《基础英语》复习资料 1.docx

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《基础英语》复习资料 1.docx

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《基础英语》复习资料 1.docx






(2)goods    (3)profit  (4)consumer(5)Interest

1.经济学家; 2、商品; 3、利润;  4、消费者 5、利息

(6)charge (7)affect   (8)industrious   (9)package  (10)machinery

6、收费  7、影响 8、勤劳得  9、包装 10、机械

(11)concern(12)furniture   (13)strong—willed(14)snowstorm

11、关心       12、家具  13、意志坚强    14、暴风雪




(16)投资 (17)需求 (18)炊具(19)市场   (20)制造商

16、investment  17、 demand  18、cooker  19、Market20、manufacturer

(21)破坏  (22)受益  (23)超过    (24)进口(25)资源

21、spoil 22、Benefit  23、 Exceed  24、Import25、resource

(26)条形码    (27)结账   (28)以防万一

26、 universalproduct code  27、check out     28、In case

(29)气候  (30)免费

29、climate  30、 free


1、 Apparently, it wasn'tan accident、Someonemusthavedone it on(   B  )、

  A、intention B、determination  C、purpose   D、reason

2、The youngdoctorcouldnotsleep atnight, theworseningconditionof apatient(  A )him、

A、disturbing  B、disturbed  C、being disturbed D、todisturb

3、( D)Americans havedifferentviewson manyissues,theytendtoagreeonone subject:

taxesare toohigh、

 A、Despite  B、Inspiteof C、Because   D、 Although

4、Theselittlethings aren’timportant(   B ) themselves, butputtogether, theycan causetroubles、

A、by    B、in  C、for   D、atﻫ5、Iftherewereanyinhabitantsofthemoon,they wouldsee ourearth reflecting thelightof the sun,againlikeahugemirror( C   )in the sky、

  A、hangB、hanged   C、 hung  D、 hangs

6、When wecallaword “learned,” we donotmeanthatitisusedbylearnedpersonsalone,(  C  )simplythatitspresenceinthe Englishvocabulary isduetobooksandthe cultivationofliteratureratherthantothe actualneedsofordinaryconversation、

 A、so  B、since     C、but  D、forﻫ7、( A )isacceptedastrueoftenis relatively,and notabsolutely,true、ﻫA、What  B、ThatC、 Which D、Itﻫ8、I(D    )awakeforabouttwohourslastnight、

  A、 lie   B、 lied  C、laid  D、lay

9、Intheory,everypersonwillhave( B   )toan unlimited amountof informationwith the development oftelemunicationsatellites、

A、entry  B、access C、entranceD、openingﻫ10、ItisinIran( A )the familymembersare involvedin theweddingpreparations、

 A、where    B、inwhich   C、that   D、fromwhichﻫ11、Thesatellite alsodemonstratedhowitcouldprovidehelptopeoplelivingin isolatedareas where( A)isdifficult、

 A、transportationB、instruction C、 application D、 pensationﻫ12、As wehavebeenverybusy recently,wegotothetheatreonly( D )。

A、absolutely   B、frequently C、 Continually D、 occasionally

13、Wecane to the(  C   ) thatthemorewepractice,the moreskillfulwe willbe、ﻫ  A、 tradition  B、generationC、conclusionD、factﻫ

14、Sincetheroad iswetthismorning, lastnight( C )、

A、itmustberaining B、itmust rain

 C、it musthaverained D、it musthavebeenrained

15、Afewyearslater,I found myhometown pletely( A  )、

A、changed  B、changing C、 tobechangedD、tochange

16、Thisnovelis worthy of (D  )、

  A、reading B、read C、havingreadD、beingread

17、 Itisverykind(C )seeme、

 A、from youto B、asC、 asif D、 likethat

18、 Itlooks (  C   ) it‘sgoingtorain、

  A、that  B、asC、asifD、 likethat

19、 Thestonewasso heavythatitwasdifficultfortheoldmanto(A )it、

 A、lift B、reach  C、riseD、touch

20、Theylives(  B   )theothersideof theroad、

A、in B、 on  C、forD、by

21、 Shecan speak Japanesebetter than( C  )else、

A、 theone  B、no oneC、anyoneD、 another

22、Thislessonis(D) thanthelastone、

 A、more easierB、moreeasyC、veryeasier D、 mucheasier

23、 Today‘sweather isn’tascoldasitwasyesterday,( B  )?

 A、wasn’t  B、is it C、wasit  D、isn’t it

24、Thisbookisfor students(  D  )nativelanguageisnotEnglish、

 A、of whom B、 that  C、which D、whose

25、Thesportsmeet hasbeen (  A )tillnextweekbecause ofthebad weather、

 A、put off   B、put aside  C、putup  D、putdown

26、Eitheryou ortheheadmaster(D)theprize for these giftedstudents at the meeting、

A、is handing in   B、 areto handout

C、arehandingin    D、 is tohandout

27、Theteacherandwriter(B )askedto make aspeech atthemeeting、

A、is  B、 was C、are     D、were

28、Four-fifthsof the workershere(C )workers、

A、iswoman  B、arewoman  C、arewomen   D、iswomen

29、Therestofthefood ( D )inthe refrigerator、

A、is tokeep B、aretobe kept  C、are tokeep    D、istobekept

30、Thisroom ismuchtoohot;it’slike a( D )、

A、fantasyB、fossil C、fashionD、furnace

31、    ,Icouldn’t get a job inthispany( B )

A、TryasImight        B、AsImight try

C、TrythoughI might   ﻩD、Imight try

32、Contrarypopularbelief, moderateexerciseactually decreasesyourappetite

(  D )

A、on    B、at     

C、against   ﻩD、to

33、Whensheworked withthegovernment,she thedifficulttask of monitoringelections( D)

A、overworked ﻩB、overtook 

C、underwent  ﻩD、undertook

34、Ihopeyouwillbe   higher spiritswhenwemeet nexttimeﻩ(D)

A、to   B、on      

C、 of  ﻩ    D、 in

35、I’mwonderingwhyhehasn't turned   at themeeting(B)

A、down B、up   

C、out   D、over

36、Itisa well-knownfactapersonwillmoveinacircle whenhe cannotusehiseyesto controlhisdirectionﻩﻩ(A)


C、when  ﻩD、whether

37、   ,Marywentoutwithdelightﻩ(B )

A、 Withher homeworkdoing B、With herhomeworkdone

C、Herhomework wasdone  ﻩD、 Doneherhomework

38、 thestorm,wehave topostponetheflightﻩ(A )

A、 OwingtoB、Thanksto 

C、 Because   ﻩ      D、As

39、Tom'sfather  homeuntilyesterday( D)

A、doesn’twrite B、don’t writeto

C、didn'twriteto  D、didn'twriteﻫ40、Are yousureyoudon'thave  adviceto giveme?

I reallyneed  

ﻩ( D)

A、 any;any B、some;any

C、 any;someﻩD、any;some


 下列句子中有A,B,C,D 四个划底线部分,其中有一个就是错误得,选出错误部分得字母,无需改正错误:

1、Myparents wantedmakeascientistofme、

  A  B C   D

2、 Hehasa badhabit of interruptingotherswhentheyarespeak、

 A     B   C    D

3、Theroomisbeinga littlesmall;inadditionitissohot、

     A  B  C  D

4、IwishIhadknowher addressyesterday、

 A   B   C D

5、Theharderhestudies,thegreater progresseshe'llmake、

    A  B C  D


1、B  2、D 3、B4、D5、B  


Insuremeanstoprotect_1_alossofmoney、 Most peoplecan budgettheirmoneysothat theirinewillcoverexpectedexpenses_2_food,clothing, housing,and publicservices、 But,thereis nowaytoknow_3_ whowillsufferacrisis (危机)suchasaseriousillness,fire,flood, oracar accident、Suchcrisesusually_4_greatexpense、Evenif people couldpredict crises,itwouldbehardtosaveenoughmoneyto_5_theexpenses、Insuranceisa system _6_ apanycollects moneyfrommany individuals andthenpays certainexpenseswheneveroneofthose insured individualsis facedwitha certaincrisis、Aninsurancepolicy_7_how muchtheinsurance costsand howmuchthepanywillpay whenapolicyholderisfaced withacertain crisis、Therearemanydifferentkinds ofinsurance,_8_hospital,motor-car andfire、 Insurancecanberatherexpensive butmostpeoplebuy insuranceofsomekind、 Insuranceissomething_9_ people buyand hope theywill_10_need、

1、A、for    B、 from  C、against   D、with

2、A、 suchas  B、 forexample C、that   D、 thesameas

3、A、predict B、ahead  C、inadvance  D、 earlier

4、A、 result from B、 makeC、take   D、 result in

5、A、cover  B、 payback  C、fill   D、makefull

6、A、thatB、bywhich  C、what  D、where

7、A、said B、 agree  C、makesureD、 states

8、A、include    B、including  C、 aswellas  D、 also

9、A、which B、 that    C、as  D、 Like

10、A、never   B、ever   C、sometimes D、often



Whydo somenationsremainsomuchpoorerthan others?

  Inanewstudy,economistEliBerman ofBostonUniversity(1) ___B___thatpart oftheanswerliesinthenatrueoftechnologicalchange、 (2)___C__theearly1960s,he notes,asmallgroupofnationshasmade impressive progress、 Butonaverage,inthe (3)___A___world percapitaineshavegrown(4) ___D___faster thanthoseinadvanced nations,whichmeansthegapbetweenthetwohascontinuedto(5)___B___ inabsoluteterms、

   Bermanpoints outthat technological progressin recentdecadeshasnotably(6)__C___onmoreeducatedwork forces (7)___D___highlevelsofphysical captial、 Citingsubstantial research intheU、S、and (18) ___B___, attributing thewidening wage gap betweenpoorly—educatedandwell-educatedworkerstothe(9)___C___ demandforskilled laborgeneratedbynewtechnology,Bermantheorized thatnationswithhighlevelsofskilledworkersshouldgrowfasterthan(10) ___A___withlower levelofsuchresources、

(1)A、proposes        B、suggests        C、guarantees        D、plains

(2)A、Upto         B、During        C、Since        D、Intimesof

(3)A、developing        B、developed       C、developable        D、developmental

(4)A、not        B、much        C、less         D、no

(5)A、lengthen        B、broaden        C、deepen        D、heighten

(6)A、focused        B、caught        C、depended        D、held

(7)A、bining with    B、suffering from    C、subjected to     D、equippedwith

(8)A、anywhere        B、elsewhere         C、somewhere        D、wherever

(9)A、grown        B、grown—up         C、gro


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