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1、中英禁忌习俗比较商务英语毕业论文中国某某某某学校学生毕业设计(论文)题 目: 中英禁忌习俗比较 姓 名 : 0000000000000 班级、学号 : 00000000 系 (部) : 经济管理系 专 业 : 商务英语 指导教师 : 00000000000 开题时间: 2009-04-10 完成时间: 2009-11-08 2008 年 11月 08 日毕业设计任务书1毕业设计成绩评定表2答辩申请书3-5正文6-27答辩委员会表决意见28答辩过程记录表29课 题:中英禁忌习俗比较 一、课题(论文)提纲引言1.禁忌的定意2. 社交禁忌比较2.1握手禁忌2.2交流禁忌2.3语言禁忌 2.4舞会上怎

2、样不失礼2.5餐桌上的礼节忌讳3.隐私禁忌比较4. 节日禁忌比较5. 迷信禁忌比较 6数字忌讳比较7. 送礼禁忌比较结束语二、内容摘要不同的国家地区有不同的文化差异,既然有着文化差异那么对待某些事情的看法就存在着不同。我们常说中西文化差异,也就是说我们在文化习俗方面有着很大的区别,因此在对事情的看法和做法上都不相同,也就形成了我们各自的文化习俗。有些事情在我们中国认为是可行但是在一些英语国家觉得这是不能做的。相反,英语国家认为能过做的事情我们却觉得那是不允许的,因此出现了各自的禁忌。那英语国家跟中国究竟存在哪些习俗禁忌呢。本文从不同的角度对英语国家与中国的习俗禁忌进行了比较,如,从社交禁忌、节

3、日禁忌、迷信禁忌等多方面进行了比较。其中在社交禁忌中,又从隐私禁忌、握手禁忌 交流禁忌这几处进行了比较。通过这些比较让大家对中西文化禁忌有所了解,从而能在日后生活中有所帮助尤其是在商务来往中。三、参考文献1 唐纳. 西方禁忌大观 M.上海: 上海人民出版社,19922 郁龙余.中西文化异同论 M.北京:三联书店出版社,1989.3 任骋.中国民间禁忌 M.北京:中国社会科学出版社,19914 张旭.理论观察M.广州:中山大学出版社,2006Comparison of Customs of Taboos in China and English-speaking Countries0000000

4、0Abstract: There are different culture in the different countries and areas, since it has the difference cultural so there is difference views to treat some matters .We often said that China culture and the West culture are always have difference, that is to say we have the very big difference in th

5、e aspect of cultural custom, therefore the view and the procedure are not the same on the matter, which Also formed our own culture and customs. There are some things we believe that it is feasible in our China, but the English-speaking countries think that is can not be done. On the contrary, Engli

6、sh-speaking countries believed that is can be done while we think that it is not allowed, so it comes out own taboos. Though what are the customs of taboo exist in English-speaking countries and China ?In this paper from different perspectives compared about the English-speaking countries and Chinas

7、 customs taboos, such as from the social taboos, festivals taboo, superstition taboos and other aspects were compared. In which the social taboos is compared from few aspects. For example, privacy of taboos and shook hands of taboos and exchange of taboos etc. By these comparisons so that we can und

8、erstand the cultural taboos, which can be helpful later in life, especially in the business dealings. Keywords: Taboo; compare; English-speaking countries; ChinaIntroduction In peoples social interaction, especially exchanges of Intercultural usually encounter some very sensitive issues, which is ta

9、boo. It is like an invisible precepts make the of the peoples language and behavior to be shackled, it is a major obstacle in communication of Intercultural.Generally speaking, the taboo is the concept of customs. It with the Prohibition of the legal system and the word no on the moral standards sen

10、se all of these have a very clear distinction. In customs, the ban of like the taboo is set up based on the Common beliefs. Self (I group) due to feel fear the result in the restrain self is the basic components of taboo, and it hold a dominant position in the taboo. Entire meaning of ban, is from t

11、he common taboo, and from the collective consciousness of the self-inhibition not exist “the imposition of will and insist on the concept. is does not exist. The process of taboo implementation must be through the mind, and therefore it belongs to prohibited form under the natural state of folk .So,

12、 they can be also directly called folk taboo, that is, we discussed the taboo word is the same as folk goes. They are distinguished by the legal system or code of ethics of the other prohibited forms.Each language has own taboos, such as: English-speaking countries bogey figure 13. According to the

13、BIBLE recorded that at the last supper, Judas betrayed Jesus is the 13th on the table, so the 13 is a main culprit in number. As a result, there is no 13th room on the restaurant, and inviting guests taboo 13 people, and the important events to avoid the monthly 13. Another example in the Anglo-Amer

14、ican and other Western countries, the black cats has been regarded as a taboo animal. If the people face a black cat across the street and towards them, which would be herald impending catastrophe. In addition, they are not very like an elephant. When you dealing with the British, and you need to kn

15、ow the main folk taboos of British also have the following five: First, taboo in public sneezing, second taboo is use the same match consecutive lit three cigarettes, third is a taboo they leave their shoes on the table, four is a taboo in the house umbrella, five is the taboo walk from the base of

16、the ladder. In China, taboo 4, because four sounds like death is not propitious. Ancestors name and the names of elders can not be directly addressed him without concealing anything. During the Spring Festival people would like to say good words, and bogey curse the child, the traditional belief tha

17、t if the children started to suffer the verbal abuse, she or he should pay a whole year curse. Chinese people are used to eat with chopsticks, so therere some taboos about you use chopsticks at the dinner table. This paper from various aspects compared taboos of the English-speaking countries and Ch

18、ina. It is not only compared from the social taboos but also from the privacy of taboos, festivals taboos, language taboos, and many other sides. So that makes people understand taboos of the English-speaking countries and China 1. The meaning of tabooThe reason of in the traditional custom or socia

19、l custom we should to avoid using some words or doing some act, which is taboo. Taboo as the psychological tradition of core of faith is a human universally possessed a cultural phenomenon. It condensed the human psychology original, desire and fantasy, and reflecting the social spiritual cultural w

20、ith the level of the material cultural and ethnic, times of spirit cultural guide. We are live in the networks of taboo. Taboos, on the one hand are referring to sacred or unclean and dangerous things; on the other hand, it refers to a prohibition, that is word and behavior are prohibited or psychol

21、ogical be inhibited in a kind of behavior control mode. Like this kind of things and such a ban is entirely interlinked between them, and actually they are the same thing not two different things, because the production of such a ban actually is result from peoples awareness of such a class of thing

22、s (mental reflection). So, in other words, taboo is sacred, dirty, and dangerous things, and because of their attitudes of towards taboo formed some sort of ban.2. Comparison of Social taboos Custom is formed in social interaction of people. Besides language, people have many other aspects of intera

23、ction. In the many of communication process, everyone found them self proper location and manner of social existence, and incorporated them self into the framework of a certain social customs. That is, people will be in compliance with the many aspects of social Taboos. Whether consciously or not,In

24、 the English-speaking countries, the man visiting a person subject to prior appointment, and taboo a surprise visit. Otherwise, the respondents will felled unhappy, because this sudden call caused them a great inconvenience and disrupted her or his work scheme. Visit someone you should on time, but

25、by the convention, in particular by to visiting a dinner or party, the American habit of late 3-5 minutes to arrive and 10 minutes late is no problem, which is to give the hostess a little time to make up. Although it is not taboo in the China the surprise visit, and the respondents would not feel u

26、nhappy, but when you go to visit you had better to tell the owner in advance so that it will not cause owner inconvenience and can also give the scheduled time to the respondents for making arrangement in advance.2.1 Handshake tabooChinese usually shake hands with the right hand, and the gesture sho

27、uld be generous nature, look at each other with a smile. Your hand use a little power with shaking up and down slightly and you must be avoid casual, look around, or nod both hands. Handshake order is: by the owner, older persons, the higher status, and Ladies first reach out, for the guests, young

28、persons, the low status of persons, and men when you meet with them you should first greeting and wait the other side held out his hand and then you grip. Do not cross shake hands with people when you need to shake hands with many people, you should wait for others finish shake hands then reach out

29、your hand. Do not sit to shake hands with others. When you Shake hands your hand shouldnt dirty, If you meet with people when you wear gloves, the gloves should be off on the left hand, then shake hands to show courtesy. If men and women shaking hands, the woman did not off gloves, the man can also

30、didnt off gloves. To subordinates or younger, you should enthusiastic initiatively stretch your hand, to show your care and easy to approach. when you Met old colleagues and old friends or old classmates, your hands should be faraway extended and clasp others hand, handshake taboo that the above men

31、tioned is the same in the English-speaking countries, but theres a little bit different they can not shake hands at the same time with three people because they are taboo 3.2.2 Communicate tabooThere are often different communication methods and characteristics on different occasions. In Chinas soci

32、al occasions should avoid unnecessary controversy. Argument is easy to hurt others self-esteem, so the other would be disgusted with you. In general, argue under the unnecessary situation is not desirable. Because many ideas, plans etc is not necessarily used a way of argue to get. Dont use the type of question tone. The type of Questioned tone often has a cert

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