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1、基本物质金钱始终是万能的There was nothing the pope could do about her plight.对于她的困境 教皇也无计可施Money, however, could do the trick.而金钱始终是万能的Two years and 34 tons of gold later,Richard was ransomed into freedom,but his kingdom was bankrupt.花费两年时间 缴纳了34吨黄金 理查重获自由 但他的王国已近崩溃The cost of acting out heroic war games was me

2、asured in blood as well as money.穷兵黩武的代价不止是流血 还得付出金钱Showing contempt for the defenders of the besieged castle by standing in front of them without armour,理查的大军围于被困的城堡前 理查不穿甲胄站在城前 以表示对守城者的轻蔑a lone archers bolt found the join between Richards neck and his shoulder.一名弓箭手百步穿杨 直接命中理查的脖子和肩膀之间The wound tur

3、ned gangrenous.伤口腐烂生了坏疽Within ten days, the Lionheart was dead,a triumph of daredevil romance over common sense.不到十天 狮心王便与世长辞 超乎常理的崇尚鲁莽 狮心王可算是个典范His body was laid in a tomb at the foot of his fathers, in Anjou.他被葬在安茹的陵墓 紧挨在他父亲脚下The heart of the Lionheart was taken to the great cathedral at Rouen in

4、Normandy, which seems fitting,狮心王的心脏被带至 诺曼底的鲁昂大教堂 那里似乎更合适since this city was always more of a capital to Richard than London.因为对理查而言 相比伦敦 这里才更像他的都城His brother, John, who succeeded him, was buried in England,mostly in Westminster cathedral,他的弟弟和继任者 约翰 被葬在英格兰 大部分被葬在威斯敏斯特大教堂because the monks of Craxton

5、 Abbey had taken care to steal away his entrails,因为克莱斯顿修道院的修道士 偷去了他的内脏making John in death, as hed been in life,one is intended to say, gutless.这让约翰无论是生前 还是死后 都会被人看作是没种的人1、measure衡量;估量;评估;判定I continued to measure his progress against the charts in the doctors office.我继续比照医生办公室里的图表来判断他病情的发展。A grammar

6、 schools success was measured in terms of the number of pupils who got into university.一所文法学校成功与否是以考上大学的学生人数为衡量依据的。测量;度量;计量Measure the length and width of the gap.测量一下这条缝隙的长与宽。He measured the speed at which ultrasonic waves travel along the bone.他测出了超声波穿过骨头的速度。体现,表现,标志It is a measure of their plight

7、 that few of them have anywhere to go to.他们几乎全都无处可归,看得出他们是陷入了困境。That is a measure of how bad things have become at the bank.那简直就是银行里糟糕局面的写照。ygssep20.jpg2、succeed达到目的;成功做成;办到We have already succeeded in working out ground rules with the Department of Defense.我们已经成功地与国防部敲定了基本原则。Some people will succee

8、d in their efforts to stop smoking.一些人经过努力可以成功戒烟。取得预期效果;表现良好If marriage is to succeed in the 1990s, then people have to recognise the new pressures it is facing.在 20 世纪 90 年代人们要想婚姻美满,那就不得不认识到它所面临的新压力。a move which would make any future talks even more unlikely to succeed.可能使今后的所有对话都更加难以取得什么成果的举动 接听电话

9、第三课 闲聊December 312月3日Answer the Phone接听电话Read it!读读看!Abby is not here today.雅碧今天不在,Who can answer the office phone?谁能帮忙接办公室的电话呢?Taylor asks Alex to help.泰乐请亚力克斯帮忙,He has a good voice.他的声音很好听,He speaks clearly and does not mumble.他说话说得很清楚,Alex also has very good manners.不会把话含在嘴里咕哝着。He can tell people

10、 his name and the name of the company.亚力克斯也很有礼貌, 他可以告知自己的姓名和公司名称给对方,Then he can ask, How can I help you?请问有什么需要我帮忙的地方吗?Now the phone is ringing!电话响了!Alex can answer it.亚力克斯可以接。Conversation A会话AHi, Alex. Are you busy today?嗨,亚力克斯,你今天忙吗?No, Im not too busy, Taylor. Why?不会,我没有很忙,泰乐,为什么这么问?Can you sit a

11、t Abbys desk and answer the phone?你可以坐在雅碧的位子上,帮忙接电话吗?Carol asked me to find someone.卡萝要我找个人帮忙接电话。Where is Abby?雅碧去那儿了呢?Shes not here today.她今天不在。So can you answer the office phone?你可以帮忙接办公室的电话吗?What about my other work?那我另外的工作怎么办?You can do your other work between calls.没有电话的时候,你就可以做自己的工作。Conversati

12、on B会话BI cant do two things at the same time!我没办法同时做两件事情呀!Right. Focus on each call.没错,每一通电话都要专心接,Thats good manners.这样才有礼貌。Yes, but .我知道,可是You have a good voice, Alex.你的嗓音很好听,亚力克斯,You always speak clearly.你说起话来总是很清楚。So people can understand me!这样别人才听得懂我在说什么呀!That is important.这点很重要。Some people mumb

13、le on the phone.有些人讲电话会把话含在嘴里咕哝着,I dont like that.我不喜欢那样。OK. Sure, I can answer the office phone.好吧,没问题,我可以接办公室的电话。Thanks, Alex.亚力克斯,谢了。Conversation C会话CSo what do I say?那我要说什么?Say the name of our company, then your name.先报出我们公司的名称,然后再说你自己的姓名。OK.好。LTE TV, this is Alex.LTE电视台,我是亚力克斯。Thats good.很好。May

14、be you can ask, How can I help you?请问有什么需要我帮忙的地方吗?Of course!没问题!Great!太好了!I hear something.我听到了什么声音。The phone is ringing!电话铃响了!My first call!我的第一通来电服务!灰姑娘On the day of Ashputtles wedding, the two stepsisters came and tried to ingratiate themselves and share in her happiness灰姑娘结婚那天 她的两个姐姐来了 她们溜须拍马 想分

15、享她的幸福On the way to the church, the elder was on the right side of the bridal couple and the younger on the left在去教堂的路上 大姐在新婚夫妇的右边 二姐在左边The doves came along and pecked out one of the elder sisters eyes and one of the younger sisters eyes那两只鸽子飞过来 叼走了大姐一只眼睛 叼走了二姐一只眼睛Afterward, on the way out, the elder

16、 was on the left and the younger on the right, and the doves pecked out both the remaining eyes后来 在回来的路上 大姐在左边 二姐在右边 那两只鸽子叼走了她们剩下的眼睛灰姑娘7.jpgSo both sisters were punished with blindness until the end of their days for being so false and wicked所以在最后 由于两个姐姐的虚伪和恶毒她们遭到报应 变成了瞎子Actually, some years ago, ma

17、ybe eight, ten years ago,there was a politically correct edition of the Grimm Fairy Tales that came out实际上 数年以后 可能8到10年后出了一个格林童话的官方修改版本Because obviously, you know, in this day and time people started reading this and they say,出这个版本显然是因为这段时间人们开始读这本童话然后他们说Okay What kids learn from this is that if your

18、e blind it s because youre punished for being false and wicked,and ergo youre blind好吧 孩子们学到的就是 如果你是双目失明 那么你就是因为虚伪和邪恶而受到了惩罚因此而成了瞎子So they had to change a bunch of things But you can see - you know, its pretty clear所以他们不得不修改很多细节 但是我们可以看出 显然In folk material, there usually arent too many grays在民间故事里 有太多

19、的灰色成分Now, were gonna get some grays in what we start reading today,现在 我们要在今天开始读的材料中找一些灰色成分very much even in the title of the section of what we read today虽然我们只读了一小部分 但是却能找到很多It makes me stop and think The Queen of Air and Darkness Darkness Thats pretty clear我总是会停下来想 空气女王和黑暗 黑暗 这够清楚了The Queen of Air:

20、 what is that空气女王 这是什么玩意儿I know when I was your age that I was want to skip certain pages like, You know, this certainly isnt important我知道我像你们这么大时 会想要跳过这种故事 要知道 这显然不重要This is just fill, something the author is being cute这只是作者故作萌态饮酒可能损害你的心脏Researchers have released new information, suggesting that yo

21、u may want to reconsider that nightly glass of wine, beer, or liquor.研究人员已经发布新的信息,认为你可能要重新考虑每晚一杯酒了。It seems that alcohol may not be as healthy for everyones heart as previously believed.看来,酒精可能不会像以前认为的那样,对每个人的心脏是健康的。It seems that long-term drinking even in moderate amounts of alcohol could increase

22、certain individuals risk of stroke by causing the hearts left atrium to get bigger.看来,长期饮酒即使是适量的酒精都可能会增加个人中风的风险,使心脏的左心室肥大。wochitsep16.jpgSenior researcher Dr. Gregory Marcus said this enlargement of the left atrium could also contribute to a heart condition called atrial fibrillation, in which the h

23、eart beats irregularly.高级研究员格雷戈里博士说,左心室肥大可能会造成心房颤动,即心脏不规则跳动。 1、suggest提议;建议He suggested a link between class size and test results of seven-year-olds.他认为 7 岁大的学生的测试分数和班级的规模有关系。I suggest you ask him some specific questions about his past.我建议你问他一些有关他的过去的具体问题。推荐;举荐Could you suggest someone to advise me

24、 how to do this?这该怎么办?你能不能推荐一个人帮我出个主意?They can suggest where to buy one.他们可以推荐去哪里购买。意思是;言下之意是Im not suggesting that is what is happening.我没有说那就是事实。It is wrong to suggest that there are easy alternatives.如果认为有更容易的选择,那就错了。2、moderate(政治观点或政策)温和的,不激进的He was an easygoing man of very moderate views.他的观点非常

25、温和,容易相处。Both countries have called for a moderate approach to the use of force.两国都呼吁不要滥用武力。(人或团体)温和的,稳健的a moderate Democrat.温和的民主党人the moderate wing of the army.军队中的稳健派But in memory, like skilled editors of hours of raw and often uninspired footage, we can lock on to the most consequential moments;

26、and therefore construct sequences that feel a great deal more meaningful and interesting than the settings that generated them.但是在记忆里,我们就像那些很熟练的影片编辑者一样,会把数小时原始且时常是很乏味的片段剪掉,并锁定在最关键的那些时刻,也因此建构出来的片段和原本塑造出这些片段的环境相较之下,感觉起来更有意义且更有趣。留下美好的记忆学习重点:1.skilled 熟练的skilled (adj.) 熟练的skill (n.) 技能skillful (adj.) 熟练

27、的2.editor 编辑editor (n.) 编辑edit (v.) 编辑3.uninspired 平凡的uninspired (adj.) 平凡的inspire (v.) 鼓舞inspiration (n.) 灵感4.footage 镜头、画面footage (n.) 镜头、画面5.consequential 必然的consequential (adj.) 必然的consequent (n.) 后果 每日一句口语:Smileand stop complaining about the things you cant change. Time keeps ticking whether yo

28、ure happy or sad.保持微笑,停止抱怨那些改变不了的事。无论你开心与否,时间总是不等人的。【知识点讲解】complain about 抱怨,发牢骚例句:We shouldnt complain about being poor many families are much worse off (than we are).我们不应该因为穷而叫苦连天-许多人的家境(比起我们来)还要糟得多呢。每日一句口语 特朗普总统将带来失序世界特朗普总统将带来失序世界Sometimes history jumps.历史有时会发生跳跃。Think of the first world war, the

29、 Bolshevik revolution, the Great Depression, the election of Adolf Hitler, the second world war, the beginning of the cold war, the collapse of the European empires, Deng Xiaopings reform and opening up of China, the demise of the Soviet Union, and the financial crisis of 2007-09 and subsequent grea

30、t recession.想想第一次世界大战、布尔什维克革命(Bolshevik Revolution,即俄国十月革命)、大萧条、阿道夫希特勒(Adolf Hitler)当选、第二次世界大战、冷战爆发、多个欧洲帝国的瓦解、邓小平在中国实施的改革开放、苏联解体,以及2007-09年的金融危机和随后的大衰退。We may be on the brink of an event as transformative as many of these: the election of Donald Trump as US president.我们或许即将面临一起类似的转折性事件:唐纳德特朗普(Donald

31、 Trump)当选美国总统。This would mark the end of a US-led west as the central force in global affairs.那将标志着以美国为首的西方在全球事务中担当核心角色的时代就要终结。The result would not be a new order. It would be perilous disorder.其结果将不是形成新秩序,而是出现危险的失序。The fact that Mr Trump can be a credible contender for the presidency is astounding.特朗普能够成为一名有希望当选的总统竞选者,这一事实令人咋舌。In business, he is a serial defaulter and litigator turned reali

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