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1、英语二+5单元课文带每句翻译Unit 5 Text AThe Most Important Day in My Life 我一生中最重要的那一天Have you ever been at sea in a dense fog when it seemed as if a tangible white darkness shut you in,and the great ship,tense and anxious, groped her way toward the shore? 你曾经在浓雾茫茫的时候到过海上吗?那时会有这样的感觉,周围是白茫茫的一片,什么也看不见。轮船焦急万分又小心翼翼地摸

2、索着靠近海岸。I was like that ship before my education began,only I had no way of knowing how near the harbor was开始接受教育之前,我就好像是那条船,只是不知道海岸还有多远。The most important day I remember in all my life is the one on which my teacher,Anne Mansfield Sullivan,came to me我的老师-安曼斯菲尔德萨莉文小姐来到我家的那一天,是我一生中最重要的日子。I am filled w

3、ith wonder when I consider the immeasurable contrast between the two lives which it connects每当我回想起正是那一天连接了我生活的两个完全不同的阶段时,心中就感慨万端。It was the third of March,1887,three months before I was seven years old那是1887年3月5日,再过三个月,我就满七周岁了。On the afternoon of that exciting day,在那个激动人心的下午, I guessed vaguely from

4、my mothers signs and from the hurrying to and fro in the house that something unusual was about to happen,我从妈妈的活动和家里人们的忙乱中猜到要有什么不平常的事情发生。so I went to the door and waited on the steps我走到门口,在台阶上等着。I felt approaching footsteps我感到有入朝我走来,I thought it was my mother and stretched out my hand以为是妈妈,就伸出了手,Som

5、eone took it,有个人握住它,and then 1 was caught up and held close in the arms of the person who had come to reveal all things tome,and,more important than that ,to love me把我拉了过去,紧紧地抱在怀里。这个抱我的人,就是那个将为我揭开生活的帷幕,也将把她满腔的爱倾注给我的人。The morning after my teacher came she led me into her room and gave me a doll第二天上午,

6、老师把我领进她的小屋里,给我一个洋娃娃。When I had played with it a little while,玩了一会儿后,Miss Sullivan slowly spelled into my hand the wordd-o-1-1萨莉文小姐在我的手掌上慢慢地拼写着洋娃娃这个单词。I was at once interested in this finger play and tried to imitate it我对这个手指游戏非常感兴趣,尽力照着去做。When I finally succeeded in making the letters correctly I wa

7、s filled with childish pleasure and pride最后终于成功地把这个单词拼对了,自己非常高兴和骄傲。Running downstairs to my mother I held up my hand and made the letters for doll我下楼向妈妈跑去,伸善手指,拼出了洋娃娃这个单词。I did not know that 1 was spelling a word or even that words existed;当时我并不知道我在拼写单词,甚至也不知道单词的存在,I simply made my fingers go in mon

8、key-like imitation我只不过用手指像小猴子般地模仿老师。In the days that followed I learned to spell in this uncomprehending way many wordsamong them,后来的几天,用这种我也不理解的方法,我学会了拼写很多单词,pin,hat,cup,and a few verbs like sit,stand and walk其中有别针、帽子、杯子和几个动词,比如坐、站、走等。but my teacher had been with me several weeks before I understoo

9、d that everything has a name我和老师生活了几个星期之后,我才明白了每个东西都有自己的名称。 One day while I was playing with my new doll,那天,我正在玩一个新洋娃娃,Miss Sullivan gave me my old doll,too萨莉文小姐把以前那个旧的也给了我,She then spelledd-o-1-1and tried to make me understand thatd-o-1-1applied to both然后她拼写出洋娃娃,想让我明白洋娃娃这个词对两个东西都适用。Earlier in the d

10、ay,那天早些时候,we had a struggle(n.斗争;争斗) over the two words m-u-g and w-a-t-e-r我俩就一直在做杯子和水两个词的文章,Miss Sullivan had tried to impress it on me that m-u-g is mug and W-a-t-e-r is water,她想让我明白杯子就是杯子,水就是水。but I persisted in mixing up the two但我总是弄混,I became impatient and, seizing the new doll,I dashed it on t

11、he floor,我烦了,抓起那个新洋娃娃,摔到地上, breaking it into pieces成了碎片。I was not sorry after my fit of temper我发脾气之后,一点也不后悔。In the dark,still world,I had no strong sentiment for anything在这个黑暗、寂静的世界中,我对任何东西都没有太深的感情。 My teacher brought me my hat,老师给我拿来帽子,and I knew we were going out into the warm sunshine我知道要出去沐浴和煦的阳

12、光了。We walked down the path to the well house我们顺着小路向井房走去,Someone was drawing water,有人正在打水,and my teacher placed my hand under the spout老师把我的手放到出水口上 As the cool stream gushed over one hand,当清凉的水流过我的一只手时,she spelled into the other word water,她在另一只手上写出了水这个单词,first slowly,then rapidly先是慢慢的,然后逐渐加快。I stood

13、 still:我一动不动地站着,my whole attention was fixed upon the movements of her finger全神贯注地感觉她手指的动作。Suddenly I seemed to remember something I had forgottena thrill of returning thought and the mystery of language was revealed to me突然,我好像记起了某些我已经忘掉的东西,觉得一种过去的印象又回到了头脑中。从此,语言对我不再神秘,I knew then that the w-a-t-e-

14、r meant that wonderful cool something that was flowing over my hand我明白了水就是那股清凉的、奇妙的、从我手上流过的东西。 That living word awakened my soul and set it free这个活生生的词唤醒了我的灵魂,打开了我智慧的窗户。 I left the well-house eager to learn我离开井房,急切地想学更多的东西,Everything had a name and each name gave birth to a new thought任何事物都有自己的名称,每个

15、名称都给我带来了一个新的概念。 As we returned to the house, every object which I touched seemed to be full of life回家的路上,我触摸到的一切都充满了生命的活力,That was because I saw everything with a strange, new sight that had come to me这是因为我以一种陌生的新眼光来看待一切。0n entering the door I remembered the doll I had broken走进家门,我想起了摔碎的洋娃娃, I felt

16、my way to the fragments and tried in vain to put them together摸索着向那堆碎片走去,想把它们弄在一起,没有成功。Then my eyes were filled with tears , 这时,我跟里噙满了泪水,for I realized what I had done,and for the first time I felt sorry因为我意识到我做错了事情,而且,第一次觉得后悔。 I learned a lot of new words that day那天,我学会了很多生词。It would have been diff

17、icult to find a happier child than me when I lay in my small bed that night and thought of the joys that day had brought to me,夜里躺在床上,想起了白天的欢乐,我觉得世界上几乎没有比我更幸福的孩子了。and for the first time I longed for a new day to come有生以来,我第一次向往新的黎明的到来。 CLOZE ClozePlease pay attention that there are more words than a

18、re necessary Forgot drew happened patient meant understanding fragment tried movements arrival game challenge contrast revealed gushedWhat a challenge I must have been to Miss Sullivan! I remember the many times she tried to spell words into my small handBut neither words nor letters meant anything

19、to meI thought her finger movements were some kind of gameBut at last。On April 5,1887,she reached my understanding About a month after her arrival,she taught me the word water我对萨利文小姐是个多大的挑战呀!我记着她多次努力,在我小手里拼写单词,但无论单词还是字母对我都毫无意义。在我看来。她手指的运动就是一种游戏,但1887年4月5日,她最终触到了我的思维。她到后一个月,教会了我水这个字。 It happened at t

20、he well where 1 was holding a mug while my teacher drew waterAs the water gushed over my hand,she kept spelling w-a-t-e-r into my other hand with her fingersSuddenly I understood! 这发生在井边,我拿着大杯子,老师汲水。水从我手上流过,她用手指不停地拼写水这个单词,突然,我理解了。Text B He Led a Useful Life 有价值的一生 Benjamin Franklin would seem right

21、at home among us if he were alive today. 如果本杰明富兰克林还活着,我们会对他很熟悉。In fact,he did a lot to shape our way of life事实上,他做了许多对我们的生活方式发生重大影响的事情。Right now you are probably nodding your head and thinking,Oh,yes-we learned a11 about old BFin the fifth grade你可能会立刻点头说:对,是的,我们在五年级的时候就知道富兰克林的故事了。But lets see whethe

22、r you really know all about him但是-让我们来看一下,你是否真正完全了解他。 You probably know that he was a stout old fellow with a bald head who flew a kite with a key fastened to it and signed the Declaration of Independence你或许知道他是位健壮的秃顶老人,曾经把钥匙系在风筝线上,还签署了独立宣言。All that is true,这都是真的,but there is a lot more to know abou

23、t this man who had so many useful ideas and served his country in so many different ways但是关于他还有许多事情有待我们了解,他还有许多有价值的想法,并为自己的国家在许多方面做出了贡献。 Franklin had a practical mind富兰克林擅长实践, When he saw a problem,he tried to do something about it一旦发现问题就立即着手解决。The houses of Philadelphia were built of wood and easil

24、y caught fire费城的房子都是木制的结构,很容易着火。Neighbors tried to help each other,but they could do little to save a burning house一发生火灾,即使邻里之间都来帮忙救火,也作用不大。So Franklin organized a fire-fighting company因此,富兰克林就组建了一个消防公司。Philadelphias fire loss became so low that the first fire-insurance company in the United Sates w

25、as soon set up there这大大降低了费城的火灾损失,这使美国第一家火灾保险公司得以很快成立了。Ben Franklin was one of its directors富兰克林担任了其中一个部门的经理。He also persuaded the city to pave and light its streets他还说服市政府为城市铺设道路并安装路灯。Again,the fact that people had trouble keeping their houses warm in winter set Franklins active mind to work此外,富兰克林

26、活跃的思想甚至使他还考虑如何解决人们冬天房间取暖困难这一问题。He decided that the big fireplaces were to blame他判断出问题出在大壁炉这儿,Because they were set deep into the wall因为壁炉深深地砌在墙里, they did not let enough heat reach the middle of the room热量不能充分散发到房间里。So he drew some plans and hired an ironworker to make the potbellied Franklin stove于

27、是他就画了一张设计图,并雇铁匠按图纸铸造了一个大肚子的炉子-被称为富兰克林炉子。It stood in the middle of a room and threw off heat in every direction把炉子放到房间中央,这样热量就能向各个方向散发了。He did not patent the invention富兰克林没有申请发明专利,He was too busy with his discoveries to bother with making money因为他总是忙于发现新问题,根本无暇顾及挣钱。Although he was a wealthy man by th

28、e time he was forty-two,虽然四十二岁时,他已经是位富翁了,money by itself did not interest him但并不是金钱本身使他感兴趣。He valued it because it enabled him to retire from business他在乎钱是因为有了钱他就不至于为了谋生而忙碌不止,Then he had time to spend on other things that seemed more worthwhile他就能摆脱繁琐事务的羁绊把精力投入到他认为更有意义的事情上。What he really cared for m

29、ost of all was science他真正喜欢的是科学本身。Franklin was always trying to answer the question:富兰克林一直在试图回答这么一个问题:What makes things act the way they do? 是什么使物体按照各自的规律运行?At that time learned men were puzzled被动,过去式 about electricity当时知识界都对电的现象迷惑不解。They wondered whether it was in some way like the lightning in a t

30、hunderstorm人们猜测这是不是像雷雨时闪电一样。It might be,可能如此,but how could you prove it-by coaxing (v.哄,耐心使) some electricity down his kite string但怎样证实呢?富兰克林证实了这一问题-他通过风筝线把闪电从天空导下来。That act made him famous in America and Europe这使他一下子名声响誉欧美。But,of course,Franklin did not stop here但是,富兰克林当然不会就此止步。He found a way to ma

31、ke the knowledge useful:he invented the lighting rod他发现了利用这一知识的方法:那就是避雷针。 Franklin would gladly have spent the rest of his days in quiet study and research富兰克林很高兴把余生的时间投入到安静的学习和研究中。But he was fl very important person now,and the country needed him for public service但是,他当时已经是位重要人物了,国家需要他为公众事业服务。Disag

32、reement between the colonies and the British was becoming quite seriousPennsylvania needed a representative in England随着殖民地与英国本土之间矛盾的加剧,费城需要一位驻英国的代表。Would DrFranklin accept the post ? He would富兰克林会接受这个位置吗?他接受了。He went to London and stayed there for more than ten years他来到英国并且一呆就是十多年。He did his best and might have helped to delay the war他竭力避免战争的爆发。But both sides were too angry to reach agreement但是双方都怒不可遏,难以达成协议。 Franklin returned home just a

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