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本文(届山西古县高县离石县八校高三下第一次适应性考试英语卷含答案及解析.docx)为本站会员(b****7)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、届山西古县高县离石县八校高三下第一次适应性考试英语卷含答案及解析2019届山西古县、高县、离石县八校高三下第一次适应性考试英语卷【含答案及解析】姓名_ 班级_ 分数_题号一二三四五六总分得分一、阅读理解1. The Childrens Book-Show Competition is a chance for young readers to be writers. Reading, it seems, is coming back in fashion, if a survey by the famous National Literacy Trust (the NLT) is true.

2、It shows that the percentage of children who admit enjoying reading has grown for the first time in the past 8 years. So its a good time to launch a competition that includes a shed-load of new books for schools as prizes. The Childrens Book-show Competition, backed by The Independent, is taking to

3、the roads again from the start of next term, with a nation-wide tour of 15 big cities, featuring a line-up of a dozen childrens writers and illustrators(插图画家)aiming to persuade pupils to follow their footsteps. The competition, launched by the childrens writer and illustrator Jessica Souhami, has tw

4、o categories: the under-nines and nine to 13-year-olds. Children are asked to choose their favorite fairy or folk tale and set it in an extraordinary place. Then they are to retell it with the aid of drawings and writings-whether it is set at sea, on a distant planet, in the future or in the past. T

5、he closing date for the competition is 30th November. “Tell your tale in pictures and in words, ”say the organizers of the competition. “It can be in a picture book or comic-book format.” The winner of each competition will receive a signed copy of a book by each of the 12 authors involved in this y

6、ears tour, plus 150 worth of books for their school. The runners-up will receive a signed copy of Souhamis new book. 1. What can we know about the Book-show Competition? _ A. It will be held by the famous NLT. B. It will be held in different cities. C. It has never been organized before. D. Children

7、 of all ages will join in it. 2.The underlined word “backed” in Paragraph 3 means_. A. started_ B. promoted C. supported D. reported 3. What will be offered as a prize to schools? _ A. Pictures and comic books B. Books worth 150 in all. C. Books signed by 12 authors. D. Jessica Souhamis new books. 4

8、.The authors purpose of writing this passage is to _. A. encourage young readers to become writers. B. persuade all children to join in the competition C. promote childrens books by famous writers. D. introduce the Childrens Book-Show Competition 2. China is one of the countries with the richest his

9、tory, culture and the most developed civilization, economy and political system on the planet. Their language has fascinated people a very long time and still does. These are only a few reasons for which today there are still a lot of students and tourists that are attracted by this country, its cul

10、ture and economical growth. Numerous students decide to study abroad China every year as they want to experience the life there and learn its fascinating language. There are over 500 dialects in China because of the big distance between villages and towns from the capital cities such as Beijing. In

11、spite of great popularity that the English language has around the globe, Mandarin Chinese is the most spoken language in the entire world because of the fact that China is the most populated country on Earth, having more than 1.3 billion citizens. This is the main reason for which most students wan

12、t to study Chinese in China. On the other hand, China has the fastest growing and expanding economies in the world and this might give you the chance to take part in future projects in different areas of China. These are welltrained specialists around the world that decide to study Mandarin in China

13、 where they can become leaders in their specific field of operation. People who study Chinese in Beijing will have a lot of opportunities after mastering the Chinese alphabet and a lot of doors will open for them, giving them a lot of chances to succeed in their career. To sum up, if you decide to s

14、tudy Chinese in Beijing, the best place to start your research and gather information is the Internet. Here you have various opportunities to study in China at affordable prices. 1.Why do large numbers of foreign students decide to come to China to study every year? A. To experience the life here an

15、d learn Chinese. B. To learn different dialects in China. C. To earn money by teaching English in China. D. To taste Chinese food and enjoy beautiful scenery. 2.We can know from the third paragraph that _ . A. China has paid much attention to development B. More people will come to China to learn Ch

16、inese C. it is fairly easy to find a favorite job in China D. people can make more money in China in the future 3.What would be the best title for this passage? A. The reasons of learning Chinese in Beijing B. Chinese is easy for the foreigners to learn C. Most people speak Chinese in the world D. C

17、hinese can help to find a good job in Beijing 3. Dad had a green comb (梳子).He bought it when he married Mum. Every night,he would hand me his comb and say. “Good girl, help Daddy clean it, OK?” I was pleased to do it. At age five, this dull(无趣的) task brought me such joy. I would excitedly turn the t

18、ap (水龙头)on and brush the comb carefully. Satisfied that Id done a good job. I would happily return the comb to Dad. He would smile affectionately (亲切地)at me and place the comb on his wallet. Two years later. Dad started his own business, which wasnt doing so well. That was when things started to cha

19、nge. Dad didnt come home as early and as much as he used to. Mum and I became mad with him for placing our family in trouble. With time, an uncomfortable silence grew between us. After my graduation, Dads business was getting back on track. On my 28th birthday. Dad came home early. As usual I helped

20、 him carry his bags into his study. When I turned to leave, he said, Hey, would you help me clean my comb?” I looked at him a while,then took the comb and headed to the sink. It hit me then: why, as a child, helping Dad clean his comb was such a pleasure. That routine (习惯) meant Dad was home early t

21、o spend the evening with Mum and me. It meant a happy and loving family. I passed the clean comb back to Dad. He smiled at me and carefully placed his comb on his wallet. But this time, I noticed something different. Dad had aged. He had wrinkles(皱纹)next to his eyes when he smiled, yet his smile was

22、 still as heartwarming as before, the smile of a father who just wanted a good life for his family. 1. Why was the author pleased to clean the comb? A. Because her father forced her to do. B. Because others things were dull. C. Because cleaning the comb could make her happy. D. Because she knew her

23、father would praise her. 2. When was there a silence between the author and her father? A. Two years after her father started his business. B. When she didnt clean the comb for her father. C. When her mom became mad. D. After her father didnt come home as early as before. 3.It occurred to the author

24、 that helping Dad cleaning the comb meant_. A. she could play with water B. she could spend more time with her father C. she could have the chance to see the comb D. she could take the responsibility for the family 4.From the last paragraph, we can know that_ A. the author understood what Dad did wa

25、s actually for the family B. Dad wasnt satisfied with what the author did C. the author didnt clean the comb carefully D. Dad didnt like smiling before 4. A Dutch artist and designer has come up with a device which he hopes will get rid of pollutants from Beijings smog skies, creating clean air for

26、the citys mask-wearing people. An electromagnetic field(电磁场) will pull particles(微粒) in the smog to the ground where they can be easily cleaned. “Its like when you have a balloon which has static(静电) and your hair goes toward it. Same with the smog,” says artist Daan Roosegaarde. His studio has reac

27、hed an agreement with the Beijing government to test the technology in one of tile capitals parks. With its skies regularly covered by dirty gray smog, Beijing this week announced a series of emergency measures to handle the problem. Roosegaarde says an indoor model device has already proven it work

28、s and is confident that the results with the help of a team of scientists and engineers can be replicated(复制的) outside. “Beijing is quite a good place because the smog in Beijing is quite low. It lies in a valley so theres not so much wind. Its a good environment to explore this kind of thing.” “Wel

29、l be able to purify the air and the challenge is to get the top of the smog so you can see the sun again.” Roosegaarde acknowledges that projects like this are a way of drawing attention to the problem,rather than a practical solution to Beijings awful air pollution. “This is not the real answer for

30、 smog. The real answer has to do with clean cars, different industry and different lifestyles.” However, he hopes the project will make a “fundamental statement” by allowing the citys people to realize the difference between breathing clean and smog-filled air. 1.The device works by _. A. helping ke

31、ep the particles out with more masks B. pulling pollutants to the ground with an electromagnetic field C. absorbing hair with a balloon with static D. creating clean air and let it out into the sky 2. According to the passage,_ . A. the Beijing government has agreed to use the technology in Beijing

32、B. they have proven the results of the device both indoors and outdoors C. the results of the air-cleaning device can be expectable D. the Beijing government has never done anything to handle the air pollution 3.What does Roosegaarde really mean by saying “Beijing is quite a good place. ”? A. The air po

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