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1、现代大学英语unit4课后练习答案Key to ExercisesPreview第一大题1. This article was written in praise of the heroes and the heroism demonstrated during an air crash which took place in Washington D.C. in the year 1982.2. The terrible crash occurred in cold winter when a jet plane from Washington National Airport hit th

2、e bridge over the Potomac river. The plane dropped into the river and soon sank/ went under, bring many passengers down with it. Those who managed to get out of the plane found themselves in icy-cold water.3. Disasters are always terrible because they mean great damage and loss of life. As disasters

3、 go, this air crash was nothing very special. But because of the four heroes, it brought millions to tears or attention. Three of them formed a police helicopter team, and they risked their lives again and again as they tried to pick up survivors. But the greatest hero was a man known as “the man in

4、 the water” because his name was never found. He was seen clinging to the tail of the plane with five other passengers. But every time a lifeline or flotation ring was dropped to him, he passed it on to another of the passengers. Those passengers survived. But the man did not.4. The emotional impact

5、 of this display of courage and noble character was tremendous, because it showed human nature at its best. This man in the water must have been an ordinary person. Before the air crash, he would never have guessed what a heroic deed he was going to perform that day, but when the great test came, he

6、 rose to the occasion.5. The author believes that this disaster filled people with a sense of pride rather than sadness, because in the contest between indifferent natural forces and the moral power of human beings, human beings have won. The man went down in the river, but he actually rose to immor

7、tality.第二大题1. The unusual element is the bridge, because normally, air crashes do not involve a bridge. Note: The word “element” means a factor or a basic part of something complicated.2. “A city of form and rules” means a city that is shapely or beautiful and orderly, but it suddenly turned into it

8、s opposite and became chaotic, turning into a state of complete disorder and confusion.The two metals here refers to the bridge and the plane, both of which are made of metal, or more specifically, iron and steel钢铁.3. From the point of view of artistic beauty, there was also a clash or conflict, bec

9、ause the plane was painted into blue and green, the river and black, and the chunks of ice were grey. Mixture of different types of color would make the viewers uncomfortable, so they would regard this scene as “aesthetic clash”.4. Perhaps people did not regard this air clash as a failure at all. Th

10、ey all saw the triumph of human nature over the elements.5. Here human nature and natural powers are in conflict/clash.“Groping and struggling” refers to the fact that normally it is human instinct本能;天性 to grope for something to hang on to (=to hold on; to survive) and to struggle for life.6. Rise t

11、o the occasion: to deal successfully with a problem or situation that is especially difficult.7. The sentence means “Three out of the four acknowledged heroes.are able to account for their behavior”.Account for: to give a satisfactory explanation.8. In the line of duty: while working; while on duty9

12、. Skutnic added that somebody had to go in the water saying what every hero would say under the circumstances, but although the remark has been repeated by many heroes, it is still admirable.10. It means the main reason for the emotional impact, or the person who caused the great emotional impact.11

13、. Mass casualty: a great number of people injured and killed in an accident or battle. The word “mass” here is an adjective, meaning affecting a lot of people. Cf: mass murder; mass killing; mass destruction; mass hysteria; mass protest; mass movement; mass unemployment; the mass media; the mass mar

14、ket; mass-produce v; mass-produced adj.; mass production. Derivation: massacre; massiveCommitment: a sense of duty and responsibility and a determination to work hard at it.12. As his name remained unknown, it made him a sort of symbol, a symbol of what human beings can do when they are at their bes

15、t.13. “listening to.” is a participle phrase used as an adverbial of manner, modifying the predicate of the main clause “sitting”; “tell.” and “saying.” are both part of the complex object of “listening to”; and “to fasten.” is part of the complex object of “tell”.14. In the essential, classic circu

16、mstance: in the most significant/crucial/decisive and typical circumstance15. The age-old battle between human beings and nature16. Go at each other: to fight each other violentlyAct on principles: to act according to the distinction between good and evil; to act according to moral principles17. It

17、means that when the man in the water gave a lifeline to the people gasping for survival, in the same way he seemed to be also saving the lives of those who watched him, making them understand lifes true meaning.18. Hold it to a standoff: make nature unable to win the battle immediately (迫使自然接受在和人的斗争

18、中的僵持局面,使它不能马上得逞)Vocabulary第一大题第一小题1. Incompetence2. Immoral3. Impossible4. Incomplete5. Impersonal6. Incredible7. Indirect8. Immovable9. Immortal10. Impolite11. Informal12. Improper13. Impartial14. Impatient15. Incorrect16. Incapable17. Insignificant18. Impractical19. Imperfect20. Insensitive21. Imp

19、ermissible22. Impenetrable23. Indifferent24. Immovable25. Invisible26. Immodest27. Immature28. Invaluable29. Invariable30. immeasurable第二小题(1) -ee: noun. One who receives(2) -eer: noun. Doer; device for(3) -ess: noun. female第三小题1.经济起飞2.欢送会3.梦想复辟4.可耻的出卖5.后续讨论6.产品用后就扔的现代经济7.使用过多的化妆品8.严重的精神崩溃9.给了个表示许可的

20、信号10.怀疑这是有意掩盖真相11.我们叫个外卖吧12.在军事接管之后13.给学生一些讲义14.改革的好处、红利15.联盟最后的破裂16.中途退学的人17.第二天清晨仍能感觉到的酒后头昏18.出来参加投票的人不多 vote第二大题1. Employer2. Unfasten3. Bad/evil4. Unidentified5. Concerned/caring/considerate/interested/sympathetic6. Immovable7. Impersonal8. Irresponsible9. Selfishness10. Individual/personal/spec

21、ific/private/uniqueOne and only11. Shallow12. Undress13. Slightly/somewhat/in part/partially impartial14. Deny denial15. (bride)Groom第三大题1. Air crashes/air collision and other natural disasters2. Human nature and character3. The tail section of a jet plane4. Huge chunks of ice; a huge chunk of ice5.

22、 A flotation ring6. Fasten the seat belt7. Culture/Cultural conflict/clash/collision/shock8. Flight 9119. Mechanical failure10. Human tragedy11. Harsh remarks12. Make a distinction between good and evil13. Presidential monuments14. Typical/classic/representative circumstance15. Universal character/c

23、haracteristic/feature16. A public hero17. Emotional impact18. A moment of high/heavy traffic; rush hour; traffic peak19. Enduring/lasting wonder20. Air Florida21. Congressional Budget Office/Bureau/22. Mass casualties第四大题1. Refer to; known as2. In reality; as ever; responsible forNote: A small, isol

24、ated group or area:there were pockets of disaffection 不满;背叛in parts of the countryMORE EXAMPLE SENTENCESIt is calling for a new approach to nature conservation, focusing on whole landscapes rather than isolated pockets.偏远区域Famine is biting deep in isolated pockets all over the country.There are coal

25、itions, but theyre in separate pockets around the country, it is not a national coalition.ADJECTIVE ATTRIBUTIVEOf a suitable size for carrying in a pocket:a pocket German dictionaryPick sbs pocketPickpocket n. thief/theft/thieve3. Brought; to tears; sticksIf you do something single-handed(ly), you d

26、o it on your own, without help from anyone else. 单独地I brought up my seven children single-handed.我独自带大了7个孩子。You can probably blame Nicolas Sarkozy for that, he has single-handedly changed the perception/view of how the world sees French men. 你可以怪尼古拉萨科奇。 仅因为他一个人的不足,就改变了全世界对法国男人的看法。4. Worth; refer to;

27、 On the other hand; make a careful distinction5. Came to the conclusion; forSettlement:Our objective must be to secure a peace(ful) settlement.我们的目标必须是确保达成一个和平协议。She accepted an out-of-court settlement of $40,000.她接受了4万美元庭外和解。.ways to delay the settlement of debts.拖延债务清偿的办法。Pay offThe village is a s

28、ettlement of just fifty houses.这个村子是个仅有50家住户的定居地。reputation6. Takes off; on behalf of7. To be sure; care about; rise to the occasion8. Responsible for; account for第五大题1. To; as2. On; to3. To; of4. On; in; under5. According to; over6. With; at; at7. Against; for; to8. On; to9. On; to10. Out of/In/Owi

29、ng to/Because of/Due to; of第六大题1. The fact that he was able to avoid the seemingly inevitable/unavoidable crash made him a national hero.2. Of the four students who risked their lives to try to drag the drowning children to shore, two never returned.3. The Japanese are known for their long life span

30、. They believe they owe this to their eating habits/the composition of their diet, which contains a lot of fish products.HIV virus has a undetermined lifespan outside the human body, ranging from several minutes to several hours. So do not turn pale when HIV is mentioned. I studied with him in the s

31、ame school for a span of four years.Zhao Yazhis performing career spanned more than four decades.4. I know Harris. I couldnt imagine a man like him making such stupid remarks.5. After testing her loyalty many times, he was now going to give her the most dangerous task.6. I heard that Lincoln had del

32、ivered an extremely powerful speech on that occasion. Whatever did he actually say?7. That this time they must be ready to challenge/defy death was clear to everybody. But no one regretted this move/action/measure.8. As accidents go/As far as accidents are concerned, there was nothing unusual/out of th

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