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1、印象英美mooc答案解析使用说明:包含了大部分答案 也有缺漏的,如果要使用,建议用下载后使用查找,因为内 容较多(大家加油1.01.English is an official language of more than sovereign states.C.753. In number of native speakers and language learners, English is the language in the world.A.first2.The most native speakers of English live in .B.the United States1.1

2、Today s English speakers would find it easy to understand Old English. 错_ 误English belongs to the branch of the Indo-European language family.C.GermanicOld English was mainly derived from the dialects of .Anglo-SaxonsThe origi n of the words like coun tries.C.Sca ndin avia n ” a a . i sky , egg , wi

3、 ndow are fromAfter the Norma n Conq uest i n 1066, Ian guages were used side by sidein En gla nd.B.three“ The Can terbury Tales ” was writte n by .A. Geoffery ChaucerProto-I ndo-Europea n Ian guage is believed to be the an cestor of mostEuropea n Ian guages, such as Greek, Germa n, Spani sh, French

4、 and Italia n.正确The history of En glish can be divided into three periods: Old En glish, MiddleEn glish and moder n En glish. 正确En glish script and alphabetic system were from Greek.错误1.2In 1588, En gla nd defeated the famous fleet Armada from C.Spai nIn 1604 , the first English dictionary was publi

5、shed by .B.Samuel Joh nsonThe sudden vowel shift in the history of English helped to shape English.C.Early ModernWhich country does the loan word lychee come from?B.ChineseWhich country does the loan word yoghurt come from?A.TurkishWhich country does the loan word violin come from?B.ItalianWhich cou

6、ntry does the loan word alcohol come from?C.ArabicWhich country does the loan word shampoo come from?D. Hindi1.3Sonnet refers to a poem of lines.C.14Which of the following is not a comedy of William Shakespeare?Othello“To be, or not to be, that s a question. ” is taken from of WilliamShakespeare.Ham

7、let1 William Shakespeare is a great writer in the language.B.English2.Shakespeare was born in a small town in .A.England3.Shakespeare wrote 154 and some verses in his lifetime.B.sonnets4.Romeo and Juliet is one of the most famous of ShakespeareA.tragediesAs you like it is a .B.comedyShakespeare wrot

8、e 40 plays in his lifetime.错误2.Romeo and Juliet is one of the four most famous tragedies of Shakespeare.错误3.Ben Johnson described Shakespeare as “ He belonged to all time ” .正确1.4RP, or Received Pronunciation, is widely used as standard English in today sBritain.正确The words “ hamburger ”, “ seminar

9、”, “dumb ”and “ poker ” are from the languageof black people.错误An American Dictionary of the English Language edited by Noah Webster was thefirst American dictionary.正确_American English is represented by VOA and British English is represented by BBC.正确The word “ ballet ” is pronounced as /b?le ?/ in

10、 BrE and as / b?le ? / in AmE. 错误In American English, double letters were reduced to single ones, like the l in“丄 ” I ( ”“traveller ” and g in “ waggon ”正确A New York person will use the word a “ lift ” instead of an “ elevator ” . 错误1.For something that has occurred in the recent past, BrE tends to

11、use the simpletense while AmE shows the preference for the present perfect tense.错误2.For the meaning of 在周末 , British people prefer to use at the weekend whileAmerican people will prefer on the weekend.正确3.For the meaning of 全家在看电视 , British English will use The family is watchingTV. and American En

12、glish will prefer The family are watching TV.错误4. The word 颜色 is spelt in British English as color.错误5. The word 组织 is splet in American English as organize.正确6. The word 中心 is spelt in British English as centre.正确7. The word 许可证 is splet in American English as licence错误8.In British English, 糖果 is e

13、xpressed as candies.错误9. The American expression of 玉米 is corn.正确1.5bungalow ”, “ coolieMany words from Hindi flew back to English, such as“cashmere ”, “ pajamas ” and “ yoga正确错误3.In 1985, the Peoples Republic of China made English the main foreign language in education.错误4.Since there are many misu

14、se and mistakes of English in Chinglish, we should avoid the use of Chinglish as much as possible.错误2.1The United Kingdom is an independent and single country. 错误Britain is made up of four parts. 正确The flags of England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland can be found in the flag of the UK.错误 is th

15、e official name of Britain.A.The United Kingdom2.The full name of Britain is the United Kingdom of Britain and B.Great; Northern Ireland3.There are parts in Great Britain and parts in Britain.A.three; four4.British Isles include two large islands: and Ireland island.C.Great Britain5.The capital of t

16、he Republic of Ireland is D.Dublin2.2The Pennies is known as the backbone of England. 正确In England, it is cold in winter and hot in summer. 错误Stonehenge is a famous monument dated from the 16th century. 错误The longest river in Britain is .A.River SevernBritain enjoys a climate.B.temperate maritime“If

17、 winter comes, will spring be far behind? ” comes from Ode to the wind byShelly.B.west4.The Acts of Union 1707 made the kingdoms of England and united toform Great Britain .B.ScotlandJuly is normally the best month in a year and the west wind from the Atlantic is the warmest.正确andJane Austen who has

18、 written “ Pride and Prejudice ”, “Sense and sensibilityother novels.正确“ Ladies and gentlemen ” only refers to those cultured and refined men andwomen.错误2.3Scotland takes up half of Great Britain and is the second largest country in the UK. 错误The American movie “A water horse ” is based on the tale

19、of monster in LochNess.正确4.2014 Referendum is the first time for the Scottish to pursue freedom from theUnited Kingdom.错误5.Nowadays, Scotland will still remain in the territory of the United Kingdom.正确2.41.The Scots, Welsh and Irish are descendents of .C.the Celts2.Wales is located in the of Great B

20、ritain.B.westWales was not conquered by the English until .A.15364. The Giant s Causeway was located in .D.Northern Ireland5.The capital of Northern Ireland is .C.Belfast1.Much of the land in Wales is pasture and only 22% of the land is arable.错误2.Today, a quarter of the Welsh still speak Welsh as t

21、heir first language. 正确3.The greatest event of the year of Northern Ireland is the National Eisteddfod. 错误4.The majority of Northern Irish people wanted to be independent but was forced to remain within the United Kingdom. 错误2.5The present royal family belongs to the House of A.WindsorUp until now,

22、Queen Elizabeth has ruled in Britain for over decades.C.sixQueen was called virgin queen because she remained unmarried all herlife.A.Elizabeth IDuring the reign of , Britain became an empire “ the sun never setsB.Queen Victoria1.The nickname of is “the grandmother of Europe ”.D.Queen Victoria2.The

23、house of Windsor starts from .A.George V3. ruled Britain in Shakespeare s time.C.Queen Elizabeth I1.The mon archy in Brita in has bee n passed in successi on in the past 1000 years andhas n ever bee n broke n. 错误2.The age of con stituti onal mon archy bega n after the Glorious Revoluti on. 正确3.The k

24、ing or the quee n is the head of the UK and has no real power. 正确The members of the royal family have to earn money to support themselves.错误3.1How many contiguous states are there in the USA?C.48Please choose the right letter to represent the location of Appalachian Mountains on the map.D.area of DW

25、hich of the two states are the last two states to join the union?C.AIaska and Hawaii1.The United States of America consists of 50 states and a federal government.正确2.Great Salt Lake is a major waterway that empty into the Gulf Mexico.错误3.Alaska is the largest state on the contin uous continent.错误3.2

26、The Hollywood sig n was created as an advertiseme nt for the Hollywoodla nd hous ing developme nt.错误The Hoover Dam was the way to provide power and water to dry regi ons in the west America.正确The Independence hall is the place where the first and the second Continent Congress was held.正确1.The heads

27、of which Presidents are carved into Mount Rushmore?D.Washington, Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt, Lincoln2.The Statue of Liberty is a gift from the people of .B.France3.3White House is where Martin Luther King Jr. made his famous “ I have a dreamspeech.错误Ex-president Abraham Lincoln was assassinated i

28、n Ford s Theater. 正确New York City is in the southwestern America with the nickname of “ Big Apple错误Boston is the scene of several key events of American Revolution like Boston TeaParty正确Declaration of Independence was signed in Boston.1.Which state does Washington D.C. belong to? state2.The offi

29、cial home to the US president is A.White House3.Which of the following locations is not included in the Free Trail?D.Independence Hall4.Which of the following cities is the meeting place for the first and second Continental Congress?D.Philadelphia3.4In 1620, the first group of puritan Pilgrims arriv

30、ed in America for religious freedom.正确In 1806, President Lincoln signed legislation for building a road to facilitate people to move west. 错误Route 66 is known as the loneliest road in America.错误It was Carl Fisher who had the idea to build a coast-to-coast highway named Lincoln Highway.错误1.Which of the following does not represent freedom?C.Uncle Sam2.Which of the following roads is called Mother Road?A.Route 663.Which of the following roads represent highway from east to west?D.Interstate 904.11.America Vespucci s first voyage led to the discovery of Americas that he thought

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