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1、新译林牛津小学英语四年级下册Unit4教案复习过程课题Unit 4 Drawing in the park课型新授课时1教学目标1.能够听懂、会说、会读单词draw、river、boat、flower、 them。 2.初步运用句型What can you see? I can seeCan you?及其应答 Sure,its easy.Its difficult,but I can try.3. 理解课文并能在此基础上进行表演重点能够听懂、会说、会读单词draw、river、boat、flower、 them以及初步运用句型What can you see? I can seeCan you

2、?及其应答 Sure,its easy.Its difficult,but I can try.以及对课文的理解。难点difficult的读音教学教具学具准备光盘单词卡片,课文图片,PPT教学过程教学过程教学过程Step 1 Warm up1. Greetings2. Sing a song 3. Good memory出示动物园图片T:We can see some monkeys in the zoo,There are a lot of animals in the zoo, Lets play a game:Good memory.You can use the sentence”I

3、can see”Teach:I can see.T:Look!(手指屏幕)Are you ready?S1:I can see S2:I can see出示文具用品T:Are you ready?S3:I can seeStep2 Presentation 1. 出示公园图片T:Look at this picture.What can you see?Teach:What can you see?两两读,分组读T:What can you see? S:I can seeT:Can you ask your friend? S-SS1:What can you see? S2:I can s

4、ee a flower. Teach:flower 开火车读,男女生读T(遮住单词):Can you spell it? S3:Yes. T:I think its easy for you . You can say “Sure,its easy.” Teach:Sure, its easy. 个别读,齐读T:Can you spell it?(问另一个较差的学生) S4:No.T:If you cant , you can say “Its difficult,but I can try” Teach:Its difficult,but I can try开火车读,男女生读The same

5、 method: boat,river2T: Look at these things,can you guess where are they? Ss:Theyre in the park. Teach: in the park 3.T:Yes,in the park we can run ,we can play basketball, 师边说边做动作And we canS:We can skate/play table tennis/ T:We can also draw in the park.Teach:draw 开火车读,两两读 T:Do you like drawing in t

6、he park?边说边板书。 S s:Yes,First,lets draw some pictures now.出示第一幅图T:Can you draw it? If you can please stand up and say “Sure,its easy.”Ss:Sure,its easy.觉得简单的学生站起来T:Now draw it on your paper. 学生在纸上快速画出图形。T:Show us. 教师对学生作品进行评价T:Sit down. If you cant ,please stand up and say”Its difficult,but I can try.

7、”Ss: Its difficult,but I can try.觉得困难的学生站起来T:Now try it . 学生在纸上快速画出图形。T:Show us. 教师对学生作品进行评价。同法操练其他三幅图。4.Learn the textT:Well done.You draw beautifully.Now lets go to the park and draw some pictures. Look,Mike and Tim are in the park,too.What are they doing?Ss:Theyre drawing in the park.教师指着课题读T:Let

8、s watch the cartoon and tick them out.1 Watch and tick Q1. What do they draw?T:What do they draw? S:They draw some flowers,a tree and a boat.回答完成后在纸上勾出来。2 Read and fillT(出示表格):Can Tim draw all of them well? Ss:No. T:Now read the story again and fill in the form. 学生自读课文,完成表格3 Read and evaluationT:Tim

9、 draws some flowers,a tree and a boat.What does Mike say about the pitures?出示Tim的图画,找出Mike的评价。T:Tim can draw them well.How do you know?S:Well done. T:Yes, who can read better? S:激发学生带有感情的朗读T:Can Tim draw the boat well? S:No.T:How do you know? S:Is this a boat?.多找几个学生读一读,体会其中的情感。4. Read after the car

10、toon5. Read together6. Dub for the cartoon7. Act the cartoonStep 3 Consolidation1.Draw in the parkT:Now everything is ready.Lets draw in the park.2人为一小组,音乐声响起,先对话后在下发的纸上画出你周围张贴的物品。音乐声停游戏结束。在规定的时间内,画的最好的小组将获得一份精美的礼品。 不对话的小组视作弃权。教师将最好的作品张贴在黑板上,评选出最佳作品。2.T:You can draw pictures well.I think thats easy

11、for you . What about in our life?教师出示几张图片 Can you do it? Tips:Whatever it is easy or difficult, we should have a try.Step 4 Homework 1,Act the dialogue with your partner after class 2,Do a good thing备 注教学反思课题Unit 4 Drawing in the park 课型新授课时2教学目标1. 能够熟练说出公园里的一些物品词汇tree, flower, boat, river, hill, la

12、ke等。2. 能用句型What can you see? I can see a谈论所见。3. 能用句型What can you do? I can 进行调查会做的事情,能用句型He/She can对他人进行描述。4. 能编写完整小故事:Lets be friends.并试着表演。重点1. 能够熟练说出公园里的一些物品词汇tree, flower, boat, river, hill, lake等。2. 能用句型What can you do? I can 进行调查会做的事情,能用句型He/She can对他人进行描述。难点能编写完整小故事:Lets be friends.并试着表演。教具学具

13、准备光盘单词卡片,课文图片,PPT教学过程教学过程教学过程Step 1 Warming up & Free talk1. Enjoy the song: Row your boat歌词:Row, row, row your boat, gently on the stream, merrily, merrily, merrily, life is interesting.2. T: Life is interesting. Last lesson, we went to the park. Today, we will go to another interesting place Dream

14、 Theatre. Lets go.3. T: Look! They need some actors for the new play. Do you want to have a try? T: And we should pass four tests. 出示招聘演员条件: 1. 表演力测试关。 2. 表达力测试关。 3. 记忆力测试关。 4. 有一定的特长。 T: Lets have a try.Step2 Revision【复习检测】1. Test 1- Good performance ability.T: To be an actor, you should have good

15、performance ability. T: Do you remember this story? Drawing in the park(课件出示课文图片)Can you act this story? irst, lets dub for it. Dub in groups. 2. Act in pairs.3. T: Good job. I think you have good performance ability. Lets go into the next test.4. T: To be an actor, you should have good expression a

16、bility.Try to retell the story according.小组讨论,试着复述该故事,看谁说得完整。Mike and Tim are in the . They can see , and a on the . Tim can draw very well, its easy. But he cant draw , its .Step3 Learn the vocabulary1. Test 2 - Good memory. T: To be an actor, you should have a good memory. Look, here is a picture.

17、 Look carefully. You have 15 seconds to remember what you can see? Are you ready? Go!(15秒的倒计时,记住图中的事物,越多越好!)【自主探究】2. T: What can you see in the picture?S: I can see a T: How many can you see? What colour is it? Where is it?S: I can see Check the answer.(出现学生所说的东西:boat, flower, tree, river, hill, lak

18、e, 补充:bridge, bench, mountain等)3. T: Now, we know whats in the park? They are (指图学生齐说词)T: But how to spell them? Look! How to remember them? Lets discuss in groups.(小组讨论记忆每个词的方法,教师可以举例,如river-over)T: 请同学来说说记忆的方法。4. T: Can you remember these words? Lets play a game, Quick response. 课件快速闪现新学的单词或图片,学生要

19、很快说出。5. T: Good job. I think you have good memory. Lets go into the next test.Step4 Fun time -Do a survey.【小组合作】1. T: Look! here are four characters in this play. You can choose one.课件出示角色要求:Amy is good at drawing. Ben is good at sports. Cindy is good at cooking. Dan is good at singing and drawing.T

20、: I can make a cake, but I cant play football. So I think I can act Cindy. Which one can you act? 2. T: Can you draw? S1: No, I cant. T: What can you do? S1: I can play basketball. T: S1 can play basketball, so he can act Role Ben.3. T: Take out our survey table. Lets do a survey in groups. 要求:(1) 先

21、互相问并完成。(2) 组内其他同学同桌会做的事情,请他们完成表格。【个人展示】4. Report. T: So in your group, who can act Role Amy? Can he draw?请学生根据表格的内容来汇报。Step5 Writing and Act 【巩固拓展】1. T: I think we all have the right role to act. Now lets act the short play in groups. The title is: Lets be friends. 2. 图1:Amy can draw very well. She

22、is looking for a friend in the park. 图2:Amy meets Ben near the river. 图中气泡中句子不够完整。 Amy: Can you draw? Ben: Sorry, I cant. Amy: What can you do? Ben: I can play football.图3:Amy meets Cindy under the tree. 图中气泡中句子不够完整。Amy: Can you draw? Cindy: No, I cant draw . Amy: What can you do? Cindy: I can make

23、a cake.图4: Amy meets Dan on the boat. 图中气泡中句子不够完整。Amy: Can you draw? Dan: Yes, I can. Amy: I can draw, too. Lets be friends. Dan: Good.(出示故事图片4幅)T: But the play is not complete. Lets complete it first. 请同学依次读一读,小组讨论将每幅图中的句子补充完整。2. T: Act in groups. 四人一组上台表演时,其他同学一起说旁白。Step6 Summary【自我总结】1. T: Today,

24、 we go to the Dream Theatre. Do you like the park?引导学生用I can 总结今天的学习。S: I can say/ read/ act/ 2. We can act a short play, we can be a good actor. And we can also be a good writer, too.Step7 Homework1. 画一幅公园图,并给图中的物品配上单词,如有不会的词,可以查找资料。2. 小组表演短剧Lets be friend.3. 试着写下这个故事。Unit 4 Drawing in the parkWhat

25、 can you see? I can see 备 注教学反思课题Unit 4 Drawing in the park课型新授课时3教学目标1. 复习上节课所学的关于公园物品的单词,能进一步熟练拼读。2. 复习上节课所学的句型,能进一步熟练运用。3. 能够阅读并理解卡通部分的幽默,并能表演故事内容。4. 能够模仿卡通部分的故事内容续编故事。重点1. 能够阅读并理解卡通部分的幽默,并能表演故事内容。2. 能够模仿卡通部分的故事内容续编故事。难点能够模仿卡通部分的故事内容续编故事。教具学具准备光盘单词卡片,课文图片,PPT教学过程教学 过程Step 1 Warming up & Free talk

26、1. Enjoy the song: Row your boat(课前就可以播放继续让学生熟悉)2. T: Life is interesting. Last lesson, we went to the park and the theatre. Today, we will go to another interesting place Amusement park. Lets go. 课件出示图片3. T: If you can get stars when youre playing. Lets see which team can get more stars. (学生分成两组)Re

27、ady? Go!【检查反馈】Step 2 Review the vocabulary1. T: Look! Its a Fun house. We can play games in it. Lets play Finding Differences first.T: You should find the three differences in these two pictures. 大家来找茬游戏课件出示规则:两图中有三处不同,十秒中之内必须找到并说出,才能获胜!一共两组图片。复习词汇:hill, tree, river, lake, flowers, boat.2. T: Lets p

28、lay another game. Riddles: Things in the park每组选择一个序号,如果猜对并准确拼出则可以得到相应的星数。1. Theyre colorful. Bees and butterflies like them very much.2. You want to go across the river(过河),but there is no bridge. What do you need?3. It is a large area(一大片)of water, surrounded by land.(被陆地包围)。4. It is a large strea

29、m(一股水流)of water. You can catch fish in it.3. T: 得星,评价。Step 3 Review the sentences1. T: Lets go to the music bus. Listen!T: Which picture is the song about? (从四个图中来选一个:操场、公园、教室、厨房)2. Sing with the recording.3. T: Can you make a new song like this? Choose one, discuss and sing in groups.4. 一组唱,其他组猜是哪个

30、场景。猜对双方都加星。Step 4. Cartoon time1. T: Look! There is a big box. Sam, Bobby are looking at it. In fact, we call this big box: Peep show. 简单介绍西洋镜的一些知识。【自主先学】(出示图)Look, is Bobby happy? No, Bobby is frightened. Why? Whats in this box? Lets guess. 学生猜的同时,老师说:Try again.Lets watch the cartoon and check.2. T: Whats in it? S: A boat, a tiger.3.(出示图4)指导阅读,Its a tiger!T: If you are Sam, Wha

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