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1、U2t2学教设计乌丹四中初一(上)英语学教设计课题Unit 2 Topic 2 What does she look like ? Section A 设计者:张雨涵情境导入,引出目标:师:Look at the picture ! I have long hair 、 a big nose ,small eyes .My friend has long hair ,a big nose ,samll eyes .Do we have the same look? 师:今天我们一起学习2单元2话题Section A。板书 生:齐读学习目标学习目标:一 知识1.学习一些表示颜色的词:black,

2、blond,blue,,purple,brown,white,gray,green,yellow.2.学习have 句子的否定形式及what引导的特殊疑问句。三情感让学生热爱丰富多彩的生活。学习重点:学习并掌握表示颜色的词。学习难点及突破策略:学习难点;对颜色的提问及回答。预习指南:阅读质疑 自主探究预习提示1:介绍图片,听P35 1a的录音,回答问题:(1) Where is Yukio from?(2) What color is Yukios hair?预习提示2:1读1a找出新单词和不懂的词汇。 2找出重点短语和含有have 的句子并总结have 的用法。_预习提示 3

3、学习元音字母U和辅音字母L,W/Wh在单词中的发音规则:_1 小组互相交流信息2 【多元互动 合作探究】读1a,根据1a完成1b表格。NameCountryColor of hairColor of eyesYukioblackMichaelAmerica预习检测 目标探究1.让学生看2b中的图画,写出相应表示颜色的词。2翻译下列句子:(1)他的头发是什么颜色的?是棕色的。(2)他们的眼睛是什么颜色的?是黑色的。(3)她来自哪里?她来自加拿大。(4)我们长的不一样。(5)The orange is orange.(对划线部分提问)_重点讲解,解决问题。讲解:look the same 和the

4、 same look 的区别. 深入文本,听读课文。教师引导学生对文本对话进行听读说训练。期待学生的行为:复述或表演文本内容。达标测试I.根据句意用表示颜色的词填空。1.-What color is the sky(天空)? -Its_2.We are Chinese. We have _eyes.3.The traffic lights(交通信号灯)have three colors. They are_, _ and_.4.She is from Cuba. Her hair is_(棕色的)5.Are your teeth(牙齿)_(白色的)?II. 根据汉语提示完成句子。1、These

5、 two boys (看起来一样)2、The two girls have (不同的长相)3、Lucy (有) a green dress.4、What does she (长得什么样)5、Mikes eyes are (蓝色).教后反思:_乌丹四中初一(上)英语学教设计Unit 2 Topic 2 What does she look like ? Section B课型:听说课 课时:一课时 主备人: 张雨涵情境导入,引出目标师:Look at me. I have long black hair, a round face, small eyes, a small nose and a

6、small mouth. Do you know (某位学生的名字) What does she/he look like? She/He is tall, but she/he doesnt have long hair, big black eyes, a big nose and a wide mouth.师:Today, we learn Unit2 Topic2 SectionB 的第一部分,(板书课题)生:齐读学习目标学习目标:一. 知识1. Learn new words and phrases:give,giveto,letter,like,look like,tall,wil

7、l,Ill,young,man,woman,snowman2.描述人的外貌特征。3.Go on learning the negative form of “have/has”,and special questions with”what”.二情感培养学生的细微观察力。学习重点: Learn new words and phrases and talk about peoples appearances.学习难点及突破策略:学习难点; Talk about peoples appearances.突破策略:Practice describing the man looks again and

8、 again.预习指南:【阅读质疑 自主探究】预习提示:1. Listen to 1a and answer the question: What does Maria look like?_2. Read 1a,find out new words ,phrases and important sentences._3. 请分组讨论描述你的同伴。_【多元互动 合作探究】1. Read 1a in role.2. Work in pairs and practice the dialog in 1a.预习检测 目标探究1.Listen to the passage and color the

9、snowman.then listen again and answer the following questins.(1)Does the snowman have black eyes?_(2)What color is his nose?_(3)Does he have long arms?_(4)Does he have hair?_2.选择;(1)Please the letter _Tom. C.on(2)What color is the pen? Its_orange.A.a B./ color_the books? _red.A.

10、is,Its B.are,Its C.are,Theyre(4)What does Kangkang look_? B.likes C.liking(5)She _red hair and short legs. A.have B.doesnt have C.dont have重点讲解,解决问题1.描述人物相貌的问答句:-what does he/she look like -He/She (多举例,练习)2.主语是第三人称单数时候have的否定句 e.g. He/She doesnt have long legs. (多举例,练习)3.give sb. sth.=give st

11、h. to sb.给某人某物注:当某物是用代词来指代的时候,必须把代词放在动词的后面,即: give it /them to sb.深入文本,听读课文教师引导学生对文本对话进行听读训练期待学生行为:1.背诵课文文本对话 2.结合学生实际生成新的对话达标测试情景反应1.-_ _is his hair? -Its blond.2.-What color are these desks? -_yellow.3.-_does the student look_?-He has short black hair and gray eyes.4.-Excuse me,_ _their English te

12、acher? -Mr. Wang. -Thank you.5.-_she_long black hair? -Yes, she does.根据汉语或首字母提示完成句子。1. That m_is my father and he is an English teacher.2. -Please_(给)this book to Li Mei.-Im s_. I dont know her.3.-What do they look_(像)? -They have long brown hair.5. Jane has _ _ hair. (金黄色的长发)6. Does he (有) a long n

13、ose?教后反思;乌丹四中初一(上)英语学教设计Unit 2 Topic 2 What does she look like ? Section C课型:听说课 课时:一课时 主备人: 张雨涵情境导入,引出目标: T: Look at me please. This is my coat. my pink coat . Do you know “coat”? What color is it? S: T: This is my shoes, what color are they ? S: T: S: OK.今天我们学习2单元2话题的Section C. 引出学习目标,学生认真阅读学习目标:一

14、 知识1.Learn some words about clothes:T-shirt,shoe,cap,coat,skirt,pants,dress2.Learn how to describe a persons clothing.3.Review What color is/are?二方法Work in pairs to make dialogs.三情感Lead students observe peoples appearances,clothes and colors in everyday life and express and communicate,using the sen

15、tences they have learnt.学习重点:What color is/are?The girl/the boy in.学习难点及突破策略:学习难点:Describe a persons clothing.突破策略:Use real objects to practice describing a persons clothing.预习指南:【阅读质疑 自主探究】预习提示1:1.根据1a中的图片和词汇,然后练连线。2.Read the dialog in 1a and make similar dialogs using words in 1._预习提示2:1.Read 2a a

16、nd underline the childrens clothes and circle the colors. 2.Read 2a and find out some sentences with “in”.Then sum up the use of in. 【多元互动 合作探究】1.读 2a.2.Read 2a again ,then make up a dialog 。Eg:A;What does Maria look like?B:-yellow-tallA:What color is her hair?B:_预习检测 目标探究1.Finish 3a.2.阅读2a,.完成下列句子。

17、1)、_ (穿黄色衣服的那个学生)is Maria.2)、They have _.(不同的长相)3)、_(戴黑色帽子的男孩) is strong.4)、Jane is _(紫色T恤衫和粉红色裙子)。5)、They are good friends_(他们看起来很高兴)重点讲解,解决问题:学生预习展示时暴露出的问题,老师作为一个引导者,最终大家群商共议由学生解决完成,并老师座椅补充总结。注意评价机制的运用。深入文本,听读课文:教师引导学生对文本进行听说读写译训练。达标测试:1. Does he (有) a long nose? 2. I (有) a small knife. 3. (她) nam

18、e is Amy. 4. Whos the man in the (图画). 5. He doesnt (有) a sister. 6. We are in (同一) school. 7. We have different (相貌, 外表) . 8. (日本人) and Chinese look the same. 9. What color are those (帽子). 10. Do you (认识) the girl in green?教后反思;_乌丹四中初一(上)英语学教设计Unit2 Topic2 What does she look like? Section D课型:综合展示课

19、 课时:一课时 主备人:张雨涵 情境导入,引出目标:借助音标卡复习学过的单词bus,ruler,put,学教目标:1. 能够掌握新词汇:cool,并复习本话题所有词汇。2. 复习本话题重点内容,包括语法及习惯用语。 交流预习,呈现问题:预习指南:1.听磁带,跟读单词,真正模仿正确发音(2到4遍)。2.将单词背起来,边读边写。达到听到汉语能正确读音并说出拼写的程度。3.听读2,给图片中的迈克尔图上颜色。4.根据3所给的信息,写一篇关于你的一个朋友的短文。预习检测:基础知识检测:默写下列文本中的词汇,短语和句子,相信你一定能行。(一)酷,凉的_ 黑色的_ 红的_ 紫色的_ 粉色的_白色的_棕色的_

20、照片_鞋_大衣_ 短裙_ 男人,人_ 帽子_ 强壮的_信,字母_另外,其他_ 给_ 像 一样_雪人_年轻的_幸福的,快乐的_手套_一对一双_想要,需要_ (二)把某物给某人_穿黄色衣服的女孩_看起来像_ 看起来一样_金黄色的短发_ 想要买_在-近旁_ 看着_一双-一副-_ 蓝眼睛_(三)它是什么颜色?_你的裤子是什么颜色?_他长得什么样子?_请把这封信给马莉。_但是你们看起来很像。_ 我明白了,我会给他的。_ 重点讲解,解决问题:1. They have the same looks. (变否定句)_2. The old man has gray hair. (同上)_3. I have a black coat. (同上)_4. She has a round face, big eyes and a small mouth. (划线部分提问)_5. These shoes are blue. (同上)_6. I will give the book to Lucy. (同义句)_

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