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1、大学英语4课后翻译含大学英语 4 课后翻译答案 【篇一:大学英语 4 课后翻译答案】于秋收 mr. doherty and his family are currently engaged in getting theautumn harvest in on the farm. 2. 我们不可以低估仇敌,他们装备了最初进的武器 we must not underestimate the enemy. they are equipped withthe most sophisticated weapons. 3. 菲尔已三个月没找到工作了,正变得愈来愈无望 having been cut of

2、a job/not having had a job for 3months,phil is getting increasingly desperate. 4. 作为工程经理,山姆做事坚决,工作效率高,且判断正确 sam,as the project manager, is decisive, efficient, and accurate inhis judgment.5. 既然已证明这家化工厂是污染源,村委会将其封闭,为此损失了100 个工作岗位 since the chemical plant was identified as the source ofsolution, the v

3、illage neighborhood committee decided to closeit down at the cost of 100 jobs.unit 2 1)空气中有种不平常的沉寂,只有远处响着大炮的声音 there was an unusual quietness in the air, except for thesound of artillery in the distance.2 在某些非洲国家城市的扩充已惹起生活水平相当大的降落和社会问题的增加 the expansion of urban areas in some african countries hasbee

4、n causing a significant fall in living standards and anincrease in social problems. 3) 研究说明大气中的二氧化碳的含量与全世界气温亲密有关 the research shows that atmospheric carbon dioxide levelsare closely correlated with global temperatures. 4) 近来公共汽车的车辆行驶频次已有改良,从 15 分缩短到 12 分一班 the frequency of the bus service has been i

5、mproved from 15to 12 minute recently. 5)那位跳水运发动立在跳水板边沿,只等教练发出信号便会马上跳下 the diver stood on the edge of the diving board, poised tojump at the signal from the coach.1)只管在此次紧迫切降中,飞机跑道不够长,但经验老练的飞翔员仍是让飞机滑行了很短一段时间后就停了下来 despite theinadequate length of the airstrip in this emergencylanding, theveteran pilot

6、 managed to stop the plane aftertaxiing for only a short while.2)在记者频频追问下,该球星终于说漏了嘴,成认自己做过两次整容手术 grilled by the reporters, the movie star eventually blurted(out)that she had undergone two plastic surgeries.3)我们有技术,我们的合伙人有资本,一同干我们就掌握了将来 we have the technology and ourpartner has thecapital.working tog

7、ether, we ll have the future in our hands. 4)假如我预先知道你会带这么多朋友回家,我会好好准备的你看我此刻的食品和饮料连小吃一顿都不太够 if i had known beforehand that you would bring so manyfriends home, i would have made better preparations. yousee, ihave barely enough food and drinks for a snack. 5)当人们得悉地震灾区将建筑构造更坚固的新校舍时,纷繁大方解囊 people gave g

8、enerously upon learning that new schoolrooms with stronger structures were to be built in theearthquake-stricken area.unit 41.) 因为约翰不看好欧洲经济,所以把财产转移到了欧洲之外的其余地方 due to his pessimistic outlook on the european economy, johnhas moved his assets from europe to elsewhere. 2) 我喜爱雇用年青人,他们愿意学习,并且忠于职责 i like h

9、iring young people. they are earnest learners and1) 我的直觉是亨利会想法参加此次探险,因为他有一点冒险家的气质 i have an instinct that hey will seek to join the expedition,because he is something of an adventurer. 2) 即便置身于一个喧闹的环境中,他也能坚持做手头的工作 he is capable of sticking to the task at hand, even if he isexposed to noises.3) 这个商标是

10、依照迄今有效的法律注册的 the trademark was registered in accordance with the lawshitherto in force. 4) 奇异的是,很多人自发帮助组织会议,但是只有少量几人出席oddly enough, many people volunteered to help organize themeeting, but only a few turned up.5) 老师那充满关爱的话语,以及坦诚的评论改变了迈克关于社会和他自己的见解the teacher s affectionate words, along with his cand

11、id comments, changed the way mike perceived the society andhimself. unit 61.他们正在探究医学研究的新领域,试图治疗那些当前还无药可治的疾病 they are exploring the new frontiers of medical science in anattempt to find remedies for incurable diseases/ cures fordiseases that are beyond remedy so far.2.我的数学老师威尔逊女士不单教课方法独到,并且她从不试图往我脑子里

12、硬塞知识 her unique teaching methods apart, ms wilson, my mathteacher, never tried to cram knowledge into my head. 3.中央电视台的准时天气预告使得我们旅游时不论走到哪儿都能知道天气的变化 the regular weather forecast by the central tv station keeps usup with the changes of weather wherever we go on a trip. 4.可怕的爆炸惹起了一场大火,并造成这栋大楼局部坍毁 the a

13、ppalling explosion started a big fire and caused thepartial collapse of the building.5 在线现代社会里,浪费时间的方式比过去任何时候都要多,各种各种的娱乐消遣,正在吞噬我们宝贵的时间 in the modern world, there are more ways than ever to wasteaway time, and all kinds of distractions are eating into ourprecious time.unit 71. 武装队伍的一些高级军官发动了一场政变,颠覆了政

14、府,进而使该国堕入一片杂乱some high-ranking officers of the armed forces started a coup,toppling the government and throwing the country into chaos. 2. 下滑的市场粉碎了她迅速致富的梦想 the falling market shattered the illusion about getting richquickly3. 回想二战的历史,我们能够看到联盟国的形成是当时的政治,军事局势展开的自然结果 thinking back on the history of wor

15、ld war ii, we can see thatthe formation of the allies was the natural product of thedevelopment of political and military circumstances then. 4. 吉姆称保罗是宗教狂热分子,刺痛了保罗,但是因为保罗没心吵架,他干脆假装没听见 paul felt stung when jim called him a religious fanatic. but ashe was in no mood for q quarrel / not in a quarreling

16、 mood, he simply pretended not to hear it. 5. 人们说时间会治愈全部创伤,但对在这一事件中失掉亲人的人们而言,时间能填充他们心中的空白吗? people say that time heals all wounds. but for those who havelost their loved ones in the event, will time fill up the void intheir hearts?unit 81) 杰尼特正是迈克知道他能够相信的那种女孩,所以他在第一次约会时就向她敞高兴扉 janet was just the kin

17、d of girl mike knew he could trust, so hebared his heart to her on their first date.2) 起初姑娘们在阴暗的丛林边沿嬉戏,一会儿大笑,一会儿尖叫,可不一会儿她们就销声匿迹了 at first the girls played on the fringe of the dark forest, nowlaughing, now screaming, but before long they were out ofsight. 3) 足球队员一下飞机,就见到一个车队在等候他们的到来 the moment the f

18、ootball players disembarked from the plane,they saw a fleet of cars waiting for their arrival. 4) 卡森斥责他的敌手用误导的信息来玷辱他的人格 carson condemned his opponent for using misleadinginformation to smear his character.5) 亚历克斯将一个塞满钞票的钱包交给了警察,他说他是在跳下校车时在马路边上捡到的 alex gave the policeman a wallet stuffed with banknot

19、es. hesaid he had found it on the curb when he hopped off hisschool bus.【篇二:大学英语 4 课后翻译答案】if you move into any place other your own private home ,make sure you know what the rules are about pets if you haveone .进出除自己家之外的任何场所时,假如你带有宠物,必定要认识有关宠物的规定。 2. some women could have made a good salary in job i

20、nsteadof staying at home ,but they decided not to woke for the sakeof the family 。 一些女性完整能够不待在家里,而是去工作,挣一份不错的薪资,但是为了家庭她们放弃了工作。 3. how can you justify such rudeness? yow will pay heavily forthat because they have sued you for damaging their goodname .你怎么为这样鲁莽的行为辩白?你将会为此付出深重的代价,因为他们己经以低毁声誉的罪名起诉你了。 4.

21、criticism can be of great use;we may not like it at thetime ,but it can spur us on to greater things.责备有其重要作用;我们可能当时不喜爱它,但是它能鼓舞我们去做更伟大的事情。 5. his uncompromising behavior ,to which the publicobjected ,left him bankrupt emotionally and financially.他绝不退步的行为遇到民众的反对,这使得他陷人了精神上崩溃、经济上破产的境地 6. even if you f

22、ail,don t let failure harm you ,don t let failuretake over .remember failure is a necessary step in learning ;itis not the end of your learning ,but the beginning.即便你失败了,也不要被失败损害,更不要被失败左右。记着:失败是学习过程中必需的一步;它不是学习、的结束,而是学习的开始。unit 2 1. if there had been no charlie chaplin, the history of worldcinema wo

23、uld have been different . 2. it was a relief that his hard work eventually gave him theresult that be had long desired :he successfully discoveredthe cause of the disease. 令人感觉欣慰的是,他的努力最后赐予了他长久盼望的结果 他成功地发现了这类疾病的原由。 4. chaplin was an immensely talented man :within only twoyears of his first appearanc

24、e in motion picture in 1914 ,hebecome one of the best-known personalities in the nation.卓别林是一个才能非凡的人:自他 1914 年第一次在电影中出现,两年时间内他就成了这个国家最出名的人物之一。 5. charlie chaplin had an impact on everyone s life in the early20th century. he made more people laugh than any other manwho ever lived and changed the way

25、people looked at theworld. 6. on christmas day in1977 charlie chaplin passed away. heleft behind family and friends saddened by his death, andmillions of fans worldwide .unit 3 1. the men is reported to have said in private that “we arebeing made fools of by many of our clients , so we areentitled t

26、o have them bow to us as compensation. 据报导这个男子曾在私下说: “很多救援对象在欺诈我们,所以,作为赔偿,我们有权让他们对我们点头弯腰。 2. after considering your background and experience ,weregret to inform you that we don t have an appropriate job opportunity for you at current stage.我们考虑了你的背景与经历,很遗憾地告诉你,我们当前没有合适你的工作机遇。 3. i failed to take my

27、 cue from oscar. instead ,i talked back tothe women ,who turned out to be our new manager. 我没能按奥斯卡的示意去做,相反,我辩驳了那个妇女,结果她竟然是我们的新经理。 4. there needs to be someone who can act as a champion forthe rights of the poor because the system so easily lends itselfto abuse. 需要有人来充任穷人权益的捍卫者,因为这一体系太简单被滥用。 5. i cal

28、led the police for help after my car broke down on thefreeway. twenty minutes later ,they came to my rescue.我的车子在高速公路上抛锚后,我打 向警察求援, 20 分钟后他们赶来帮我。6. he was passionate for art ,but he went through tremendouspain-pain of poverty and misunderstanding.他热爱艺术,却经受了巨大的难过 贫困与误会。unit 4 1. the developing countr

29、ies see information technologies as ameans to accelerate their economy ,but some lack experiencein weighting costs and choosing between technologies.展开中国家以为信息技术是促使经济展开的门路,但一些国家在估算本钱与选择技术方面缺少经验。2. the world is said to have about 3 ,000 times as muchgroundwater as water it has in rivers and lakes ,and

30、 groundwater is far cleaner.听说地球拥有的地下水量大概是其拥有的河流和湖泊水量的三千倍,并且地下水要洁净得多。 3. anyone can take good photos- it s just a matter of being inthe right place at the right time. 任何人都能照出好照片 问题不过你能否在适合的时间和地址。 4. by installing computers in their schools and libraries ,thecommunity leaders demonstrated that they w

31、ere determinednot to lag behind in technology. 经过在他们的学校和图书室安装计算机,这些社区的领导们说明他们信心不在技术上落伍。 5. when he started the company ,he thought he d be able tocruise alongside the top businesses in the market ,but he isdisappointed because he ha snt yet succeeded. 当他开始创立这家企业时,他想他将能在市场上与那些顶级企业齐驱并驾,但是他此刻绝望了,因为他没有成功。 6. a florida couple is building what they say will be the homeof the future ,one strong enough to withstand hurricanes ,yetgentle enough to blend in with the environment.佛罗里达的一对夫妻在建筑一座他

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