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1、福建省教师公开招聘考试小学英语真题福建省教师公开招聘考试小学英语真题2013年(总分:150.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、B第一部分 选择题/B(总题数:0,分数:0.00)二、B单项选择题/B(总题数:0,分数:0.00)三、B(一)单项选择/B(总题数:20,分数:40.00)1.Fancy meeting you here._. A. So did I B. Its a small world C. Oh, havent you D. Glad to meet you(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D.解析:解析 考查交际用语。句意为“一真没想到能在这儿遇见你。一这世界真小。”此句型为常

2、用交际句型。2.Life is like a long race where we compete with others to go _ ourselves. A. for B. against C. within D. beyond(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D.解析:解析 考查介词用法。句意:生活像一场长跑,我们要与别人竞争来超越自己。go beyond表示“超出,超越”。符合句意,故选D。3.The old man adopted two sons, both of _ working abroad. A. whom B. them C. that D. who(分数:2.00)A.

3、B.C.D.解析:解析 考查独立主格结构。后半句是由“代词+现在分词”构成的独立主格结构,因此用them,故选B。如果将working改成were,则用whom,后半句有独立的主语和谓语,是非限定性定语从句。4.Young people use more web languages in their conversation, such as 土豪, because such language gives them a(n) _ of identity. A. need B. matter C. sense D. opinion(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D.解析:解析 考查名词辨析。nee

4、d“需要”;matter“事件”;sense“意识”;opinion“观点”。句意:年轻人在他们的交谈中常用网络语言,例如“土豪”这样的词语,因为这样的语言可以给他们一种身份感。根据语境,a sense of“一种的感觉”,故选C。5.You should take a spare battery with you in case the one being used is _. A. slow B. below C. fiat D. blank(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D.解析:解析 考查词义辨析。根据句意:你应该带块备用电池,以防用着的这一块_。slow“慢的”;below“在下面”,

5、多作介词与副词使用,不符合此处语法;flat有多个意思,其中,可以表示“(电池)电用完了的”;blank“空白的”。根据语境可知C项正确。6.Out of pity, I offered to help the old man up, but he _ smilingly. A. rejected B. declined C. refused D. denied(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D.解析:解析 考查动词辨析。句意:出于同情,我愿意把老人扶起来,但是他微笑地拒绝了帮助。reject“拒绝,摒弃”,常用作及物动词;decline“婉言拒绝,谢绝”,相当于refuse politely,

6、比较正式,但主要用于拒绝有关社交活动的邀请或请求等;refuse“拒绝,回绝”,可用作不及物动词与及物动词;deny“否认(观点)”。根据句意可知,C项最符合句意。7.If I had taken your advice, I _ a teacher in primary school now. A. would have been B. would be C. will be D. am(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D.解析:解析 考查虚拟语气。题中句子是错综虚拟句,从句与过去事实相反,主句与现在事实相反,故用would/should/could/might+动词原形,句意为:如果我采取了你

7、的建议,我现在就会在小学当老师。故选B。8.All of his friends each have an iPad, and not wanting to lose face, he _ wants one too. A. badly B. very C. quite D. barely(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D.解析:解析 考查程度副词。very修饰形容词或其他副词;badly表示程度时含有迫切之意,常修饰表示不良情况的短语或放在所修饰的短语后面;quite“很,非常”;barely“仅仅,几乎不”。句意为:他所有的朋友都有一个iPad,为了不丢脸,他也非常想要一个iPad。故答案选

8、C。9.It rained heavily for severed days in a row in Jiangxi Province last month, and _ several towns were flooded. A. as a result of B. according to C. in consequence D. as result(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D.解析:解析 考查介词短语辨析。as a result of“由于的结果”;according to“根据”;in consequence“因此,结果”;没有as result这个短语。根据句意可知此处表示“结果

9、造成几个城镇被水淹没”,故选C。10.Jobs said it was the interest he acquired during his childhood _ influenced his whole life. A. which B. that C. when D. what(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D.解析:解析 考查强调句。It is/was.that.是强调句结构。句意:乔布斯说他童年时候培养的兴趣影响了他整整一生,故选B。11.The education reform plan took one year and nine months _, during which p

10、ublic opinions were called for. A. drawing up B. drew up C. to draw up D. drawn up(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D.解析:解析 考查固定句型。“.take some time to do sth.”表示“花费时间做某事”。句意:在征求民意的基础上,教育改革计划用时一年零九个月制定完成。故选C。12.The police arrested the suspect concerned with the _ murder last night. A. advised B. attended C. attempted D

11、. admitted(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D.解析:解析 考查词语辨析。advised“明智的,深思熟虑的”;attend“出席”,attended是attend的过去分词形式,一般不用作前置定语;attempted“(犯罪、不法行为)未遂的,未得手的”;admitted“被承认的,被确认无疑的”。句意:昨晚警察抓获了涉嫌谋杀未遂的嫌疑犯。故选C。13.It was the second time he _ to me. I would never trust him again. A. lied B. has lied C. was lying D. had lied(分数:2.00

12、)A.B.C.D.解析:解析 考查固定句型。在It is the first time+that从句结构中,从句用现在完成时。在It was the first time+that从句结构中,从句用过去完成时。句型中主句it可以用this,that;序数词first也可根据句意改变成其他序数词。句意为:这是他第二次对我撒谎,我不会再相信他了。故选D。14.Only when _ possible to settle the problem. A. does the teacher return will it be B. the teacher returns will it be C. ha

13、d the teacher returned it will be D. the teacher returns it will be(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D.解析:解析 考查倒装句。这是一个倒装句,“only+状语”位于句首时,部分倒装,从句不倒装,主句半倒装。句意:只有当老师回来时才有可能解决这个问题。故选B。15.The play Romeo and Juliet was written by _. A. Charles Dickens B. Jack London C. William Shakespeare D. Bernard Shaw(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D.解析

14、:解析 考查英美文学知识。罗密欧与朱丽叶(Romeo and Juliet)是英国剧作家莎士比亚著名戏剧作品之一。故答案选C。16.October 31st is _ according to American culture. A. Halloween B. Easter C. Thanksgiving D. Christmas Day(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D.解析:解析 考查英美概况知识。万圣节(Halloween)是10月31日;复活节(Easter),每年过春分月圆后的第一个星期天,其日期是不固定的;感恩节(Thanksgiving)是每年11月的第四个星期四;圣诞节(Chri

15、stmas Day)是12月25日。故选A。17.依据义务教育英语课程标准(2011年版)设计的英语课程分级目标体系,从3年级开设英语课程的学校,6年级应完成其中的_级目标。 A.一 B.二 C.三 D.四(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D.解析:解析 考查英语课程知识。在义务教育阶段,从3年级开设英语课程的学校,4年级应完成一级目标,6年级完成二级目标,7到9年级分别完成三、四、五级目标。18.某教师在英语教学中使用实物、简笔画、图片等直观手段,符合小学英语教学的_原则。 A.情境匹配 B.交际性 C.活动性 D.重复性(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D.解析:解析 考查英语教学论知识。儿童学习

16、外语与学习母语一大差异便是没有真实的语言环境,根据儿童思维的“具象性”原则,采用直观形象的手段人为地创造情境,有利于感性知识的形成。实物、图片、简笔画、幻灯片、多媒体等直观手段的利用,有助于学生在情境中学、用、并理解语言,这是情境匹配原则的内容。故选A。19.依据义务教育英语课程标准(2011年版)中语言技能目标(一级)要求,符合“能根据听到的词句识别或指认图片或实物”这个标准的教学活动是_。 A.Listen and Draw B.Listen and Point C.Listen and Color D.Listen and Match(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D.解析:解析 考查英语

17、课程与教学论知识。Listen and Point“听并指出”跟题中叙述标准一致。20.教师在英语课堂上鼓励学生敢开口,不怕表达错误,达到主要教学目的是_。 A.培养情感态度 B.提高学习策略 C.巩固语言知识 D.形成文化意识(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D.解析:解析 考查英语课程与教学论知识。情感态度指兴趣、动机、自信、意志和合作精神等影响学生学习过程和学习效果的相关因素以及在学习过程中逐渐形成的祖国意识和国际视野。教师在英语课堂上鼓励学生敢开口,不怕表达错误,意在帮助学生树立自信,锻炼他们克服困难的意志,是培养情感态度的表现。故选A。四、B(二)阅读理解/B(总题数:1,分数:15.0

18、0)I was nine when my father first sent me flowers. I had been taking tapdancing (踢踏舞) lessons for six months, and the school was giving its yearly recital. As an excited member of the beginners chorus line, I was aware of my lowly status.So it was a surprise to have my name called out at the end of

19、the show along with the lead dancers and to find my arms full of long-stemmed red roses. I can still feel myself standing on that stage, blushing furiously and gazing over the footlights to see my fathers grin as he applauded loudly.Those roses were the first in a series of large bouquets (花束,宴会) th

20、at accompanied all the milestones in my life. They brought a sense of embarrassment. I enjoyed them, but was flustered by the extravagance.Not my father. He did everything in a big way. If you sent him to the bakery for a cake, he came back with three. Once, when mother told him I needed a new party

21、 dress, he brought home a dozen.His behavior often left us without funds for other more important things. After the dress incident, there was no money for the winter coat I really neededor the new ice skates I wanted.Sometimes I would be angry with him, but not for long. Inevitably he would buy me s

22、omething to make up with me. The gift was so apparently an offering of love he could not verbalize that I would throw my arms around him and kiss himan act that undoubtedly perpetuated (保持) his behavior.Then came my 16th birthday. It was not a happy occasion. I was fat and had no boyfriend. And my w

23、ell-meaning parents furthered my misery by giving me a party. As I entered the dining room, there on the table next to my cake was a huge bouquet of flowers, bigger than any before.I wanted to hide. Now everyone would think my father had sent flowers because I had no boyfriend Uto do it/U. Sweet 16,

24、 and I felt like crying. I probably would have, but my best friend, Phyllis, whispered, Boy, youre lucky to have a father like that.As the years passed, other occasionsbirthdays, recitals, awards, graduationswere marked with Dads flowers. My emotions continued to seesaw between pleasure and embarras

25、sment.When I graduated from college, though, my days of ambivalence (矛盾情绪) were over. I was embarking on a new career and was engaged to be married. Dads flowers symbolized his pride, and my triumph. They evoked only great pleasure.Now there were bright-orange mums for Thanksgiving and a huge pink p

26、oinsettia at Christmas. White lilies at Easter, and velvety red roses for birthdays. Seasonal flowers in mixed bouquets celebrated the births of my children and the move to our first house.As my fortunes grew, my fathers waned, but his gifts of flowers continued until he died of a heart attack a few

27、 months before his 70th birthday. Without embarrassment, I covered his coffin with the largest, reddest roses I could find.Often in the dozen years since, I felt an urge to go out and buy a big bouquet to fill the living room, but I never did. Often in the dozen years since, I felt an urge to go out

28、 and buy a big bouquet to fill the living room, but I never did. I knew it would not be the same.Then one birthday, the doorbell rang. I was feeling blue because I was alone. My husband was playing golf, and my two daughters were away. My 13-year-old son, Matt, had run out earlier with a see you lat

29、er, never mentioning my birthday. So I was surprised to see his large frame at the door. Forgot my key, he said, shrugging. Forgot your birthday too. Well, I hope you like flowers, Mum. He pulled a bunch of daisies from behind his back.Oh, Matt, I cried, hugging him hard. I love flowers!(分数:15.00)(1).The underlined phrase to do it in Paragraph 8 means _. A. to give a party B. to send flowers C. to send gifts D. to help her(分数:3.00)A.B.C.D.解析:解析 画线部分所在句意为:这下谁都会以为我没有男朋友送花,只好由父亲来送了。不定式to do it指代本句关系连词because前的“sent flow

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