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Underground scenes 海下风景.docx

1、Underground scenes 海下风景Underground scenesReefs play an invaluable role in the marine ecosystem, harboring hundreds of species of marine life that rely on them for food, shelter, and protection. A reef also serves as a nesting ground for fish eggs and larvae that eventually populate fish habitats.意译:

2、暗礁扮演一个无价的角色在海洋生态系统,怀著对许许多多的海洋生物的物种依靠它们给食物,庇护所,和保护。一个暗礁也可作为巢窝用给鱼产卵和幼虫最后构成鱼的栖息地。Coral reefs teem with life, covering less than one percent of the ocean floor, but supporting about 25 percent of all marine creatures. Indonesia is home to the highest marine diversity on Earth, including this coral photo

3、graphed near the Tukangbesi archipelago in Indonesia. 珊瑚礁充满生命。覆盖物不到海底的1,但支持大约25全部的海生的生物,印度尼西亚是最高的海生的多样化在地球,包含这张珊瑚照片靠近印度尼西亚的Tukangbesi群岛。Similar to all corals, sea fans, such as this one in the Turks and Caicos Islands, are made up of tiny animals called polyps. When stressed by such things as temper

4、ature change or pollution, coral polyps will evict their colorful algae boarders, which can lead to coral bleaching and death.意译:和全部珊瑚相似,海扇,例如这一个在土耳其和凯科斯群岛,是由极小的动物水虫息组成。当加压力的如温度变化或污染的时候,珊瑚虫将驱逐它们的华丽的海藻寄宿者,能导致珊瑚漂白和死亡。Great White SharkGreat whites are torpedo-shaped with powerful tails that can propel

5、them through the water at up to 15 miles (24 kilometers) per hour.意译:大白鲨。大白鲨是鱼雷形状和强有力的尾巴这能推进它们穿越水域直到每小时15英里(24公里)。Great white sharks, like this one, use an uncanny sense of smell combined with a unique sensory system that detects bioelectric impulses in the water to find vulnerable prey up to miles

6、away.意译:大白鲨鱼图片画廊。大白鲨,像这一条,利用一种神秘的嗅觉联合用一种独特的感觉系统发现其生物电的脉冲在水中发现有弱点的猎物直到离开几英里外。Full breaches like this attack are rare as they expend so much energy. But in South Africa waters full of baby seals, which are one of these sharks favorite meals. Sharks attack from below with ferocious speed, propelling th

7、em out of the water with their cat.意译:大白鲨鱼图片画廊。充满裂口像这个攻击是罕见的因为它们花费这么多能量。但是在南非海域充满婴儿海豹鲨鱼攻击从下面和凶猛的速度。推进它们来自水中和它们的猫。Great White Shark and DiverAfter luring a great white shark (Carcharodon carcharias) with chum, diver Andre Hartman ends up perilously close to the premier predator off the coast of Gansb

8、aai, South Africa. Although attacks on humans do occurwith some resulting in deathshark scientists believe that great whites approach people more out of curiosity than predation. Unfortunately, theyre inclined to taste what is unfamiliar to them.意译:大白鲨和潜水员。在引诱大白鲨和三文鱼,潜水员安德烈哈特曼最终危险地接近第一位猎食者在干斯拜的海面上,南

9、非。虽然攻击人类发生过-和一些导致死亡-鲨鱼科学家相信大白鲨接近人们多数出自好奇心比掠夺行为。不幸的,它们是倾向于“口味”什么是不熟悉的对于它们。The rush is on for silky sharks and yellowtail snappers to get their share of food tossed out of a dive boat into Cubas coastal waters. Aggressive and considered dangerous to humans, the silky shark is nevertheless fished for h

10、uman consumption. Its meat is eaten fresh or salted. Its skin is processed for leather. The fins are sold in the Asian shark-fin trade, and its liverhigh in vitamin Ais extracted for medicinal liver oil.意译:急流中的似丝的鲨鱼和鲱鱼(黄狮鱼)笛鲷都变成鲨鱼的食物服务,来自于一艘潜水船在古巴的海岸水域。攻击性和被认为对人类有危险,似丝的鲨鱼仍然是鱼给人们消费。它的肉可以吃新鲜的或盐腌的。它的皮可

11、以处理后做皮革。它的鱼翅是在亚洲销售鲨鱼鱼翅贸易,它的肝含有高维生素A提炼做医学用的鱼肝油。Camouflaged Shrimp and CrabLook closely at this tapestry and youll find an emperor shrimp and a crab on a sea cucumber. In this symbiotic relationship, seen here on Fijis Rainbow Reef, the sea cucumber offers camouflaged protection (and possibly a ride)

12、but is not harmed by its neighbors.意译:伪装的虾和蟹。样子接近挂毯和你将发现一只皇帝虾和蟹在一个海黄瓜上。这个共生关系,看这里在斐济的彩虹暗礁,海黄瓜提供伪装保护(也许是骑坐)但是不伤害它的邻居。Shunning light, a pink shrimp buries itself in aquarium sand except for its feelers and golf-ball eyes. To avoid predators, theyll burrow even deeper, leaving only a tiny hole for brea

13、thing.意译:虾潜伏在沙里,佛罗里达。避开光亮,一只粉红色虾埋葬它自己在水族馆沙里除了它试探高尔夫球的眼睛。避免食肉动物,它们将要挖洞甚至更深,留下只有一个小洞为了呼吸。Emperor chicks huddle for an exchange of heat in the chill of Antarctica. Born in winter, they complete their growth in time for summers ice breakup, when they go fishing for themselves.意译:皇企鹅小鸡群,南极洲。皇企鹅小鸡群拥挤一团为了热

14、交换在寒冷的南极洲。出生在冬季,它们完成它们的增长在夏季的冰分解的时候,当它们去钓鱼为它们自己的时候。In an apparent moment of solitude and safety, a Galpagos penguin forages in the waters off the South American islands. But danger abounds for this small creature, whose population has been reduced to less than a thousand breeding pairs throughout th

15、e archipelago. Predators such as sharks and hawks kill the penguins. Temperature-driven food shortages starve adults. And human hazardshabitat disturbance and destruction, discarded waste from tourists and fishermen, and dangerous fishing netsare pushing the creatures closer to extinction.意译:水下动物:图片

16、美术馆。表面上的孤立和安全,一只加拉帕戈斯企鹅搜寻粮草在南美洲岛屿水域。但危险充满对于这小生物,它们的人口已经减少到1000对繁殖期的企鹅遍及群岛。食肉动物如鲨鱼和鹰杀死企鹅。温度驱使粮草短缺饿死成年的企鹅。人类的危害栖息地干扰和毁灭,废弃的垃圾从旅游者和渔夫,更有危险的渔网是推动生物更靠近灭绝。Blue Hole, Lighthouse Reef, Belize, 2002Approximately 60 miles (100 kilometers) from Belize City, the almost perfectly circular Blue Hole is more than

17、1,000 feet (305 meters) across and some 400 feet (123 meters) deep. The hole is the opening to what was a dry cave system during the Ice Age. When the ice melted and the sea level rose, the caves were flooded, creating what is now a magnet for intrepid divers. Today the Blue Hole is famed for its sp

18、onges, barracuda, corals, angelfishand a school of sharks often seen patrolling the holes edge.意译:蓝洞,灯塔暗礁,伯利兹城,2002年。从伯利兹城近似60英里(100公里),几乎完美地圆形的蓝洞超过1000英尺(305米)横径和400英尺(123米)深度。这洞开始是开放的当在冰河时代是一个干洞系统。当冰层融化和海平面升起,这洞被洪水淹没,创立到现在成为一块磁铁给无畏的潜水者。今天蓝洞是著名的海绵动物,梭鱼类,珊瑚,神仙鱼和一群鲨鱼经常看见巡逻在洞的边缘.Australian Seashore, K

19、albarriWaves at high tide crash on shore near Kalbarri National Park in Western Australia. Ocean tides are created by the gravitational effects of the moon and sun on the Earth. When the moon is full or new, attraction is high, and the oceans bulge outward, creating spring tides.意译:澳大利亚的海滨,卡巴里。海浪处于高

20、潮期猛撞海滨靠近卡巴里国家公园在澳大利亚西部。海洋潮汐被创立在引力效应的月亮和太阳在地球上。当月亮是满月或新月,吸引力是高的,海洋向外膨胀,建立大潮。When you swim with humpback whales its not their size that overwhelms you but their beauty. You want to stay in that moment forever. These three humpbacks came over to me to check me out. They put on a beautiful dancing displ

21、ay that makes your heart stop and you wish for the moment to never end. When they were done ten minutes later they took off but left me with amazing memories. The plaintive song of the humpback whale can travel for great distances underwater. Tahiti, French Polynesia.意译:驼背鲸在阳光照射的水域,塔希提岛。(南太平洋)当你游泳和驼

22、背鲸它不是因为它们的尺寸大小压倒你但是它们的美丽。你想要停留片刻直到永远。这3只驼背鲸越过我察看我在外面。它们上演一个美丽的舞蹈显示那使你心脏停止跳动和你希望暂时不会结束。当它们完成了10分钟稍后它们离开了却留给我令人惊讶的记忆。这悲哀的歌声的驼背鲸可以旅行在水下面很长的距离。塔希提岛,法属波利尼西亚。Tiger Shark Attack, Hawaii, 1997First flight is the last flight for one out of ten fledgling albatrosses. The unfortunate novice fliers are often the scrawniest ones or those that try to ride whispers of wind too weak to carry them over the danger zone. 意译:虎鲨攻击,夏威夷,1997年。“第一次飞行是最后的瞬间飞行举个例子说来自刚会飞的鸟(信天翁)。不幸的新手往往是骨瘦如柴的一个,或者那些尝试乘坐窃窃私语的风力太弱去携带它们越过危险区。

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