. Have you _ whats wrong

14、 with your laptop? A. figured out B. thought out C. carried out D. came out5. Even after the teacher announced the beginning of the class, the girl _ talking. A. carried out B. carried on with C. carried on D. continued with6. As is known, it is _ to judge a person only by his appearance. A. subject

15、ive B. objective C. realistic D. virtual7. Being ill deadly in hospital, Mr. Yang has a strong _ for life and hopes to come back to his teaching post earlier. A. demand B. appetite C. suggestion D. order8. Soon the workers found the boss didnt pay them according to the contract _ at the beginning. A

16、. negotiated B. negotiating C. to be negotiated D. being negotiated9. To live with the poor man she loves so much, she decided to _ her previous fancy way of life. A. accept B. improve C. interrupt D. abandon10. The scientist, who _ space all his life, is retiring next week. A. had explored B. is ex

17、ploring C. has been exploring D. explored 11. _ with his slippers on when he heard the terrible noise. A. Out did the policeman rush B. Rushed the policeman out C. Out rushed the policeman D. Out the policeman rushed12. The farmer was so _ to see the boy again who picked up his purse and returned it

18、 to him that he almost _ joy.A. peaceful; wept about B. thankful; wept for C. grateful; wept away D. enjoyable; wept over13. After he _ paper to each member of the class, he requested them _ a brief introduction each in English and hand them in. A. contributed; to write B. provided; writing C. distr

19、ibuted; to write D. divided; writing14. The driver was in trouble with the engine failure. Fortunately, a skilled machinist came to his _. A. assistance B. influence C. guidance D. advance15. Many people _ having more employment opportunities since the countrys economy is recovering. A. press for B.

20、 calculate on C. bargain for D. concentrate on四、用方框内所给词语的适当形式填空startfrom scratch, rather than, have an appetite for, range fromto, abandon oneself to share with , with the assistance of , afford to . , be calculated to do, distribute among, 1. The advertisement _ attract the attention of girls.2. Th

21、e lofts (阁楼) _ 550 _ 2,700 square feet and rent for $500 to $ 3,000 a month.3. The corporation _ its profit _ the workers.4. He _ drinking and failed in his business very soon.5. The price of real estate in Suzhou is so high that I cant _ buy a new house.6. The whole factory was burned down and he h

22、ad to _ a new business.7. Dont worry! Ill _ all the costs to you.8. I think Tom, _you , is to blame.9. _ her parents and teachers, the girl got a chance to study in Harvard University.10. To our surprise, the talented boy_ tough physics problems.五、 根据Reading内容, 在空白处填入正确的单词形式Li Ming is telling Yang Y

23、an all about his trip. First, Li Ming along with his aunt and grandmother, who are both very(1)t_ artists, started in Spain and went to the city of Malaga, the(2)b_ of Pablo Picasso. He was amazed to learn that Picasso was not only a painter, but also a sculptor and a(3)p_. Second, they flew to Pari

24、s, where all the buildings are very(4)h_. During four days in Paris they spent one whole day at the Louvre Museum, where there is the famous Mona Lisa painting by the(5)I_ artist Leonardo da Vinci. Besides being a painter, da Vinci was also a sculptor, an(6)a_, and engineer and a scientist. He made

25、a lot of scientific (7)d_ that he shared with the world, particularly in the field of (8)a_. Third, they went to Amsterdam. On the way there, they flew over a(9)t_. Some people were scared, but he liked seeing it. Yesterday they went to the Van Gogh Museum, where he knew something about Van Gogh and

26、 his paintings. Towards the end of his life, Van Gogh created more(10)a_ artwork. Fourth, tomorrow they are off to another museum in Amsterdam. At last Li Ming promises to tell Yang Yan more about his trip when he gets back.六、句型转换或按要求改写句子 1. You know that I am with my aunt at present._ _ _ , I am wi

27、th my aunt at present.2. Both of them are artists of great talent.They _ _ very _ artists.3. Im considering painting myself after I leave school.Im _ _ starting painting myself after my _ from school.4. The house where Picasso was born is now a museum full of his art.The house _ _ Picasso was born i

28、s now a museum _ _ _ _ his art.5. Picasso was also a sculptor and a photographer.Picasso was _ _ a sculptor _ _ a photographer.6. Cubism is a type of art where things are represented as geometric shapers.Cubism is a type of art where things are _ _ _ _ geometric shapers.7. After we visited Spain, we went to Paris by air.After _ Spain, we _ _ Paris. 8. Apart from the works of da Vinci, the Louvre Museum has more than 6,000 other European paintings, which range from

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