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M6U4 整体教案.docx

1、M6U4 整体教案Unit 4 Helping people around the worldPeriod1 Welcome to the Unit Teaching aims: 1. Encourage students to participate in a discussion about how they feel about these people in need and what they can do to help them.2. Encourage students to talk about some international organizations that ca

2、n help people to live a better life.Teaching focus & difficulties:1. Make sure that students have the basic knowledge about the disasters (caused by nature and we human beings) and their effects on our lives .2. Make sure that students have the basic knowledge about some famous national and internat

3、ional organizations.3. Make sure that each student can hold their own opinions on how to help people around the world.Procedure:Step 1: Brainstorming 1. Disasters, caused both by nature and mankind, strike different areas and regions every year. Its very difficult to predict when and where they will

4、 take place. Could you think of some disasters that impressed you deeply?2. Show some photos about some disasters and ask what effect these disasters will have on peoples daily lives? Proper answers: many people will become homeless Many children will have no schools to attend Many people will suffe

5、r from hunger Many people will die from diseases people still live in poverty Children have no school to attendStep 2: sharing informationFortunately, there are many international organizations which can help people around the world to have better lives, especially when things go wrong. Do you know

6、some national and international organizations?Proper answers: 1) National organizations 希望工程 “Project hope” 春蕾计划 光明行 中国红十字会 RED CROSS SOCIETY OF CHINA2) International organizations 国际维和部队 United Nations Peacekeeping Forces 联合国安全理事会 United Nations Security Council 世界卫生组织World Health Organization (WHO

7、) 总部设在瑞士日内瓦 国际红十字会 International Committee of the Red Cross(ICRC) 总部瑞士日内瓦 联合国人权委员会United Nations Commission on Human Rights (UNCHR) 绿色和平组织 GREENPEACE 总部位于荷兰的阿姆斯特丹 国际救援组织 国际爱护动物基金会 联合国粮食及农业组织 (简称“粮农组织”,Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO) 总部设在意大利罗马 联合国儿童基金会 (United Nations Chi

8、ldrens Fund UNICEF) 总部设在纽约 联合国教育、科学及文化组织 (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization UNESCO) 。总部设在法国巴黎Step3: Further readingFind more information about international aids.Step 4 Homework1. Do relevant exercises in Assessment Book.2. Finish the reading Exs on P128 in Workbook.3.

9、 Preview reading.Period2 Reading 1Teaching aims: (1) Encourage the Ss to grasp the main idea of the passage - a brief but clear introduction to the UN and some general information about the work and responsibility of a UN Goodwill Ambassador.(2) Students are expected to learn more about the UN on th

10、eir own by surfing the Internet in class.(3) Develop the students reading ability- how to understand a speakers attitude.Teaching procedures:Step 1 Lead-in(1) Warming up: Watch a video program twice and try to fill in the blanks:On _, 2006, the World _ Day, Angelina Jolie, UNHCR _, called on people

11、to help the refugees all over the world.Check the answers and learn the words: 20 June; Refugees; Goodwill ambassador.Learn about the acronym: UNHCR(2) A second acronym: UNICEF. Talk about what they have known about the three UNICEF goodwill ambassadors: Jackie Chan, Lang Lang, David Beckham. Revise

12、 types of sports: martial arts, archery; aerobics; fencing; triathlon; weightlifting; badminton; boxing; shooting; judo; gymnastics; yogaTranslate the sentence: 音乐是一种通用语言。它把人们以及人们内心的情感联系在一起。影响孩子最好的方法就是给他们演奏音乐,让音乐打开她们的心扉。Music is like a universal language; it has the connection to the people and also

13、 to the feeling from your heart and soul. The best way to reach children is to play them music, which really opens their ears and their minds.(3) Something about the UN: secretary-general; p headquarter; eace-keepers; general assembly meetinglogo: two olive branches holding the worldStep 2 Reading c

14、omprehension(1)Listen and find out the answers to the questions in Part A on P50 and divide the text into three parts. Part 1 (P1-2) Brief introduction of the UNPart 2 (P3-4) Working as a Goodwill AmbassadorPart 3 (P5) The problems the UN helps solve(2) Reading the text carefully and fill in the tab

15、le. (3) PracticeFinish reading comprehension exercise P52 C2Step 3 Reading strategyGo through the reading strategy on page 51.Step 4 Clauses introduced by “as”Ask students to find out the clauses introduced by “as” in the text.L2 to talk to you about the United Nations or the UN, as it is more often

16、 referred to .L16 As you know, the UN touches the livesL 26 as I said before, I mainly visit countriesas, 关系代词,引导非限制性定语从句,意为“正如 那样 ”,可置于句首,句中或句末。比较 which as that The earth runs around the sun, _is known by everyone. These tables are made of metal, _ makes them very heavy. Things will turn out contra

17、ry to ones wishes, _ is often the case. Mr. Chen gave us such a difficult question _nobody worked it out. Mr. Chen gave us such a difficult question _ nobody worked out. Keys: as/which; which; as; that; asStep 5 Expansion (Choose one of the following.)Group work 1 (in computer room) http:/

18、 /english/ In class, students go through the UN web individually and take notes of whatever interests them. After class, each group, made up 10 to 12 students, works out their quiz of the UN (in the form of power point). Hold a competition while learning Word Power.Group work 2 (in classroom) If you

19、 were a Goodwill Ambassador, where were you likely to visit? Why?Step 6 Homework1. Written exercises: P52 D2. Oral exercises: P 53 FPeriod3 Reading 2Teaching aims: (1) Develop the students listening ability - get the main idea of the video program.(2) Encourage the Ss to grasp the useful words and p

20、hrases from the context.Teaching procedures:Step 1 Lead-in(1) Warming up: Watch a video program about a Goodwill Ambassador: Angelina in India (2006)Answer the questions: Where did Angelina Jolie visit? Keys: a single mother from Viet Nam; a clinic; a centre for the Afghan & the Vietnamese.Step 2 La

21、nguage focus(1) Ask students to underline the useful words and phrases in the text.refer to; make up; operate; honor; take on; set up; baseon ; be involved in; worthy ; assist; in addition; addto; a sum of; under the umbrella of; apart from; lack of(2) Learn the words and phrases one by one.refer to

22、 Although she didnt mention any names while she was talking, everyone knew who she_. 提到, 谈到 He likes to _as “Doctor Smith” instead of “Mr. Smith”. 称某人为 He gave the speech without _ his notes. 查阅,参考Keys: was referring to; be referred to; referring torefer (v.) reference (n.)reference book 参考书,工具书 let

23、ter of reference 调查信; 保证书make upThese seven people made up the entire population of that village. (= form) 组成Im glad to see you two have made up. (= to stop arguing) 和解;和好Thats a good riddle. Did you make it up yourself? (= to invent) 编造,虚构Please stay with us; I could make up a bed for you on the so

24、fa. (= to prepare) 整理;收拾operate & operation别担心,将有人给我们演示如何操作新机器。这家公司在60多个国家经营快餐店。除了立刻给我的胳膊动手术,那天他们别无选择。Keys:Dont worry - everyone will be shown how to operate the new machines.The company operates fast-food restaurants in over 60 countries.The other day they had no choice but to operate on my arm imm

25、ediately.The other day they did nothing but make an operation on my arm immediately.honor (n.) (v.)be/feel honored (to do sth.) 感到荣幸 (=to feel very proud and pleased)It is an honor to be included in the national team. (n.)The scholarship was named in honor of the schoolmate Tao Jiawei, who has donat

26、ed an amount of money to our school. 向表示敬意(其余略)Step 3 WorkbookConsolidation exercise P53 EStep 4 ConsolidationRead out the phrases together again.Period4 Word power Teaching aims:(1). Learn about the names of different organizations and programmes connected to the UN and their functions.(2). Enlarge

27、 the knowledge about the UN.Important points & difficult points:(1). Talk about the UN to learn new organizations.(2). Remember the names of organizations.Procedure:Step 1 BrainstormingWhat will you think of when talking about the UN?Step 2 Read and say(1).Part A on page 54(2).Find all organizations

28、 related to the UN.Step 3 Read and finish the chart in part B, page 54.Step 4 Further study Complete the article on p55 using the information in part A&B.Step 5. AcronymsWork out the acronyms related to the UN.Step 6. ConsolidationWork out more acronyms related to the UN.Period5 Grammar and usageTea

29、ching aims: (1) Master the usage of unreal conditionals.(2) Practice about the 3 kinds of unreal conditionals.Important points & difficult points: the usage of wish, if-clause and the unreal conditionals in the noun clauses.Procedure:Step 1 Lead-inGive the students brief introduction to unreal condi

30、tionals.Step 2 Introduce the usage of unreal conditionals in the object clause following the wishStep 3 Introduction about the unreal conditionals in the unreal situations beginning with If.Step 4 Unreal conditionals in the noun clausesStep 5 HomeworkFor reference 动词的语气虚拟语气一、语气的定义和种类l、语气:语气是动词的一种形式,

31、它表示说话人对某一行为或事情的看法和态度。2、语气的种类:(1)陈述语气: 表示动作或状态是现实的、确定的或符合事实的,用于陈述句、疑问句和某些感叹句。如:We are not ready. 我们没准备好。What a fine day it is!多好的天气啊!(2)祈使语气: 表示说话人的建议、请求、邀请、命令等。如: Open the door, please。请打开门。(3)虚拟语气: 表示动作或状态不是客观存在的事实,而是说话人的主观愿望、假设或推测等。如: If I were you, I should study English. 如果我是你,我就学英语了。May you succeed! 祝您成功!二、虚拟语气在条件从句中的用法 条件句有两类,一类是真实条件句,一类是虚拟条件句。如果假设的情况是有可能发生的,就是真实条件何。在这种真实条件句中的谓语用陈述语气。如: If it doesnt rain tomorrow, we will go to the park. 如果明天不下雨,我们就去公园。如果假设的情况是过去或现在都不存在的,

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