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1、深圳八年级上英语期末复习实用期末复习(Unit 7-Unit 8)Unit 7 Memory一重点单词名词memory 记忆 corner 角落 method 方法 spelling 拼写 mind 头脑 mile 英里 letter 信 trouble麻烦 list清单 step步骤 cycle 循环 note 纸币 wallet 钱包 basket 篮子 manager经理动词lose 失去 improve 提高 mention 提及 spell拼写形容词silly 愚蠢的 worth 值得的 similar相似的连词unless 除非;如果不二重点短语1. take out 提取2. p

2、our out 涌出3. have trouble doing something 做某事有困难4. at the beginning 起初5. slow down 减速6. live a healthy life 过健康生活7. a balanced diet 均衡饮食8. stay relaxed 保持放松9. make a funny noise 发出可笑的噪音10. in ones mind 在脑海中11. improve ones memory 提高记忆力12. exercise ones brain 锻炼大脑13. water cycle 水循环14. in the middle

3、在中间15. be worth doing 值得做某事16. be similar to 与相似三词性转换1. memory n.memorize v.2. improve v.improvement n.3. spell v.spelling n.4. mind n./v.5. manager n.manage v.四同义词1. improve= make sth. better2. similar= almost the same3. trouble= problem4. mention= write or talk about sth.5. method= way6. memorize=

4、 remember五语法-条件状语从句(一)if引导的条件状语从句 1.含义由一个主句和一个或一个以上的从句构成的句子叫复合句,在复合句中,做状语的句子叫做状语从句。状语从句根据它表达的意思可以分为很多种。在主从复合句中修饰主句中的动词、形容词、副词等的从句叫做状语从句,状语从句一般可分为 时间状语从句、地点状语从句、原因状语从句、目的状语从句、结果状语从句、条件状语从句、让步状语从句、比较状语从句和方式状语从句九种。而if引导的从句在复合句中做条件状语,因此叫做条件状语从句,表示某种条件下,某事可能发生。If we pay much attention to the earth, well

5、have a better world.If you dont hurry, youll be late.2.位置If引导的条件状语从句在句中的位置比较灵活,可以放在主句前,这时主句和从句之间用逗号隔开,也可以放在主句之后,中间不用逗号隔开。如果你问他,他会告诉你答案。I hope to visit her if Im free.3.if引导的条件状语从句中从句与主句的时态。(1)if从句用一般现在时,主句用一般将来时 翻译:如果他用跑的,他就会及时赶到那儿。_The cat will scratch you if you pull her tail._(2)if从句用一般现在时,主句用情态动

6、词may/might/can/must/should If the fog gets thicker the plane may/might be diverted. 翻译:如果雪停了,我们就可以出去。_如果你想减肥,你就必须吃更少的肉。_(3)if从句用一般现在时,主句用一般现在时 翻译:如果把冰加热,它就会化成水。_(4)if从句用一般现在时,主句是祈使句。翻译:如果你没有完成你的家庭作业,你就不许去踢足球。_Please put your hands if you have any questions. _4.if引导的条件状语从句与祈使句同义转化肯定祈使句 + and + 一般将来时陈

7、述句可转化为:if肯定条件状语从句 + 逗号 + 一般将来时主句肯定祈使句 + or + 一般将来时陈述句可转化为:if否定条件状语从句 + 逗号 + 一般将来时主句If you work hard, you will pass the exam easily.=Work hard, .If you dont hurry up, you will miss the train.= .(二)unless引导的条件状语从句Unless意为“ ”,相当于“ ”。unless引导的条件状语从句表示强烈的否定,主句也可以含有情态动词或者是祈使句。翻译:如果他不请我去,我就不去。_Dont come in

8、 unless I call you._你不更加努力的工作,你就会失败。_你将会有好的学习成绩,除非你不做作业。_六同步训练I.词汇测试i.根据句意,选择与划线部分意思最接近的选项。1. Our team failed (失败) in the football game.Dont mention this matter in front of me. That makes me sad.A. fall into B. take in C. refer to2. There are four methods for you to solve this problem. OK. Thanks.A.

9、 dreams B. ways C. secrets3. Mr Li, what should I do first?You should imagine an animal in your mind.A. hand B. arm C. brain4. Lets go swimming in the river, Jack!What a silly idea! It is snowing outside now.A. great B. foolish C. terrible5. Who is your best friend?Nancy. She often helps me when I g

10、et into trouble.A. games B. habits C. difficulty6. Oh, these two pictures are the same.No, they are just similar. There are some differences between them.A. nearly the same B. very different C. the same7. Look! There are many empty bottles on the street!Yes. We should do something to improve our liv

11、ing environment.A. make . bigger B. make . worse C. make . better8. Turn off the tap (水龙头). The water is pouring out.OK. I didnt notice it just now.A. running out B. looking out C. taking outii.从下面每小题的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳答案。9. If you _ a word, you say it letter by letter.A. double B. lose C. spell10. A _

12、is a person who is in charge of (主管) running a business, a shop or a company.A. worker B. manager C. soldier11. Do you remember where you put the book?Sorry, I dont. I always have a poor _.A. experience B. heart C. memory12. Why did you not come to see the film with us?Because I _ my ticket.A. got B

13、. bought C lost13. Whats your teachers advice on remembering new words?She says a picture is _ a thousand words.A. worth B. special C. practical14.Mom, please buy me a new mobile phone.I wont buy you one _ you succeed in getting into the college.A. because B. if C. unless15. My name is Jerry. _Me to

14、o. My name is Anna.A. Have a nice trip. B. How do you do? C. Glad to meet you.II.语法填空Having best friends, playing with other children on the playground, and going to birthday parties are daily activities for most kids. In fact, making (1) _ (friend) is one of the most important things. It is (2) _ s

15、kill that will stay with them throughout their lives.Some children have trouble making and (3) _ (keep) friends. You shouldnt be a “social butterfly” and be well-liked (4) _ every kid at school. In fact, a shy or (5) _ (quietly) child may just have one or two good friends and be very happy. But it c

16、an be a problem (6) _ you dont have any friends or are never invited to play with other children especially if you (7) _ (be) nervous about this will be bad for connecting with other children.Even babies seem (8) _ (play) together and have friends, (9) _ group play doesnt usually develop until three

17、. Until then, most babies usually play by themselves. After they begin playing together regularly (规律地) as preschoolers, kids are (10) _ (many) likely to make regular friends.Unit 8 English week一重点单词名词speech 演讲 notice 通告 competition 竞赛 chance 机会 opinion意见suggestion 建议 text 文本 topic 话题 treasure 珍宝 wi

18、nner获胜者动词advise 建议 attack 袭击 choose 选择 communicate 沟通 hide躲藏 形容词poor 穷的 rich 富有的 shy 害羞的 whole 整个的;全部的副词confidently 自信地 else 其他地限定词several 一些;几个连词whenever 无论何时二重点短语1. treasure hunt 寻宝游戏2. in public 在公共场合3. put on 上演4. in my opinion 依我之见5. be worth doing 值得做某事6. above all 最重要的是7. look out 小心8. set a

19、trap for somebody 为某人设陷阱9. pull out a sword 拔剑10. most importantly 最重要的是11. belong to somebody 属于某人12. hit somebody in the head 打某人头三词性转换1. speech n.speak v. (spoke spoken)2. competition pete v.3. suggestion n.suggest v.4. winner (won won)5. advise v.advice n.6. communicate munication n.7. con

20、fidently adv.confident adj.confidence n.四同义词1. topic= subject 2. advice= suggestion3. several= a few4. opinion= idea5. whole= complete五语法-情态动词(一) 情态动词should的用法should为情态动词,意为“应该”,后接动词原形,其否定形式为shouldnt,变为一般疑问句时,should提到句首。无人称和数的变化。其用法如下:(1) 表示委婉地提出意见或建议时,意为“应该,应当”。 You should brush your teeth before y

21、ou go to bed.(2) 表示义务,责任时,意为“应该,应当”。You should help your mother with your housework.We should study hard.(3) 表示命令或要求时,语气比较强烈。You shouldnt go out at night.(4) Should与ought to。 肯定句:Students should study hard. = Students ought to study hard. 否定句:Students shouldnt study hard. = Students ought not to stu

22、dy hard. 疑问句:Should students study hard? = Ought students to study hard? 回答:Yes, they should. /No, they shouldnt. Yes, they ought to. /No, they ought not to.练习链接(1) You _ drive your car so fast. Its very dangerous. A. wouldnt B. shouldnt C. couldnt D. mightnt(2) A country has dreams. We teenagers _

23、also have dreams. With dreams and hard work, anything amazing can be created.A. may B. must C. should D. Might(二) had better的用法had better 是一个固定短语,意为“最好”,用于表示对别人的劝告、建议或表示一种愿望。其用法有以下几点:1. had better后面必须跟动词原形。 had better后跟动词原形,构成had better do sth.短语,had不能用have来替换。 Youd better go to hospital at once. To

24、m, youd better go there today.2. 主语无论是第几人称,无论用什么时态,都要用had better的形式。 Now you/ he/ we had better listen to the teacher.3. had better的否定式:常用的否定形式是将not直接放在had better的后面。 You had better not miss the last bus.六同步训练I.词汇测试i.根据句意,选择与划线部分意思最接近的选项。1. Lets go to celebrate. Our class won first prize in the comp

25、etition.Congratulations!A. show B. play C. game2. Peter, Anna will go abroad tomorrow. I advise that you should say goodbye to her.OK. I will go to her home this afternoon.A. suggest B. allow C. order3. What did your teacher ask you to do this morning?She asked me to read the text on Page Three.A. s

26、tory B. article C. magazine4. I dont like the color of this shirt. Could you give me another one?Of course. There are several colors for this shirt. You can choose one among them.A. a lot of B. millions of C. a few5. Mr Huang is a hard-working man.Yes. Now he is rich and is able to buy that expensiv

27、e house.A. having much time B. having much trouble C. having much money6. Mom, these toys are very interesting. I like them all.No. You can only choose your favorite one.A. sell B. pick C. steal7. Oh, this football team is very excellent. It is difficult for us to win.Come on! Above all, we must bel

28、ieve in ourselves.A. In addition B. Whats more C. Most importantly8. Look out! Here comes a car! Oh, I didnt see it. Thank you for telling me.A. Hands up B. Sit down C. Take careii.从下面每小题的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳答案。9. To _ a person or a place means trying to hurt them.A. save B. attack C. protect10. If someone is _, he or she is nervous or uncomfortable when meeting and speaking to other people.A. outgoing B. kind C. shy11. What will you do if you have t

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