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新概念英语第一册自学导读Lesson 115116.docx

1、新概念英语第一册自学导读Lesson 115116新概念英语第一册自学导读:Lesson 115-116自学笔记含课后练习答案自学笔记,包括115-116课的课文重难点详解、语法知识点、重点单词学习和115-116课的课后练习答案。新概念英语第一册115-116课课文重难点1Everythings =Everything is.2Nothing at all什么也看不见。是省略句,承上句省略了 I see。3Its nice and warm out here这外面挺暖和。句中 it指天气。 nice and用于形容词或副词前加强语气,意为“很”、“十分”。一般表示褒义,但有时也用于表示贬义。

2、4Theres none left一点都不剩了。句中的left是leave的过去分词,表示“剩下的”、“没用完的”。它通常位于不定代词之后,出现在 there isare结构中:There is nothing left in the refrigerator.冰箱中没剩下什么东西。新概念英语第一册115-116课语法知识点 Grammar in use不定代词(1)every(每一),no(无),any(若干)及some(一些)可与one,thing构成复合代词,与where构成复合副词。不定代词可作主语、宾语和表语。everynoanysomeeveryoneno oneanyonesom

3、eoneeverybodynobodyanybodysomebodyeverythingnothinganythingsomethingeverywherenowhereanywheresomewhere请看例句:A作主语:这些代词作主语时都作单数看待,因此使用单数谓语动词。Everyone is asleep.大家都睡了。Everything is untidy.一切都乱糟糟的。Nobody has told me about it.没有人告诉过我有关这件事的情况。B作宾语:Ive got nothing to wear.我没有穿的衣服了。Ive heard nothing.我没听到什么动静

4、。I saw no one.我谁也没有看到。C作表语:Theres nothing on the shelf.架子上什么也没有。Theres somebody in the garden.花园里有个人。Thats nothing.那没什么。(2)与some与any的用法一样,somebody/someone/ something/ somewhere一般用于肯定句; anybody/anyone/anything/ anywhere用于疑问句与否定句;nothing/nobody/no one/ nowhere相当于 not anything/anybody/anyone/anywhere:S

5、omeone is asking to see you.有人要求见你。Theres something under that chair!那个椅子下有个什么东西!I dont know anyone here.这儿我谁也不认识。Is there anything on this shelf?这个架子上有什么东西吗?I went nowhere.(=I didnt go anywhere.)我哪儿也没去。I saw no one.(=I didnt see anyone.)我谁也没看到。新概念英语第一册115-116课重点单词学习 Word study1invite v.(1)邀请:Were i

6、nviting our colleagues to the party.我们将邀请我们的同事参加这个聚会。I hate people who invite themselves.我讨厌不请自来的客人。(2)请求;要求:We invite readers letters for this magazine.本杂志欢迎读者来信。The speaker paused, seeming to invite questions from the audience.演讲者稍停了一下,似乎在期待听众们提出问题。2joke(1)v.开玩笑:Shes only joking with you.她只是在跟你开玩笑

7、。(2)v.取笑:Arent you joking me?你不是在取笑我吧?(3)n.玩笑;笑话:The whole thing was a complete joke.整件事完全是个笑话。Dont get angry-it was only a joke!别生气那只是一个玩笑而已!新概念英语第一册第115课课后练习答案General remarks* Try as far as possible to conduct the lesson in English.* Compounds of every/no/any/some are introduced here.Listening Com

8、prehension1 Intrduce the storyT: Today we11 listen to a story about a lunch party.2 Understand the situationAsk the students to inter Pret the pictures.3 Listening objectiveT: Listen to the story and see if you can answer this question: What does Jim have to drink?4 Play the tape or read the dialogu

9、e5 Answer the questionAfter the reading, ask the question: What does Jim have to drink?Answer: Beer.6 Intensive readingPlay the tape or read the dialogue again, pausing after every line to check the students understand.7 Play the tape or read the dialogue againPlay the tape or read the dialogue righ

10、t through again. The students listen only.8 RepetitionPlay the tape or read the dialogue again, pausing after every line and ask the students to repeat (a) in chorus, (b) in small groups, and (c) individually.9 Reading aloudAsk one or two students to take parts and to read the dialogue aloud.Compreh

11、ension* Ask individual students questions. Students give natural answers.1 T: Why does Jim think that there is no one at home?S: Because everything is very quiet.2 T: Will Jim go away or will he knock again?S: Hell knock again.3 T: Why does Helen think it is impossible that theres no one at home?S:

12、Because Carol and Tom invited them to lunch.4 T: What does Helen ask Jim to do?S: She asks Jim to look through the Window.5 T: Can Jim see anything?S: No, he cant.6 T: Where do they find their friends?S: In the garden.7 T: Why is everyone in the garden?S: Because everybody Wants to have lunch out th

13、ere.8 T: What would Jim like to drink?S: Hed like a glass of beer.9 T: Is there any beer left?S: Yes, there is.Asking questions1 T: Ask me if Jim will knock at the door.S: Will Tim knock at the door?T: Who?S: Who Will knock at the door?2 T: Ask me if Tom and Carol invited them to lunch.S: Did Tom an

14、d Carol invite them to lunch?T: Who?S: Who invited them to lunch?3 T: Ask me if everyone is in the garden.S: Is everyone in the garden?T: Where?S: Where is everyone?4 T: Ask me if Jim can have some lemonade to drink.S: Can Jim have some lemonade to drink?T: What?S: What can Jim have to drink?5 T: As

15、k if Jim wants some beer.S: Does Jim want some beer?T: What?S: What does Jim want?Pattern drill: Books shut(a) To elicit echoed questions: affirmative and negative.T: Jim will knock again.S: Will he? etc.(b) To elicit question tags: affirmative/negative only.T: Jim will knock again.S: Jim will knock

16、 again, wont he? etc.(c) To elicit: There is/are none left.T: Can I have some chocolate?S: There is none left.T: Can I have some biscuits?S: There are none left. etc.Substitute the following countable and uncountable nouns:tea; lunch; boxes of matches; aspirins; sugar; milk; fruit; pieces of chalk;

17、tins of tobacco; vegetables; honey; wine; medicine; jars of jam; packets of cigarettes; grapes; meat.Tell the storyAsk individual students to look at the pictures and Tell the story.新概念英语第一册第116课课后练习答案A部分答案如下: 1.I did nothing. 2.I saw no one. 3.I went nowhere. 4.I met nobody.B部分答案如下: 1.No, I didnt h

18、ear anything. I saw nothing. 2.No, I didnt speak to anyone. I spoke to no one. 3.No, I didnt go anywhere. I went nowhere. 4.No, I didnt buy anything. I bought nothing. 5.NO, I didnt write to anybody. I wrote to nobody. 6.No, I didnt meet anyone. I met no one.C部分答案如下: 1.Everyones looking out of the w

19、indow. 2.Everyones hurrying to work. 3.Everyones eating. 4.Everyones drinking lemonade.D部分答案如下: 1.No, I havent got anything to eat. Ive got nothing to eat. Hes got something to eat. 2.No, I havent got anything to do. Ive got nothing to do. Theyve got something to do. 3.No, I havent got anything to drink. Ive got nothing to drink. Shes got something to drink. 4.No, I havent got anything to read. Ive got nothing to read. Hes got something to read.

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