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1、IELTS Writing,Sunny Gao,Chapter 1 预备知识,Work in pairs to decide whether these statements about IELTS are true or false.1.Grammar is the most important assessment criteria in writing.2.IELTS Examiners can tell when someone is giving a memorized answer.3.IELTS and TOEFL both use examiners to assess wri

2、ting and speaking.4.Your IELTS score in China will vary depending on which city you take the test.5.IELTS scores are carefully monitored and many are double checked.,F,T,T,F,T,Chapter 1 预备知识,学术类雅思写作考试内容,Task 2 议论文两种形式 Argumentation 80%1.题目给出一方观点(反方观点隐含),问Do you agree or disagree?To what extent do yo

3、u agree or disagree?例:In order to learn a language well,we should learn about the country as well as the cultures and lifestyles of the people who speak it.To what extent do you agree or disagree?2.题目中给出双方观点,要求分析正反方观点后做出结论Some say Others argue that What is your opinion?Discuss both views and give yo

4、ur opinion.Express some reasons for both views and give your opinion.Do you think its advantages outweigh the disadvantages?,Task 2 中报告 Report,出现概率为20%题目中没有观点,只给出一种现象,让考生分析该现象的causes,solutions,effects.通常题目的标志词为What are?例子:Today,there are more images of disasters and violence in the media.What are th

5、e causes and what are your solutions?,雅思写作评分标准,TRTask responseTA-Task achievementCCCoherence and CohesionLRLexical resourceGRGrammatical range and accuracy,雅思写作评分标准,IELTS TASK 2 Writing band descriptors,Task Achievement,Coherence and Cohesion,Lexical Resource,Grammatical Range and Accuracy,Comments

6、on Sample Script 2(International Tourism),Band 7TA:The candidate addresses both aspects of the task and presents a clear position throughout the response.Main ideas are generally clear and relevant,although some supporting ideas lack focus(as in the opening of paragraph 2).CC:Ideas are generally wel

7、l-organised,and there is a clear overall progression with only minor lapses where points are not well-integrated into the argument.A range of cohesive devices is used effectively,although there is some under-use of connectives and substitution,and some lapses in the use of referencing.LR:A good rang

8、e of vocabulary is used with some flexibility and precision.The candidate has a good awareness of style and collocation,although occasional awkward expressions or inappropriacies in word choice and word form limit the rating.GRA:Likewise,a good range of sentence structures is used with a high level

9、of accuracy resulting in frequent error-free sentences.Minor systematic errors persist,however,and punctuation is unhelpful at times,Comments on Sample Script 3(International Tourism),Band 5TA:The input material is directly copied as an introduction to this response,and once this is deducted from th

10、e word count,the response is under-length at 194 words and so loses marks.Nevertheless,the topic is addressed and a relevant position is expressed,although there are patches(as in third paragraph)where the development is unclear.Other ideas are more evidently relevant,but are sometimes insufficientl

11、y developed.These ideas are clearly organised and there is an overall progression within the response.CC:There is some effective use of a range of cohesive devices,including referencing,but there is also some mechanical over-use of linkers in places.Paragraphs are sometimes rather too short and inap

12、propriate.LR:A range of vocabulary is attempted and this is adequate for a good response to the task.However,control is weak,and there are frequent spelling errors which can cause some difficulties for the reader,thus keeping the rating down for the lexical criterion.GRA:The candidate uses a mix of

13、simple and complex structures with frequent subordinate clauses.Control of complex structures is variable,and although errors are noticeable,they only rarely impede understanding of the message,Practice,剑桥雅思7 P169请判断考官是怎样给这份试卷打出5分的?,其他预备知识,1.格式:不用抄题目,齐头格式2.缩写:不要使用were,cant,dont 等缩写,应使用正式文体,可以使用全球通用首

14、字母缩写,如NBA,KFC,WTO等,国内通用的不可以写,如CET-43.数字:十以下数字用英语单词表示4.标点符号:、“Avatar”,,and so on5.I,My,We,You的使用,6.美式和英式拼写-re 与ercentercentre theater-theatre-our 与 orcolorfulcolourful laborlabour-ise,-isation 与 ize,-izationrealizerealise organizationorganisation-ce与-selicenselicence defensedefence 英式在美式拼写中被简化program

15、me-program traveller-traveler,其他预备知识,雅思写作流程,5+33+25分钟构思,写提纲(写作观点,2个主要论据,1个例子)33分钟写作2分钟检查 语法:主谓一致,标点词汇:用同义词和代词(it,them)替换重复过多的单词逻辑:是否需要在句子中添加therefore,moreover,in contrast等linking words,练习:请利用在本节课学到的内容找出下面句子的错误。1.下面的句子从写作风格看存在什么问题?Mobile phones are so important to our lives.Everyone should use mobile

16、 phones!2.请在下面的两个句子中间加上一个恰当的连接词将其改写为复杂句:Air pollution is increasingly serious.Measures should be taken to tackle this problem.3.请迅速找出下面句子里的拼写错误:The color scheme of this design is not very organised.4.请找出下面句子的非正式词汇并替换:Lots of rivers and lakes have been severely polluted.5.请改写下面句子中的词汇使其用词更正式:The crime rate in cities is higher and higher,so the advantages of these security measures are more than disadvantages.,Chapter 2 语法与从句,考官最敏感的三大语法错误 可数名词单数孤立出现。请判断下列翻译是否正确:“狗是朋友。”Dog is friend.Dogs are friends

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