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本文(IFR 266503000mAh32V 磷酸铁锂电池规格书超详细版.docx)为本站会员(b****8)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

IFR 266503000mAh32V 磷酸铁锂电池规格书超详细版.docx

1、IFR 266503000mAh32V 磷酸铁锂电池规格书超详细版 深圳市银凯动力科技有限公司SHENZHEN YINKAI POWER TECHNOLOGY Co., LtdVER: A地址:广东省深圳市坪山新区金荔科技园4栋 TEL:86(0)0755-2308 8336 FAX:86(0)0755-2308 8396DATE: 2015/10/24Cylindrical LIFEPO4 BatterySpecification圆柱型磷酸铁锂电池规格书MODEL/型号: IFR 26650-3000mAh 3.2V Prepared By/Date编 制/日 期Checked By/Dat

2、e审 核/日 期Approved By/Date批 准/日 期冯时春/2015.10.24CustomerApproval 客户批准Signature 确认Date 日期Company Name:公司名称:Company Stamp:客户印章:- 保密文件 -Amendment Records (修正记录)Edition(版 本)Description(记 述)Prepared by (编 制)Approved by(批 准)Date(日 期)AFirst Publish冯时春2015/10/241Scope(适用范围)This specification is applied to the

3、reference battery in this Specification that manufactured by Yinkai Power Technology Co., Ltd.本说明书适用于本书中所提及的银凯动力科技有限公司制造的电池。2Product Specification(产品技术规格) Table 1 (表 1)No.(序号)Item(项目)General Parameter(常规参数)Remark(备注)1Rated Capacity(额定容量)Typical(标称容量)3000mAhStandard discharge(0.2C5A) after Standard c

4、harge(标准充电后0.2C5A标准放电)Minimum(最小容量)2850mAh2Nominal Voltage(正常电压)3.2VMean Operation Voltage(即工作电压)3Voltage at end ofDischarge(放电终止电压)2.5VDischarge Cut-off Voltage(放电截止电压)4Charging Voltage(充电电压)3.65V5Internal Impedance(内阻)30mInternal resistance measured at AC 1KHZ after 50% charge(半电态下用交流法测量内阻)The mea

5、sure must uses the new batteries that within one week after shipment and cycles less than 5 times(使用出货后不到一个星期及循环次数少于5次的新电池测量)6Standard charge(标准充电)Constant Current 0.2C5AConstant Voltage 3.65V0.01 C cut-off(持续电流:0.2C5A持续电压:3.65V截止电流:0.01 C)7Standard discharge(标准放电)Constant current 0.2C5Aend voltage

6、2.5V(持续电流:0.2C5A截止电压:2.5V) Continuous the table 1 (续 表1)No.(序号)Item(项目)General Parameter(常规参数)Remark(备注)8Fast charge(快速充电)Constant Current 0.5CConstant Voltage 3.65V0.01 C cut-off(持续电流:0.5C持续电压:3.65V截止电流:0.01 C)9Fast discharge(快速放电)Constant current 0.5Cend voltage 2.5V(持续电流:0.5 C截止电压:2.5V)10Maximum

7、Continuous Charge Current(最大充电持续电流)1.0 C11Maximum Continuous Discharge Current(最大放电持续电流)1.5 C12Operation Temperature Range(工作温度范围)Charge(充电): 0456025%R.H.Bare Cell(电池储存湿度范围)Discharge(放电): -106013Storage Temperature Range(储存温度范围)Less than 1 year: -2025(小于一年:-2025) the shipment state(出货状态时的

8、湿度范围)less than 3 months: -2040(小于3个月:-2040)Less than 7 day : -2065(小于7天:-2065)14Cell Dimension(单体电芯尺寸)High/高度:66.20.3 mmInitial Dimension(初始尺寸)Diameter/直径: 26.00.25 mm3Performance And Test Conditions (电池性能及测试条件)3.1 Standard Test Conditions(标准测试条件)Test should be conducted with new batteries within on

9、e week after shipment from our factory and the cells shall not be cycled more than five times before the test. Unless otherwise specified, test and measurement shall be done under temperature of 233 and relative humidity of 4585%. If it is judged that the test results are not affected by such condit

10、ions, the tests may be conducted at temperature 1530 and humidity 2585%RH. 测试必须使用出厂时间不超过一个星期的新电池,且未进行过五次以上的充放电循环。除非特别说明,否则测试会在温度233,相对湿度4585%的条件下进行。如果经鉴定测试结果不受上述条件影响,测试也可以在温度1530,相对湿度2585%RH的条件下进行。3.2 Measuring Instrument or Apparatus(测量器具及设备)3.2.1 Dimension Measuring Instrument(尺寸测量器具)The dimension

11、 measurement shall be implemented by instruments with equal or moreprecision scale of 0.01mm. 尺寸测量器具的精度等级应不小于0.01 mm 。3.2.2 Voltmeter(伏特计)Standard class specified in the national standard or more sensitive class having inner impedance more than 10k/V 按照国家标准指定规格等级或采用灵敏度更高的,测量电压时内阻不应小于10k/V。3.2.3 Amme

12、ter(安培计)Standard class specified in the national standard or more sensitive class. Total externalresistance including ammeter and wire is less than 0.01. 按照国家标准指定规格等级或采用灵敏度更高的,包括电流表及电线在内的总外阻应小于0.01。3.2.4 Impedance Meter(电阻计)Impedance shall be measured by a sinusoidal alternating current method(1kHz

13、LCR meter).内阻测试仪测量原理应为交流阻抗法(1kHz LCR)。3.3 Standard ChargeDischarge(标准充放电) 3.3.1 Standard Charge :Test procedure and its criteria are referred as follows: 标准充电:测试过程及标准如下:0.2C5A =600mA Charging shall consist of charging at a 0.2C5A constant current rate until the cell reaches 3.65V. The cell shall the

14、n be charged at constant voltage of 3.65 volts while tapering the charge current. Charging shall be terminated when the charging current has tapered to 0.01 C. Charge time: Approx 5.5h, The cell shall demonstrate no permanent degradation when charged between 0 C and 45 C. 电池先0.2C5A恒流充至3.65V,当充电电流逐渐减

15、小时再以3.65V恒压充至电流减小到0.01 C,充电时间大约为5.5个小时。在0-45内充电电池应没有永久损害。3.3.2 Standard Discharge(标准放电)0.2C5A =600mACells shall be discharged at a constant current of 0.2 C5A to 2.5 volts 23 3C电池以0.2 C5A恒流放电至2.5V 23 3C3.3.3 If no otherwise specified, the rest time between Chare and Discharge amount to 30min. 如果没有特别

16、说明,电池充放电间隔时间为30分。3.4 Appearance(外观) There shall be no such defect as flaw, crack, rust, leakage, which may adversely affect commercial value of battery. 电池外观应没有划伤、破裂、污渍、生锈、漏液等影响市场价值的缺陷存在。 3.5 Initial Performance Test(初始性能测试)Table 2(表 2)Item(项目)Test Method and Condition(测试方法及条件)Requirements(要求)(1)Ope

17、n-CircuitVoltage(开路电压)The open-circuit voltage shall be measured within 24 hours after standard charge.(标准充电后24小时内测量开路电压)3.3V(2)Internal impedance(初始内阻)Internal resistance measured at AC 1KHz after 50% charge.(半充电状态下,测量其AC 1KHz下的交流阻抗)30m(3)Minimal Rated Capacity(最小额定容量)The capacity on 0.2C5A dischar

18、ge till the voltage tapered to 2.5V shall be measured after rested for 30min then finish standard charge.(标准充电后,搁置30min,测量0.2C放电至2.5V截止电压所放出的容量)Discharge Capacity(放电容量)2850mAh3.6 Temperature Dependence of discharge capacity(放电温度特性) Cells shall be charged per 3.3.1 and discharged 0.2 C5A to 2.5 volts

19、. Except to be discharged at temperatures per Table 3. Cells shall be stored for 3 hours at the test temperature prior to discharging and then shall be discharged at the test temperature. The capacity of a cell at each temperature shall be compared to the capacity achieved at 23 C and the percentage

20、 shall be calculated. Each cell shall meet or exceed the requirements of Table 3. 电池按3.3.1规定充电。按表3的温度中放电,电池必须先在该试验温度中放置3个小时。在每一个温度中的放电容量应不小于表3的要求。Table 3 (表3)Discharge Temperature(放电温度)0234560Discharge Capacity(0.2 C5A)(放电容量/0.2 C5A)60%100%97%95%3.7 Cycle Life and Leakage-Proof(循环寿命及漏液试验)Table 4(表4)

21、No.(序号)Item(项目)Criteria(标准)Test Conditions(测试条件)1Cycle Life(循环寿命)Higher than 80% of the Initial Capacities of the Cells(初始容量的80%)Carry out 1500cycleCharging/Discharging in the below condition.Charge: Standard Charge, per 3.3.1Discharge: 0.2 C5A to 2.5VRest Time between charge/discharge:30min.Tempera

22、ture:233循环1500次充放电按以下条件:充电: 标准充电, 按 3.3.1规定放电: 0.2 C5A放至 2.5V搁置:30min.温度:2332Leakage-Proof(漏液试验)No leakage(visual inspection)(没有漏液/目测)After full charge with standard charge, store at 603, 6010%RH for 1 month.标准充电条件下充满电后在温度603,湿度6010%RH下储存一个月4.Mechanical characteristics and Safety Test(安全测试及机械特性)Tabl

23、e 5(表5) (Mechanical characteristics)No.(序号)Items(项目)Test Method and Condition(测试方法及条件)Criteria(标准)1Vibration Test振动测试After standard charging, fixed the cell to vibration table and subjected to vibration cycling that the frequency is to be varied at the rate of 1Hz per minute between 10Hz an 55Hz, th

24、e excursion of the vibration is 1.6mm. The cell shall be vibrated for 30 minutes per axis of XYZ axes.将标准充电后的电芯固定在振动台上,沿X、Y、Z三个方向各振动30分钟,振幅1.6mm,振动频率为10Hz55Hz,每分钟变化1Hz。No leakage无泄漏No fire不起火2Drop Test跌落测试The cell is to be dropped from a height of 1 meter twice onto concrete ground.将标准充电后的电芯从1米高度跌落至

25、混凝土地面2次No explosion,No fire,no leakage无爆炸、无起火 、无泄漏 Table 6(表 6) (Safety Test)Item(项目)BatteryCondition(电池要求)Test Method(测试方法)Requirements(要求)Crush(挤压试验)Fresh,Fully charged(充满电的新电池)Crush between two flat plates. Applied force is about 13kN(1.72Mpa) for 30min.(电池放置在两块平面金属板间,施加13KN(1.72Mpa)的作用力,且持续保持30分

26、钟)No explosion,No fire(无起火无爆炸)ShortCircuit(短路试验20)Fresh,Fully charged(充满电的新电池)Each test sample battery, in turn, is to be short-circuited by connecting the (+) and (-) terminals of the battery with a Cu wire having a maximum resistance load of 0.1.Tests are to be conducted at room temperature(202 ).

27、 (在常温下约202依次把每个样品电池的正负极用铜线连接起来使电池外部短路-线路总电阻不超过0.1)No explosion,No fire The Temperature of the surface of the Cells are lower than 150(无起火无爆炸电池表面温度应低于150)ShortCircuit(短路试验60)Fresh,Fully charged(充满电的新电池)Each test sample battery, in turn, is to be short-circuited by connecting the (+) and (-) terminals

28、 of the battery with a Cu wire having a maximum resistance load of 0.1.Tests are to be conducted at temperature(602 ).(在常温下约602依次把每个样品电池的正负极用铜线连接起来使电池外部短路-线路总电阻不超过0.1)No explosion,No fire The Temperature of the surface of the Cells are lower than 150(无起火无爆炸电池表面温度应低于150)Impact(冲击试验)Fresh,Fully charge

29、d(充满电的新电池)A 56mm diameter bar is inlayed into the bottom of a 10kg weight. And the weight is to be dropped from a height of 1m onto a sample battery and then the bar will be across the center of the sample.(用一条直径为56mm的圆棒放置在电池中央,将一10Kg的重锤从1m的高度垂直落下在电池的中心位置)No explosion,No fire(无起火无爆炸)ForcedDischarge(过放试验)Fresh,Fully charged(充满电的新电池)Discharge at a current of 1 C5A for 2.5h.(以1C 的电流放电2.5小时)No explosion,No fire(无起火无爆炸)5. Cautions in use(谨慎使用) To ensure proper use of the battery please read the manual carefully before using it. (为确保正确使用电池,使用前请仔细

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