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The Pardoners Tale interlinearhandout.docx

1、The Pardoners Tale interlinear handoutThe Pardoners TaleHeere bigynneth the Pardoners Tale.463 In Flaundres whilom was a compaignye In Flanders once was a company464 Of yonge folk that haunteden folye, Of young folk who practiced folly,465 As riot, hasard, stywes, and tavernes, Such as debauchery, g

2、ambling, brothels, and taverns,466 Where as with harpes, lutes, and gyternes, Where with harps, lutes, and guitars,467 They daunce and pleyen at dees bothe day and nyght, They dance and play at dice both day and night,468 And eten also and drynken over hir myght, And also eat and drink beyond their

3、capacity,469 Thurgh which they doon the devel sacrifise Through which they do the devil sacrifice470 Withinne that develes temple in cursed wise Within that devils temple in cursed manner471 By superfluytee abhomynable. By abominable excess.472 Hir othes been so grete and so dampnable Their oaths ar

4、e so great and so damnable473 That it is grisly for to heere hem swere. That it is grisly to hear them swear.474 Oure blissed Lordes body they totere - Our blessed Lords body they tore in pieces -475 Hem thoughte that Jewes rente hym noght ynough - They thought that the Jews did not tear him enough

5、-476 And ech of hem at otheres synne lough. And each of them laughed at the others sin.477 And right anon thanne comen tombesteres And right away then come dancing girls478 Fetys and smale, and yonge frutesteres, Elegantly shaped and slim, and girls selling fruits,479 Syngeres with harpes, baudes, w

6、afereres, Singers with harps, bawds, girls selling wafers,480 Whiche been the verray develes officeres Which are the very devils officers481 To kyndle and blowe the fyr of lecherye, To kindle and blow the fire of lechery,482 That is annexed unto glotonye. That is joined unto gluttony.483 The hooly w

7、rit take I to my witnesse The Bible I take as my witness484 That luxurie is in wyn and dronkenesse. That lechery is in wine and drunkenness.485 Lo, how that dronken Looth, unkyndely, Lo, how that drunken Lot, unnaturally,486 Lay by his doghtres two, unwityngly; Lay by his two daughters, unwittingly;

8、487 So dronke he was, he nyste what he wroghte. So drunk he was, he knew not what he did.488 Herodes, whoso wel the stories soghte, Herod, whoever should seek well the histories (would learn),489 Whan he of wyn was repleet at his feeste, When he was filled with wine at his feast,490 Right at his owe

9、ne table he yaf his heeste Right at his own table he gave his command491 To sleen the Baptist John, ful giltelees. To slay John the Baptist, full guiltless.492 Senec seith a good word doutelees; Seneca says a good word, doubtless;493 He seith he kan no difference fynde He says he can find no differe

10、nce 494 Bitwix a man that is out of his mynde Between a man that is out of his mind495 And a man which that is dronkelewe, And a man that is drunk,496 But that woodnesse, yfallen in a shrewe, Except that madness, fallen in an evil person,497 Persevereth lenger than doth dronkenesse. Lasts longer tha

11、n does drunkenness.498 O glotonye, ful of cursednesse! O gluttony, full of cursedness!499 O cause first of oure confusioun! O first cause of our ruin!500 O original of oure dampnacioun, O origin of our damnation,501 Til Crist hadde boght us with his blood agayn! Until Christ had bought us with his b

12、lood again!502 Lo, how deere, shortly for to sayn, Lo, how dearly, shortly to say,503 Aboght was thilke cursed vileynye! Was bought that same cursed villainy!504 Corrupt was al this world for glotonye. Corrupt was all this world for gluttony.505 Adam oure fader, and his wyf also, Adam our fader, and

13、 his wife also,506 Fro Paradys to labour and to wo From Paradise to labor and to woe507 Were dryven for that vice, it is no drede. Were driven for that vice, there is no doubt.508 For whil that Adam fasted, as I rede, For while Adam fasted, as I read,509 He was in Paradys; and whan that he He was in

14、 Paradise; and when he510 Eet of the fruyt deffended on the tree, Ate of the forbidden fruit on the tree,511 Anon he was out cast to wo and peyne. Immediately he was cast out to woe and pain.512 O glotonye, on thee wel oghte us pleyne! O gluttony, on thee well we ought to complain!513 O, wiste a man

15、 how manye maladyes O, if a man knew how many evils514 Folwen of excesse and of glotonyes, Follow of excess and of gluttony,515 He wolde been the moore mesurable He would be the more moderate516 Of his diete, sittynge at his table. Of his diet, sitting at his table.517 Allas, the shorte throte, the

16、tendre mouth, Alas, the short throat, the tender mouth,518 Maketh that est and west and north and south, Makes that east and west and north and south,519 In erthe, in eir, in water, men to swynke In earth, in air, in water, men work520 To gete a glotoun deyntee mete and drynke! To get a glutton dain

17、ty food and drink!521 Of this matiere, O Paul, wel kanstow trete: Of this matter, O Paul, well can thou treat522 Mete unto wombe, and wombe eek unto mete, Food unto belly, and belly also unto food,523 Shal God destroyen bothe, as Paulus seith. God shall destroy both, as Paul says.524 Allas, a foul t

18、hyng is it, by my feith, Alas, a foul thing it is, by my faith,525 To seye this word, and fouler is the dede, To say this word, and fouler is the deed,526 Whan man so drynketh of the white and rede When man so drinks of the white and red527 That of his throte he maketh his pryvee That he makes his p

19、rivy of his throat 528 Thurgh thilke cursed superfluitee. Through that same cursed excess.529 The apostel wepyng seith ful pitously, The apostle weeping says full piteously,530 Ther walken manye of whiche yow toold have I - There walk many of whom I have told you -531 I seye it now wepyng, with pito

20、us voys - I say it now weeping, with piteous voice -532 They been enemys of Cristes croys, They are enemies of Christs cross,533 Of whiche the ende is deeth; wombe is hir god! Of which the end is death; belly is their god!534 O wombe! O bely! O stynkyng cod, O gut! O belly! O stinking bag,535 Fulfil

21、led of dong and of corrupcioun! Filled with dung and with corruption!536 At either ende of thee foul is the soun. At either end of thee the sound is foul.537 How greet labour and cost is thee to fynde! How great labor and cost it is to feed thee!538 Thise cookes, how they stampe, and streyne, and gr

22、ynde, These cooks, how they pound, and strain, and grind,539 And turnen substaunce into accident And turn substance into outward appearance540 To fulfille al thy likerous talent! To fulfill all thy gluttonous desire!541 Out of the harde bones knokke they Out of the hard bones they knock 542 The mary

23、, for they caste noght awey The marrow, for they throw nothing away543 That may go thurgh the golet softe and swoote. That may go through the gullet softly and sweetly.544 Of spicerie of leef, and bark, and roote Of seasonings of leaf, and bark, and root545 Shal been his sauce ymaked by delit, Shall

24、 his sauce be made for delight,546 To make hym yet a newer appetit. To make him yet a newer appetite.547 But, certes, he that haunteth swiche delices But, certainly, he who habitually seeks such delicacies548 Is deed, whil that he lyveth in tho vices. Is dead, while he lives in those vices.549 A lecherous thyng is wyn, and dronkenesse A lecherous thing is wine, and drunkenness550 Is ful of stryvyng and of wrecchednesse. Is full of striving and of wretchedness.551 O dronke man, disfigured is thy face, O drunken man, disfigured is thy face,552 Sour is thy breeth, foul

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