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1、菲律宾无损检测方案中英文对照菲律宾无损检测方案(中英文对照)菲律宾ANGAT水利用和管道改造工程 ANGAT Water Utilization and Aqueduct Improvement Project (AWUAIP) 无损检测方案 Non-destructive testing scheme 编制单位(Enterprise): 编 制 人 (Compiler): 审 核 人 (Verifier): 批 准 人 (Approver): 编制日期 年 月 日 Compile Date y m d 印 号(Printed Number): 版本:第一版 发布日期: 年 月 日 Editi

2、on:First published Release Date: y m d大马尼拉供水项目钢管制作工程无损检测方案 Angat Water Utilization and Aqueduct Improvement Project (AWUAIP) Steel Pipe Manufacture Project Non-destructive testing scheme 1 概述 1 General 该工程管道规格为D3300mm16mm和D3500mm6mm,材质为:A283C ,要求所有对接焊缝进行超声波检测,其他焊缝进行磁粉检测或液体渗透检测,超声波检测应符合ASME第8部分第1条附件U

3、的要求,磁粉检测应符合ASME E109 的要求。 Specifications of pipe in this project are D3300mm16mm and D3500mm6mm, material quality is: A283C, requiring ultrasonic testing (UT) for all butt weld, magnetic particle testing (MT) or liquid penetrant testing (PT) for other weld, ultrasonic testing (UT) shall conform to r

4、equirements in Clause 1 Section 8 of Annex U, magnetic particle testing (MT) shall conform to requirements of ASME E109. 2 超声波检测工艺 2 Ultrasonic Testing Technics 2.1 本方法采用A型脉冲反射式数字超声探伤仪对承压部位的所有对接焊接接头进行超声波检测。 2.1 Butt weld joint for compression position shall be ultrasonic tested by A-mode digital ult

5、rasonic flaw detector using pulse echo technique during this technique 2.2对具体的产品需要制定详细的检测方案,按程序要求进行审批和实施。 1 2.2 Inspection scheme in detail shall be drawn up for specific product, approved and executed according to the requirements of procedure. 2.3 检测工艺卡由超声波检测?级人员按合同要求编制。 2.3 Inspection technics ca

6、rd shall be drawn up by ultrasonic testing II class personnel according to contract requirements. 2.4 检测人员 2.4 Inspector 2.4.1 检测人员必须经过培训,取得国家有关部门颁布的,符合SNT-TC-1A标准要求,并与其工作相适应的资格证书。 2.4.1 Inspectors must be trained, acquiring qualification certificate which is corresponding to their operations and co

7、nforms to requirements of SNT-TC-1A standard issued by related departments. 2.4.2 检测人员每年检查一次身体,其矫正视力不低于1.0。 2.4.2 Health of inspectors shall be checked whose corrected visual acuity should be not less than 1.0. 2.5 仪器、探头和试块 2.5 Instrument, probe and test block 2.5.1使用仪器为PFUT2400型或其他型号的数字超声波探伤仪。 2.5.

8、1 Instrument shall be used Digital ultrasonic flaw detector as PFUT2400 or other type. 2.5.2仪器和探头的组合灵敏度:在达到所检工件最大声程时,其有效灵敏度余量应?10dB。 2.5.2 Combination sensitivity of instrument and probe: when it comes up to maximum Beam path of inspected work piece whose effective sensitivity shall be ?10dB. 2.5.3仪

9、器和探头的组合频率与公称频率误差不得大于?10%。 2.5.3 Error of combination frequency and nominal frequency between instrument and probe shall be not more than ?10%. 2.5.4超声波探伤仪的工作频率范围为0.5,10MH,仪器至少在荧光屏满刻度的80%范围内Z呈线性显示。水平线性误差不大于1%,垂直线性误差不大于5%。 2.5.4 Operation Frequency Range of ultrasonic fault detector shall be 0.5,10MHZ

10、, instrument shall be linear indication at least including 80% of full-scale fluorescent screen. Error of horizontal linearity is not more than 1%, and vertical linearity is not more than 5%。 2.5.5壁厚为6mm的对接焊缝选用频率为5 MH,折射角为70?和折射角为60?的2个聚Z2 焦斜探头分别进行检测。 2.5.5 Butt weld with 6mm wall thickness selects

11、5 MHZ frequency, shall be inspected by two focusing angle probe with 70?and 60?refracted angle. 2.5.6壁厚为16mm的对接焊缝选用频率为2.5 MH,折射角为60?和折射角为45?的2个Z单晶斜探头分别进行检测。 2.5.6 Butt weld with 16mm wall thickness selects 2.5 MHZ frequency, shall be inspected by two monocrystal angle probe with 70?and 60?probe refr

12、acted angle. 2.5.7对比试块应采用与被检工件相同声学性能的材料制成。 2.5.7 Material of contrast test block shall be identical to acoustical property of inspected work piece. 2.5.8对比试块的其它制造要求应符合ASME第8部分第1条附件U的要求。也可采用合同规定的其他型号对比试块。 2.5.8 Other manufacture requirements of contrast test block shall be according with requirements

13、 in Clause 1 Section 8 of Annex U. Other type contracted contrast test block shall be used. 2.6检测的一般方法 2.6 General technique of inspection 2.6.1检测复盖率:检测时探头的每次扫查复盖应大于探头直径的15%。 2.6.1 Inspection coverage rate: scanning coverage of probe when inspect shall be more than 15% of probe diameter each time. 2

14、.6.2 探头的移动速度:探头的扫查速度不得超过150 mm/S。 2.6.2 Travelling speed of probe: scanning speed of probe shall be not more than 150 mm/s. 2.6.3采用机油、浆糊、甘油和水等透声性好,且不损伤检测表面的耦合剂。 2.6.3Engine oil, paste, glycerol and water etc. shall be well permeability to ultrasound and couplant shall not damage inspected surface. 2

15、.6.4检测面的确定,应保证工件被检部分均能得到充分检查。 2.6.4 Inspected work piece shall be inspected in sufficient during determine of inspection surface. 2.6.5检测面应经外观检查合格,所有影响超声检测的锈蚀、飞溅、污物都应予以清除,其表面粗糙度应符合检测要求。 2.6.5 Inspection surface shall be qualified by appearance inspection, rust corrosion and dirt should be cleared aw

16、ay to make surface roughness corresponding to requirements of inspection. 3 2.7 校准 2.7 Calibration 2.7.1校准应在标准试块上进行,校准中应使超声主声束垂直对准反射体的反射面,以获得稳定的和最大的反射信号。 2.7.1 Standard test block shall be calibrated, reflecting surface of reflector which ultrasonic main beam vertically aims at, to obtain stable and

17、 maximum reflected signals. 2.7.2每隔三个月至少应对仪器的水平和垂直线进行一次测定。 2.7.2 Instrumental horizontal and vertical line shall be determined one time at least every three months. 2.7.3仪器和探头系统的复核 2.7.3 Recheck instrument and probe 遇到下述情况应对系统进行复核: In case of following conditions, system shall be rechecked: (1) 校准后的

18、探头、耦合剂和仪器调节旋钮发生改变时; When adjusting knob of probe, couplant and instrument shall be changed after calibration; (2) 检测者怀疑扫描量程和扫查灵敏度有变化时; When inspector doubts that scanning range and scanning sensitivity has changed; (3)连续工作4小时以上时; When continuous working hours are more than 4 hours; (4)工作结束时。 End of

19、job. 2.8 超声波检测要求 2.8 Ultrasonic testing requirements 2.8.1一般用两种K值探头采用直射波法和一次反射波法在焊接接头的单面双侧进行检测。 2.8.1 Generally signal side and bilateral of welding joint shall be inspected using straight beam technique and primary reflected wave technique with two kinds of K value probe. 2.8.2应进行横向缺陷的检测。检测时将探头放在焊缝

20、及热影响区的两侧作两个方向的平行扫查。 2.8.2 Inspection of lateral defect. When inspecting probe shall be located at two sides of weld and heat affected zone, to do parallel scan of two directions. 2.8.3 扫查灵敏度:不低于最大声程处的参考反射体波高。检测横向缺陷时,要将灵敏度提高6dB。 2.8.3 Scanning sensitivity: no less than reference reflected body wave h

21、eight at maximum Beam path. When inspected lateral defect, sensitivity shall increase to 6dB. 4 2.8.4 表面补偿:以实测为准,不得低于4 dB。 2.8.4 Surface compensation: based on actual measurement, no less than 4dB. a.为检测纵向缺陷,斜探头应垂直于焊缝中心线放置在检测面上,作锯齿型扫查。探头前后移动的范围应保证扫查到全部焊缝截面。在保持探头垂直焊缝作前后移动的同时,还应作10?,15?的左右转动。 a. For i

22、nspecting longitudinal defect, angle probe shall be vertical to weld center line, locating on the inspection surface, to scan as saw tooth. Range of probe moving back and forth shall ensure to scan the entire weld cross profile. While keep probe moving back and forth vertical to weld, turn about 10?

23、,15?. b.为检测焊缝及热影响区的横向缺陷应进行平行和斜平行扫查。检测时,可在焊缝两侧边缘使探头与焊缝中心线成10?,20?作斜平行扫查。焊缝余高磨平时,可将探头放在焊缝及热影响区上作两个方向的平行扫查。 b. Lateral scan and lateral scan with oblique angle in order to inspect weld and landscape flaw of weld and heat affected zone. When testing, lateral scan with oblique angle at 10?,20?angle betwe

24、en probe and weld center line on weld two sides edge. When grinding weld reinforcement, probe shall locate at two directions of weld and heat affected zone to lateral scan. c.为确定缺陷的位置、方向和形状,观察缺陷动态波形和区分缺陷信号或伪缺陷信号,可采用前后、左右、转角、环绕等四种探头基本扫查方式。 c. In order to determine position, direction and shape of fla

25、w, observe flaw dynamic wave from and distinguish flaw signal or fake flaw signal, four kinds of basic scanning methods for probe are back & forth, right and left, move at an angle, and encircle etc. 2.9 缺陷评定 2.9 Assessment of defect 2.9.1超过参考反射体的信号应注意其是否具有裂纹等危害性缺陷特征,如有怀疑时,应采取改变探头折射角、观察动态波型并结合焊接工艺作综

26、合分析。 2.9.1 Exceed signal of reference reflector, notice if there is hazard flaw characteristic such as flaw, if in doubt, conduct comprehensive analysis with changing refracted angle of probe, observing dynamic wave from and combined with weld technics. 2.9.2 单个点状缺陷指示长度按,mm计。 2.9.2 Indicating length

27、 shall be 5mm for single point defect. 2.9.3 相邻两缺陷在一直线上其间距小于其中较小的缺陷长度时,应作为一条缺陷处理,以两缺陷长度之和作为其指示长度(不考虑间距)。 2.9.3 When gap distance between adjacent two defects in a straight line shall be less than smaller 5 defect length, it shall be as one defect, and made sum of two defect length as its indicating

28、length (without regard to gap). 2.9.4 当检测人员认为缺陷为裂纹时,或缺陷长度和缺陷信号大小超过合同规定的拒收范围时,该缺陷必须拒收,并及时进行返修,返修后需采用原来的超声波检测工艺进行检测。 2.9.4 When inspector considers it as flaw, or flaw length and flaw signal level exceed contracted rejection scope, this defect must be rejected, and repaired in time, after repaired it

29、shall be inspected with primary ultrasonic testing technics. 3磁粉检测工艺 3 Magnetic Particle Inspection 3.1本工艺适用于铁磁性材料焊缝表面及近表面的磁粉检测。 3.1 The magnetic particle inspection shall be applicable for flaw detection of welds and the adjacent surface of the ferromagnetic materials. 3.2 检测工艺卡由磁粉检测?级人员按合同要求编制。 3.

30、2 The inspection procedure sheets shall be prepared by persons with Grade ?qualifications for magnetic particle inspection. 3.3 检测人员 3.3 Inspector(s) 3.3.1 检测人员必须经过培训取得国家有关部门颁布的,符合SNT-TC-1A标准要求,并与其工作相适应的资格证书。 3.3.1 The inspector(s) shall be trained and have related qualification certificates that sh

31、all be issued by authorities and in compliance with specifications SNT-TC-1A. 3.3.2 检测人员每年应检查一次身体,其矫正视力不低于1.0,不得有色盲。 3.3.2 The inspector(s) for the test shall have his or their eyes examined at least for one time every year, whose vision after correction shall not be less than 1.0. Person(s) who has

32、 or have color blindness shall not be allowed for the inspection work. 6 3.4 设备、工具和材料 3.4 Equipment, Tools and Materials 3.4.1 磁化设备 3.4.1 Magnetic Equipment 采用便携式磁轭磁化探伤机 Portable magnetic yoke detector shall be used for the test. 3.4.2 灵敏度试片 3.4.2 Test Piece for Sensitivity 选用CX-230或CX-430薄试片,灵敏度试片用于被检工件表面有效磁场强度和方向、有效检测区以及磁化方法是否正确的测定。磁化电流应能使试片上显示清晰的磁痕。 A thin test piece CX-230 or

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