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1、南开大学研究生英语期末考试口语试题及答案1.Some people like to work in a team. Others would rather work individually. Which do you prefer and why?有些人喜欢在团队中工作。其他人宁愿单独工作。你更喜欢哪一个?为什么?I am equally comfortable working as a member of a team and independently. I have experience with independent and team-based work and I see th

2、e value in both approaches. I am very comfortable working on a team, but I can also work independently, as well.I am comfortable working alone and in a group depending on the situation. If the task is easy enough to tackle on my own without brainstorming or breaking up the work without a team, I am

3、happy to work on my own. However, if the assignment is a high priority or too much for one person to handle, I welcome working with a team to tackle the project together. In my experience, most projects require a combination of independent work and brainstorming depending on their various elements.

4、Working in sales has strengthened my abilities to work both alone and with others. I am comfortable engaging with a customer face to face, but I also believe in the benefit of sitting and brainstorming with coworkers about best practices and alternative approaches. Additionally, having a team behind

5、 me gives me confidence that if I come across something I am unsure of while working alone, I have the resources to consult someone who can educate or help me.There are basically two ways to get work done. One is to work individually. In this way, people can decide for themselves when to start work

6、and how to do it. Whats more, they will be able to learn how to solve problems on their own.People may also choose to work in a team, where they can learn from each other and help each other. Besides, they may work out better ways to get work done by discussion.Personally, I prefer to work in a team

7、, which offers me a chance to learn how to get along with others and to share my experience with them. As the work can be divided among several people, it can be done efficiently. Teamwork is always important.2.Please comment on the following statement: Computer ethics contribute to a better and saf

8、e use of computers in our daily life.请对以下声明发表评论:计算机道德有助于我们日常生活中更好、更安全的使用电脑。What are ethics? ethics are the moral values that stop you from doing anything that is not legal and that does not harm or damage anyone elses work, or interests. These simple etiquette and ethics help the environment to be m

9、ore safe, friendly and co-operative for others around. Computer ethics are nothing but how we use our personal morals and ethics while using the computer for various purposes. They consist of all the rules that you would apply to not misuse any information that is not yours to use, or to access any

10、data that is not owned by you. With issues like cyber crimes, plagiarism, hacking and password thefts, it has become important to know the importance of computer ethics to be able to create a safe computer-based environment. Your computer is not just an electronic device for communication, it is you

11、r data store, your photo album, your work recorder, your social network, your calculator and what not., it is what you are! If you get involved in downloading information or accessing portals that you are not allowed to, you are opening the doors of various issues and threats like viruses and Trojan

12、s that can illegally enter your system and crash it completely! On the other hand, if your system is used in the way it is supposed to, you are creating a safer and a better atmosphere wherein you can rest assured that your work and your personal information is absolutely safe and secure. Computer e

13、thics are something that cannot be imposed on you, it is rather something that should be followed out of your own will and desire. The way you use the computer to access information speaks a lot about you and your ethical values. What would you do if you get your colleagues password? Would you ask h

14、im or her to change it since you accidentally found out, or would you try to get some information that you are not supposed to? There are two kinds of people in this world, one who follow the rules and respect them at the same time, and the others who dont really care. Should you care about the ethi

15、cs involved in becoming a responsible citizen? You decide! Nevertheless, if you are caught, rest assured the authorities wont care about you as well3.Why are we loosing productive land? How shall we address the land problems?为什么我们要失去生产的土地?我们该如何解决土地问题?4.Are you for or against the wide application of

16、DNA testing?你是赞成还是反对DNA测试的广泛应用?Whenwewereborn,wecompletelydidntknowwhatthefuturemayhaveinstoreforus.Buttheredefinitelyaresomerelationshipbetweensomethinginsideusandsomethingthatwillhappen.Theformeris,asweallknown,DNA,whichtosomeextentsdetermineswhatwelooklike,whatweliketodo,andwhatourfuturewillbe.DuetotheinformationthatDNAcontains,scientistshavefoundawaytoidentifypossible

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