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1、七上英语课件Starter1-4 Module1知识要点1. 相互问候:Good morning/afternoon/evening早上好、下午好,晚上好!2. 介绍姓名:my/his/her/you name is3. 询问对方姓名:whats your/his/her name? 4. 用情态动词can询问对方能否做某事。Can you spell it, please? How do you spell it?5. 这是什么用英语怎么说:whats this in English? This is.6. 介绍某人:This is sb 7. 到做什么的时候了:Its time to do

2、 sth8. 见面后的客套话:nice to meet you! How are you ? how do you do?9. 道别:good bye/see you. Module2知识要点1. 祈使句表示建议,请求,命令等语气。举手:put up your hand.打开/合上书:open/close the book起立/坐下:stand up/ sit down2. 询问在哪个班:what class are you in?3. 询问电话号码:whats your telephone number? 回答:Its.4. 询问数量:how many+可数名词的复数/ how much+不

3、可数名词 Eg. How many students are there in your classroom? How much money do you have?5. 询问年龄:how old are you? I m+年龄+(years old)6. 班级,年级以及姓名的书写格式:Eg. 七年级六班 Class Six, Grade Seven 杨甲乐 Yang Jiale 董迪 Dong Di Module3&Module4知识要点1. 你能帮我吗:can you help me?2. 你能再说一遍吗:can you say that again,please?/pardon?/ so

4、rry, I cant follow you.3. 询问颜色:whats the color?/what color is it? Its+颜色4. 询问星期:what day is it today?今天星期几5. 询问天气:whats the weather like ?/ what does the weather look like?/hows the weather ?6. 提建议:lets +do sth How/what about +sth+doing sth Module1 My Classmates一知识要点1. 询问来自哪里:where are you from?你来自哪

5、里/where is he/she from?他、她来自哪里句子结构:sb+be from/come from+地点2. 国家,国人,国家语言 中国:China 中国人:Chinese(单数: a Chinese 复数:Chinese)汉语:Chinese 美国:America/US 美国人:American(单数:an American 复数:Americans) 官方语言:English 英国:England/UK /Britain 英国人:British/English 官方语言:English3. 你呢?what/how about you?/ and you?4. 名字和姓氏:fir

6、st name=given name 名 last name=family name姓 Chinese name中文名 English name英文名二语法知识:be动词的使用(1)意义:be动词一般与后面的表语一起作谓语构成系表结构,说明主语的身份,年龄,状态等。 Eg:说明身份 I am a teacher. You are students. 说明年龄I am 25 years old. 说明状态we are in Grade Seven.(2)be动词的常用句式。 I陈述句:主语+be+表语+其他 Eg. I am an English teacher. II.一般疑问句:Be+主语+

7、表语+其他 Eg. Are you from China?Yes, I am./No, I m notIII.特殊疑问句: 疑问词+be动词的一般疑问句 Eg. Where are you from? Module2 My Family一基本句型1 家庭成员的称谓:外公/爷爷:grandfather/grandpa外婆/奶奶:grandmother/grandma舅舅/叔叔:uncle姨妈/姑妈/阿姨 :aunt堂/表兄妹 :cousin哥哥/弟弟:brother姐姐/妹妹:sister爸爸:father/dad/daddy妈妈:mother/mom/mum2.方位介词的使用: (1)结构:地

8、点/人+be动词+方位介词+地点/人(2)位置:a.修饰名词:位于名词后面 b.位于be动词后面,构成系表结构 (3)方位介词汇总: at在某地点:车站,飞机场,学校,饭店,公园. in在.内:in the classroom on在.上:on the wall, on the teachers desk near在附近:near the river, near the park behind在.后面:behind the door on the right/left of sb/sth=on ones/ sths right/left在左在右 in front of /in the fron

9、t of在什么前面 in the middle of 在什么中央:in the middle of the playground between在.之间:between A and B3.询问职业 What is your mother?=what does your mother do? What are you?=what do you do? 职业名称 Bus drive汽车司机 doctor, nurse医生,护士(hospital)an actor/actress演员(theatre) manager(hotel)经理Policeman/policewoman 复数policemen

10、/policewomen男、女警察Singer歌手 painter画家 dancer舞蹈家 writer作家 cleaner清洁工Worker工人4.指示代词近 远单数 This这是(is) That那是(is) 复数These这些是(are) Those那些是(are) 备注:指示代词的一般疑问句是指示代词和be动词调换位置,答语中一般用“it”代替this和that;用“they”代替those和theseEg. Is this an apple? Yes, it is Are these your photos? No, they arent 5. 名词所有格名词在句中表示所有关系或所属

11、关系时常用所有格形式,其常见形式为-s所有格和of所有格两种形式,意为.的。(1)-s所有格的形式和用法: 一般情况下(包括单数名词和词尾不是s的复数名词)加-s。例如:Jennys book珍妮的书 当词尾为s的复数名词时,加 或者 s均可。例如:the Smiths car史密斯家的小汽车。 当表示两个人共同所有时,名词所有格只在第二个名词后面加 s.例如:Tom and Jacks uncle 汤姆和杰克的叔叔 。但是当表示两个人分别所有时,要分别在其后面加 s. 例如:Toms and Jacks uncle 汤姆和杰克各自的叔叔。(2)of多用来表示无生命的东西的所有关系,例如:th

12、e book of Daming 大明的书6.人称代词的主格和宾格,形容词性物主代词,名词性物主代词。 Module3 My School知识要点:1. 一百以内的基数词:会读,会写,注意几个特殊数字的写法。13-19的词缀是-teen,20-90的词缀是-ty2. 学校建筑物的英文表达:餐厅:dining hall /canteen/restaurant图书馆:library 图书管理员:librarian 办公室:office (teachers office) 科学实验室:science lab 运动馆:sports hall在校门口:at the school gate3. some和

13、any的用法4. 中国地图 the map of China/the Chinese map世界地图the map of the world/t 或者副词例如:what a big family it is=how big the family is !5. there be 句型的使用(1)用法:there be 句型主要表示“某处/某时有某人,某物。”其基本结构为“there be +某物/某人+某地/某时”其中there 是引导词,没有词义。主语是be后面的名词,be是谓语动词,在一般现在时中be 动词只用is和are两种形式。(be动词,有三个,am,is还有are。There be

14、真特别,不留am只留俩,那就是is还有are。)be动词用is,还是are,须看其后的名词是单数还是复数。若是单数或者不可数名词用“is”,复数用“are”(就近原则)。 Eg: There is a book and some pens on the floor. There are some pens and a book on the floor. (2)句型转换:肯定,否定,疑问&回答 肯定:There be+sb/sth 否定:There be+not+sb/sth (is not=isnt, are not=arent am和not不能缩写) 疑问:Be +there+sb/sth

15、 回答:Yes,there is/are(肯定) No,there isnt/there arent(否定) Module4 Healthy Food知识要点1.表示“某人拥有某人”sb+have/has+got+sth 2.表示“对.有好处/害处”sth+be good/bad for+sb 3.做什么很重要:Its+形容词(important)+to do sth It is important to remember: eat well, stay healthy, and dont get fat. 4.Is your food and drink healthy?你的饮食健康吗? E

16、at the right food and be healthy.5.too many+可数名词的复数 Too much+不可数名词(修饰动词:dont eat too much) much too+形容词/副词 6.上下义词,名词的单复数 条件 变化形式 例词一般情况直接加“s”Pens books maps以s,x,sh,ch结尾的单词加“es”Buses classes watches以o结尾的单词有的加s,有的加esPhotos tomatoes以f或fe结尾的单词把f或者fe为v加esKnives, leaves lives不规则变化特殊记忆Men women children fe

17、et teeth6. 记住做某事:remember to do sth /doing sth7. Have got的句型转换肯定:I/you/we/they+have got+sth He/she/it +has got+sth 否定:I/you/we/they+have +not+got+sth He/she/it+has+not+got+sth 疑问:have+I/you/we/they+got+sth Has+he/she/it+got+sth 回答:Yes,sb+have/hasNo,sb+havens/hasnt Module5 My School Day知识要点1. 时间的表述(1

18、) 直读式,即直接读出时间数字Eg: 7:05 seven five 8:16 eight sixteen(2)过差式,即几点过几分,几点差几分(以30为分界线) 几点半(分钟为30):half past +点钟 6:30 half past six 几点过几分(分钟数小于30,用past) :分钟数+past+点钟Eg: 12:20 twenty past twelve 几点差几分(分钟数大于30,用to):差的分钟数+to+下一个点钟Eg:3:50 ten to four(3)整点用oclock(可省略)(4)时间的询问:what time is it?/whats the time?现在

19、几点了? 回答:Its.(5)十五分钟,一刻钟:quarter :a quarter to/a quarter past2.学科的英语表述(自己记单词)3.擅长做某事 be good at+sth /doing sth =do/does well in+sth/doing sth4.某人对某事感兴趣:sb+be动词+interested in sth 某物有趣:sth+be动词+interesting5.和某人谈话:talk+ with/to +sb谈论某事:sb+ talk about +sth6. 介词at,in,on的用法(1) at+某一时刻/night/noon(2) in+某月/某年/the morning/the afternoon/the evening(3) on+某一天/某一天的早中晚/节日7.一般现在时的意义和用法自己看讲过的专题笔记,每个同学务必要熟练掌握be动词和行为动词的肯定句,否定句,疑问句的转换。

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