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1、如何培养良好的学习行为习惯英文学年论文内蒙古师范大学外国语学院学年论文如何培养良好的学习行为习惯How to Cultivate Good Learning Habits班 级:*专 业:*院 系:*授课语种:*学生姓名:*指导教师:*2015年7月4日内蒙古师范大学外国语学院学生学年论文评审表论文题目How to Cultivate Good Learning Habits作者姓名学号指导教师职称评语成绩2015年 7月 4 日指导教师签名:Table of ContentsI. Introduction 1II. How to cultivate good learning habits

2、11. To begin from details and perseverance 12. To stimulate students interest 13. To build self-confidence 14. Positive research method 25. Be good at thinking and summary 26. To form a habit of careful consideration 36.1 Encouraging question actively 36.2 Demonstrating model and inspiring thinking

3、37. Cultivate learning habit is a lifelong learning 37.1 Always have a book 37.2 Keep a “To-learn”List 47.3 Teach Others 47.4 Clean Your Input 47.5 Start a Project 4III. Conclusion 4How to Cultivate Learning HabitsAbstractLearning habits are the fixed attitudes and behaviors in the learning activiti

4、es. Leaning habits have a direct impact on students studies, good learning habits is an important factor to promote students to achieve a better learning performance. Good learning habits make benefits in their whole life. Todays education regard cultivating the innovative spirit and practical abili

5、ty as the focus, as for cultivating students lifelong learning desire and ability, cultivating students good learning habits is still a very important link. Good learning habits is a kind of learning motivation and the connotation of life. Good learning habits should be proactive, predictive, partic

6、ipatory, questioning, social, and many other benefits.Key words: good learning habits, participation, altitude, achievement摘 要学习习惯是指学习活动中形成的固定态度和行为。学习习惯对学生的学习有直接的影响,良好的学习习惯是促进学生取得较好学习成绩的重要因素。良好的学习习惯的养成会让他们终生受益。当今教育以培养创新精神和实践能力为重点,对于培养学生终身学习的愿望和能力,培养学生良好学习习惯仍是一个很重要的环节。良好的学习习惯是一种学习动力和人生内涵的定型。良好的学习习惯应该

7、具有主动性、预见性、参与性、质疑性、社会性等诸多好处。关键词:好的学习习惯 参与 态度 成功I. IntroductionLearning habits refer to that the students in the long-term practice gradually form in the process of automation behavior which will not need to work hard and supervision. The education of ancient and modern, Chinese and foreign experts, p

8、sychologists have paid attention to the cultivation of students learning habits. Ye Shengtao,a great educator in China, had explicitly pointed out: what is education? In a word,education is to develop good learning habits. First of all,what we think about is how to cultivate the good study habits.It

9、 is dispensable for everyone to form good learning habits in his study and work . And good study habits make learning activities smoothly. Good habits once formed and they will be the wealth of the lifetime pass.II. How to cultivate good learning habits1. To begin from details and perseveranceForm g

10、ood learning habits has to start from details. There are many details, such as sitting posture, the posture of reading, answering the questions and so on. In the process of forming good study habits, the students themselves to pay attention to these details. Habits are the actions of automation and

11、a process of repeat and practice. In order to develop good learning habits, we need to constantly strengthen practice and penetration. 2. To stimulate students interestinterest is the inner motive power of learning. Learning becomes active, easy and efficient by inspiring the students interest. Howe

12、ver, learning interest is not inherent, it requires students in the daily life and learning in the continuous development, so as to enhance the students learning initiative and initiative. As our study interest grows, the enthusiasm of self-study is higher and higher. 3. To build self-confidenceConf

13、idence is a mainstay of enterprise and decides the ability of the independent work. Especially, self-confidence takes a significant part in children healthy growth and development of various ability. Children with high self-confidence always are confident in their activities, and children who lacks

14、of self-confidence do not anticipate to participate in collective activity, thinking that nobody loves him. Because the childs self assessment often relies on the evaluation of adult. Whats more, it is necessary to study and use learning psychology, children psychology and other knowledge based on s

15、pecific case studies, and to find a way to effectively improve students learning behavior. 4. Positive research methodAs students, we should observe and think about the teachers teaching method in the course of study. Not only to know what the teacher said in class, but also how to say. What is the

16、most profound impression of a class, through the thinking and understanding of the teachers teaching method, it will be of profound enlightenment and help to oneself.The exploration of learning method is a kind of activity in the process of self study, which is to use their brains, and to exert the

17、initiative and intelligence. Consciously develop learning ability. In preview, review and work in all aspects, not only pay attention to learning what knowledge. Not to develop a good habit of exploring learning law. There is no good learning method and technique. Good learning habits can be formed

18、through long-term training. This training should be carried out in all aspects of the study. The results and results of the study are not only determined by the intellectual factors. More important, it also depends on the need, motivation, interest, attitude, mood, emotion, will, character, and othe

19、r non intellectual factors. But even the intellectual and non intellectual factors are very good. Reason is the combination of two factors. Also need to have a good learning behavior, learning strategies and methods. The learning behavior pattern here is the study habit. Good learning habits. It is

20、the premise and condition of giving full play to the intelligence factor and non intelligence factor and the maximum benefit of the organic combination.5. Be good at thinking and summaryLearning without thinking is useless. For more knowledge and more fragmented discipline, in the process of learnin

21、g to develop good to sum up and reflect on the good habit of relevant knowledge. For some small knowledge point, after the teacher to explain, the students should be timely finishing and summary. On some of the key knowledge points were classified and sorted, and the knowledge point encountered in t

22、he daily study or read in a timely manner to accumulate, do a good job in the collection of knowledge. It can not only effectively save the learning time of students, improve the efficiency of English learning, also can reduce students learning burden and pressure, strengthen the confidence of stude

23、nts.6. To form a habit of careful consideration Forming a habit of careful consideration can not help students deeply understand and grasp the basic knowledge, but cultivate and train students ability of thinking do. To cultivate the habit should be nurtured in the whole process of learning and thin

24、king. We should pay attention to start from the following two aspects.6.1 Encouraging question activelyStudents in the learning process will inevitably produce a variety of doubts or difficulties and these points and difficulties are often the key to cultivating ability of careful thinking. Because

25、exposed to difficulties or doubts, students must independently and frequently think about what they should do.6.2 Demonstrating model and inspiring thinkingUsing some encouraging words touches the childs heart. Such as: because you are willing to think, so your speech is wonderful, your idea is diff

26、erent, your speech is thinking, you are in place to the evaluation of students, you are a good listener, your work is an example to for learning, and so on. So, the students under the influence of model, form the good habit of thinking.What is the most important is to be a thinking person, with a po

27、sitive attitude to treat their pursuit and difficulties, their active pursuit of excellence. A positive attitude can bring a lot of things. The mood, mental state is not the same, the efficiency of learning is different also. Once you fall behind, you will have a clear sense of urgency and crisis co

28、nsciousness and have a desire to possess the knowledge and skills, then you will be very eager to get the affirmation of the others, you will get a sense of achievement in the process. We, in turn, will enjoy such a process, taking it for granted that life is very good. A positive attitude is the ro

29、ot cause of the success. When you understand what you want, all the other adverse factors have been around you, you wont lose confidence and fight.Because you know what youre doing, even if it is a temporary state of stagnation or depress .You wont get lost, because the direction is clear.7. Cultiva

30、te learning habit is a lifelong learning7.1 Always have a bookIt doesnt matter if it takes you a year or a week to read a book. Always strive to have a book that you are reading through, and take it with you so you can read it when you have time. 7.2 Keep a “To-learn”ListWe all have to-do lists. The

31、se are the tasks we need to accomplish. Try to also have a “to-learn” list. On it you can write ideas for new areas of study. Maybe you would like to take up a new language, learn a skill or read the collective works of Shakespeare. Whatever motivates you, write it down.7.3 Teach OthersYou learn wha

32、t you teach. If you have an outlet of communicating ideas to others, you are more likely to solidify that learning. Start a blog, mentor someone or even discuss ideas with a friend.7.4 Clean Your InputSome forms of learning are easy to digest, but often lack substance. Every few days, purify your input to save

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