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1、英语外研版选择性必修第一册教师用书含习题测试Unit NurturingSection Developing ideas & Other parts.课标单词1.单词拼写candidate /knddt/n.申请者favour /fev/n.支持,赞同genuine /denjun/adj.真的,真正的salary /slri/n.薪金,工资waist /west/n.腰,腰部2.根据英文释义选词填空candidate, favour, genuine, salary, waistgenuine:real; exactly what it appears to be; not artifici

2、alfavour:approval or support for sb./sth.salary:money that employees receive for doing their job, especially professional employees or people working in an office, usually paid every monthwaist:the area around the middle of the body between the ribs and the hips, often narrower than the areas above

3、and belowcandidate:a person who is trying to be elected or is applying for a job 3.词汇拓展applicant /plknt/n.申请人apply /pla/v.申请;使用;应用application /plken/n.应用,运用;申请,申请表applied /plad/adj.应用的;实用的advertise /dvtaz/v.(为)做广告(宣传)advertisement /dvtsmnt/n.广告;广告宣传advertising/dvtaz/n.做广告;广告活动;广告业advertiser /dvtaz(r

4、)/n.登广告者,广告商negotiable /nib()l/adj.可协商的negotiate /net/v.商定;谈判,协商negotiation /nen/n.谈判;协商preference /pref()rns/n.优先(权)prefer /prf(r)/vt.较喜欢qualification /kwlfke()n/n.技能条件,资格qualify /kwlfa/v.合格;使具备资格qualified /kwlfad/adj.具备的知识(或技能);符合资格.情境词块1.look after 照顾;照料2.find out 查明,弄清(情况)3.highlight the importa

5、nce of 突出的重要性 made up of 由组成 host to. 是的栖息地6.under threat 受到威胁7.make a short video 拍摄一段短视频 addition to 除了9.make a number of appearances 多次露面 favour of 支持,赞同 well as 还;也12.relate to 涉及,与有关 open to 向开放14.cause damage to 对造成损坏.情境佳句1.句型公式过去分词短语作状语教材原句Located off the coast of N

6、orth-east Australia, the Great Barrier Reef is the largest living thing on the planet.尝试翻译大堡礁位于澳大利亚东北部近海处,是地球上最大的生物。2.句型公式not.but.教材原句Ben later joked that the job should have been advertised not as the “best”, but the “busiest job in the world”!尝试翻译本后来开玩笑说,这个工作的招聘启事上应该写“世界上最繁忙的工作”,而不是“最棒的”!3.句型公式tha

7、t引导表语从句教材原句The most important thing was that people all over the world became aware of the beauty of the ocean in the area.尝试翻译最重要的是,全世界的人们都意识到了这个地区的海洋之美。4.句型公式whether.or.教材原句Whether it was a genuine job offer or an eye-catching marketing event isnt really important.尝试翻译不管这是一个真正的工作机会,还是一场吸引眼球的营销活动,其

8、实都不重要。.文本理解Step 1Reading for the main idea.What is the main idea of the text?A.A photographer wanted.B.A blogger wanted.C.An island caretaker wanted.D.An island owner wanted. 答案CStep 2Reading for the structure.Fill in the following blanks with proper words.THE BEST JOB IN THE WORLD1.DutieswantedRepo

9、rt back via weekly blogs, photo diaries and video updates and promote the islands 2.through newspapers, magazines, etc.History, location and composition of the reefThe Great Barrier Reef, the largest thing on the planet, is located off the coast of North-east Australia.More than 25 million

10、years old, the Great Barrier Reef, 4.made up of living coral growing on dead coral, is host to many species of birds and sea creatures. However, this unique and delicate place is now under 5.threat from pollution and climate change.6.Ways of application and workBen Southall became the lucky dog, but

11、 he described his job as the 7.busiest in the world.Major 8.influence of the reefToday people have been aware of the significance of 9.understanding the delicate balance and what can and must be done protect the reef.Step 3Reading for the details.Choose the best answer according to the text.1.

12、Which of the following descriptions is TRUE about the reef?A.It is over 25 billion years old.B.It can be seen from outer space.C.It is made up of dead coral.D.It can prevent itself from being polluted.答案B2.Which is the suitable topic sentence for Paragraph 5?A.Ben had to make a short video about the

13、 reef.B.Ben needed to prove that he was the suitable person to take care of the reef.C.Ben came to understand the importance of protecting the reef.D.Ben did a lot during his time as an island caretaker.答案D学会学习好的过渡突出连接不同段落并将文本连成一个整体的想法。过渡可以帮助读者理解段落是如何连贯起来的,它们之间是如何相互关联的以及它们是如何建立一个更大的点的。3.What did Ben

14、 Southall think of his job?A.The busiest.B.The best.C.Relaxing.D.Boring.答案A4.Whats the attitude of people to the reef?A.People have been aware of the delicate condition of it.B.People come to understand the importance of the environment.C.People hold the view that the reef is a safe habitat for fish

15、.D.People dream of visiting the reef every year.答案A.难句突破1.图解难句自我分析这是一个主从复合句,不定式短语To get this job作状语,现在分词短语showing how much they knew about the reef作video的后置定语,how much引导宾语从句。尝试翻译要想得到这份工作,应聘者需要拍摄一段短视频,展示自己对大堡礁的了解程度。2.图解难句自我分析这是一个主从复合句,句中that引导定语从句,修饰delicate balance,第一个and连接understand的两个宾语,其后what引导宾语

16、从句。尝试翻译而且,人们还意识到环境存在于微妙的平衡之中,也知道了人类能够且必须采取什么行动来保护大堡礁。3.图解难句自我分析这是一个主从复合句,句中as well as连接并列成分,who引导定语从句。尝试翻译只有如此,大堡礁才能继续作为野生动物的安全栖息地以及每年数百万游客梦寐以求的旅游目的地。.文本复述Step 1Question Answering根据课文内容回答下列问题。 1.How old is the Great Barrier Reef?The Great Barrier Reef is more than 25 million years old.2.What is the

17、Great Barrier Reef made up of?It is made up of living coral growing on dead coral.3.Where is the Great Barrier Reef? The Great Barrier Reef is located off the coast of North-east Australia.4.What have people realized?People have realized the delicate balance that the environment exists in and what c

18、an, and must, be done to protect the reef.5.What is major impact of protecting the Great Barrier Reef on wildlife and millions of tourists?It will remain a safe habitat for wildlife, as well as a dream destination for the millions of tourists who visit it each year.Step 2Text Retelling将以上句子连成一篇语言流畅、

19、用词准确、逻辑严密的60词左右的短文。More than 25 million years old, the Great Barrier Reef, made up of living coral growing on dead coral is located off the coast of North-east Australia. Whats more, people have realized the delicate balance that the environment exists in and what can, and must, be done to protect t

20、he reef. And it will remain a safe habitat for wildlife, as well as a dream destination for the millions of tourists who visit it each year.板块一语言知识1.Located off the coast of North-east Australia, the Great Barrier Reef is the largest living thing on the planet.大堡礁位于澳大利亚东北部近海处,是地球上最大的生物。(教材P68)语言点1句型

21、公式:过去分词短语作状语情境探究The master entered the room, followed by a dog.主人进了房间,后面跟着一只狗。The old man went into the room, supported by his wife.那位老人在他的妻子的搀扶下,走进了房间。Given a medical examination, you should keep calm.当你做体格检查时要保持镇定。归纳拓展(1)过去分词(短语)作状语时,表示的动作是主语动作的一部分,与谓语表示的动作或状态几乎同时发生,或是先于谓语动词的动作发生,它的逻辑主语与句子的主语一致。过去

22、分词作状语一般都用逗号同其他成分隔开,常表示时间、条件、原因、方式、伴随、让步等含义,相当于一个状语从句。(2)过去分词(短语)作状语时,有时为了强调,前面可带连词when、while、if、though、as if、unless、until等,以使句意更清楚。学以致用(1)单句填空Helped (help) by her daughter, the old woman walked slowly to the lift.Einstein walked along the street, lost (lose) in thought.If given (give) more time, we

23、would have done the work better.(2)句式升级As the girl was frightened by the noise in the night, she didnt dare to sleep in her room.Frightened by the noise in the night, the girl didnt dare to sleep in her room.(过去分词作状语)2.In addition to blogging, taking photos and writing articles about the reef, he ma

24、de a number of appearances on television to argue in favour of its defence. 除了写博客、拍照和写关于大堡礁的文章外,他还多次在电视上露面支持对它的保护。(教材P69)语言点2in addition to除以外(还)情境探究Im going to town to see my teacher in addition to buying something.我进城除了买些东西以外, 还要去看望我的老师。You need money and time. In addition, you need diligence.你需要时

25、间和金钱。另外,你还需要努力。Besides, I want you to promise me one thing.此外, 我要你答应我一件事。In addition to/Apart from going on a diet, she pursues various exercises on TV.除了节食, 她还跟着电视做各种运动。All his school education added up to no more than one year. 他所有的学校教育加起来也不到一年。归纳拓展(1)in addition另外except/except for/except that除了外a

26、part from除外besides除以外,还(2)add v.增加把加到add up to总计为add to增添易混辨析in addition副词短语,意为“此外,另外”,相当于besides。in addition to介词短语,in addition to 中的to为介词,所以后接动名词作宾语,相当于apart from。学以致用(1)用in addition或in addition to填空In addition to some picture books, we still need some story-books.There is, in addition, one

27、 further point to say.He had no time to prepare this lecture. In addition, he was unwell.He speaks French in addition to English.(2)单句写作这次训练计划除了常规训练外,还包括参加各种活动,比如参加一些全国性的比赛。The training schedule, in addition to regular training, includes joining in a variety of activities, such as participating in s

28、ome national competitions. 语言点3in favour of 支持,赞同情境探究Can I ask you a favour?你可以帮我一个忙吗?Perhaps the judge would rule in my favour. 或许法官会就此做出有利于我的裁决。Would you do me a favour to choose a suit for the wedding? 你能帮我个忙为我挑选一套婚礼穿的西服吗? She made a favourable impression on his parents.她给他的父母留下了好印象。归纳拓展in ones f

29、avour有利于某人do sb. a favour给某人以恩惠;帮助某人ask/beg sb. a favour请某人帮忙owe sb. a favour欠某人人情favourable adj.给人好印象的;赞同的;支持的favourite adj.特别受喜爱的学以致用(1)单句填空Favourable (favour) policies are in effect to encourage employees professional development. Naomi managed to figure out 16 of Steves favourite(favour), and mo

30、st personal songs.Duncan had his height and weight in his favor, during the fight.(2)单句写作我写信是想告诉你一些关于我即将到来的暑假计划,我也希望你能帮我一个忙。I am writing to tell you something about my plan for the coming summer vacation and I also want you to do me a favour. 3.Whether it was a genuine job offer or an eye-catching marketing event isnt really important.不管这是一个真正的工作机会,还是一场吸引眼球的营销活动,其实都不重要。(教材P69)语言点4whether.or.无论/不管还是情境探究He hasnt decided whether he will go or stay.他还没有决定去留。I have decided to take the jo

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