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1、博物馆奇妙夜台词看电影学英语 Night at The Museum 1 博物馆奇妙夜 1-Taxi Driver: Hey, watch it.喂,小心点。-Larry: Oh, come on.哦,拜托。-Larry: Hey, Mike!嘿,Mike!-Mike: Hey, Larry. How you doing?嘿,Larry,你好吗?-Larry: Have you seen Nicky?你看到Nicky了吗?-Mike: Im pretty sure he went with Erica. It was half day today.pretty: 相当地 我肯定他跟Erica走

2、了,他今天只有半天课。Parent Career 职业今天是父母职业主题日。-Larry: Hey.嘿。-Erica: Hey.,Come on in.嘿,快进来。You all right?你还好吧?-Larry: Yeah, yeah.是啊,是啊。Why didnt anybody tell me it was Career Day?为什么没有人告诉过我今天是父母职业主题日?-Erica: What do you mean? Nicky said he was gonna tell you.gonna: 将要你说什么呢? Nicky说过他会告诉你的啊。-Larry:

3、 Oh, okay, I guess he forgot.哦,好吧,我猜他可能是忘了。-Don: There he is. How are you, Larry?他来了啊。你好吗,Larry?-Larry: Good. How are you doing, Don?不错。你呢,Don?-Don: Good.不错。Can you believe this weather?你们能相信这样的天气吗?Chilly, right? Chilly, chilly, Chilly Willy the penguin.chilly: 寒冷的 penguin: 企鹅真冷,是吧?真冷,真冷,我都变成企鹅了。Lea

4、ve me alone. Hey, why dont I go tell the little corncob youre here.corncob: 玉米棒子 little corncob: 小家伙又来了。嘿,不如我去告诉那小子你在这里吧。-Erica: Great. Great, thats great. Yeah, thanks.太好了。太好了,这太好了。好的,谢谢。-Larry: Wow, your fiance really manages to squeeze a lot onto that belt.fiance: 未婚夫 manages: 管理,整理 squeeze: 压缩 b

5、elt: 腰带哇,你未婚夫真是个忙人,你看他腰上挂满东西。-Erica: Stop it.别说了。-Larry: What?What? No, its like hes.什么?什么呀? 不,他看上去就像.The Batman of stockbrokers.stockbroker: 股票经纪人股票经纪人中的蝙蝠侠。-Erica: Bond trader:证券交易员 bond: 证券 trader: 交易者是证券交易员。-Larry: Bond trader. Sorry.证券交易员。对不起。-Erica: Hey, hows it going with that vir

6、tual-reality driving range that you wanted to open?virtual-reality:虚拟现实 virtual: 模拟的 reality: 现实 range: 范围嘿,你打算开的那个模拟驾驶练习场怎样了?-Larry: Getting there, still waiting for the technology to catch up.wait for: 等候 technology: 技术 catch up: 赶上正在弄,还在等着那样的技术快点出现。Its not easy; there are a lot of moving parts.那可

7、不简单,有很多东西要动来动去。Hey, do you think Nick would like Queens?嘿,你认为Nick会喜欢皇后区吗?-Erica: Oh, no, Larry. You didnt get evicted again, did you?evict: 驱逐,逐出哦,不是把,Larry。你又被房东赶出来了,对吗?-Larry: I didnt.我没有.Get evicted. I didnt get evicted, no. I mean, I didnt.被赶出来。我没被赶出来,不。我是说,我没有No, I didnt get evicted yet. Its li

8、ke.不,我还没有被赶出来。只是-Erica: Larry, listen to me.Larry,听我说。I dont know how much more Nicky can take.我不知道Nicky还能忍你多久。Every couple months, its a new career, a new apartment.apartment: 公寓,住所每几个月,就要换工作、换住址。If it wasnt for Nicky, I wouldnt say anything, I would stay out of it.stay out of: 置身于之外要不是为了Nicky,我什么也

9、不会说,我不会来掺和。Its just, its too much instability. Its not good for him.instability: 不稳定的,不安定的只是,你也太不稳定了。这样对他不好的。-Larry: Im trying to figure things out right now, okay?figureout: 解决,想办法我正在想办法呢,好吧?-Erica: You know.你知道.I dont think that Nicky should stay with you.我不认为Nicky愿意跟你呆在一块。-Larry: What?什么?-Erica:

10、Just until you get really settled.settled: 稳定的等到你真正稳定下来就好。-Nicky: Hey, Dad.嗨,爸爸。-Larry: Hey, ready to carve it up?carveup: 划分【离开这里】嗨,准备好走了吗?-Nicky: Cool.当然。-Larry: All right, good! Take it, Nicky! Break away!break away: 逃跑,【甩掉】好的,真棒!稳住了,Nicky!甩掉他!-Man: What are you doing?你在干吗呢?-Larry: Hey, Nicky!Are

11、 you all right?喂,Nicky!你还好吗?You okay?没事吧?-Nicky: Im fine. Would you get off the ice?我没事。你先出去行不?-Larry: Listen. Their left defenseman is a very weak skater.defenseman: 防守队员 skater: 溜冰者听着,他们的左后卫滑行技术很差。So you go left side, you got a clear shot at the goal. Okay?clear shot: 【有机会】 goal: 得分所以进攻左路,你就有机会了。怎

12、么样?-Nicky: Cool, thanks.酷,谢谢。-Larry: all right, man.好的,小家伙。Were good here. Were good. All right. As you were, skaters.我们没事了。没事了。好的。你们继续吧,小队员们。Game on!比赛开始!Im good.我没事。-Larry: Im telling you, you tore it up out there today.tearup: 挖开,撕毁,【突破】我得说,你今天表现真不错。Thinking the NHL is a serious possibility.possi

13、bility: 可能真要认真考虑考虑加入NHL了。-Nicky: I dont really wanna be a hockey player anymore.wanna: 想要 hockey: 冰球我不那么想当冰球选手了。-Larry: all right. What do you wanna be?好吧。你想当什么呢?-Nicyk: A Bond trader.证券交易员。-Larry: A bond trader?证券交易员?-Nicky: Yeah, its what Don does. He took me to his office last week.是啊,Don就是做这个的。他

14、上周带我去了他的办公室。-Larry: Thats cool.不错啊。So you wanna dress up in a monkey suit and tie every day?dress up: 打扮 suit: 套装 tie: 领带所以你就愿意每天跟个猴子似的穿西装?Like an automaton robot?automaton: 自动机器人 像个机器人?Trust me, you cant play hockey in a cubicle. Kind of awkward.cubicle: 小房间 kind of: 有点儿 awkward: 笨拙的,不合适的相信我,你不可能在小

15、房间里打冰球。转不过身的。-Nicky: Well, hes got a pretty big office.可,他的办公室还是很大的。-Larry: Thats not the point. Come on, you love hockey.那个不是重点.。好了吧,你可是很喜欢冰球的。-Nicky: I still like it, but bond tradings my fallback.fallback: 撤退,退却我还是很喜欢的,但是证券交易员是我的退路。-Larry: Your fallback?退路?Wait a minute. Youre too young to have a

16、 fallback, okay?等等。你不觉得你这个年纪就想退路有点太早了吗?And also, where did you ever even hear that word?还有,谁教你这个词的?-Nicky: Mom was talking to Don about all your different schemes.scheme: 计划,方案妈妈跟Don说起过你的那些方案。-Larry: She called them schemes?她把那叫方案?-Nicky: She said it was time you found a fallback.她还说你该想想自己的退路。Are yo

17、u really moving again?你真的又要搬家了?-Larry: I dont know. Well see. I mean.我不知道。再说吧。我是说.Theres some pretty cool places out in Queens.在皇后区里有些不错的房子。-Nicky: yeah.是啊。-Larry: Hey.嘿。Hey, Nicky, look at me.喂,Nicky,看着我。Look at me, man. I wanna tell you something.看着我,伙计。我想告诉你一些事情。I know that things have been kind

18、of up and down for me lately.lately: 近来,近况我知道最近我的情况不是太好.And thats been hard for you.对你来说也是很困难。But I really feel like my moments coming and when it does.moment: 重要时刻但是我真的感觉很快就要成功了.Everythings just gonna come together, you know?gonna: 将要一切都会安好起来的,明白吗?-Nicky: What if youre wrong.如果你感觉不对呢.And youre just

19、 an ordinary guy who should get a job?ordinary: 普通的,平凡的也许你只个要找份工作的普通人?-Larry: All right, well.好吧You know what, well figure it out, okay?你知道,我们总会解决的,对吗?All right? Come on, lets get you back to Moms.get back to: 重新回到好吧? 走吧,我送你回妈妈那边。-Debbie: Mr. Daley, I can honestly say, in 43 years at this agency.hon

20、estly: 诚实的 agency: 中介Daley先生,老实说,我在这里干了43年.Ive never seen a resume quite like yours.resume: 个人简历 还从来没有看到过像你这样的简历。-Larry: All right.好吧。-Debbie: That wasnt a plement: 赞赏那不是赞赏。It says here you were the CEO.这里说你曾经做过行政总裁.of Snaptime lndustries.industry: 行业聚焦是在Snaptime工业公司。Care to elaborate on that?elabor

21、ate: 详细的说说具体情况好么?-Larry: Sure. Well, that was the umbrella corporation for my invention, the Snapper.corporation: 公司 invention:发明 当然。那是为我的发明响指建立的公司。You know, you snap, the lights come on. Snap, they come off.snap: 啪的打一下 come on: 打亮 come off: 熄灭 你知道,你打一下,灯就亮了。再打一下,就灭了。-Debbie: Didnt they already make

22、 that?这个发明很早不是就有了吗?-Larry: No, no, thats the Clapper, which, obviously.clapper: 拍手者 obviously: 明显地不,不,你那是拍掌,不过。很明显.stole a bit of our thunder.stole: 盗窃 a bit of: 一点 thunder: 雷声【名声】比早出风头。Personally, I dont really see what the big difference is, I mean:personality: 个性【个人观点】 difference: 差异个人认为,根本看不出来它们

23、有什么大区别,我是说:You know, whatever, but.你知道的,不管怎样了,但是.apparently there is a significant portion of the population that has trouble actually.apparently: 显然地 signaficant: 重要的 portion: 部分 population: 群体 trouble:.麻烦还有很大一部分人都不会.snapping.打响指。-Debbie: Clappings easier.拍掌简单些。-Larry: Debatable.debatable: 可争论的难说。-

24、Debbie: I cant help you.看来我帮不了你了。-Larry: Debbie?Debbie?Can I call you Debbie? Because.我可以叫你Debbie吗?因为.I felt a connection when I entered this office.connection: 关系 enter: 进入刚刚当我进入这件办公室的时候我就有种感觉,感觉我们有一种联系.and I dont know, I feel like you did too.我不知道,我觉得你也应该有这样的感觉。-Debbie: I didnt feel a connection.我

25、没感觉到什么。-Larry: Look.听我说。I need a job tomorrow, okay?我明天需要一个工作,明白吗?If I dont have one.如果我没有得到工作Well, I just need it, okay?我真的是很需要,好吗?-Debbie: Well, I dont know.哦,我也不知道。I might have one thing.有份工做你或许可以试试。Theyve turned down everyone Ive sent over there, but-turn down: 否决,回绝因为之前介绍去的人都退回了,但是呢-Larry: Grea

26、t.太棒了。-Debbie: Who knows?谁知道呢?You might get lucky.你可能运气比他们好。-Larry: Excuse me. Hi.打扰一下。你好。-Rebecca: Hi.你好。-Larry: Im Larry Daley. Ive got a job interview with Cecil Fredricks.interview: 面试我是Larry Daley。我是来跟Cecil Fredricks面试的。-Rebecca: Right. He should still be in his office.好的,他应该还在他办公室里。-Larry: Gre

27、at.太好了。-Rebecca: Im Rebecca Hutman. Im a docent here.docent: 讲解员我是Rebecca Hutman,是这里的工作人员。-Larry: Hi.嗨。-Rebecca:Let me point you in the right direction.direction: 方向我来告诉你应该往哪儿走。-Larry: Great.太好了。Teddy Roosevelt, right?这是Teddy Roosevelt,对吧?-Rebecca: Yes, A great visionary.visionary: 梦想者是的,伟大的梦想家。-Lar

28、ry: Yes, definitely.definitely: 当然是的,绝对的。He was our 4th president, right?president: 总统他是我们的第4任总统,对吗?-Rebecca: Twenty-sixth.第26任。-Larry: Twenty-sixth.第26任。-Dr. McPhee: Please dont touch the exhibits! I mean.exhibit: 展品请不要碰展品!我是说Riffraff.riffraff: 流氓这些小流氓。Miss Hutman. I cannot tolerate this type of ch

29、aos.tolerate: 忍受 type of: 类型 chaos: 混乱Hutman小姐,我受不了这混乱的场面了。I mean, this is a museum, not a.我是说,这里是博物馆不是个Do you know what museum means?你知道“博物馆”是什么意思吗?It doesnt mean,Daddy,Its a big Tyrannosaurus thling.Can I touch its leg?No!tyrannosaurus: 暴龙那不意味着说,“哇,爸爸,好大的恐龙,我能碰它的的脚吗?”不行!Work it out, out: 解决想个办法出来。-Rebecca: Will do, sir.我会的,先生。-Dr. McPhee: Thank you.谢谢。-Rebecca: Dr. McPhee, the museum director.director: 主管这是McPhee博士,博物馆馆长。-Larry: Seems like a fun guy.看起来是个挺有趣的人。-Dr. McPhee: Control your young, please. Can we?请管好你们的孩子,行吗?-Cecil: Hello? Just kidding.你好?哈哈开个玩笑。-Larry: Hi. Im L

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