小学sightwords高频词.docx
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小学sightwords高频词
Pre-PrimerList
DolchPre-PrimerSightVocabulary
a
find
is
not
three
and
for
it
one
to
away
funny
jump
play
two
big
go
little
red
up
blue
help
look
run
we
can
here
make
said
where
come
me
see
yellow
down
in
my
the
you
SightWord
Sentence
SightWord
Sentence
a
Iateasnack.
look
Iwilllookinmydesk.
and
MyfriendandIplay.
make
Mygrandmawillmakeacake.
away
Iwillthrowawaymylunch.
me
Thatbelongstome.
big
Thatisabigtruck.
my
Whereismypencil?
blue
Theskyisblue.
not
Sheisnotinschooltoday.
can
Icanread.
one
Ihaveonecookieforsnack.
come
Willyoucomeover?
play
Willyouplaytagwithme?
down
Shewentdowntheslide.
red
Theappleisred.
find
Ican’tfindmypencil.
run
Icanrunfast.
for
Thisgiftisforyou.
said
HesaidIwasfunny.
funny
Thatwasafunnyjoke.
see
Didyouseemyhat?
go
Theywillgotoschool.
the
Shereadthebook.
help
Iwillhelpyou.
three
Ihavethreepencils.
here
Isithere.
to
Iwillwalktoyourhouse.
Iamsixyearsold.
two
Therearetwokidsonthebus.
in
Therabbitisinthehole.
up
Iranupthehill.
is
Sheismyfriend.
we
Weareinfirstgrade.
it
Welikeit.
where
Whereareyougoing?
jump
Iwilljumpoverthepuddle.
yellow
Thesunisyellow.
little
Mylittlesisteriscute.
you
Iwilljumpropewithyou.
PrimerList
DolchPrimerSightVocabulary
all
came
into
please
that
went
am
did
like
pretty
there
what
are
do
must
ran
they
white
at
eat
new
ride
this
who
ate
four
no
saw
too
will
be
get
now
say
under
with
black
good
on
she
want
yes
brown
have
our
so
was
but
he
out
soon
well
Primer
SightWord
Sentence
SightWord
Sentence
all
Iateallmylunch.
out
Iwalkedoutoftheclassroom.
am
Iamagoodstudent.
please
CanIpleasegototheparty?
are
Myfriendsarehere.
pretty
Mymomispretty.
at
Ilookedatthedog.
ran
Mycatranaway.
ate
Heatehissnack.
ride
Iwentonarollercoasterride.
be
Iwillbekind.
saw
Hesawaghost.
black
Thecarisblack.
say
Whatdidyousay?
brown
Isawabrownbear.
she
Sheismyfriend.
but
Itookanap,butIamstilltired.
so
Iamsohungry.
came
Mycousinscameforavisit.
soon
Iwillbedonesoon.
did
Shedidherhomework.
that
IsawthatshowonTV.
do
Iwilldomychores.
there
Putitoverthere.
eat
Whatdidyoueatforbreakfast?
they
Theyalwayswalkinthehall.
four
Therearefourdeerinthefield.
this
Ifoundthisonthefloor.
get
Theywillgetagoldslip.
too
Iwashedmyhandstoo.
good
Youdidagoodjob!
under
Thereisamonsterundermybed.
have
Ihaveabrokenarm.
want
Iwantacookie.
he
Heismyfriend.
was
Hewasrunningdownthehall.
into
Iwalkedintothestore.
well
Idon’tfeelwell.
like
Ilikemyteacher.
went
Wewenttothemovies.
must
Youmustfinishyourwork.
what
Idon’tknowwhattodo.
new
Imovedtoanewtown.
white
Thesnowiswhite.
no
Mymomsaystheanswerisno.
who
Whowillbemyfriend?
now
WehaveMusicnow.
will
Shewillplayontheswings.
on
Shesatontheswing.
with
CanIplaywithyou?
our
Ourfamilywentonatrip.
yes
Yes,Ilikeusingthecomputer.
FirstGradeList
DolchFirstGradeSightVocabulary
after
could
has
let
over
them
again
every
her
live
put
then
an
fly
him
may
round
think
any
from
his
of
some
walk
ask
give
how
old
stop
were
as
going
just
once
take
when
by
had
know
open
thank
FirstGrade
SightWord
Sentence
SightWord
Sentence
after
Readyourbookafterschool.
let
Pleaseletheruseyourcrayon.
again
Didyouwatchthemovieagain?
live
IliveinCresco.
an
Isawanelephantatthezoo.
may
Youmaygoplay.
any
Ididn’tseeanywhales.
of
Ihadalotoffun.
ask
Didyouasktheteacher?
old
Mysneakersareold.
as
Iamasquietasamouse.
once
Stoptalkingatonce!
by
Sitbyyourfriend.
open
Leavethedooropen.
could
IwishIcouldplayoutside.
over
Canyoucomeovertomyhouse?
every
Ilikeeverybookontheshelf.
put
Iwillputthebookontheshelf.
fly
Thebirdwillflytothenest.
round
Theballisround.
from
Igotadimefrommymom.
some
CanIhavesome?
give
GiveTommyhispaper.
stop
Itistimetostop.
going
Iamgoingtoseeamovie.
take
Iwilltakemyfolderhome.
had
Ihadagreattime.
thank
Thankyouforhelpingme.
has
Shehasafolderonherdesk.
them
Thatballbelongstothem.
her
Thatbelongstoher.
then
Iwilleatlunchandthengoplay.
him
Iwatchedhimplaybaseball.
think
Ithinkitisyourturn.
his
Hehunghiscoatonahook.
walk
Let’sgoforawalk.
how
Howdidyoudothat?
were
Theywerehavingagoodtime.
just
Ijustgothome.
when
Whenareweleaving?
know
Iknowhowtosing.
SecondGradeList
DolchSecondGradeSightVocabulary
always
call
gave
pull
these
why
around
cold
goes
read
those
wish
because
does
green
right
upon
work
been
don't
its
sing
us
would
before
fast
made
sit
use
write
best
first
many
sleep
very
your
both
five
off
tell
wash
buy
found
or
their
which
SecondGrade
SightWord
Sentence
SightWord
Sentence
always
Ialwaysraisemyhand.
or
Doyoulikechocolateorvanilla?
around
Walkaroundtheschool.
pull
Thehorsewillpullthecarriage.
because
Ilikeschoolbecauseitisfun.
read
WhichbookshallIread?
been
Ithasbeenrainingfortwodays.
right
Thatistherightanswer.
before
Washyourhandsbeforeyoueat.
sing
Let’ssingasong.
best
ThatwasthebesttimeIeverhad.
sit
Pleasesitdown.
both
Webothwentforawalk.
sleep
Thebabywillsleepinthecrib.
buy
Webuytwobooks.
tell
Didyoutellyourdad?
call
Pleasecallmeonthephone.
their
Thefamilygotintheircar.
cold
Itwascoldlastnight.
these
Dothesebooksbelongtoyou?
does
Shedoesagoodjob.
those
Putthosebooksonthedesk.
don't
Don’tcutinline.
upon
Onceuponatimetherewasafrog.
fast
Heisfast.
us
Readusastory.
first
Firstgradeisgreat!
use
Pleaseuseaninsidevoice.
five
Anickelisworthfivecents.
very
Iamverytired.
found
Ifoundmyscissorsinmydesk.
wash
Iwillwashthedishes.
gave
Mymomgavemeasnack.
which
Whichoneisyours?
goes
Shegoestokindergarten.
why
Whydidyouleave?
green
Thegrassisgreen.
wish
Iwishitwastimetogohome.
its
heskunkliftsitstail.
work
Finishyourwork.
made
Imademybed.
would
Whatwouldyoulikefordinner?
many
Howmanypetsdoyouhave?
write
Didyouwriteinyourjournal?
off
Turnoffthelight.
your
Isawyourteacherinthehall.
ThirdGradeList
DolchThirdGradeSightVocabulary
about
draw
grow
laugh
seven
today
better
drink
hold
light
shall
together
bring
eight
hot
long
show
try
carry
fall
hurt
much
six
warm
clean
far
if
myself
small
own
cut
full
keep
never
start
pick
done
got
kind
only
ten
Nouns
apple
cat
farmer
home
party
stick
baby
chair
father
horse
picture
street
back
chicken
feet
house
pig
sun
ball
children
fire
kitty
rabbit
table
bear
Christmas
fish
leg
rain
thing
bed
coat
floor
letter
ring
time
bell
corn
flower
man
robin
top
bird
cow
game
men
SantaClaus
toy
birthday
day
garden
milk
school
tree
boat
dog
girl
money
seed
watch
box
doll
good-bye
morning
sheep
water
boy
door
grass
mother
shoe
way
bread
duck
ground
name
sister
wind
brother
egg
hand
nest
snow
window
cake
eye
head
night
song
wood
car
farm
hill
paper
squirrel
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