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1、英语基础模块预备级教案Welcome unit (第1-2课时 教学设计) 、Teaching Aims and demands1. Knowledge objects AimsReview English letters A to ZSay hello to classmatesThe meaning of some signs2. Ability objects /AimsPay attention to the pronunciation A to ZIntroduce oneself and greet each other3. Emotion objects /AimsTo trai

2、n the interests of English 、Teaching important and difficult points How to greet each other How to introduce oneself、Teaching methodsTask-based teaching method brainstorming激励法 .Teaching Aids A tape recorder 、Teaching proceduresStep1 .leading-in 1.Say hello to students and introduce myself.2.list so

3、me words and expressions that greet each other Hello! Hi! Good morning / afternoon/ evening! Nice to meet you! How are you? How do you do ?Step3. How to introduce oneself. Students can begin like this My name is. . . . I am a quiet /an outgoing girl/boy. I am . years old . Im from _ I like _ Ask Som

4、e Students to introduce themselves to the class Step4. Listen repeat and write the alphabetStep5. Introduce the meanings of the signs Homework Ask the students to write an article on introducing themselves.Layout: 教学反 思1)关注学生身心特点,创设轻松和谐的气氛,消除学生可能存在的词汇障碍和情绪障碍,善于捕捉学生点滴进步,并适时给予表扬。2)突出体现听说技能培养的目标,循序渐进,为

5、学生的学习搭建脚手架,重视培养学生听力技巧、策略,辅之以口头与笔头练习,实现了有效“输入”到有效“输出”的语言学习目标。Unit 3 Would you like some cookies?(第一课时 教学设计)一、 学情分析职业学校的学生虽然大多数基础较差,英语表达能力欠缺,但他们有较强的表现欲望,好奇心强,有一定的求知卻,喜欢动手操作。因此,教师在教学过程中应充分利用学生的特点开展相应活动,如借助图片,PPT,卡片,录音机等教学辅助手段,运用小组讨论,头脑风暴,对话表演,准备生日聚会等方式,让学生在语境中学习语言。二、教材分析1教学内容本课时系教材英语(基础模块预备级)第三单元的第一课时,

6、包括Lead-in & Listening and speaking两部分,具体内容为:询问对方意愿,表达自己的意愿,听懂并掌握询问和表达意愿的词汇、句型。2教学重点、难点教学重点询问对方意愿,表达自己的意愿,听懂并掌握询问和表达意愿的词汇、句型教学难点食物,饮料类名词;询问对方意愿,表达自己的意愿的词汇、句型三、教学目标1. 知识目标掌握食物,饮料,物品类词汇,如doll; candle; balloon; bottle; cola; popcorn; wine; beer; cookie;询问和表达意愿的句型,如:Would you like?Id like.How about?2. 能力

7、目标学生能听懂关于询问和提供个人信息的对话。学生能编写关于询问和提供个人信息的对话。(3)在日常生活中灵活应用招待客人的英语表达方式.3. 情感目标学生了解在不同的场合,招待不同对象所使用的表达方式。四、教学步骤Step One Lead-in1. Activity 1: The teacher asks the class: Itll be one of our classmates birthday this weedend (or this month). Can you guess who he/she is?(设计意图:教师提前在课下了解班上哪些学生最近过生日,让学生猜测,激起学生的

8、兴趣。)2. The teacher says the birthday boy/girl is planning a birthday party and he/she is making a shopping list. The students look at the picture and fill in the shopping list.(设计意图:本活动所给出的都是举行派对时常用的物品以及数字,目的是让学生熟悉各类相关单词并复习数字,为完成后面交际任务作准备。)3. Activity 2: The teacher asks the class: When is your birt

9、hday? What will you buy for your birthday party? And the teacher brainstorms a shopping list.(设计意图:让学生筹备自己的生日派对,提高学生的参与积极性;通过头脑风暴,要求学生列出上一活动中没有列出的物品,进一步扩大学生词汇积累。)4. Activity 3: The students compare their shopping lists with one another in pairs or groups.(同学之间互相比较自己的购物单,使之互为补充,进一步巩固单词) Step Two List

10、ening and speaking1. Activity 4: The students choose and complete the form to express quantities of nouns. The teacher checks the answers and gives feedback.(本活动给出的是日常生活中常用的数量名词。目的是让学生了解并且辨别与不同物品名词搭配的数量名词,为下面的听说活动作准备。)2. The teacher brainstorms more expressions of quantities.(让学生列举出更多的数量名词,对之进行补充。)3

11、. Activity 5: The students listen and tick what they hear. The teacher checks the answers and gives feedback. The students read after the tape.(本活动是通过对话呈现招待客人的交际用语,要求学生听后找出相应的表达方式,目的在于训练学生信息辨别的能力,同时熟悉本单元的重点句型。)4. Activity 6: The students listen to a dialogue and choose what people would like and wou

12、ldnt. The teacher checks the answers and gives feedback.(本活动要求学生理解对话,根据所听到的内容,选择适当的图片,训练学生在听力过程中捕捉细节信息的能力。)5. Activity 7: The students listen to the four dialogues and fill in the form with the given words. The teacher checks the answers and gives feedback.(本活动要求学生进一步理解对话及其用语,根据所听到的内容,选择适当的单词填空。)6.

13、The students work in pairs. Each pair chooses one dialogue and tries to act it out with the help of the picture.(设计意图:学生在图片的帮助下,练习对话,进一步熟悉招待客人的表达方式。)7. Activity 8: Listen and underline the sentences about offering services and the response. The students practise reading the sentences after the tape.

14、 The students practise offering services in pairs by using these sentences.(本活动通过对话呈现招待客人提供服务用语。)8. Activity 9: The students look at the pictures and practice the sentences about offering services and the response.9. The teacher gives 4 situations. The students choose make dialogues.Situation 1: At

15、McDonalds Fast-food RestaurantSituation 2: At A Friends Birthday PartySituation 3: At A CafeSituation 4: At A Bakery (设计意图:实际应用所学内容.)10. Ask some pairs to demonstrate their performance.(设计意图:上台展示对话,既锻炼了当事者的胆量,也让学生们应用语言。)Step Three Summary1. Make a short summary of what weve learned today.(1) Key voc

16、abulary about food, party and quantities.(2)Everyday English about offering services and responseWould you like something to drink/eat?Would you like some.?Would you like a.?Id like something to drink/eat.Id like some.Id like a.Thank you.No, thanks.Step Four Homework1. Make a similar dialogue, offer

17、ing services and response.五、板书设计A shopping list:DollsCandlesBalloons六教学反思 通过本节课的学习,学生能熟练的询问想要和不想要的 Would you like . Yes please No thank you Unit 3 Would you like some cookies? (第二-三课时 教学设计)一、教材分析1教学内容本课时系教材英语(基础模块预备级)第三单元的第二课时,包括Phonetics review Vowels部分,具体内容为:元音/E/ /C:/ /V/ /A:/。2教学重点、难点教学重点元音音标/E/

18、 /C:/ /V/ /A:/教学难点辨音二、教学目标1. 知识目标掌握元音/E/ /C:/ /V/ /A:/的发音。2. 能力目标(1)学生能正确发音元音/E/ /C:/ /V/ /A:/;(2)学生能辨识出单词中的元音/E/ /C:/ /V/ /A:/3. 情感目标通过歌谣培养学生的韵律感,节奏感。三、教学步骤Step One Lead-inThe students listen to a nursery rhyme: The Dusty Miller. After listening, they tell the teacher what sounds is repeated many t

19、imes in this rhyme. /E/Margaret wrote a letter, Sealed it with her finger, Threw it in the damFor the dusty miller.Dusty was his coat, Dusty was the siller, Dusty was the kissId from the dusty miller.If I had my pocketsFull of gold and miller,I would give it allTo my dusty miller.(设计意图:通过听有趣,有节奏的歌谣,

20、引起学生学生音标的兴趣。并且引出本课中的第一个音标/E/。)Step Two Phonetics ReviewChant 1 Jennifer and her parents1. Activity 10: The students listen and match the words with the proper pictures. The students read after the tape.(设计意图:本活动的目的是通过听正确的发音辨别出单词拼写,训练学生对元音/E/的辨别能力。)2. The students brainstorm more words with the /E/ s

21、ound and practice pronouncing them.(设计意图:本活动的目的是通过回忆学过的单词进一步训练学生对元音/E/的辨别.)3. Activity 11: The students listen and underline the words with the /E/ sound. The students practice reading individually and in pairs.(设计意图:本活动使学生通过听歌谣体会频繁出现的/E/的发音,让学生掌握正确的语音。)4. Activity 13: The students choose the words

22、from Activity 10 and fill in the blanks to complete a new rhyme.5. The students work in groups and make up new rhymes based on Activity 11. Each group gives performance.E.g. What does Peter do? Peter is a farmer.What does Peters brother do? His brother is a singer.(设计意图:学生模仿课本编写自己的歌谣,用有节奏地表演出来,激发学生的

23、创造力。Step Three Phonetics ReviewChant 2 The early bird and the worm1. Activity 14: The students listen and match the words with the proper pictures. The students read after the tape.(设计意图:本活动的目的是通过听正确的发音辨别出单词拼写,训练学生对元音/C:/的辨别能力。)2. The students brainstorm more words with the /C:/sound and practice pr

24、onouncing them(设计意图:本活动的目的是通过回忆学过的单词进一步训练学生对元音/C:/的辨别.)3. Activity 15: The students listen and underline the words with the /C:/ sound. The students practice reading individually and in pairs.(设计意图:本活动使学生通过听歌谣体会频繁出现的/E/的发音,让学生掌握正确的语音。)4. Activity 17: The students listen and choose the proper words.(

25、设计意图:本活动的目的是让学生利用自己所学的知识在句子中区分相近的读音,从而进一步巩固提高学生的语音识别能力。)5The students read and underline the words with the /C:/ sound.6. The students work in groups and make up sentences with the /C:/ sound. The groups read the sentences in class and see which group makes the best sentence and reads best.(设计意图:学生模

26、仿课本编写自己的句子,用有节奏地表演出来,激发学生的创造力。Step Four Phonetics ReviewChant 3 The sun has come up.1. Activity 18: The students listen and write down the words they hear.(设计意图:通过辨认读音,使学生了解到拼写相近的单词虽然发音差别很细微,意思却大相径庭,从而意识到发音准确的重要性。本活动主要辨认/V/和/Q/的发音。)2Activity 19: The students listen to the rhyme and underline the wor

27、ds with the /Q/ sound. The students read the rhyme after the tape.3. Activity 21: The students listen to the rhyme and choose the proper words.(设计意图:学生利用所学知识辩认出含有/V/音的单词,编出自己的歌谣,提高学习兴趣。)4. The students brainstorm more words with the /V/sound and practice pronouncing them.(设计意图:本活动的目的是通过回忆学过的单词进一步训练学

28、生对元音/V/的辨别.)Step Five Phonetics ReviewChant 4 Drive a car or a star?1. Activity 22: The students listen and tick the words they hear.(设计意图:通过辨认读音,使学生了解到拼写相近的单词虽然发音差别很细微,意思却大相径庭,从而意识到发音准确的重要性。本活动主要辨认/A:/ /V/和/Q/ /O:/的发音。)2. Activity 23: The students listen to the rhyme and underline the words with th

29、e /A/ sound. The students practice reading individually and in pairs.(设计意图:通过听歌谣,使学生体会歌谣中频繁出现的/A/的发音,目的是让学生尽量掌握正确的语音。)3. Activity 25: The students listen to the tongue twisters and practice reading them. The students match them with proper pictures.(设计意图:听,读并理解绕口令,将其与正确图片相匹配,提高学生学习兴趣。)Step Six Summa

30、ry元音音标/E/ /C:/ /V/ /A:/Step Seven HomeworkPractice reading /E/ /C:/ /V/ /A:/ , the sentences and rhymes in the textbook.四、板书设计/E/C:/V/A:/Q/O:/五、教学反思通过本单元的学习,学生能够辨别不同的执行客人表达方式的使用对象,时间及场所;能够用合理的表达方式执行客人。能够正确跟读所学音标及相关歌谣,单词等;能够运用所学语言与人进行基本的交流并获取信息Unit 3 Would you like some cookies? (第四-课五时 教学设计)一、教材分析1教

31、学内容本课时系教材英语(基础模块预备级)第三单元的第三课时,包括Phonetics Review Consonants和unit task两部分,具体内容为:发音练习和单元任务。2教学重点、难点教学重点辅音音标/s/ /z/ /T/ /D/ /tS/ /dZ/准备生日派对。教学难点发音练习二、教学目标1. 知识目标2. 掌握辅音音标/s/ /z/ /T/ /D/ /tS/ /dZ/的发音。3. 能力目标(1)学生正确朗读所教的6个辅音音标/s/ /z/ /T/ /D/ /tS/ /dZ/(2)学生能辨识出单词中的辅音音标/s/ /z/ /T/ /D/ /tS/ /dZ/(3)学生能利用本单元学过的知识,为举办生日派对作准备,招待客人。4.情感目标学生为举办生日派对作准备,招待客人,增强同学之间的情谊与合作意识。三、教学步骤Step One Lead-in1. The students listen to a tongue twister: Sixty-six seasick sea serpe

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