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1、医护英语500句500 Nursing Sentenses(护士常用语500句)(问候致意用语)1. How are you? 你好吗?2. Glad to meet you.认识您,我很高兴。3. Good morning, Miss Paine. I am nurse Johnson. 早上好,帕恩小姐。我是约翰逊护士。4. Mr.and Mrs.Gates, my name is Miss White.I am a nurse.盖茨先生和盖茨太太好,我是怀特小姐,是名护士。 5. Hello, I am nurse Hunt. Are you Mrs, Bill?你好,我是亨特护士。你是

2、比尔夫人吗?6. Hi, Peter, Im your nurse. Who is here with you today?你好,彼得,我是负责你的护士。今天是谁陪你来的?7. Hello, Mr. George. Nice to see you again . How have you been? 你好,乔治先生,很高兴再次见到你,最近还好吗?8. Youre looking better today.你今天看上去好多了。9. Hello, I havent seen you for a long time . Hows everything gong? 您好,我很久没有见到您了,一切都好吗

3、?10. How are you feeling today? 你今天感觉如何?11. May I help you?我能帮你吗?12.What can I do for you ? 我能为你效劳吗?13. Whats the trouble? 有什么不舒服吗?14. Please come in and have a seat. 请进,随便坐。15. Please take a seat!/Please sit down! 请坐下!16. Wait a moment ,Please. 请等一会。17. Sorry to have kept you waiting . 对不起让你久等了。18.

4、 Its nice weather today .How did you come here ?今天天气真好,你怎么来这儿的?19.Did you have any trouble finding us today? 今天来找我们还顺利吗?20. How was the traffic? 路上交通状况怎么样?(介绍情况和安慰用语)21. My name is Helen. Im your primary nurse. 我的名字叫海伦。我是负责你的护士。22. She is the head nurse of the ward. 她是这个病房的护士长。23. This is ward 3 and

5、 here is your room . 这是三号病房,是你的房间。24. Patients usually get up at 7 a.m. and breakfast is at 8. 病人一般早晨7:00起床,8:00吃早餐。25. Were serving breakfast right now. 我们现在正在供应早餐。26. Lunch is at 12:30.Patients can have a rest after that. 午餐时间是12:30,饭后病人可以午休。27.Bed times is from 9:30 to 10 p.m. 病人应在晚上9:3010:00上床睡觉

6、。28. The ward rounds and treatment start at 9 a,m . 9:00开始查房,做治疗。29. You can watch TV ,but please dont bother the others . 你可以看电视,但请不要妨碍其他人。30. Your family may stay here with you from 9 a.m to 9 p.m . 你的家人可以从早九点到晚九点在这里陪护你。31. You should sign the consent . 你需要签署一份手术同意书。32. Ill give you an enema tonig

7、ht. After that please dont take any food or water before the operation. 今晚我要给你灌一次肠,灌肠后直至手术前请不要吃东西或喝水。33. We are going to do the operation on you tomorrow. I hope you wont worry. 我们明天就要给你做手术,希望你不要紧张/担心。34. The doctor who will operate on you is very experienced and considerate. 给你做手术的医生很有经验,而且耐心细致。35.

8、 Well give you anesthesia. Please let me know if you feel any pain during the operation. 我们会使用麻醉药,不过手术期间如果你感到疼痛,就告诉我。36. If you have any discomfort during the operation ,please dont hesitate to tell me . 手术中有什么不舒服,请尽快告诉我,不要犹豫。37. If you have any problems, please let me know. 有什么不舒服尽管告诉我。38. Im afrai

9、d youre still too feeble to get up. 恐怕你太虚弱,还不能下床。39. Ring any time you need help. 需要帮助时请随时按铃。40. If you need anything , just ring the bell. 如果你有什么需要就按铃。41. The operation went very well. 手术很顺利/成功。42. Please turn from side to side every two or three hours. 请你每两三个小时翻一次身。43. Im going to empty the bedpan

10、. 你去把便盆倒掉。44. You have to stay here for another two weeks. 你还得再在医院住两周。(询问病情用语)Inquiring the reasons for seeing doctor(问就诊原因)45. How are you feeling today? 今天你感觉怎么样?46. How do you feel today? Is there anything wrong? 你今天感觉怎么样?有什么不舒服吗?47. Whats the matter with you? 你怎么不舒服?48. Whats bothering you? 你哪儿不

11、舒服?49. Can you tell me about your problem? 你能告诉我你的问题吗?50. What kind of difficulties are you having ? 你最近有什么问题?51. What sort of problem have you been having? 你现在有什么问题?52. What symptoms do you have? 你有些什么样的症状?53. Tell me about your trouble , please. 请告诉我你哪儿不舒服54. Tell me whats wrong? 告诉我哪儿不好?55. Tell

12、me why you came today? 告诉我你今天为什么来这?56. What do you think is wrong with you? 你认为自己有什么问题?57. You dont look well. Is there anything wrong? 你看起来气色不好,哪儿不舒服吗?58. You look very pale . What trouble do you have? 你看上去很苍白,哪儿不舒服吗?59. How did it happen? 这是怎么发生的?60. How long have you felt sick? 你病了多久了?61. What do

13、 you think causes the symptom? 你觉得引起这个症状的原因是什么?62. What do you think provokes it? 你认为是什么诱发出这种症状的?63. When did it begin (start)? 什么时候开始的?64. When did you begin feeling sick ? 你是什么时候感觉身体不舒服的?65. When did you begin to notice these symptoms? 你是什么时候开始发现这些症状的?66. When did you first complain ? 你最初的症状是什么?67

14、. Have you noticed any of these symptoms recently? 最近你注意到有这些症状吗?68. When did you first notice it ? 你第一次注意到这种情况是什么时候?69. Has this happened before? 这种情况以前发生过吗?70. Have you had similar trouble before? 你以前有过类似的毛病吗?71. Have you ever felt anything like this before? 以前你有过类似的感觉吗?72. Have your noticed any ch

15、ange recently? 最近你注意到有什么变化没有?73. Was it better or worse during the summer? 夏天时这个症状是好些还是更糟?74. How often are the attacks? 多久发作一次?75. How long does each episode last? 每次发作持续多久?76. How long has this been a problem? 这个问题有多长时间了?77. How long have you been like this ? 你这种症状持续多长时间了?78. How often does it hap

16、pen , once a day ,a weak ,or a month? 这种情况多久发生1次,1天1次,1周1次还是1个月1次?79. Is the condition serious? 病情严重吗?80. Has it gotten worse? 病情加重了吗?81. Do you feel you have a serious illness? 你觉得你得了重病吗?82. Have you noticed anything that makes it worse ? 你注意到有什么事情让这种症状加重吗?83. Is the problem getting worse , better

17、, or staying the same? 这个问题变得更糟了,好些了,还是保持原样?84. How bad is it ? 有多糟?85. Would you explain how bad it is ? 你能解释一下它有多糟吗?86. Are you feeling better? 你感觉好些了吗?87. When did you last feel well? 你最近一次感觉良好是什么时候?88. We need just a little more information? 我们需要了解更多的情况?89. Do you have a fever? 你发热吗?90. Do you s

18、weat a lot ? 你出汗多吗?91. Do you feel weak ? 你感觉虚弱吗?92. Are you feeling very tired lately? 你最近感觉很疲劳吗?93. Do you become easily fatigued? 你是否变得很容易疲惫?94. Please say it again . 请再说一遍。Inquiring systematic symptoms (问各系统症状)95. Have you had any fever? 你发热了吗?96. Was your temperature been taken ? 你量过体温了吗?97. Do

19、 you have your blood pressure checked regularly? 你是否经常量血压?98. How much do you weigh ?/What is your weight? 你的体重是多少?99. Has your weight changed recently ? 最近你的体重有没有变化?100. Have you gained any weight lately ?你最近体重增加了吗?101. How much did you weight last year? 你去年的体重是多少?102. How frequently do you have in

20、fluenza? 你多久患一次流感?103. Have you been with anyone who has a cold? 你与患感冒的人接触过吗?104. Have you had a cold recently? 你最近患过感冒吗?105. Have you noticed any hair loss? 你注意到有没有脱发现象?106. How often do you have headaches? 你多久头痛一次?107. Have you ever had a head injury? 你的头部受过外伤吗?108. Have you ever been unconscious

21、from an injury? 你有过外伤所致的意识丧失吗?109. Have you ever fainted? 你晕过吗?110. Have you ever been paralyzed? 你曾经瘫痪过吗?111. Have you ever passed out ? 你曾有过不省人事的现象吗?112. Have you had any trouble (problems)with your eyes? 你得过什么眼病没有?113. Do you have any vision problems? 你有什么视力问题吗?114. Are you near-sighted or far-si

22、ghted? 你近视还是远视?115. Do you wear glasses or contact lenses? 你戴眼镜或隐性眼镜吗?116. Do you have trouble seeing at night? 夜里你的视力有问题吗?117. Is your mouth dry? 你口干吗?118. Do you have a stuffy nose? 你鼻子不通气吗?119.Do you have nosebleed? 你流鼻血吗?120. How are you teeth? 你的牙齿好吗?121. Do your gums bleed when you brush? 你刷牙的

23、时候牙龈出血吗?122. Do you have any loosen teeth? 你有松动的牙齿吗?123. Do you have wisdom teeth? 你长智齿了吗?124. Do you wear dentures? 你戴假牙/义齿吗?125. How often do you see the dentist? 你多长时间去看一次牙医?126. When did you last see a dentist? 你上次去看牙医是什么时候?127. How is your hearing? 你的听力好吗?128. Do you have a rough throat? 你嗓音粗哑吗

24、?129. How long have you had hoarseness? 你声音沙哑有多长时间了?130. Do you have pain or stiffness in your neck? 你有颈项痛或颈项强直吗?131. Have you ever had any heart trouble? 你得过心脏病吗?132. Have you ever had a murmur? 你有过心脏杂音吗?133. Do you want another pillow at night? 你睡觉时要垫高枕头吗?134. Have you ever needed to sit up to bre

25、athe at night? 你曾有过夜里需要端坐才能呼吸的情况吗?135. Have you ever had asthma? 你得过哮喘吗?136. Do you have shortness of breath? 你气短吗?137. Do you have trouble breathing? 你的呼吸有问题吗?138. Do you have any trouble with your chest? 你胸部有毛病吗?139. Have you been coughing lately ? 最近你咳嗽吗?140. Have you ever coughed up blood? 你咳出过血

26、吗?141. Do you bleed easily? 你是否很容易出血?142. Have you ever had a blood transfusion? 你曾经输过血吗?143. Do you have any trouble with urinating? 你排尿有什么困难吗?144. Do you often wake up in the middle of the night to urinate? 你经常半夜起来小便吗?145. How many times do you get up to urinate at night? 夜里你要起来排几次小便?146. How ofte

27、n do you have a bowel movement? 你多久排一次大便?147. When did you last have your bowels opened? 你最后一次排便是什么时候?148. Do you have difficulty with passage of stools? 你解大便有困难吗?149. Has there been a change in your bowels? 你的大便有异常吗?150. Does your motion have any blood in it ? 大便有血吗?151.Have you ever had blood in y

28、our stools? 你曾有过大便带血的现象吗?152. Is there any blood or mucus in the stool? 大便里有血或者粘液吗?153. Have you ever had a fracture? 你曾经骨折过吗?154. Do your hands shake? 你的手抖吗?155. Do your feet swell? 你的脚肿吗?156. Is your menstrual period regular? 你的月经期有规律吗?157. At what age did you start having periods? 你初潮时是在什么年龄?158.

29、 What was the date of your last menstrual period? 你的末次月经是哪一天?159. How often do your periods come? 你多久来一次月经?160. How many days does your period last ? 你的月经期持续几天?161. Have you ever been pregnant? 你怀过孕吗?162. How many times have you been pregnant? 你怀过几次孕?163. How many times have you had miscarriages? 你有

30、过几次自然流产?164. Do you have any children ? How many ? 你有小孩吗?有几个?165. When did you last have a general checkup? 你最近一次做全身体检是什么时候?166. Have you seen a doctor before? 你以前看过医生吗?167. Have you ever stayed in any hospital before? 你以前住过院吗?168. Have you ever received any treatment before? 你以前接受过任何治疗吗?169. Do you

31、 have any other problems? 你还有别的问题吗?Inquiring the diet and sleeping (问饮食、睡眠情况)170. How is your appetite ? 你的食欲如何?171. Do you have a good appetite? 你食欲好吗?172. How is your appetite or eating habits?你的食欲及饮食习惯如何?173. Do you smoke? 你吸烟吗?174. How long have you been smoking? 你抽烟与多长时间了?175. How much do you smoke? 你吸烟的量是多少?176. Are you using any street drugs? 你吸毒吗?177. Do you drink alcohol? 你喝酒吗?178. How much alcohol do you drink in a day ? 你一天喝多少酒?179. Any vomiting? 你吐了吗?180. Do you vomit? 你呕吐吗?181. What did you bring up? 你吐的是什么?182. When did the vomiting start? 呕吐是什么时候开始的?183. What foods dont you l

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