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本文(四年级上册英语优秀学案Unit 3 I can run fast含答案 湘鲁版.docx)为本站会员(b****8)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

四年级上册英语优秀学案Unit 3 I can run fast含答案 湘鲁版.docx

1、四年级上册英语优秀学案Unit 3 I can run fast含答案 湘鲁版Unit 3 I can run fast!【学习目标】1本单元词汇和句型。2能用本单元话题交流。【学习重难点】1熟记本单元词汇和句型。2能将本单元话题用于实际交流中。【学习过程】一、词汇play football踢足球swim游泳easy简单的fast快速的二、句型1Can you? Yes, I can. / No, I cant.2What can you do? I can3Can he / she? Yes, he / she can. / No, he / she cant.4Its easy / fun

2、!【达标检测】一、看一看,连一连1play football A2Swim B3Fast C4Easy D5Jump E二、情景交际1Can you play football? AYes, he can. Its fun.2What can you do? BNo, she cant.3Can she swim fast? CI can run fast.4Can he jump high? DYes, I can. Its easy.三、选词填空1She _ swim fast. (can, cans)2Zhou Lin can play _. (a football, football)

3、3_ you play basketball? (Can, May)4I can _ (fast run, run fast)5-What can you do?-_ can jump high. (You, I)四、选择最佳答案( )1-Can you swim fast?-_AI can run fast.BGood.CYes, I can.( )2-What can you do?-_AGood.BYes, I can.CI can swim fast.( )3-What can Andy do?-_AHe can swim.BNo, he cant.CIts fun.( )4-Can

4、she jump high?-_AYes. She can jump fast.BYes. She can jump high.CIts easy.( )5-What can Li Ming do?-_AHe can swim and can play basketball.BHe can swim and play basketball.CHe can do swim and play basketball.五、英汉互译1easy _2游泳_3fast _4踢足球_5Can you play football? _6-What can you do? -I can run fast. _7-

5、Can he jump high? -No, he cant. _8我会打篮球。它很容易。_参考答案:一、1-5:DEABC二、1-4:DCBA三、1can 2football 3Can 4run fast 5I四、1-5:CCABB五、1容易的2swim3快速地4play football5你会踢足球吗?6-你会做什么?-我跑得快。7-他跳得高吗?-不,他跳不高。8I can play basketball. Its easy.Unit 2 My schoolbag教学设计一、教材分析人教版小学英语四年级上册六个单元所含话题都同小学生的生活密切相关,本课时是Unit2 My schoolba

6、g这个话题的第一课时。 其内容是Part ALetslearn 这部分。这是学生在学习了三年级上册Unit 1 Hello!和下册Unit 5 Where is my ruler? 的基础上再次学习有关学习用品的话题,为学习四年级下册 Unit 1 Our school做好了铺垫。二、学情分析 本课时的教学对象是小学四年级的学生,该年龄段的学生已从三年级学习英语,他们好奇心强、爱动、好玩、好探究;在三年级学习的基础上已形成了一定的语言学习习惯,也对英语有了一定的学习兴趣,并具有想多学英语表现自己的机会。三、教学目标 基于本文特点和课程标准的要求,我确定了以下几个教学目标:1能听懂会说本课的会话


8、教学目标,突出重点,难点,结合教学内容,根据学生的认知规律及身心发展特点,我灵活运用游戏、情景交际、任务型教学等多种方法来设计教学活动,让学生在师生互动、生生互动和全员互动中,体验学习英语的快乐。通过情景与活动,鼓励学生多开口进行英语交流,从而提高英语交际能力。五、教学准备多媒体课件、书包、各学科教科、教学图片、单词卡片、学生活动手册。六、教学过程Step1Warmingup&Revision1Have a chant.2.做游戏:教师先出示片pencil,pen,pencil box,ruler,eraser,crayon,book请学生说出单词。然后教师出示写有上述单词的卡片让学生读出来,


10、自编对话的练习。如:A:Ihaveanewschoolbag.B:Oh,itsnice.Whatsinyourschoolbag?A:Apencil boxandmanybooks.B:Howmanybooksdoyouhave?A:Ihave4.AnEnglishbook,aChinesebook,amathbookandanotebook.5找几组学生汇报成果,共同交流。教师要及时做出评价。Step3Practice游戏:Listenanddo学生要根据指令做出相应的动作。由教师或某一个学生发布命令,其他学生听懂之后要完成这一动作。看谁做得又对又快。指令为:Putyournotebooku

11、nderyourbag.Putyourpencilinyourdesk.Putyourpencil-boxonyourchair.Putyourerasernearyourpencil-case.PutyourEnglishbookonyourhead.Step4Homework1、 Listentoandrepeat“Letstalk”and“letsplay”2、 Makethreedialoguewiththesentencepattern“Whatsinyour?”Recycle OneContent Connect and say & Look, listen and write P

12、eriod Lesson 2Teaching Plan RemarksTeaching aims1. To ptactise the letters and sounds/e/ /a/ /u/ / / 2. To connect the words according to the reading rules. 3. To fill in the blank according to therulesof pronun-ciation by listening. 4. To improve Ss interest in learning English by doing, listening

13、& saying.Important pointsTo master therulesofpronunciation of Aa, Ii, Oo in the words.DifficultpointsTo master the letters and sounds /e/ /a/ /u/ / / / / /ai/u/I/.Teaching proceduresStep 1 Warming up & Revision1. Greet the class . 2. Oral communication.3. Sing the ABC song. Encourage the Ss to clap

14、the hands.4. Guide the Ss to look at the screen and present the letters on the screen. Lead the Ss to repeat the letters one by one.Ask the whole class to read the letters in orders.Step 2 Presentation & Practice1. Present the phonetic symbols song on the screen and ask the whole class to repeat tog

15、ether.2. Encourage the Ss to perform the actions as they chant.3. Ask pairs of Ss to the front of the class to offer performances of the chant and actions.4. Present the picture on the screen of P6 to review the sounds of Aa. Then T says some words, Ss listen and judge. If there is the /e/ sound, Ss

16、 clap their hands and say out. 5. Review the sounds of Ii, Oo in the same way.6. Connect and say. A. T says Kate, Mike, rose, Tim and Bob want to go home. Can you help them? B. Ask Ss to read the words by themselves. Then ask what can you find? T leads to match: kate-name-race-lake-game.C. Ss group

17、the words by themselves.Then check the answers.7. Look, listen and write. Ask Ss to look at the pictures. And guesswhat the words are. Then listen and write. At last read the sentences together. Pay attention to the words likes, mice, bike, phones,home. Step 3 Consolidation & Extension1. Divide the

18、class into three groups and represent different sounds Aa, Ii, Oo. And T says the words with the sounds of Aa, Ii, Oo, Ss stand up and say out the sound when they hear the sound of their group. 2. Have the Ss read the words and the sentence.3. Do some exercises. A. Read and judge. B. Read and choose.Step 4 Summary & Homework1. Summaries the different sounds of Aa, Ii, Oo in the words.2. Do homework.A. Listen to the tapes Look, listen and write.B. Write more words that have the words and the sounds.Reflection

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